you're mine

By realityprincesss

12.2K 764 101

How parents bring up their kids effect their outlook on the world and their actions towards it later in the f... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chaper 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

chapter 7

458 22 0
By realityprincesss


When I wake up, Luca is still asleep beside me. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping.

I question to myself whether I should stay. He told me about his family last night. Maybe he is not so bad. He probably just needs someone to talk too.

No, that type of thinking will get me killed. I will not be the type of girl that is a victim of Stockholm syndrome and dies with no dignity. I am not that dumb.

He is asleep. Very asleep. This means I could escape.

I throw the covers off of me and jump out of bed, tiptoeing to the door. I don't know if he is a light sleeper or not so I keep in mind to be extra quiet. I don't want to risk him waking up and punishing me for this.

I finally reach the door and pull on the handle. Its locked. I scan the room for keys and spot them on the bedside table which separates the two beds.

Its right near him. I tiptoe back to the bed and pick the key up.

I turn around, moving faster than before, not wanting to waste anymore time.

Before I reach the door I hear a voice that makes me stop dead.

"Going somewhere?" His voice is a lot deeper now, being the effects of him sleeping.

My breathing becomes heavy as I try to think of an excuse.

"Nope, just wanted some water." I smiler now facing him.

"Ill get it for you." He gets up out of bed, slipping his shoes on and takes the keys off me " back to bed." He whispers and leaves.

I didn't think of shoes before I left. I was planning to run barefoot.

I hope he didn't find it suspicious and realise what I was doing. I want him to think everything is fine so he isn't watching me all the time. I don't want to stay with him much longer. What if he could change to tying me up and abusing me at any moment. He probably will. I want to gaslight myself into thinking he is like totally in love with me and would never hurt me, but he said so himself.

Luca walks into the room, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Here's your water!" He smiles. He's not mad at me, at least I don't think he is.

I down most of my water, making my stomach ache. I wanted him to think I was thirsty and actually needed the drink.

Not keeping any time for him to ask questions, I go back to sleep.


It has been a few hours since we woke up. Luca didn't want to waste any time in the motel. He said he 'Didn't trust the receptionist'.

"So, any specific plans for today?" I ask.

"Food. Lets play a game."

"Ugh not twenty one questions again. that isn't even how you play twenty one questions."

"How do you play then?" He frowns at me.

"I think of something and you have to guess what I'm thinking of by asking questions. And then we swap if you get it right." I explain.

"No, that's twenty questions. Its a different thing." He nods, so sure of himself.

"Ok." I don't think it is.

"OK I am thinking of something." Luca's voice speaks up.

"Of course you are. Is it big?"

"Wow dirty minded much? Nope it's small." He squints.

"What? obviously you are the dirty minded one in this situation. is it alive?"


"Is it cute?"

"Yeah. very."

"Are they a person?"

"No, better."

"Why didn't you kidnap them instead then? Is it an animal?"

"You interest me more. Yep."

"Is it in a zoo?"


"Is it an animal that is in the book animal farm?"

"I don't know, haven't read it."

"Is it an animal that is on Dr. Doolittle?"

"An older version is."

"A lion?"


"A bear?"


"Is it in one or two?"


"A dog?"


a cat?"


"A puppy?"

"Yes! And there's no cats in Dr Doolittle." Luca smiles.

"Oh well, my go."

"I thought you don't watch tv?"

"I don't really, but I've watched a few movies. Mainly when I was younger. Ok I have something in mind."

"Is it alive?"


"Can I touch it?"


"Is it big?"

"Depends who owns it."

"If I owned it, would it be?" He smirks.

"Not too big. But its possible to get it a lot smaller."

"Do you own it?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping to get more soon though." I look down at my night gown.

"Do I own some?"



"Yeah, you got it." I flash him a fake smile.

"So you want some clothes? That's understandable."

I nod in reply.

A few minutes later, he pulls into a café.

"Come on, out. After we eat we can go shopping for clothes."


We took around twenty five minutes to eat. I had eggs on toast nd Luca had waffles with five different types of chocolate.

I wouldn't picture such a kid-like person to be a kidnapper. He isn't much older than a kid himself. Some people would class him as one.

We are now in the car, driving to the store I think. That's where he said we were going, but he also believes he isn't my kidnapper. Since he is clearly delusional, he might believe he is taking me shopping when he is actually dropping me in the middle of a desert or driving us off a bridge.

When we pull up outside of the shopping centre, I gather he isn't so delusional.

"Before we get out, know that if you even try to run from me or get help I will kill every single person in there and handcuff you to myself." His voice is stern, it sends shives down my entire body.

"I wont, I promise."

"Good." Luca smiles brightly.


we get out of the car and head for the mall. Since Emily tried to run last night, I do not trust her the most right now. But hopefully my threat keeps her from doing something idiotic .

We were on the news yesterday, so maybe coming to the mall is not the best idea. I think most people are to selfish and self centered to notice what goes on around them.

Personally, I notice everything. I am always watching. Even people who mean nothing to me. I don't like surprises and I want to be aware of everything at all times.

When we walk into the shopping mall, I see people looking at her. They are probably questioning her nightgown. Its light pink, knee length and very simple.

Although it is a little bit random to go shopping in pyjamas, it isn't anyone elses business.

It doesn't look a lot like pyjamas, it is still a very pretty dress. But I guess it is obvious.

Emily walks perfectly by my side, not even trying to run off.

We both enter the first clothes store.

I can see her scanning a few items with her eyes, probably scared to leave my side.

"Get whatever you want. Ill follow behind you."

With that, she starts looking at clothes she likes.

After ten minutes of clothes shopping, her basket is almost full. I like that because if she has nice things, she might want to stay with me more.

When I examine her basket, I see that every piece of clothing inside of it is pink.

"Are you sure you only want pink?"

"Its the only colour I have ever worn." she shrugs.

"So try something new, if you want too. Just look for things you like. Don't think about it."

She takes in the shop with a new pare of eyes, ones that aren't hunting for pink. She walks over to a light blue cardigan and puts it in the basket. Then she picks up a pare of black skinny jeans, a purple vest top, a blue dress and grey sweatpants and puts them all in the basket.

She leads me to the till and I pay for everything then we go back to the car.

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