VTuber War Vol.1 (The Plot)

By Toko-sensei

373 22 1

The world is divided into three separate nations as well as there kind: The Human race of the United Nation... More

Author Note and Character info
Part 0: The Prequel
Part 2: The assassination
Part 3: The assassination #2
Part 4: A new conflict
Part 5: A new conflict #2
Part 6: The corruption
Part 7: The corruption #2
Part 8: The last preparation

Part 1: There was an attempt

82 2 0
By Toko-sensei

After the Great Anime War, all three unite as one nation known as the Vtuber Republic, governed by Vtubers and the Senate, making laws and ensuring that eternal peace reigns in this world.

Some people didn't support the fact that Vtuber are more superior then the humanity, and having them take part in politics and take control of this nation just isn't right, which later cause a new conflict between the people who supported the vtuber and the people who didn't support them.

The people who didn't support the vtuber decided to separate themselves away from those who supported them and call themselves The Anti-VTuber Association also known as AVA which cause a lot of trouble toward the vtuber for the past years, the Council later declare AVA as a separatist rebellion.

AVA couldn't stands that they are bring called a rebellion and declare themselves independent from The republic, As news of the AVA decision spreads, people in the Republic begin to fear what this might mean for their society, believing that AVA decision to declare independence will mean a rebellion against the Republic, The Council discuss the situation but ultimately decide not to interfere with the AVA's decision in order to maintain peaceful relations within their society. Though some citizens still express their doubt over this kind of passive decision-making, holoMyth also known as Myth decided to negotiate with them before thing can get out of hand, the place of negotiation will be held at the Vtuber palace, but AVA decide to held this meeting at they country, Myth didn't want to further escalated the situation and accept their request.

AVA: declare themselves independent on 05/07/2028

Author-Kun: AVA declaration of independent was set 5 year after the Great Anime War

Myth: on there way to negotiate with AVA on 22/07/2028

Myth arrives at the Government house of AVA

Calli: We're here, remember we here to negotiate and noting else

Kiara: Right

Since the day that AVA become an independent nation no one know noting about the country itself, since AVA never had it foreign affair, that is until now.

Gura: I got a bad feeling about this

Watson: It ok, remember we're doing this for our friends, they are counting on us

The Butler came out and Greet the Myth at the hallway

Butler: Greeting Myth, welcome to the Government house of AVA

Kiara: a butler?

Ina: hmm, that weird why would a Government house need a butler for?

Butler: Pls follow me I will take to the lounge

Ina: wait, you're butler are you?

Butler: why yes, why did you ask?

Ina: I'm just confuse, why would they need a butler here

Butler: I'm glad you ask

The butler explain as they are walking through the hallway

Butler: this place use to be a huge mansion, before the war that is, now we renovated this mansion and use it as a Government house, and I'm the last butler here at this place, one day they will send me away from this place

Ina: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that

Butler: I appreciate your concern, but I have been promise a better life in the republic, can't wait to be retired after all

Watson: How old are you

Butler: 80 year old, I'm going to be in a retirement in a few week

they later arrive at the lounge the butler serve them snack and drink

Butler: Pls be kind enough to wait here, I will inform them of your arrival

the butler later leave the lounge and shut the door behind him, and then they come ten military guard they all quickly come to barricade the door quietly, and it turn out the butler was actually a man behind a disguise, he a Staff Sergeant of the army

Myth POV:

We sat down and waited for the butler to return, we suddenly realize something

Calli: guys, did anybody of notice something was off about the butler here

Gura: yeah...he forgot to give us a bell

Kiara: Huh...Oh yeah the bell

Watson: a bell?

Ina: Oh, right

Gura: you know, the butler bell

Kiara: yeah

Calli: well you're not wrong about that, but why would he still be here if he is the last butler here, he didn't properly introduces himself to us as well, and he didn't tell us about what happen to the people who own this place

Ina: maybe he didn't want to talk about it?

Kiara: maybe this place meant a lot to him, he is an old man after all

Watson stand up and look through the window

Watson: well he did said that he is 80 already so who know

Gura: Yeah, may be we are overthinking about it

Ina: Yeah, I mean it's been calm since we got here

Calli: Wait, isn't too calm like where everyone, really

Watson suddenly saw a set of flash of light from a near by building

Watson: guys...GETDOWN!!!!!!

Watson quickly ran and pushed Gura down

*Gunshot fired~

Staff Sergeant POV:

Staff Sergeant: *whisper~ Is everyone in position

random soldier 1-10: *whisper ~ yes sir

Staff Sergeant radio his to see if they are in position

Staff Sergeant: We are ready here, Is everyone in position

random soldier 11-15 are trained sniper (not highly trained)

random soldier 11: Alpha, standing by

random soldier 12: Bravo, standing by

random soldier 13: Charlie, standing by

random soldier 14: Delta, standing by

random soldier 15: Echo, standing by

random soldier 16: Foxtrot, ready to light up the show

Staff Sergeant: Fire at will

*Gunshot fired~

Myth POV:

After the gunshot through the window

Watson: GURA!!

Gura: I'm...fine

Ina: I'm alright

luckily no one was hurt except for Calli but she can heal herself, Myth realized that this is all a trap

Calli: Dammit, this mother fucker, they planed this, and we fall for it

Calli look to Kiara

Calli: Kiara, go deal with them

Kiara: Right

Kiara jump off a window and transform into a phoenix and fly off to deal with the sniper

Watson: wait what about us 

Calli: we'll take the hard way

Calli summon her scythe and ran toward the door and break through the barricade door and start fighting against those soldier 

those soldier begin to fight back as well

Ina: what are we waiting for, let go

Gura: right, come on Watson this will be fun 

Gura, Watson and Ina summon their weapon and begin to fight 

one by one those soldier couldn't stand a chance against the Myth

Staff Sergeant: Foxtrot, light it up now 

random soldier 16 (Foxtrot): But sir 

Staff Sergeant: Do it NOW!!!, JUST DO IT!!!!!

random soldier 16 (Foxtrot) push the button which ignited the mansion into an explosion, Gura heard the explosion and immediately summon a water bubble around her and her friends

Kiara POV:

after dealing with the sniper Kiara saw the mansion exploded, Kiara look in shock

Kiara: NO!!!

Kiara immediately transform back into a phoenix and fly off to save her friends

Kiara see all her friends was protected by Gura water bubble, she was relief to see her friends was save 

Gura release her friends from her water bubble that she summon, Kiara went it and help her friends 

Gura: *inhale* *exhale* *try to stand up*  Is everyone.....okay

Gura fall on her feet, Kiara manage to catch her in time  

Kiara: Gura

all her friends got up and goes to check on her

Watson: Gura!!

Ina: we need to head back, NOW!!

Kiara: right 

Calli: let go then, what are we waiting for

Myth immediately head back to Vtuber Republics

Staff Sergeant POV:

Staff Sergeant is severely wounded and tried to get up from the wreckage 

Staff Sergeant: what....help.....me *heavily breathing*

the Staff Sergeant saw the Myth leaving in a hurry

Staff Sergeant: damn it, I guess it best it I let them go, but I'll be back for you

Staff Sergeant: *sigh* I'm guessing everyone didn't made it


Staff Sergeant: I should contact HQ

Staff Sergeant contacting HQ

Time skip:

Myth POV:

Gura is being taking care of at the hospital, there was nothing serious and that goes to other Myth member

Calli: what a relief that nothing serious happen, Gura, thankyou...you save us just in time

Gura: It's okay, you would have done the same 

Ina: yeah, we friends after all 

Kiara: Yeah

Watson: True 

Ina: I can't believe it

Kiara: believe what exactly

Ina: we just went there and they already tried to kill us 

the room was filled with silence  

Calli: I can't believe it either

Kiara: who would have thought that it would end this way

Gura: So there intention, was to Kill US!!!!

Watson: Gura calm down

Gura: Calm down, We almost got ourselves kill, you want me to calm down, I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning

Calli: come on Gura, nobody know it was going to end up like this

Gura started to calm herself down a bit

Gura: yeah is true

Ina: I think we should get some rest, then we should report this to the Council

Gura: I agree

Watson: me too

Staff Sergeant POV:

Staff Sergeant: There isn't time anywhere, so I have to do it 


Staff Sergeant: But our mission is to assassinate the myth 

???: No, what you did was nothing more then a suicided mission, and let me be the one reminding you that your mission is to make a fail assassination attempt on the Myth in which would create a tension within the Republic, don't let something like this happen again, do you understand

Staff Sergeant: Yes, my lord 

???: good now rest, you deserve it

Staff Sergeant: My lord may I ask 

???: make it a quick one

Staff Sergeant: what was the point of this fail assassination attempt

???: you'll see

Myth POV:

Myth on there way to the Vtuber palace in New Tokyo

Calli: I have inform the Council they are waiting for us

CouncilRys POV:

Baelz: I should have stop them, But I didn't, and now who know what they'll do next 

IRys: Well it could have been worst then this, the fact that the Myth is still alive are good news for us 

Baelz: yeah, I don't want to imagine the outcome of the event If they don't

IRys: what is more important right now is to deal with this upcoming situation that will effect this nation

Mumei: they're here Baelz

Baelz: right 

Myth POV:

As the Myth are walking down the hallway they arrive at the Council Chamber, the Myth enter the Chamber they were greeted by the Council and IRys

Gura: Oh IRys is here

IRys: Yeah

Baelz: I ask her to come as well

Kronii: we kindly ask her to be a representative upon Sana Tsukumo absent

Watson: I see 

Both Myth, Council and IRys sat down and discuss the matter at hand

Kronii: let talk about this assassination attempt 

Baelz: Yeah like what happen

Calli: I don't know, we just walk right in and before we know it they were trying to kill us

Gura: It was scary... I- I don't even wanna talk about it! 

IRys: It's ok Gura

Gura: But, the most important thing in that moment was my bond with the you girls. And, I think the bond that I developed with you girl, became even stronger, We were truly a Family, through and through!

Watson: Gura

Gura speech make everyone feel relief from the situation 

Calli: it crazy how they planned all this, where do they even get all that resource from

Ina: now that you think about it, it only been 2 week since they declare themselves independent, and they have grown faster then us 

Calli: Within 2 week and they are more then just a group of people, How, it impossible

Mumei: I have been sending scout to check the area it seem that most of the area that they took once belong to the Anime Nation itself

Fauna: Ara ara, the environmental state of the former Anime Nation it completely gone

Mumei: AVA also control some part of the former United Nation which has a good enough resource, it could be the reason why they so much resource as well

Baelz: perhaps, but we don't know the real reason on how they can obtain that much resource, and they true intention of trying to assassinate you guys

Calli: there was this butler, I don't think he a butler at all, before the explosion I saw a man which matches his figure and he is one of them

Kronii use her power to discover who he truly was, and Calli was right he is from the AVA 

Kiara: I can't believe this 

Ina: so did I 

Both the CounciIRys and Myth continue the discussion and then later they ended and concluded they discussion


AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: why did you order my men to go and assassinate the Myth already with out my full consent

???: Did you just question my order 

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: Well you can't just started giving order to my men, hack, you're not even one of us 

???: if I were you I would be very careful on what you're saying, By the way, you wouldn't have gone this far if it weren't for me 

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: Well I don't need you anymore, we can mange ourselves from here on now

???: alright then, but don't come to me and beg for help, if thing turn south

cut connection with ???

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: dammit, who does this guy think he is 

The Staff Sergeant walk in the room 

Staff Sergeant: You wanted to see me sir

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: You got a lot of explaining to do

The Staff Sergeant explain everything to the Minister

Myth and CounciIRys POV:

Both the CouncilRys and Myth walking down the hallway 

Baelz: We're heading to the Senate, But first let us introduce you to someone, He will be a representative of all the Vtuber in the Senate

Calli: Wait since when did you got yourselves a representative

Baelz: last week, and he's our representative, He's a very nice guys

Kronii: It's ok we can trust him 

A man is waiting at the hallway talking to other Vtuber, he started to approach them

Baelz: Guys this is senator Eric Takirumi, he will be the representative of all the Vtuber kind in the Senate

Eric: But you can call me Eric, I know who you guy are, and I've heard what happen as well, it must have been scary 

Gura: Yeah, It was

Watson head pat Gura

Eric: Don't worried, is only going to get better from now on

Senator Eric, Myth, CouncilRys are walking down the hallway

Gura: "going to get better from now on" how is it going to get better from now on

Eric: You'll see, once I address the senate of the situation, they'll see it as an act of war, But I have to also make sure that this nation doesn't undergo into a new conflict, so I will ask for your consent 

Calli: go on

Eric: I will be addressing in a way that it wouldn't lead us to war with the AVA, which mean some information that I will be addressing would be made up entirely

Calli: WHAT!...but, you can't just do that

Eric: That why I'm asking for your consent, if the senate knew the real intention of AVA, it could lead us to another war 

Gura: Well, AVA soldier was trying to kill us so, it already an act of war to us

Eric: that may be true, But we not ready for a new war yet, since we only knew little of AVA as country, and we don't have enough troop to even begin with and who know how many troop AVA had 

Calli later realize that she can't risk herself and her friends with out knowing what would happen next just so that she can have a revenge on them and instead tried to look for an opportunity for peace

Calli: He is out of line, But he's right 

Eric: of course I am

Calli: alright then Eric, you have our consent

Eric: alright then, I'll be heading to the senate immediately

Senator Eric head out of the Vtuber palace goes to the senate chamber

Kiara: Are you sure, about this

Calli: We'll see

Baelz: It's ok, Trust him

Calli: Well, if you trust him, then we can trust him too

Senator Eric POV:

Senator Eric arrive at the Senate Chamber and the senate has already began to make a move on how to deal with AVA without the supervision of the CouncilRys 

Eric: Senator, is has come to my attention that The Myth was nearly assassinate by AVA arm-force

The senator *gasp~

Eric: But however, the Myth themselves weren't in any harm ways, now I know what you're thinking, this is obviously an act of war, but what if I told you, that it isn't an act of war, but a rather a misunderstanding, between the Myth and the AVA

The senator whisper among themselves and started to look confuse 

Eric: As you can see I have world from the Myth that there weren't any real intention of AVA trying to decide war against us, I mean, That would be stupid of them to do so anywhere

Gregory: May I cut short for you senator Eric, are you sure that AVA have no intention of declare war against the republic

Eric: of course, if they do, they would have done so by now, wouldn't they

The senator whisper among themselves

Gregory: And you did said that the Myth were...

Eric: I said that this is nothing more then just a misunderstanding between the both side and that is final

Gregory: Are you simply just gonna slide this one out 

Eric: yes, I only letting the senate know about this situation and that it, no more, now as I was saying that this is nothing more than just a misunderstanding, because I have prove that the plot of the assassination weren't carry out by AVA themselves, but rather a rogue military lead by the unnamed Staff Sergeant which leaded to this conflict 

Gregory: And where did you get all this information from 

Eric: I got this personally by the CouncilRys in which was reported by the Myth themselves, which proven that the Myth weren't assassination by AVA own intention

Chancellor Fred: I see, it seem that this is indeed nothing more then just an misunderstanding, but however we need to be on our arm to defense our nation from an act of this terrorist that lead by an unnamed Staff Sergeant, for now we need to keeps an eye on both AVA and this rogue army in hope of insuring a promising future for our people

Eric along with other senator within the chamber agree with the chancellor Fred about this situation

Eric: well, this will do for now

later on the other senator start to debate on the fund for the new and improve army for the republic

Author-Kun: which goes on for about an hour so we are going to skip all of that 

after the debate the senate ended their meeting


AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams watching the live broadcast of the republic senate 

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: What is even going on right now, how did we even get a way with this 

AVA Advisor Jordon Frost: it's seem that they don't want to cause any tension with the republic

AVA Prime Minister Alford Adams: Hmm 

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