Separable//A Cobra Kai Story

By madalynflynn03

13.2K 288 119

Just when everyone expected the rivalry to end, it got worse. Now a new Sensei is stepping into the light an... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Thank You

Chapter 8

387 10 3
By madalynflynn03

"What are you doing!?" Richie glanced up from the script that he was reading at his co-star next to him, who was currently taking off her jean shorts.

Aubrey paused and scoffed at Richies horrified expression, "Relax Rich, I have a swimsuit on remember?" she went back to trying to take her shorts off while being cramped behind the drivers seat. "Hand me my bag?"

Richie reached his hand behind him and grabbed the tote bag that the girl had stashed in the backseat. He handed it to her without a second glance and went back to reading his script.

Aubrey shoved her pants in the bag avoiding crumpling her own script in the process. Her eyes shifted to the mirror in front of her as she began to unbutton the shirt that she had on. She ended up leaving the middle one closed before she tugged the left sleeve down off of her shoulder slightly.

She fixed her black bikini top one last time before looking back at herself one last time in the mirror. Yasmine had texted her during rehearsal and demanded that her and Richie showed up at the waterpark. The blonde had mentioned that a certain ex was going to be invited and it was the perfect place to where the one bikini that pushed her boobs out.

Aubrey had been planning on avoiding the water park for majority of the summer due to the truce that Cobra Kai and Miyagi-do had made separating the rides and the property. Aubrey found the whole ordeal stupid. It was a public water park and somehow it had been made all about the rivalry and karate.

However, now that she had quit, that rule didn't really apply to her anymore and she was ready to abuse that power.

"Ready?" She looked over at Richie who's face was now hidden completely behind his large script. "What are you doing?"

Richie didn't even lower his script, "It feels inappropriate to look at you right now." he answered quietly.

Aubrey blinked in his direction wondering how she was even friends with him. "Richie, you are being ridiculous, let's go!" she put her hand on the top of script, tugging it away from his face.

Richie glared at her but complied nonetheless. He tucked his script in the glove box of her car and grabbed his own sunglasses before handing Aubrey hers.

Aubrey smiled and put them on before getting out of the car with him. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled the top of her swimsuit down a little making Richie avoid eye contact with her.

"So what do you plan on doing when you see him? Flash him?" Richie asked sarcastically as the two of them walked into the water park.

Aubrey gave him a look of annoyance, "Don't you have girls to pick up?"

Richie held his hands up innocently, "It was an honest question, and yes I do."

Richie slid his sunglasses down slightly before walking over to a group of girls and striking up a conversation with them.

Aubrey watched, slightly impressed at how quickly he was able to find girls that were interested in him. She shook her head slightly before walking away, checking her phone to see if Yasmine had texted her any updates.

"Hey!" A voice called out from behind her. "This is Cobra Kai territory, you can't be over here."

Aubrey smirked playfully and slid her sunglasses up to use as a headband before turning around, "Oh, my apologies champ." She pouted her lip slightly.

Tory Nichols shook her head laughing at the sight of her friend. She pushed off the nickname and the feeling that it left her with because all that mattered now was that Aubrey Mills was back in the valley.

"Hi." Tory smiled as she walked over to her, looping an arm around her shoulder as they walked, "How was Mexico?"

"Interesting." Was all Aubrey could say as she put an arm around Tory's waist. "It's not every day you get stuck in a car with your old sensei and two rivals who hate each other."

Tory nodded with a small smile as Aubrey recounted what Mexico was like. If she was being honest, she had really struggled all the days that the girl wasn't by her side. Cobra Kai wasn't what it used to be and being around Silver just made her uncomfortable after what had happened at the tournament.

Tory had been really struggling with figuring out what to do about her fake win at the All Valley. She didn't know if she could even tell Aubrey about it or if it was a secret she was going to take to her grave.

"But Robby did compete in a hot pepper eating contest which was kind of fun to watch, until we got milk thrown up on us by the competitor." Aubrey finished up her small story as the girls ended up at the table Tory had.

Tory made a face as she sat on top of the table, "That's gross."

"Not as gross as wearing matching Female Body Inspector shirts with your boyfriend and his dad." Aubrey said making Tory fight to keep from laughing out loud. "Shut up Nichols."

"I'm sorry." Tory apologized before looking over at a very upset member of Cobra Kai.

"Oh good." Aubrey muttered as she looked over at Sawyer Wilson, who was standing in line for concessions with Kyler and glaring at Aubrey. "It's nice to see that she missed me."

Tory laughed softly and looked away from Sawyer and at Aubrey. "She's not the only one."

Aubrey smiled as she looked at Tory. The girls had gone through quite a rough patch for a while but Aubrey was glad that they were able to make it out. She didn't know what she would do if she didn't have Tory Nichols in her life.

"She's not supposed to be on this side!" Kenny Payne stormed over to the two girls, ruining their moment.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and turned and gave the younger boy a look. "I quit Eagle Fang, which means I am just an innocent bystander that you are now yelling at about a stupid side of a water park." she gave him a look of annoyance.

The rivalry truly was getting out of hand. Everything now had sides and both believed that they were the good guys. If the rivalry didn't end soon then the entire valley was soon going to be wrapped up in it.

In fact the process had already begun without anyone knowing it. And it was all thanks to Silver.

"She's with me." Tory gave Kenny a stern look before he could whine anymore and before Aubrey could really insult him. "It's okay, I promise. Just go back with Kyler."

Kenny nodded before glaring back at Aubrey who looked extremely underwhelmed. "You got lucky."

Aubrey's jaw dropped as he walked away. "He says as if the first time I met him, I didn't watch him get his ass beat."

Tory gave Aubrey a weird look before remembering what Robby told her about Aubrey also being there when Kenny first started training.

The two girls stood in silence trying to process the run in that had just happened. They both were starting to have unsure feelings about what was going to happen this summer.

"How are you holding up by the way?" Tory asked after a moment. "You know with everything with Hawk?"

Aubrey paused for a moment as she thought about her answer. She really wasn't holding up well in her own opinion. She was standing in a water park wearing a bathing suit that "pushed her boobs out" all to go hang out with the same group he was going to. Not only that, but she had completely dyed her hair a different color. All signs were pointing to the fact that she was losing it.

"Look at me, how do you think I am holding up?" Aubrey looked over at Tory.

Tory frowned slightly at the look that her friend was giving her. She didn't know the full story of what had happened between the two but she did know that she was on Aubrey's side no matter what.

Tory reached over and grabbed her sunglasses off of her forehead. She placed them on the girls face and fluffed up her curls. "I think you look hot." Tory told her as she unbuttoned the girls shirt.

Aubrey rolled her eyes at Tory but appreciated the compliment. "I think you are sexy too Nichols!" She sighed dramatically making Tory push her shoulder.

"Not what I said dumbass." Tory replied laughing.

Aubrey grinned, "I read between the lines."

"I'm sure you did." Tory told her with a shake of her head.

Aubrey glanced over her shoulder and saw Eli and Miguel walk into the water park. She scoffed at the sight of Eli shirtless and turned back to Tory. "It looks like it's time for my entrance as well."

Tory furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but decided against questioning the girl. "I'm not even going to ask."

"I'll just tell you about it later." Aubrey told her as she ran her hand through her hair multiple times to make it look extra perfect. "Bye Nichols!" She walked away, trying to catch up with the two boys.

"Bye Mills!" Tory said before she was joined with some other members of Cobra Kai.

Sam, Yasmine and Moon were all sitting discussing Sam's self discovery journey when the cause of the self discovery journey began walking over to them.

"I am so sorry!" Moon apologized to Sam when she saw Miguel and Eli. "I totally forgot that they were coming."

Sam gave her a brief smile before saying, "It's fine, really."

"Is it also fine that I invited Aubrey?" Yasmine spoke up with a sly smile as she glanced at Moon out of the corner of her eye.

Moon's head snapped towards her, a look of fear evident on her face. "You invited Aubrey?"

"Yep!" Yasmine smiled as she looked over at the boys and the girl who was right behind them.

"Hey bab-" Eli's greeting to Moon got cut off by someone bumping roughly into his arm, making him stumble slightly.

"Oops." Aubrey sighed with a giggle as she turned and looked over her shoulder.

Miguel helped Eli steady himself before he looked at Aubrey. Without meaning to his eyes traced her entire body. He studied how the swimsuit fit her and how the shirt flowed over her shoulders. He felt himself quickly losing breath but tried to play it off when he noticed her looking at him over her slightly pulled down sunglasses.

"Hey Diaz." She smiled for a second before looking over at the boy who seemed to want her dead. "Hey Mowhaw - ohhhhhh I'm sorry, I forgot!" Aubrey pouted her glossed lips and made a gesture to her own hair before turning back around and walking towards the girls.

Eli shook his head, upset with the comment that she made about the unwanted hair cut that he had received the last time he was in the tattoo shop. As much as he wanted to claim that it was unfair of her to make fun of him for it, he knew that he deserved it. Still the comment hurt, especially coming from her.

"Hey Yas, Sam." Aubrey smiled as she walked over to the group before her eyes landed on Moon, her smile dropping, "Home wrecker." she walked away to a chair that was one away from Sam's before Moon could respond.

"Aubrey..." Moon called out softly only to get distracted by Eli sitting next to her and kissing her deeply for revenge on the comments Aubrey had made.

A loud, fake gag came from the side of them. All members of the group turned to look at Aubrey who was innocently unpacking her tote bag.

Eli sighed and leaned back in his seat, trying to ignore what had just happened and the glare his best friends girlfriend was now giving him.

Miguel took a deep breath and made his way over to Sam and the empty chair next to her, "Uh, hey, how you doing Sam?" he asked awkwardly, making Aubrey push up her sunglasses into a headband again and give him a look.

"Hey." Sam replied quietly, drumming her fingers on the cover of her book. "Um I mean, yeah. Uh I'm...I'm good. And how about you?"

"Oh my god." Aubrey muttered as she grabbed her script and a highlighter from her bag. The entire scene that was unfolding in front of her made her feel embarrassment and slight jealousy all at once.

"I'm cool!" Miguel blurted out, "I'm good!" he hesitated for a moment, "Is anyone um." he pointed at the chair next to her.

"Yeah." Sam replied without thinking. "I mean...I mean, no, but-"

"Seats taken!" Aubrey smiled up at Miguel as she sat down quickly in the chair he was pointing at next to Sam to save both of them from the humiliation of the conversation. "Sit." she told him as she pointed with the highlighter to the seat next to her.

Miguel froze at the sight of her. He stared first into her eyes that were no longer blocked by her sunglasses then once again at her as a whole. She was beautiful, that was no doubt in his mind.

Black was her color. Aubrey always looked stunning in black. That was a fact that he had realized at prom with her dress. But it was a fact that he had kept hidden during his relationship with Sam but now that he was single and so was she, it was a fact that was creeping forward.

So was the fact at how fit she was. Miguel could see how strong she truly was just by giving a glance at her arms that despite not being flexed still held muscle. Her stomach as well was toned from years of fighting and working out. Aubrey had a glow on her skin that he had never noticed before but now that she had less clothing on he was able to see all of her in a new light.

It was a light that he could get used to seeing.

Miguel realized after a small squint from Aubrey that he had been staring. He quickly nodded and scrambled into the chair next to her.

"Thank you." Sam whispered to Aubrey with a small smile before going back to her book.

Aubrey nodded and opened up her script that she had and uncapping her highlighter. She was praying that her cheeks weren't as red as they felt.

The girl had noticed Miguel's eyes drop down away from her's when she has sat down in front of him. The action had again made her heart slightly flutter and her mind to curse whatever thoughts that she had.

She had just broken up with Eli and Miguel was her best friend. And did she really want to date her ex's best friend? Not really in theory but with Miguel it hit different.

Aubrey had only a few seconds of peace as she began to highlight her lines and songs before Cobra Kai had started something.

"Oh god damnit." Eli sighed as he sat up, staring at the group of Cobra Kai's who were pushing some kid into the pool wrapped up in a bunch of floats.

Aubrey and Miguel also sat up in their chairs, frowns on their faces.

"That is so not safe." Aubrey muttered as she shook her head, "One way to cause another almost accidental death." she spared a glance at Miguel who was too focused on the scene in front of him.

She looked to the side and saw Eli walking up to the group. Aubrey shook her head and leaned back in her seat again fighting the urge to make a hurtful comment about what was happening. However she didn't lift her script just yet. She wanted to see how everything played out.

Thankfully, Tory stepped in before things truly got bad.

Aubrey sighed and picked up her script again getting back to work only to get distracted by Miguel a few minutes later.

"How many lines does the leading lady have?" He asked with a small smile.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and played along, "The most in the show." She said laughing a little, "I even have a solo!"

Miguel laughed and shook his head, "Just don't let it go to your head."

"How can I when I'm the lead in the play and the lead in the play in the show?" She said with a grin on her face only causing the boy to look at her confused. "The story of the musical is set in a school where they are putting on a play called the phantom."

"Ohhhhhhh" Miguel nodded a little finally understanding what she meant, "Have any love interests?"

Aubrey paused for a moment debating if she really wanted to answer that question. "I have one but Richie likes to claim that his character is also a love interest because we hold hands."

Miguel laughed a little, not completely loving the fact that she did have to act like she was in love with someone, "I don't know Aubrey, holding hands seems quite romantic."

"Hmmmm" Aubrey hummed, "I'll tell Richie that he has one more supporter in his argument."

"Good" Miguel said as Aubrey resumed her highlighting with a focused look on her face, "You know I was thinking of braving the Lazy River if you wanna join?" he asked dramatically.

Aubrey fought hard to keep from blushing, "I will brave it with you once I am done highlighting my lines in this duet."

Miguel nodded with a small smile, thankful that she had said yes, "Of course." he went back to watching the people at the water park.

Aubrey kept her eyes on him for a moment before returning to highlighting, only to get interrupted again.

"Are you kidding me with this bullshit again!" Eli snapped causing Aubrey to look up quickly.

She looked over at Miguel who was sitting up in his seat a glare on his face. Aubrey looked in the direction that he was looking at and set her script beside her. A small fight had begun to start between Cobra Kai and members of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang.

"There's Keene." Eli turned to face Miguel, "I thought you said he wasn't in Cobra Kai anymore."

"It's what sensei told me!" Miguel defended himself.

Eli nodded before standing up, "Come on." he began to make his way over to the group.

Miguel stood up and looked over at Aubrey expecting her to come with.

"But I quit." She told him with shake of her head.

"They are still your friends, aren't they?" Miguel asked, "And I don't just mean Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang."

Aubrey paused for a moment glancing back at the fight. He had a point. She was still friends with all of them, including Tory. And she didn't want any of them to get hurt.

"Let's go Diaz." She said as she stood up and jogged over to the fight with him, catching up with Eli.

Miguel instantly ran up to Robby while Aubrey stayed behind him for support.

"What are you doing?" Miguel tapped his arm, confused as to why the boy was still fighting with Cobra Kai after he left.

"You stay out of this!" Robby demanded as he advanced at him.

Before it could get any further a lifeguard ran over whistling at them.

"Stop it! All of you." He said, "Or you're all getting kicked out."

The sides of dojos went silent as the lifeguard stared them down. Aubrey looked over at Tory from where she stood in the middle of the sides.

Tory gave her a glance and a small nod letting her know that she was calming down and was okay.

After the lifeguard went away Miguel spoke. "Clearly, we can't coexist in peace so let's find a solution."

"We can't fight." Mitch said, "What are we supposed to do?"

"Go to therapy?" Aubrey suggested quietly getting an eye roll from Devon who wasn't at all happy to see her after the read through. Aubrey sighed and shook her head looking over at Robby and Tory who were arguing.

"How about a race?" Bert suggested making everyone quiet down and look at him before turning towards the giant dueling water slide next to them.

"Yeah, I'll go." Eli offered himself up as a racer.

"Of course you will jackass." Aubrey rolled her eyes and looked over at Robby who was standing next to her trying not to laugh at her comment.

"So will I." Tory smirked as she stepped up in front of them. She was doing it both for Cobra Kai and for her best friend.

"Alright champ versus champ!" Kyler cheered getting a disgusted look from Aubrey.

"Whoever wins, gets the park!" Tory announced as she glared at the boy standing in front of her.

Eli hesitated for a moment before answering, "Deal. But you won't win." he told Tory.

Everyone gave each other one last looks before all walking away.

The only two left, were the ones who claimed they were done with their dojos.


i took a small break for the holidays and now i'm back!

tory and aubrey have finally reunited and i am so happy. i missed them very much after they stopped being friends.

also miguel... it's not nice to stare at our best friends in their bikini.

anyways thank you all so much for reading, commenting and voting!

i love you all!

-xoxo m <3

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