All on me | byler

By mo_is_maladaptive

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SEQUEL TO 'KEEP IT BETWEEN US' SO READ THAT FIRST!!! (or don't idrc) Mike and Will are finally off to college... More

For the better chapter 1 preview
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318 8 29
By mo_is_maladaptive

Not proofread

"It just isn't fair. None of it is." Will said as he packed up his clothes from his wardrobe.

It had been a few days since their argument, and Mike had been completely avoiding Will. Like going out of his way just so they wouldn't make contact.

"Aw, Will. He'll come around." Lucas tried to calm him. Lucas had come to help Will with his packing. Luke had class but should've been back soon.

"No he won't. I don't even know where he is. He won't talk to me. He hates me. Tell me, when was the last time you saw him?"


"Exactly. I'm worried about him. I don't know why though, it's clear he doesn't care anymore." Will said sadly.

"He's just upset with everything that's going on. He's gonna come back."

"Lucas, I leave tomorrow! If he's not here now, he's never going to be. A-And I can't worry about it anymore." Will said.

"Holy shit guys!" Luke came bursting through the door.

"What? Why are you so loud?" Will complained.

"I just saw Mike down the street, smoking a blunt. Where does he get his shit and why can't I find it!? I mean... that's not the main issue here." Luke ended more quietly.

"Where is he?" Will asked.

"He's by that storage unit. Just like standing behind it." Luke explained.

"What were you doing behind there?" Lucas asked.

"Looking for pot. Duh. Do you want me to go get him? He's probably still there." Luke offered.

"No, it's fine. I just- didn't know he smoked weed."

"Maybe he's stressed? Trying to take the edge off?" Luke suggested.

"No, remember that one time he came back from Tyler's party, super high?" Lucas reminded.

"Yeah, but that was one time. And a party, where everyone else was too." Will explained.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get him?" Luke offered up again.

"No it's fine. Don't wanna force him." Will spoke softly. "Anyways, I think that's enough. I still have some stuff at my mom's house." He zipped his suitcase.

"Do you have to leave?" Lucas frowned. "I'm gonna seriously miss you dude."

"Me too." Luke spoke up. "It's gonna be so empty around here."

"I'm sorry guys. I think it's for the best."

"Did you tell your mom that you're coming back?" Lucas asked.

"No, I'll surprise her. I haven't talked to her in a while. Well to be fair, I've been purposely avoiding her calls." Will admitted.

"Why? What happened?"

"Cause I didn't have anything good to talk about; I relapsed. She would've been so disappointed, and I wouldn't be able to talk to her without telling her. So... wish me luck tomorrow I guess."

"You want me to go with you to the airport?" Lucas offered. "It isn't a choice by the way, I'm not letting you go on your own; you literally have no sense of direction."

"Whatever." Will rolled his eyes. "Shit, I didn't even tell Alex and Lisa that I was leaving. I'm gonna go for a minute guys. Be right back."

Will knocked on the door across the hall, hoping the girls were there.

"Will, hey!" Alex greeted. "You disappeared since we talked that day."

"Yeah... I'm sorry about that. Hey, is Lisa here? I wanna talk to the both of you." Will crossed his arms awkwardly over his chest.

"Lisa! Will's here!" She called out. "Come on!" She led Will inside the room.

"Hi Will! Nails?" Lisa asked.

"No, uh- I wanted to tell you guys something." Will started.

"What's up?"

"I'm um- I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going back to Indiana for the rest of the semester." He quickly said.

"WHAT? YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" Alex whined.

"No, Will! Why are you going home?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, there's just a lot of stuff going on right now. I think I need a mental break." He shrugged.

"Aw, well we understand. Right Alex?"

"Wiiiiillll." Alex whined again.

"Bye Will." Lisa got up and wrapped the boy in a tight hug. "We'll see you in January? We better."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "January."

"Bye Will. I'm gonna miss you." Alex turned the hug into a group hug. "What about Mike though? Is he going with you?"

"No, he's gonna finish the semester without me. I'm just gonna stay with my mom. She needs the company anyways." He awkwardly laughed.

The girls pulled back and Alex took a long look at Will's face.

Sure he wasn't into girls, but Alex could still find him attractive right? Right? That wasn't the point though.

"Are you ok? You seem a little off." Alex wondered aloud to Will.

"I'm fine. Just tired." Will answered, hoping it was good enough.

"Mm, I can tell when someone's holding something in." Lisa added. "What's going on? You're our friend, we can talk."

"I'm ok, seriously. Like I said, I just need a break."


"Hey, I'm gonna go finish packing. You guys have my number. I'll miss you." He gave a shy smile.

"You too Will, bye."

"You think he's on drugs?" Alex asked after Will left the room.

"Alex!" Lisa hit her arm.

"What? Leaving on such short notice under weird circumstances is kinda drug addict-like, no?"

Lisa sighed and went back to her homework.


"Yo, Mike. Get up." Lucas pushed Mike to wake him up.

It was the next morning, 6am, and Will was supposed to be leaving soon. It was the first time in the last few days that Mike had come back to the dorm at a reasonable hour.

"What Lucas?" Mike groaned.

"Will's leaving. You're not gonna take him to the airport?"

Instead of replying, Mike turned his back to Lucas.

"Dude, stop being a baby. He's your boyfriend. He's worried about you."

Still no reply.

"Fine. I'll take him. Cause unlike you, Will's a good friend." Lucas scoffed as he left the room.

After Lucas was gone, Mike turned back around. He couldn't go back to sleep so he sat up in bed. He was so frustrated these last couple days, he didn't even really know what he was mad about anymore.

Mike took a deep breath in, and cupped his face in his hands, rubbing his temples in the process.

Suddenly, the door opened again.

"What Lucas?" Mike groaned.

"Not Lucas." Will answered from the door.

Mike's eyes went wide with fear. He didn't know what to say. He didn't think Will was actually going to want to talk before he left.

"Don't talk; just listen." Will began. "You're pissed off at me because I'm leaving without you. You're taking it as me wanting space, which in turn, is like breaking up with you. You're wrong. I'm doing this so I can be a better boyfriend to you. How are we gonna ever work out in the long run, if we can't even function without each other in a healthy manner? But you wanna know what the biggest problem is Mike? The problem is that a while ago, when I relapsed, you kept saying that it could've been because of you. You said that you couldn't tell what was triggering me to do that again, so you were all willing to send me home in order to distance myself from all possible problems, including you! So what, when it's your idea it's fine, but if I initiate it, I wanna break up? It isn't fair Mike. Why are you in charge? Why won't you let me have a brain of my own? You can't be upset because I wanna take a little independence. I love that you take care of me, but you can't complain that I need to grow up and do things by myself sometimes, if you never give me the chance. So I'm gonna give myself a chance.

Bye Mike." Will said as he opened the door again.

"I love you." He finally said. Will hesitated before leaving. It's like he waited for a moment before he walked out of the door.

Was Mike really going to let him go? Why couldn't he speak? Why couldn't he move? 'I love you too.' He wanted to say. 'Please don't go; don't leave me. I'm the one who can't function without you.' But he just couldn't speak up. That's what Will was waiting for. For Mike to say it back, for Mike to say anything!

"Bye Mike. I love you."

Were they actually broken up now? Mike was just hurt before, scared even. He was just being dramatic when he claimed Will was breaking up with him. But did it actually happen now? That 'bye' sounded pretty permanent to Mike. Did he ruin everything? Just like that? The best thing to ever happen to him. Was it official? God, why did he have to get so mad all the time?

The love of his life.

The love of his life just moved away. He still couldn't move. He didn't get to say goodbye.

So he just sat there. Mike felt his face getting hotter by the second. He was about to explode. He exploded into a fit of tears that fell out like rain-pour.

He had ruined everything. He messed up big time.

The tears just kept coming. Mike couldn't control it. He was guilty and embarrassed of how he acted. Now Will was leaving on a bad note. He couldn't even see him to go and apologize.


Luke had to admit it, he was really sad about Will leaving, and he felt bad about his whole situation with Mike. As long as he'd known him, which was only a few months- but still, he could always tell that Will had a kind soul. Hearing about all the bullying he'd faced in the past, his depression, his suicide attempt... it was all just heartbreaking how a guy his age could've had so much sorrow in his lifetime. It made him realize how lucky he was.

Lucas was probably on his way back from the airport by now, and Luke had another class in half an hour. He decided to leave out early, so he could get some pizza before his lecture.

Luke left off campus and went across the street to his respective pizza place. (the closest one around) Once he got there, he saw a group of people that had his next class with him, film.

"Luke!" One of them called out. "Over here!"

Luke pretty much got along with anyone no matter what. He never had problems making friends, and he generally never got into it with others, so he was cool with pretty much everyone.

"Hey, I guess we all had the same idea." Luke laughed as he pulled up a chair to the group of guys.

"Yeah, we ordered two pizzas by the way, so go ahead." The guy gestured his head to the pepperoni pizza at the table. "There's more than enough."

"Don't have to tell me twice at. all." Luke immediately reached for the pizza, causing some of the guys to chuckle.

Luke was indulging in his delicious pizza, when the table decided to start up a conversation.

"Hey did you guys hear about that one freshman twink?" One of them started.

"Freshman? Wait who are you talking about?" Another asked.

"The one that was like sleeping with like a bunch of guys. I forget his name! Luke, you know who I'm talking about?"

"Can't say I do." Luke shrugged, not really listening to the conversation. He didn't come here to hang out. Honestly, he just wanted pizza.

"The uh- the one who can lift really good. I don't know his name!" The guy slapped the table.

"Wait... that guy who sat on Tyler's lap at the bar that one night!?"

Now Luke was paying attention. Tyler? Bar? Guy? It was starting to piece together.

"YEAH!" The guy pointed at the other. "THAT ONE!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure his name is like William or something."

"Mhm, Tyler said he invited him to this event, and he got shit-faced and starting flirting with him and stuff. Tried to kiss him and everything." The guy explained.

"I heard he'll flirt with every guy he sees. And Tyler told me he's pretty sure that he'll get on he knees for any man for twenty bucks." The other chuckled. "He has this whole quiet, shy thing going on, but really he's a total whore."

"I've got $20. Just might have to find his dorm room then, no?" The table broke into laughter. Except for Luke.

"Wouldn't that make you gay too?" Luke finally spoke out.

"I mean... no? I'm not the one doing it. Why, do you have his number?" The guy bellowed in an irritating laughter.

"Holy shit Luke." Another started. "Didn't you say your roommate's name was Will? Is that the same guy!?"

Luke didn't want to say anything. But the silence was enough of an answer for the table.

"NO SHIT! Luke, does he wear boxers? I bet he wears ladies underwear!" One chuckled.

"Does he try and flirt with you? I heard he sleeps with literally anybody. He probably has that gay disease or something."

"Actually, he's a really cool person, and my friend. Those are all just rumours. And you all know he has a boyfriend, right? Like a real, long-term boyfriend." Luke explained.

"Then you'd better let him know that his long-term boyfriend tried to suck Tyler off in the middle of the lounge!" They all laughed again, causing a slight scene.

"Tyler's a total phony guys. If he told you that, he's lying." Luke spoke.

"Yeah? How would you know? Let me guess, he couldn't have been with Tyler cause you two were busy in your room bending over!"

And again, they all laughed as if they've never laughed before. It wasn't funny. Jokes like that never were. The laughing felt like it continued on forever for Luke. Over and over, their screeching voices hollering. He really didn't want to say anything though. He hated animosity. But the laughing... he just couldn't take it. All those horrible lies they were saying about such an innocent person. They were pushing him over the edge.

"Alright, fuck this!" Luke got up from his chair.

"Come on man, we were joking!" One spoke up.

"Yeah, sit back down, class doesn't start for like 20 minutes."

"No, I'm good." Luke went for the door. "And believe those rumours all you want. Cause deep down, you know all that shit didn't happen. Tyler is a fucking liar who just wants attention because he didn't get any as a kid while kissing his rich dad's ass. You're all just like him too. Go and tell your daddy, Tyler, that he can take this..." Luke flipped off the table. "And shove it up his sad, little, attention seeking ass." Luke swung the door open as he left out.


This was it. Will hadn't told his mom that he was coming, and here he was, at the front door of his house. The plane ride went smooth, and he caught a cab to Hawkins, leaving him to walk the rest of the way. Wasn't bad considering his house was near the outside of the town.

Will couldn't say that he wasn't the least bit nervous. Okay... really nervous. He was going to have to tell her everything, explain why he hadn't spoken to her in a month.

He quietly knocked on the door. In a flash, it was open.



"Will, oh my gosh!" Jane pulled him into a suffocating hug.

"Hi, Jane!" Will smiled, hugging her back. Still a little confused as to why she was answering the door.

"JOYCE!" She yelled behind her, yanking Will and his bags inside.

"Yeah, honey?" Joyce came down the hallway. She quickly stopped in her tracks with a huge gasp.

Will didn't realize how much he missed his mom's face until now. He looked at her with a beaming smile and bright eyes.

"Hi, Mom." He waved.

"MY BABY!" Joyce practically ran up to him to press him into her embrace. "Will, oh my gosh! I missed you so much honey!" She finally pulled back to get a good look at him. "You've gotten so big!"

"Mom, it's only been a few months. Also, I'm an adult now, I don't grow much these days." He rolled his eyes teasingly.

"No, you've definitely gotten bigger." Joyce felt his arms. "You lift weights at college?"

Will smiled at his mom's question. "A little." He shrugged.

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you! What are you doing back so early? I thought you and Mike weren't coming until Christmas? Where is he?" Joyce asked.

"Yeah." Will scratched his head nervously. "I have to talk to you about a few things."

"I'll leave you two alone for a minute." Jane nodded as she left down the hall.

"What's going on honey?" Joyce asked as she took a seat on the couch.

Will quickly followed after her.

"Well... Well for one, Mike isn't here in Hawkins. And he's not coming either." He told her.

"What? Why not? Don't tell me you two..."

"No, no, we're not. It's just kinda complicated right now." He shrugged.

"Aw, honey." Joyce rubbed soothing circles on her son's back. "I'm sorry. You guys'll be ok, I know it."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You haven't been answering my calls for a while, is there a lot going on over there?" Joyce wondered.

"Oh, no Mom. I'm sorry about that. I really didn't wanna worry you. Yeah, it's just been a bit stressful, and I was doing better for awhile, and then I- Well... I got worse kind of?"

"Why do you say that? Is school ok?"

"No- uhm." Will gulped. "So, about I don't know- A month ago? I- I relapsed, I started cutting again. But it was only for a little while, I swear. It was a mistake, a really bad one. And I was scared to tell you."

Will could see the tears forming in his mother's eyes. She was trying to hold them in.

"Oh Will..." She caressed his face. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that again, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I don't want you to ever think that you can't talk to me."

"I know Mom. I was just really disappointed in myself, and I didn't want to drag you into it too."

"You're never dragging me into anything. You're my son." She hugged him. "You're the strongest person I know, Will. Don't you forget that." She smiled.

"You're the best." Will hugged his mom before letting out a big sigh. "Anyways... good stuff! Tell me what been going on while I've been gone."

"Well... I do have some excited stuff you've missed. Hopper moved in, and Jane stays at their old house with her girlfriend." Joyce said happily.

"Her- wait... Mom, GIRLFRIEND? Or friend that happens to be a girl? Because the way you said that has me thinking you mean the former." Will looked confused.

"Aw man. Pretend you didn't hear that!" Joyce tried to cover up.

"Too late!" Jane called out, joining them again in the living room.

"Oh, Jane... I'm sorry, I forgot he didn't know." Joyce quickly apologized.

"Jane, you have a girlfriend!?" Will exclaimed with wide-eyes. "How come you never told me?"

"I'm sorry. I was scared... then you left, and I figured that it could wait." She shrugged.

"Is it because she's a girl? Is that why you were scared? Cause I know you would've immediately told me if you had a boyfriend." Will accused. "When can I meet her? Is she at you house right now?" He started again, more excitedly.

"You're really happy? I thought you would find it a little weird." Jane admitted.

"Um..." Will looked at himself up and down. "Last time I checked, I was pretty sure that I was gay. Why would I be weird about it?"

"I don't know... Just my own insecurities I guess." She shrugged. "She's at work, she's coming by later though."

"Wow Mom, you replaced me and Mike that quickly?" Will chuckled.

"Will honey, how long are you staying?" Joyce ignored his question.

"Oh.. that's the other thing I wanted to talk about. So you know how I said things weren't the greatest with my mental health, and with Mike and everything? Well, I decided that I wasn't gonna go back until the next semester starts... Don't be mad." Will explained cautiously.

"This is the best day of my life! My baby is moving back in! How could I be mad!?" Joyce hugged her son tightly.

"What happened, Will?" Jane asked.

Will didn't want to tell her about the whole relapse thing. He didn't want everyone worried over him while he was there.

"Well, I'm not clicking very well with my new therapist. And me and Mike are... we're seeing things differently right now." Will explained.

"So you ran away from him?" Jane questioned.

"No, me leaving is what started it in the first place. I was gonna leave with or without his blessing anyways though, so..."

"Oh. I hope you guys stick it through." Jane offered sadly.

"Anyways, new topic!" Will started, not trying to bring the mood down. "What brings you here Jane?"

"Oh, yeah just keeping Joyce company while my dad is training people all day." She told him. "But I'm dying to know, how's college life? I wanna see what I missed out on so far!"

"Yeah Will, what have you gotten up to?" Joyce joined in.

"This is a trap, isn't it?"

"No, this is safe space." Joyce giggled. "Tell us!"

"Ok well, on my first night, these girls across the hall invited me and Luke, you remember Luke?"

"Mhm, your roommate. One of the few things you told me." Joyce shook her head.

Will rolled his eyes in return. "Anyways, they invited us to this like secret bar that was full of NYU students. Long story short, I got drunk for the first time, and Mike got all crazy and dragged me out. It was funny, really." He smiled.

"Then a while after that day, one of the girls started flirting with me and tried to invite me back to her room once. Like how could you not tell that Mike was more than a friend!? I was literally with him all the time!" Will exclaimed. "And then another time I was really drunk, I- Wait nevermind." Will quickly shut his mouth.

"No! I wanna hear it!" Jane pouted.

"Uh, maybe another day. It happened kinda recently, and I don't think I'm ready to laugh about it yet..." He said.

"All of these stories seem to have Mike in them." Joyce pointed out. "Have you gone out on your own? With friends?"

"I've been invited to things with friends, but I usually take Mike with me. I know what you're both thinking by the way. And I know that I need to start doing things on my own. But that's why I came here! To be on my own for a bit!" He explained.

"Well, I was just wondering." Joyce crossed her arms. "I wasn't judging." She huffed.

"Will, I'm so glad you're back. I know I was kinda distant before you left, but I wanna be friends again like how we used to be." Jane said.

"Thanks Jane, I would love that." He smiled.

"Ooo, let me call over to see if Johnathan is at work! If not, I'll have him come over to say hi." Joyce said as she went for the phone.

Will didn't realize how much he missed this. He missed Hawkins, the air, his house, his friends, and most of all, his family. Of course all of that came with pretty bad memories, but as long as he focused on the good ones, he should have no problem staying here without Mike.

word count: 4027

if there's anything y'all want to happen next just let me know. any characters you wanna see, angst, fluff, anything rly. anyways byeee

~ morgann <3

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