Shiny (Twisted Wonderland X M...

By unfinished_writer

17.4K 801 332

~I'd rather be shiny~ "The damage to the property will cost a fortune. Not to mention, it will take me hours... More

Book and Character Info
~Preparing for the Worst~
~Introductions to Arson~
~Irresponsible First-Years~
~Not My Business~

~So It Begins~

2.6K 132 47
By unfinished_writer

3rd Person POV:

With barely any noise, Azul, Jade and the new Octavinelle first years walked through the hall and stepped into their magic mirror. Their destination? The Monstro Lounge, which had been brightly and grandly lit up to welcome the new students. Stopping in the entry room, Azul turned to face the fresh faces, a knowing grin growing on his lips.

"Welcome to the Monstro Lounge, the official and approved cafe of Night Raven College," he announced, earning a quiet round of applause. "Every single one of you will work alongside each other to keep this lounge of ours functioning well and orderly." One or two quiet groans came from the group, immediately becoming silent at the sight of Jade's menacing smile. "Now, now, it isn't all bad. Eventually, more and more workers will come from the other dorms, one way or another," Azul chuckled at his own vague words, leaving the new Octavinelle residents to murmur amongst themselves confusedly. "Initially, I had planned for our treasurer and accountant to review a few dorm rules. However, seeing as he isn't present-"

The loud sound of a dish-shattering echoed through the lounge, making a few of the first years jump in surprise. Before either of the dorm leaders could say anything, Y/n burst out of the kitchen doors. Noticeably, he held a pair of sleek black shoes near his chest and wore what could only be described as a look mixed between panic and naughtiness. Not even a moment later, Floyd came rushing out, just slow enough to not quite catch up to Y/n. "Gimme back my shoes, Crabby!" The moray shouted as the two of them made their way in the direction of the first-year group. Floyd was clearly having trouble with his balance, his turquoise socks not providing much grip against the shiny smooth floor. Azul let a sigh while Jade grinned at the sight of the duo, not bothering to stop them as they grew closer.

"And what are you gonna do about it- Ack!" Y/n had begun to taunt the other, looking over his shoulder before getting tackled to the ground in the middle of the freshman crowd. The first-years had been smart enough to step back from the wrestling sophomores, yet curious enough to continue watching the fight. Within a few seconds, Y/n had been pinned down, Floyd sitting on top of him, holding up Y/n's left arm, which he had carried the shoes with, in the air.

"I'll be taking these back," Floyd proudly said, grinning at the feeling of many curious eyes on him. "And as a reminder to never steal my shoes again..." In the blink of an eye, Y/n's left ring finger was 'bitten' off, a red substance dripping down his hand. The crab let out a loud shout while Floyd looked up at the first years, Y/n's 'finger' resting in between his sharp teeth, 'blood' trickling down his chin onto the floor. Silence fell among the group as their faces turned pale white. It wasn't until one kid fainted, his body hitting the floor with a loud thump did the other first-years begin to panic. The high-pitched screams drowned out Y/n's 'pained' whimpers as he held his hand close to his chest.

"Alright, EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!" Azul roared, his voice echoing off the walls as the first-years became silent once again. The housewarden let out a small cough to clear his throat before walking towards his fellow second years, kneeling down to their level to pull Y/n's 'finger' out of Floyd's mouth. "Wow, that's very detailed work. There is no way you could've made it in the short span of time you spent here before we arrived. How long have you been planning this out?" he questioned, making the freshmen look at him in confusion while the troublemakers only chuckled.

"I've been working on that bad boy for a couple of days now. It just so happened that the perfect opportunity arose, wouldn't you say, Floyd?" Y/n spoke, easily pushing the moray off him and standing up.

"Crabby's idea was amazing~" With those words, Floyd stood up, leaning against his partner in crime. "Not to mention tasty." Another student passed out at the sight of both Y/n and Floyd licking the 'blood' of themselves, a content smile on both of them. "Can I finish off your finger?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Floyd quickly grabbed the fake finger from Azul's hold and popped it into his mouth, chewing on it for a few seconds before swallowing. "I don't think you can taste the cherry flavour of the finger against the blood's strawberry flavour, but it's a work in progress," Y/n mentioned, grabbing the rings he had put in his pocket earlier to prevent them from getting dirty and put them back on.

"I see..." Azul muttered with a chuckle that quickly turned into a laugh. Motioning the accountant to his side, Y/n made his way to stand on the housewardens left while Floyd stood to his brother's right. "Newcomers of the Octavinelle dorm, meet the one and only Y/n. Our accountant and treasurer helps with managing the lounge funds as well as personal profits. Any issues regarding money, from the ingredient stock to replacement uniforms, go to him." A quiet round of applause was heard from the crowd as a proud smile grew on said crab's lips. "As you have seen, he is not afraid of messing with others, so I suggest not getting on his bad side." In the blink of an eye, Y/n's grin turned menacing, his expression being copied by the twins who stood on the other side of Azul. "Same with Floyd, the brother of our very own vice housewarden, Jade. Each one of them will happily deal with any problems within this dorm."

"These minnows will be safe with us ~" Floyd spoke with a slur, the first-years shivering slightly as his mismatched eyes scanned them with a mischievous kind of excitement.

"Let us have a good year," Jade stated, placing his left hand on his chest. While his body language came off as honest, his fellow second-years knew better. It seemed there was more than one Octavinelle student who put up a false exterior and hid their motives.

"With all that being said and done, let the four of us show you all to your new rooms in this magnificent space," the housewarden announced. His light grey eyes didn't leave the crowd as he leaned closer to Y/n, turning his head to whisper in the other's ear. "Could you pick up the two that fainted? I believe you carry some of the responsibility for their condition " Azul quietly spoke, making the other chuckle guiltily with a bit of a flushed expression.

"Of course, Sir. I'd just love to follow your orders~" Y/n joking retorted, earning a teasing hit to his side from his friend. Chuckling loudly, the second year stepped into the crowd of first years, easily picking up and holding the two passed-out students over his shoulders with ease. More than a few looked  at Y/n with awe while a couple of others were intimidated by his show of strength. "Do you want me to put them in their rooms or just carry them along until they wake up?"

"The dorm rooms will be the last part of the tour. So, yes, carry them until they wake up or we reach the rooms," Jade replied, laughing a bit at the sight of Y/n's deadpan face. Azul began to walk away, intending to lead the new students to the kitchen. Most followed him, while a few others fell behind, clearly dragging feet. However, they quickly realized it was futile to try and escape with the taller Leech twin and Y/n bringing up the rear.

"Onwards we go little minnows~" Floyd 'encouraged' the first years to move, his intimidating toothy smile making a few shiver.

"Did you freshies know that I was the one who originally bit off my finger?" Y/n spoke up, leaning over the first years, the two bodies on his shoulders further enhancing his imposing presence. "I was six years old. There had been a terrible earthquake my whole house crumbled down. A large piece of stone managed to miss every single part of me except my finger. So, being the clever little crab I was I started gnawing and absolutely devouring it-"

"Crabby, they've been scared off," Floyd interrupted the other's story, pointing out how they were the only ones left in the open lounge area. "Such a scary story for the little shrimpies~" He sarcastically told the other, his grin fading only slightly. A chuckle left Y/n's throat as he began to make his way toward the kitchen.

"Maybe it was your scary face, hm?~" the accountant playfully retorted, laughing slightly at the disgruntled face the other gave him in response. "Aw, did I hurt the wittle mowway's feewings?" he continued to tease. In an instant, his devilish tone turned quiet at the feeling of a tight feeling wrapping around his waist.

"Oh? Cwabby doesn't like a squeeze from wittle old me?~" Floyd teased back, copying Y/n's previous tone. His lengthy arms further encased him, showing no sign of letting go. Letting out a shallow sigh, his breathing restricted, Y/n attempted to try and catch up with the first years. However, with the weight of two bodies laying on him and another endeavouring to hold him in place, not much progress was seen.

"Do you mind?" the h/c-haired teen wheezed out, feeling his morray friend dig his heels deeper into the ground.

"Yes, I do~"

Y/n sighed in response, already tired of being a tour guide.

- - - - - - -

"Finally, as the last part of the tour, I will show you the dorm rooms," Azul announced, earning a tired cheer from the first years.

The tour had been long and in-depth, the housewarden and vice housewarden explaining each and every area. Of course, there was the lounge, the kitchen, the storage rooms, bathrooms, communal showers, and various  other rather insignificant parts. Y/n had even begun to feel the fatigue from holding the two unconscious students. Though he had been dragging Floyd, the moray had quickly given up and walked beside him.

"Thanks to our wonderful accountant and myself, we have calculated the amount of students per room. Since there are 8 free freshmen dorms, please find two other students you'd like to share a room with." Azul's words made a few faces fall. "If you have a problem with this arrangement, please speak one of the four of us. We can set you up with one of the reserved guest rooms. You will be able to get a whole area to yourself for the price of one hundred and ten thaumarks a night. Any complaints?" All four of the second-years gave a toothy grin, making the freshmen collectively rapidly shake their heads. "Good. Find your roommates." This sent the twenty two freshmen running to a room they wanted, not even caring who they would end up with.

"Azul, should I just find the one guy who thinks he gets a room to himself and put these two with him?" Y/n questioned, shifting the two bodies on his shoulders around to find a more comfortable position. Receiving a nod in response, Y/n strolled past each of the open doors, looking for a room with only one freshmen. It didn't take him long to find, seeing as the one who thought he got his own room made it well known by shouting. Not saying a word, the accountant dropped the two boys onto the free beds, smirking at the crestfallen expression of the one.

"Your belongings will be in your respective rooms after dinner, which will take place in two hours or so," Jade announced as the first years got settled. "Classes begin tomorrow at 8 am sharp. You should knows class lists are assigned already. Lists which contain your name and class number will be in the hallways tomorrow morning. As well, printed schedules for each class will be there as well," he explained, giving Y/n a nod in acknowledgment. His action made the crab's lips rise in a small smile.

"Make sure you are looking at the right schedule tomorrow. It is embarrassing going to the wrong class. Believe me," the second-year treasurer added, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Crabby stayed in the wrong class for thirty minutes before realizing~" Both Floyd and Jade chuckled at the former's words.

Y/n opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by the sudden vibration in his pocket. Pulling the device out, the accountant quietly groaned at the sight of a new message from the headmaster.

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'

There was a problem sending the magicless child back to his homeland

He will be staying in the Ramshackle Dorm until I can send him back

Mr. Crabs

Oh? How strange

Is there a reason you messaged me specifically or...?

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'

Oh yes of course

I have a prediction and wanted a second opinion on it

Can you give me a rough estimation of how much it would cost for a student to live in and repair that old dorm?

Mr. Crabs

Right now?

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'

Preferably, yes

Mr. Crabs


Would the food be coming from the cafeteria or Sam's store?

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'


Mr. Crabs

And because the dorm is school property, I should think of it as a different sum?

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'


Mr. Crabs


10 000 thaumarks at max for a year

Which is about the same rate as minimum wage

Not accounting for vacations, which I assume the student probably couldn't take

In 'Dire' Need of A Slap To The Face 'Crowley'


Your numbers are similar to mine

Would you mind meeting me by te Botanical Garden?

The gall of this fucking man...' Y/n quietly sighed. Looking up from his phone, he walked closer to Azul. The leader of the dorm quickly noticed the other approaching and recognized the mildly annoyed look upon his face.

"Is that man already asking something of you?" Azul questioned, chuckling at the eye roll he received in response.

"He better pay a pretty penny for my time. My contract stated I would help with the freshmen tour, correct?" Y/n asked, Azul replying silently with a nod. "Therefore, our deal is completed and I have free reign to handle whatever Crowley needs." Holding out his right hand, Y/n also lowered his head, his eyes trained on the ground, so it was more level with Azul's.

"Contract complete. It was a pleasure working with you," Azul grinned, shaking his treasurer's hand. Much to the watching freshmen's surprise, the housewarden pressed his forehead against Y/n's for a few moments, both of the closing their eyes at the contact.

Some onlookers found the interaction strange, while neither participant found issue. When Azul and Y/n had started forming deals, the former had suggested the action when concluding the contracts. The octopi agreed to the idea, seeing it as no different than a traditional handshake. Perhaps it was more like a hug between friends, something most students at Night Raven College would likely never want to do with Azul.

Pulling away from his friend, Y/n opened his eyes and sighed. "Set me aside some dinner. This might take a bit." He thought for a moment before grinning. "Y'know Floyd told me earlier that he wanted to wash dishes after the food. He really wanted to do that. I say just let him." Azul chuckled loudly.

"Is that so? Well then I can't deny him that pleasure, can I?" His voice was a whisper but the mischievous in his tone made his words loud and clear.

Giggling quietly, Y/n walked away and took out his magic pen. A quiet mumble of "Hidden in the Sand" escaping his lips before he vanished from sight, making a few freshmen gasp.

Keeping his footsteps light, the treasurer walked down the hallway, heading towards the dorms exit.

'This better be worth it'

- - - - - - -

"Thank you for meeting me here on such short notice," Crowley spoke once Y/n had finally made it to their meeting spot. The headmaster stood slightly taller than the second year, though the difference was near negligible when they stood side by side. In one of his hands was a submarine sandwich wrapped in cellophane, looking slightly unappealing with the slightly gray meat sticking out. In his other hand was an umbrella, protecting his suit from the heavy rain that was pouring down from the dark clouds in the sky.

"You know my price, Crowley," the treasurer responded, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly discontent with being messaged by the other. His entire body was soaked even with his hood up while his unruly yet fluffy hair laying flat against his face. Though no outside party could see it, Y/n could feel entire streams of water falling down his body, falling into the ground via the sleeves of his robe or into his waterlogged shoes. Crowley paid no attention to his physical state as he turned his head to look at the Botanical Gardens's dome.

"Of course. Take a walk with me," the crow-like man stated, beginning to walk down the path past the gardens. Nodding, Y/n slowly walked by his side, shivering as a bit of a breeze hit him. Crowley changed his grip on his umbrella slightly, placing it over the both of them. The student let out a thankful hum, the sloshing water in his shoes making him wish the other had offered earlier. "This meeting is regarding the dorm-less student, as I assume you guessed," he spoke up finally, the outline of the Ramshackle dorm coming into view.

"Will you keep him as a worker?" Y/n questioned, guessing he already knew the answer.

"Yes, because I'm ever so gracious." The treasurer rolled his eyes hard at those words. "However, we would be providing him with accommodation instead of payment. This of course requires a bit of paperwork and calculations to be done," Crowley continued, Y/n easily understanding what he was implying.

"So as treasurer, you'd like me to do that?" he asked, squeezing a bit of water out of his clothes.

"Yes. I will make arrangements with the cafeteria to provide food to him at our expense. Everything else in terms of contract and pay will go through you. A part of our budget will go to refurbishing the dorm to fit protocols.Do you understand?" The headmaster questioned as they walked through the abandoned dorm's worn down gate.

"Money helps me understand better. Why don't you explain it again," Y/n smugly spoke, the implication of his words making the adult stop in his tracks. Crowley paused for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out twenty thaumarks. He placed the currency into the students I hand, I earning a sly smile in response. "Understood. Shall I start on that tonight?" the second year asked as they finally made it to front door of the Ramshackle dorm. The awning was worn down but still provided some protection from the rain.

"That would serve in both our best interests, wouldn't it?" Crowley responded and handed his umbrella over to Y/n. "I wanted to come here to drop off food for our new guest and give him a run down of his duties as of now. Would you like to accompany me in?" he questioned while straightening out his suit.

"Nah, I'll stay out here. I would rather not cause the poor boy any more stress," Y/n spoke, his lie not being seen through as he leaned against the side of the dorm house.

"As you wish. I will be out soon to work on the paperwork and adjustment of the budget with you," the headmaster spoke, quickly opening, walking through and closing the front dorm behind him.

The second he had heard the click of the door shut, Y/n let out a deep sigh. Leaning his whole body weight against the wall, he closed his eyes. The rain continued to pour down, it's droplets making satisfying sounds as it hit the ground and the building's old wood. The only other noises was a muffled shouting coming from within the dorm and the sound of his steady breaths. He shivered as a breeze passed by him, his soaked clothes and body provided only enhancing the chill. Reopening his eyes, Y/n looked down at the thaumarks still tightly gripped in his hand.

'That should be enough. I ran out last week so this should cover... however many days.' He continued to hold onto the currency in his hand, seeing as his pockets were dripping wet. 'And if I start working on the budget for the school tonight along with this new roadblocks work, I'll be done by...' Y/n pulled out his phone, checking the time. 'Three am...' He closed his eyes once again, let out a quick, yet tired groan.

As more and more time passes, Y/n quickly realized something had changed within the magic-less human for Crowley to remain in the old building.  Not that he minded. In fact, he appreciated the time alone where he wasn't working. However, this time was cut off all too soon when Crowley returned, a grin present on his face.

"Change of plans. The monster that set fire to the ceremony is now joining the magicless one in the dorm. We will have to provide an income that will support the two of them," the headmaster quickly  spoke, taking his umbrella back from Y/n. "They will be apart of our janitorial staff. They will start tomorrow. Oh, it stopped raining," he said, finally turning his attention to the world around him. Looking at the second year, Crowley raised a questioning eyebrow. "Will you be able to arrange those papers by tomorrow?"

"Uh... Sure. I can do that," Y/n not-so-confidently replied, standing up from his leaning position. "I'll focus on the payment paperwork. Everything else is in your hands, Headmaster," he continued, walking down the exterior dorm stairs to cracked and broken pavement walkway. From there, the treasurer walked away from the train wreck of a building, a neutral look resting on his face

"Perfect." Crowley followed the other away from the dorm until they reached the limits of the estate. "This is where we part. Hand me the completed paperwork before the first class of the day. Farwell," he concluded, planning to vanish before Y/n spoke up.

"Their names? I'll need them for the work and I never caught the humans." Crowley had a thoughtful look on his face before making eye contact with the student.

"Grim. And Enma Yuuken."

- - - - - - -

The door for Sam's shop opened, ringing a small bell. A wet, hooded figure walked into the store, strolling quickly to the counter. It was not long before the owner made his appearance.

"Good evening, my little imp. What can I offer you today? A jacket? A shruken down head? Old playing cards?" The man enthusiastically asked, earning a slightly wet twenty thaumark bill being placed in front of him.

"Cigarettes. As many as that will get me."

Welcome back readers. Sorry for the absence. I hope you enjoyed. I wanted to give y'all this as an early birthday gift from me. Likely, I'll put the rest of the games prolate into the next chapter because it is my least favourite.

Any concerns? See you in the chapter!

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