SakuAtsu Angst

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(This was inspired by I hate to Admit by Bang Chan [of Stray Kids]. I Hate to Admit gives me major break-up vibes, it's on a SakuAtsu playlist I made on spotify, I had the idea for this and roughly outlined it for some friends who seemed to really like it- so this is for them!  Sakusa is a dick, because I enjoy writing him as a dick sometimes - It's just fun. Anyway, enjoy!) 


This was it. 

Atsumu had had enough. Enough of the pulling away, enough of the lies and enough of him. He sat in the dark of the apartment he shared with Sakusa Kiyoomi- a simple lamp on the coffee table, lit up his face and his soured as he waited for the other to return home.

For months now, his boyfriend had been pulling away, hiding his phone and himself. Atsumu had assumed it was a relapse of problems they had already worked through, and he even contacted their old therapist for one to one consultations. Everything pointed to something Atsumu didn't- couldn't think about. 

Kiyoomi was cheating on him. He never had the evidence, but all the signs pointed to it- well, until today. 

After practice, Kiyoomi's phone went off, and the man smiled as he read whatever he had received. 

"Atsu- I have to go see my brother today- he just sent me a reminder. I'm sorry I haven't gone home with you recently, They are dealing with a messy business deal- they want my opinions on things because of my degree... I hope you understand, Love!" Sakusa had said, as he wrapped his arms around Atsumu's waist and kissed his head. 

"Of course Omi, Take all the time you need. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get in!" Atsumu replied, just blissful in the small amount of affection he was finally receiving. 

"Perfect! Just perfect. I'll head off now, and I'll see you later!" The other announced, before running out of the changing rooms. 

Atsumu glared darkly at the pictures on his phone, his anger festering and growing with each passing minute. The door opened and in walked Sakusa- dressed as presentably as possible, the norm for him when visiting his family's company. 

"Atsu? I'm home!" He called. 

The blond took a deep breath, steadying and readying himself for what was to come. 

"Atsu? Love? Oh, there you are! What's wrong?" He asked, Kneeling in front of Atsumu. "Did you and Osamu fight again? Is your Mom okay? Has something happened? Tell me, babe." 

Atsumu sighed and stood up slowly, walking away. "Osamu is fine, Mom's fine- It's not them. It's you, Kiyoomi."

"Me..? What did I - Wait, Kiyoomi? What happened to Omi?" he asked panicked. 

"Omi was a nickname that you had when you loved me. Now you are Kiyoomi... hell, you don't even deserve that, Sakusa." Atsumu's voice was dark and laced with the poison of his anger. 

"When I loved you? I still love you, what are you-"

"YA STILL LOVE ME? STILL? WHILST YER ARE CHEATIN' ON ME? N' DON'T LIE TA ME! I HAVE THE FUCKIN' PROOF!" Atsumu shouted as he held his phone up, showing Kiyoomi one of the pictures he had received. 

Kiyoomi stood there, in stunned silence for a moment, taking in the evidence of his cheating being presented to him by his partner. 

"Sakusa, we've been together for nearly 5 years n' this, THIS, is how ya repay me fer the time we spent together?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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