Settled Heart {Gaz X Reader}

By snobbybastard

34.8K 962 1.2K

─┈‌┈ִ┈─┈︪︩┈ׂ┈─┈‌┈┈ִ─┈‌┈ִ┈─┈︪︩┈ׂ┈─┈‌┈┈ִ┈─┈‌┈ִ She finds his eyes once more, completely oblivious to the pathet... More

°' Chapter 1 '°
°' Chapter 2 '°
°' Chapter 3 '°
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°' Chapter 5 '°
[NSFW?] °' Chapter 6 '°
°' Chapter 7 '°
°' Chapter 9 '°
°' Chapter 10 '°
°' Chapter 11'°
°' Chapter 12 '°
°' Chapter 13 '°
°' Chapter 14 '°
°' Chapter 15 '°

°' Chapter 8 '°

1.8K 47 15
By snobbybastard

"Ghost, what's your position?" Prices' voice
drawls from the radio. There's a silence that followed as you alter your position, crouching low as you balance your rifle onto leveled ground.

"You there, Ghost?" It's Johnny who speaks this time, Ghost still didn't answer. You look past the buildings through the scope, trying to find any sign of the masked man.
You cast a glance past the debris of what used to be a home, there he was, surrounded by atleast three goons, guns pointed right at him, by the looks of it they were yelling orders. You line it up so you could take out two men with one bullet.You load the rifle quickly, the palm of your hand slamming the cartridge in as your fingers pull back the bolt handle. Taking a steady breath, the end of your rifle hugs your shoulder as you take aim.

You lined it up just right, the bodies fall limp to the ground while other is caught off guard, giving Ghost the chance to get the upperhand, knocking them down swiftly.

Johnny repeats his question, this time recieving an answer-
"Affirmative, call for extraction."
Ghosts voice sounding through the comms, he turned his head in the direction of where the bullets were coming from, giving you a grateful nod.

"What about you Y/N, how's it looking?"
You followed the figure of Ghost, covering for him to make sure he got to the extraction point alright, fingers pressing down on the walkie-talkie.
"All clear, sir."

"Good, we got what we came for. We'll be there in a little under a minute." Kyle informs you. You get up from your hunched position, dusting off your palms as you find your way down the hill you took coverage on.

The team had tracked down Hassan's associate of such, he had quite the reputation, a notorious cocaine distributor. Only problem was, he wasn't there, he fled before you could come close to catching him, but you got some files on where he will be. You were at some falling apart town, it reminded you of the terrain of the training exercise, except people actually lived here. It was corrupt and run by gangs, those of which paid to protect said associate. Those unfortunate civilians who happen to live there are caught up in this criminal rein.

You have to be careful wandering the streets, careful who you aim at, it could be a friendly just passing by or a dishonourable brute looking for trouble.

You just wanted to get the hell out of there as quick as possible, with as little interaction as possible, you're not much help in closer combat, thanks to your stature, unless it's stealth, in that case you're decent because your lighter on your feet. But it's difficult to be stealthy when the streets are either blocked off, swarming with hostiles or patrols wandering every inch of the place, who won't hesitate to shoot anything they see, innocent or not.

Soap had made it to Price and Gaz, followed by Ghost, it's just you now.

Anxiously slipping through the roads, avoiding everyone you saw, most citizens had cleared out- or were rounded up and killed, once the hostiles began their massacre. All because they were looking for you.

The sounds of loud, frightened begging of a crowd caught your attention, you didn't have the time to get caught up with unrelated things-they didn't have anything to do with this, and that's exactly why you were so hesitant on leaving, they don't deserve being left full of bullet holes out on the streets to die. Despite every one of your fight or flight instincts telling you to leave it; it's a lost cause, you still went with the obvious feeling in your gut and went to check.

Glancing around the corner of a residential building you saw a group of scared civilians huddled together following the commands of four armed men.
They were speaking a language you didn't understand, but you knew exactly what they were looking for.
You took a breath, trying to figure out how to go about this. You were really wishing Ghost and Johnny were still here. It was supposed to be a simple mission, in and out. You weren't even supposed to be down here, in the remains of what was once a thriving town. Plans changed when your target had been repletely guarded - far more guns than any of you had known about.

You have to internally encourage yourself.
Taking a step forward behind the men your eyes met those fearful ones of members of the crowd. You took your blade, creeping up behind one of the hostiles and jamming it into his neck and giving it a twist before pulling it back out, blood gushing, you could make out sounds of gargling before swearing from the other men took its place.

You quickly grabbed the body before it fell, pulling it to you to protect you from the spray of bullets that rained towards you. You were using the body of their teammate as a fucking meat shield.

Once you saw one of the men reloading you shoved the body onto him, making him fall back onto the floor with the deadweight. Sounds of the crowd shuffling and crying out was heard as you took the bud of your gun and with all the strength you had, whacked him in the face with it, making a nauseating crunch. You repeated that over and over until he was pulp, gruesome.

You were shoved off by another man, falling onto your back with a thump, breath stolen from you as a ringing in your ears deafened out the screams of the crowd as one of the two attackers pointed the barrel of his gun at them, trying to shut them up. Your were seeing stars- A boot situates itself comfortably on your chest, digging in until you cry out from the pain. He shoves his gun into your face, you still don't understand a word he was saying but by the tone, he was taunting you. You struggle beneath him, clawing and hammering at his ankle, he towered over you and was no doubt stronger, each one of your movements making him add more force onto your collapsing chest.

There's something manic in his eyes- a ferocity in the way he peers down at you.
He presses the barrell to your forehead, the bastard was going to shoot you.

Losing hope you looked around, you're gun was too far to be grabbed, he had kicked it away. Soon you were reminded of your blade, it had fallen from your grip when you were shoved off. You instantly turn your head, thrashing around until your fingertips brushed off the cool metal, still covered in the previous attackers blood. Before the man had time to react, you had already stabbed into his thigh, he screamed and jerked back, giving you time to get up from your bruised and battered state and hoist yourself up to your feet.

While the man was processing what just happened, his 'buddy' was already pointing his gun at you, his sights on you as he began shooting. You ducked down, you saw he wasn't bothering to look at where he aimed, just trusting that it'll hit you. That gave you an advantage, you could take out the man still cursing to himself just by pushing him infront of you, thanks to his teammates stupidity.

So you did, you ran towards the wounded man and shoved him where the bullets were being fired, just as you predicted he was shot in the abdomen, while he was stumbling backwards you grabbed the knife still lodged in his leg. You pulled it out, earning a wail as you approached the man who was now out of bullets, he hastily tried to reload, fumbling, that would be his downfall.He gave up with it, instead trying to take a swing at you, you sidestep making him miss but he recoiled his fist faster than you expected and before you had a chance to leave your mark when he wound his arm back and punched you right in the face, making sure to bruise. You staggered, finding your footing again while the familiar, unwelcome metalic taste flooded your mouth. When he tried to punch you once more, you caught his arm and twisted it backwards, using the knife, you peirced him right through the back, he scratched at your hand, digging deep and drawing blood, nothing compared to what's gonna happen to him, in return you bit the bottom of your lip to hide your wincing and dug the knife down to the hilt, you pulled it out and stabbed him again, and again until he stopped resisting and his lifeless body fell face down.

It was silent, apart from your ragged breathing, you looked up at the crowd they stood still, even without guns being waved in their faces.
"Go-," you breathed, giving a dismissal wave as you tried to get them to leave, to go someplace safe. They didn't budge, just stared at you, fear still present in their eyes. Your patience was up. "Go!- You want to stay here? To get shot? Leave!-" You sounded much more aggressive than you expected but when you bent back down to pick up your rifle they finally begun to move, women and their spouses hurried away and some even thanked you.

Your head was heavy and you looked down on yourself, you felt tears prick your eyes before they cut through the blood covering your cheeks. You suppress the built up burning anger and try, unsuccessfully, to even your breathing. You bring a hand up to wipe blood, tears and dirt off your cheek when a sharp, stinging pain makes you draw back and wrinkle your nose in a tight grimace, You had been shot, not sure when, many possibilities but luckily it only grazed your cheek, it will leave a small scar, but that's nothing compared to other scars you collected over the years. You had made it out of there with little more than a scratch, lucky you.

Though, you do vow to start training once you get back, you don't want to have a repeat of this again.

You looked at the reflection of some broken glass and examined yourself.
You looked a mess, surprising, right?
Crimson stained clothes, unruly hair, face covered in blood, some of it coming from your 'nick' , some from the men you had killed, as it poured down the side of your face, you scowled at yourself.

Your body ached, but you dragged yourself to continue. Not before spitting on the pieces of shit laid out infront of you.

You were almost there, taking shelter in the houses which had already been raided, you entered one, not daring to lower your weapon. While passing through the corridor you heard a quiet sob making you freeze mid-step, the sound, high-pitched and lamenting, can only be coming from try inside the room at the end of the hallway. You were on high alert as you turned into the room where the crying was coming from.

Your eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness, the crying came from a child, tension written in every line of his body as he stands there, cowering in a corner. Upon seeing the wide-eyed kid you immediately crouch down to be leveled with the young boy, slowly dropping your gun to your side. You looked around the room, just see his deceased what looked to be, parents.

The sight made your heart sink, the boy couldn't be older than four, he had a scared, confused look in his eye. "Hey, kid.." You move a little closer, trying your best to comfort the child- he backs up closer to the wall. You remember your appearance, quickly using the cleanest bit of your sleeve to clean most of the blood off, avoiding the cut, you turned back to him "It's okay-.., I'm not going to hurt you." Your voice is calm and soft as you hold your hand out.
"Y/N, how copy?" Your radio buzzed, the sudden sound disturbed the child, rubbing one of his glossy eyes with a loose fist.
"Ran into some lousy assholes." You mumbled, hand still held out

"You alright?" Gaz asked almost immediately after you paused, hehad a tone of urgency laced into his usual soothing voice.

"Just fine,"

"How long more will you be?" Ghost questions, usual monotoned voice over your radio.

"I'll be another minute." You say into comms, adjusting the vest that sits right on your shoulders.

"Better be, we need to go."

Give me a break-

Your attention goes back to the child, trying to coax him out. You give him a wobbly smile, the movement irritating your cheek, "I can keep you safe," his puffy, bloodshot eyes light up and suddenly it's as if he were five years younger, if he was even born then. A hopeful child with stars in his eyes.

His sobs subside to sniffles and the pout on his face morphs into something more bashful. He hesitantly took another look at the bodies before he approached you, making sure he wasn't harmed you gently wrapped your arms around his small body you picked him up he seemed to melt at your touch, relieved to not have to be near that horrific sight anymore.
"You'll be okay, yeah?"

He gives a small nod, resting his head on your chest, eyes already threatening to shut as the newfound comfort and safety which engulfed him with your gentle touch.
You stand up, having to manoeuvre him around to your hip so you can hold the gun properly so its not threatening to harm them in any way, recoil or not.

"Y/N where the hell are you?" Ghost words ring out. It irritates you how the child flinches at the small noise from your radio,
"I said I'm coming," you grumble in a low tone, your voice ricochets off the chipped stone walls decorated with bullet holes.
You were going as fast as you can, a child in arms and trying to avoid anymore hostile combat you could.

You may or may not be one stone's leap away from frustrated hysterics

To your relief, you see the truck, waiting for you. Just about to run towards it when two men passed by, you quickly hid yourself, heels digging into the mud beneath you, not daring to take even a breath as your grip on your gun tightened, once they were out of sight you stumbled up the terrain, holding the childs head for some support to not disturb them anymore as the terrain was uneven.

You open the car door, slumping inside while the guys stare at both you, and what you are carrying tranquilly in your arms, you briskly close the door, surprisingly not making much noise as the engine starts
"What the fuck happened?"

-2491 words

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