𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗹...

By Timkerk

36.3K 617 1.8K

This is a sweet, wholesome, fluffy fanfic of Damian and Anya in the future when they are around 18-19, they a... More

ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ (Pre-read)
(Ch.1) -Eden Institute
(Ch.2) -Homework Help
(Ch. 3) -Wingmen and Women
(Ch. 4) -Part A, Permission.
(Ch. 5) -Strange man (Special/filler chapter!)
(Ch. 6) -The Pond (Special/filler chapter #2)
(Ch. 7) -Christmas Eve
(Ch. 8) -Part B, Place and Time
(Ch. 9) -Part C, The Ring.
(Ch. 11) -New Years Eve.
(Ch. 12) -Late Night Studying (Extra Chapter!)
(Ch. 13) -Preparations {Part I}
(Ch. 14) -The Amusement Park {Part 2}
(Ch. 15) -The Proposal {Part 3, Finale}

(Ch. 10) -Shopping Trip

1.5K 28 93
By Timkerk

It was December 30th. Anya and Damian were studying together as usual. Damian knew Anya's learning techniques and used them while tutoring her, which helped Anya by a ton (even though he sometimes still gets tired of how dumb Anya was, he loves her, he can deal with it.) Anya had told Damian that he told Becky about the date they were having. Damian, of course, tried his best not to think about him telling Ewen, Emile, and Becky about the date before her, because he knew Anya could read his mind and that would kind of give away the whole proposal. He sort of trained his brain throughout the years to make it think about other things instead, and/or make Anya think about something else so she wouldn't pay attention to reading his mind. 

"Mhm! I told her about the date in..." Anya looked at the calendar in Damian's dorm and then tried to subtract that from the date of the date-date. "Uh.. six! Six days!" She smiled brightly.

"Yep.." Damian smiled looking at Anya, who was proud of her simple subtraction. Anya caught Damian looking at her and blushed. "Wh-why are you looking at me like that-" Anya's face was red. Then, Damian kissed Anya. Cute

"Now, let's get on to question 26..." Damian casually went back to the text-book, aware of Anya's flushed face.

"O-okay.." Anya trembringly picked up her pencil. 


After 3 hours of studying, Anya was famished. She sat cuddling Damian in his bed. Then, a ping! arose from Anya's phone. She picked up her phone and smiled. 

"Sy-on boy! I'm going to go shopping with Becky!" 

Damian hummed. "Alright.. i'll continue studying." Damian got up towards his desk, kissing Anya's forehead. Anya got up and quickly replied to Becky's message. She walked over to Damian and kissed Damian on the cheek as repayment. Damian slightly blushed.

"Adios!" Anya skipped out of the dorm, leaving Damian in his room, red. When he thought Anya had left, he turned around in his chair towards his desk. Blackbell is planning something. I swear if she leaks anything...

Anya had just closed the door, still being in the territory of her telepathy towards Damian. Huh? Leak what? Is he going to...- She gasped. -Buy me another pack of peanuts?! He just gave me one yesterday... maybe he's being extra nice for not being there to help Anya study yesterday? Wipee! Anya had grown a huge smile on her face and skipped down the hallway. I should get him something too on the shopping trip with Becky! 

After walking to Anya's dorm and arriving, she saw Becky on her phone, dressed up in a dress. The dress was navy blue, reaching to her knees. Anya's chin fell to the ground.

"Becky! You're wearing a pretty dress!" Anya gasped at her bestfriend's dress. Then, she looked at her own outfit; a regular Eden uniform.

Becky held the edges of her skirt with both of her fingers, politely bowing down. "Thank you, Anya-chan! Honestly, I first thought this dress was going to look horrible! But then I put it on and saw how fancy I looked!" She looked towards Anya's uniform and her face changed into a worried face. 

"You still haven't changed your Eden uniform? Oh no no no!" Becky quickly grabbed Anya's hand and dragged her towards Becky's dorm. Anya's eyes were wide and Anya was trying to catch up, almost tripping a few times at twists and turns between the hallways. After only 10 seconds of struggling, she has just given up and held onto Becky's hand, laying on the floor like a bag of dirt. Becky immediately noticed this and went to a stop (not because she was annoyed, but because she couldn't pull her anymore).

"A-Anyaaa! *grunts* I don't want to do this again!" Becky was pulling Anya inch by inch, her face sweating, messing up her expensive makeup a bit. "My makeup can't hold strong for long! Please Anya-chan!" Becky was internally crying.

Anya wasn't that used to people struggling to move her along. "Hmm... Sy-on boy can pull me easily.. And Chi-chi and Ha-ha!"

"That's because it's Loid!  Of course my Loid would be strong! And your mom is.. a tough competitor since she's also extremely athletic. And Damian is Damian, he would carry you for anything since he's head over heels for you." Becky giggled at the thought of Damian carrying Anya. They are so cute AHHHHH!!! Becky was again, fangirling.

Anya's cheeks blushed red at the comment on Damian. 

"Now, please get up, Anya-chan!" Becky pleaded, face full of sweat; a very uncomfortable position for her to be in.

Anya got up reluctantly and immediately, Becky pulled Anya faster than a bullet and Anya had to run her short, stubby legs faster than ever to catch up to her. Anya was panting.

Becky giggled. "Anya! We're almost there!" This made Anya smile in relief but then her expression completely changed back to a frown of fear when Becky had almost smacked Anya's leg against a pole (which Anya quickly dodged).

"Oops! Sorry Anya-chan!" Becky was now in her dorm hallway. Hessal Hall. Each dorm hallway had about 20 dorms. It was like a neighborhood. Damian's was Glorian Hall and Anya's was Inson Hall.

Then, Becky stopped at a door. Dorm 576. Anya looked at the door with happy tears already forming in her eyes. Becky took out her keys and opened the door to a neat and pristine dorm. It was shiny with flower vases everywhere. Everything was either white or black with a hint of gold or silver. Up on the walls and shelves were posters of Berlin In Love and figurines of couples. On Becky's fancy nightstand there was a picture frame with the picture of Loid and her family Anya had supposedly given her. Becky smiled and quietly huffed at her room. "Pretty isn't it? Hehe!"

Anya's mouth was laid agape. "Is that Chi-chi?" Anya pointed towards the picture frame. Becky turned around and happily/mischeiviously giggled. "Yep! He's so dreamy~" Becky covered her mouth in awe while staring at the frame. "You still haven't given me it back.. I never said you could have it!" Anya said, reaching out towards the picture. Becky immediately ran towards the picture and snatched the frame before Anya could get it first. "Tehe! Yes you did~!" Becky teased, raising the picture up, looking at it with heart eyes. Anya tried to jump up to get the picture from Becky, who was missing by an inch. Anya was about 3 inches shorter than Becky.

Then, Becky placed the picture frame on her top shelf. Anya swiftly tried to grab it but stopped at Becky's next words. 

"Now, let's leave Loid-san alone and change your outfit!" Becky ran towards her closet and started flipping through arrays and mountains of skirts, dresses, shirts, etc. Anya turned around and headed towards Becky. She saw a yellow sundress and held Becky's arm still. "Ah?" 

"The yellow one!" Anya pointed towards the sundress and Becky smiled. "I got that a few months ago and haven't been able to wear it! It's probably too small for me now but it looks like your size!" Becky took the hanger off clink! and handed it towards Anya. Anya changed in the bathroom and when she came out, she had a huge smile on her face. Becky's chin dropped and she started to squeal. EEEEEEE! You look adorable! Damian's going to go insane when he sees this! 

Anya slightly blushed at Becky's thoughts. "Does Anya look pretty?" 

"Yes! Very pretty!" Becky hugged Anya. Anya smiled. "Now, let's go to the mall! We're gonna buy an outfit for you to wear for your date!" Becky also knew Anya could read her mind. She wasn't as trained at hiding it as much as Damian can so Becky tried her best to keep the thoughts of the surprise proposal away. Luckily, Anya could only read Becky's thoughts about the mall trip. Becky silently sighed in relief. 

Becky and Anya put on a huge jacket and a thick wool hat, the fabric covering them head to toe. Minutes later, they were out of the door. Becky bought her wallet and Anya brought a $20 bill. They entered Martha's car and they started driving. 

"You only bought a $20 dollar bill?" Becky made a face at the bill like it was worth half of a penny to her.

"Mhm! I'm going to buy a present for Sy-on boy! Since he bought me peanuts!" Anya smiled brightly.

Becky's face immediately changed into a smile. "That's my Anya! I never knew he bought you peanuts but good for him. This is so cuteee! I'll help you pick it out!" Becky smiled. Anya nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, they arrived. All three of them parked their car and walked towards the door. The air felt like a sharp icicle running across your body, taking time to poke you from time- to-time. People were walking by, casually talking. Anya's head was slightly dizzy but overall, fine. 

"Let's go there first!" Becky pointed towards a deluxe clothing shop. Anya smiled and ran along with Becky. Martha followed them, getting her hands ready to hold mountains of bags. 


After countless stores, Martha's arms were holding bags and bags. These bags were mostly Becky's, Anya having one singular bag holding bags of peanuts in all different flavors. 

"Peanuts!" Anya said happily. The three were walking through the 4th floor. 

"Yep! Though, i'm still confused on how you prefer bags and bags of peanuts over shoes.." Becky had bought shoes, jackets, dresses, leggings, shorts, backpacks, purses, etc. Anya was staring at Becky's bags that were clinging onto Martha's arms and legs, shocked. 

"Is your closet okay?" Anya asked, concerned.

"Of course, Anya-chan! I just have to ask daddy to expand my closet! I mean, a walk in closet the size of a two story house isn't big enough to hold a natural amount of clothes. I was going to ask my dad anyway!" Becky reassured Anya, not aware about making her even more shocked.

"Anya's closet is as big as Bond's doghouse." Anya bluntly said, smiling. 

"What?! Eden is atrocious for that! Do you want me to sue them?-" Becky said, worried and also shocked at the small capacity.

"No no no! It's great! Anya loves it!" Anya said, smiling. (Anya had actually asked Eden to shrink the closet more than 80% because it overwhelmed Anya.)

Becky reluctantly agreed. 

Anya walked over to Martha and reached her arm towards her bag of peanuts. "Can I hold the bag?" Anya asked.

Martha smiled. "Of course." She shimmied the bag to pass all of Becky's and handed it over to her. "Thank you, miss!" Anya bowed down and opened the bag. 

Becky looked at her with confusion. "Why do you need the bag?-" 

Anya then dug her hand in the bag and reached for a package. Salted. She ripped it open. Pop!

"Ohh!" Becky giggled as Anya ate each peanut one-by-one like a squirrel. When they walked to an accessory/snack shop, they headed inside. 

"Ooo! Let's go in here!" Becky said. This time, Anya had run inside ahead of her. 

"Yipee! *Gasp* a kitty! Camera! Backpack!" Anya was speeding across the store. It was like she was teleporting throughout every shelf; gasping at the items that were inside. Becky ran to join her. "A camera?" Becky saw the lilac purple square; a polaroid camera. Becky gasped and picked it up. 

"$2,499.99! I'm taking this, Martha!" Becky raised the camera up so Martha, who was outside of the store trying to pick up bags she had dropped, could see. Martha nodded.

Anya got up and ran to the back of the store. The shelves held hair extentions, makeup, hair items, purses, etc. Then, Anya ended up at the end of the store; the snack isle. Anya's eyes glistened. Up laid bags and bags of potato chips, bags of popcorn, small cereal, gummies, and drinks. Anya ran towards everything, excited. Then, her face dropped. 

$79.99 per bag

$32.54 per box

$96.66 each bag

$18.99 each can

$19.99 each pound

"This place is a scam." Anya said bluntly. 

Becky came over. "Anya don't say that out loud- oh wow. Maybe it's a special edition?" Becky said, looking at the prices. 

"It's a scam. Chi-chi said that cereal should be less than $10 at most." Anya repeated bluntly.

"If Loid-san says so!" Becky blushed at the thought of Loid. Hehe!

Anya looked at the soda. It's the cheapest one. Anya grabbed a can, Sprite. "I'll get this for Sy-on boy!" Anya smiled. 

Becky looked over. "Oh! Alright! Guess it's the only one you can really afford.. I can give you extra money if you need it!"

"It's okay Becky! I think I heard Sy-on boy say he liked 'Spiteey'." Anya carried the can towards the counter. "I will give it to him on the date!" Anya smiled.

Becky smirked. Hehe.. on the propo- Becky stopped her thoughts immediately. Shoot! She stared at a box of Lucky Charms sitting beside her, trying to not think about it. She put on a fake smile as her face began to sweat.

Anya turned around. "Propo? Huh?" Anya said, tilting her head in confusion.

"Nothing! It's just a name on the.. box of ingredients in this box of cereal!" Becky grabbed the box, quickly reading the ingredients to forcefully drag her mind away from the thought about the proposal. 

-Whole Grain Oats

-Sugar, Corn Starch

-Modified Corn Starch 

-Corn Syrup, Dextrose. 

-Contains 2% or less of: Salt, Gelatin, Trisodium Phosphate-

Then, Becky made up one.


Anya made a small suspicious face but overall didn't think of it much. She skipped to the counter. When Anya was far enough, Becky stopped reading the ingredients. She sighed in relief. "That was close. How does Damian do this?" She followed Anya to the counter and began to pay with her, Martha standing outside. 


About 7 minutes later, they were in the car, each with a cup of french fries from the food court. 

"Nom nom nom." Anya said, eating her fries. 

Becky swallowed. "These are good!" Then, her face dropped. "We forgot Anya's dress! Martha, drive back to the mall!" 

Martha stopped the car and looked around, looking for a route to drive back. "Yes, Madam."

Anya looked under her poofy jacket and saw the yellow sundress. "Becky, can I have this dress?" She pointed at the skirt part from her jacket that was hanging under the jacket. Becky smiled. "Of course! Martha, we have a dress!" 

Martha smiled and looked forward, driving back her usual route.

"Thank you!" Anya thanked Becky and Martha, smiling wide. Nom nom nom..

"No problem, Anya-chan! You look so cute in that one too! Damian is going to fall head over heels for you again! Hehe!" Becky grinned and giggled. 

Anya's face blushed red. She liked that idea.


Later, Becky was trying to learn how to take a picture, taking pictures of the picture of Loid as backup. Anya had shoved the sprite bottle in her fridge between all the cold peanuts and peach juice she had, the bottle sticking out. Anya "humphed" and tried pushing the bottle back. After 2 hours, it ended up still sticking out. Anya put the dress in her small closet and headed to Glorian Hall to stay with Damian for the rest of the day. 


𝚆𝙾𝙷𝙾𝙾𝙾!! 𝙸 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁! 𝚂𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢 (𝟷𝟸-𝟸𝟾-𝟸𝟸) 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒'𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔! 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝! 𝚆𝚎'𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚊 𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚃 𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕! 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚊𝚢/𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝! <𝟹


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