True Love?!? (Onew FanFiction...

By JazmineUnni

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Allela has always wanted to meet her bias, Onew. But what if one day her best friend, Jazmine(me) and her get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

426 15 1
By JazmineUnni

Hey guys~

So I'm uploading the second chapter because I'm really enjoying writing this story~ Hehe^^

Anyways enjoy Chapter 2 of True Love?!?


Chapter 2

~Allela's POV~

"KYAAAA~ that was an awesome performance eonni~^^" Jazmine said.

"Ne it was Jazminnie." I said.

"Omo! Did you hear the round of applause we got? I can't believe it!" Jazmine said, jumping around the room smiling like an idiot.

"Ne I did and did u you eat some candy or something?"

"Ani~ eonni. I am just happy for the crowds' applause." Jazmine said, smiling.

Then we heard a knock on the back stage door. "Come in" we said.

"Hey girls." said our boss.

"Hello~" we sang.

"What can we help you with?" I asked.

"Oh there's someone that wants to see you guys?" our boss said.

"Really! Who?" Jazmine asked.

Then a guy came from behind our boss. He was probably in his mid-20s and was tall about 6 feet or less. He had dark brown eyes and light brown hair. He was dressed professionally so I thought he was a business man. He look to be Korean but I may have been wrong until he spoke.

"Annyeonghasyeo." He said bowing. "My name is Park Ji-Won."

"Annyeonghasyeo." we said, bowing.

"How may we help you?" Jazmine asked.

"Ah~ yes. I just wanted to say that I would like to scout you for my company. You girls are both so talented that I thought you would be able to be an idol group." Ji-Won said, hand us his business card.

"Omo! S.M. Entertainment! Eonni~ look he's from S.M. Entertainment." Jazmine said, reading the card.

"Really! This so amazing and you want to scout us." I said excitedly.

"Ne we would but that means that you would have to move to Korea." he said.

"Really!!" we said, shocked and excited.

"Ne. So what's it going to be? Are you girls in or out?" he asked.

"Um..." I said, looking at Jazmine to see what to do. She was just as shocked as I was.

"Um...Mr. Park you think you can give us time to think about it and talk to our family about it?" Jazmine asked.

"Sure. Just call me by Wednesday March 6 because that's when I leave." he said.

"Ok. We will and would we have to pay for the flight." I asked.

"Ani~ The trip is going to be payed for so you don't have to worry about it." he said.

"Really? Ah~ ok. Well we will think about it and let you know before then." Jazmine said.

"Ok. Well then annyeong." Ji-Won said, bowing slightly.

"Annyeong~" we sang, bowing.

He left the room leaving us to ponder on the fact that we might become idols. And in S.M. Entertainment this is a dream come true. I might meet my bias Onew oppa. *sighs dreamily*

"Allela eonni~ what do you think that we should do?" Jazmine asked.

"We could accept the offer but we have to tell our parents first." I said.

"You're right. How about taking them to dinner and talking about it then?" Jazmine suggested.

"Yeah. Let's call them now."

"Ok." Jazmine said getting her phone and calling her parents. She talked to them in Spanish and after a while she hanged up. While she had finished calling, I called my parents and asked if they could come to dinner at a restaurant.

"Hello." my mom said.

"Mom. Can you and dad come to a restaurant an eat dinner? I have something to tell you." I told her.

"Yeah. We'll be able to come to the restaurant. Just text me the name and we'll be there soon."

"Ok bye mom."

"Bye." Then I hanged up and turn to face Jazmine.

"So are your parents coming?" I asked her.

"Yep. They are." Jazmine said.

"Ok well we better go and meet them there." I said

"Ne eonni." Jazmine said.

Before we left, we both text our parents where to meet us. When we got their reply that they were heading there,we looked at each other. Our faces were filled with excitement and worries.

After a few minutes of walking we were finally at the restaurant. We saw our parents sitting at a table talking to each other. We looked at each other before walking towards them.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Jazmine said, childishly. We couldn't help but laugh a little at her childlike personality.

"Hi mom. Hi dad." I said to my parents.

"Hey sweetie." my mom said.

"Hi honey." my dad said.

We sat down in front of our parents. They both looked at the menus brought to us by a waiter. When they asked we wanted we ordered 3 plates of spaghetti and 3 bowls of ramen. While we waited, Jazmine and I looked at each other before nodding to tell them.

"Oh! Jazmine you look so cute with the outfit that you are wearing. Ah! You're so cute!" my mom told Jazmine.

"Th-thank you." Jazmine said slightly blushing at the compliment.

"I know right mom! She choose these outfits to go with our performance. I'm always amazed by her talent. " I said, smiling.

"Gomawo eonni~" Jazminnie said, cutely.

"Yeah Allela's right, Jazmine. You can make yourself and our daughter look wonderful for any performance. And speaking of performances, how did you performance go at the cafe?" my dad asked.

"Oh it was amazing. The crowd really loved it." Jazmine said, looking at me to tell the other news. I nodded and continued.

"Mom, dad. After we were done performing, a businessman from an entertainment company came to us and asked if we wanted to be scouted in the industry." I said, looking at my parents for their reactions. Jazmine had to translate to her parents in Spanish since they couldn't understand English that well. After she was done translating, our parents were...quiet. We looked at each other nervously.

Then my mom spoke up, "Oh my goodness! Were you girls really scouted by a businessman from an entertainment company?" We both nodded our heads.

"That's great! We always knew that you girls would be found one day. But what company is it?" my father asked.

"'s S.M. Entertainment in South Korea." Jazmine said. My parents became silent.

She told her parents in Spanish and they too were silent. We were both hoping that they would be ok with it. Then they smiled at us.

"We are happy for you and if you have to move to South Korea...then we'll accept that." my dad said, smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Yeah! We will be your first fans ever and we'll be cheering you on no matter how many miles apart." my mom said close to tears.

"Thanks mom and dad." I said, close to tears. I knew by how Jazmine was smiling that her parents also accepted it. We looked at each other and smiled high-fiving each other.

"Eonni~ we are going to be famous! Jazmine said jumping out of her chair and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah! Sorry! Sorry!" Jazmine said apologizing to the man. He said that it was ok and we couldn't help but laugh at her embarrassment.

Before long our food arrived. We all ate happily knowing that everything is going to be awesome. Then after finishing our food we both parted ways and said goodbye to our parents. Then we started walking to our apartment that we were sharing for now.

When we arrived in at our apartment we went to our beds saying good night to each other. We were both so excited and tired that we fell asleep in a few minutes. 'South Korea we'll be there soon!' I thought.


Jazminnie:Hey chingus! So I'm so excited to write this story that I couldn't help but update again. But today we have a special guest. My best friend and eonni, Allela!


Jazminnie:So~ did you like the story so far?

Allela:I loved it so much! I can't wait to see what happens next.

Jazminnie:Hehe^^ Well I know what's going to happen so I'll tell you in your ear since I don't what the readers to know *whispers story in her ear*

Allela:Omo! Really?!? Well I can't wait for it.

Jazminnie:Well there you have it. So please vote, comment and follow^^ I really appreciate it.

Allela and me:Annyeong~ *waves* and good night~^^

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