Remnant is Ultraman's World

Av average_writing_guy

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How will Remnant react when the manifestation of the Earth and Sea come and fight to protect the people and t... Mer

The Silver-Eyed Warrior meets the Silver Giant
The Light is Reborn
Giant of Light vs. Creature of Darkness
What is that...?
Family Reunited and the Giant's Name
The Giant's Reveal to Remnant
Arrival of the Blue Giant
The Sea Swordsman against the Reptilian Monster of the Deep
The Black Cat meets the Light of the Sea
The Light of the Land saves a Rose and Sun Dragon
Gaia trains one half of future RWBY
A Blue Giant finds a fractured Ice Princess
Progress of Training for Each Half
The Light of the Land and Sea Meet at Long Last
(Just letting you all know)
The Giants of Light visit the Wizard of Oz
The First Invader
(Guess who's back?)
The Resident of the M240 Galaxy Invades Remnant
Ultras in Trouble, Debut of Remnant's Defense Team!
(Just gonna go clean up)
Cost of Being an Ultra
Battle in the Sky
Let Your Resolve Shine Through!
Tainted Glow
Shadows that came from the Light
The Ultras, the Rich, and the Caring side to the Witch
(I made something on the side)
A Battle between Swordsmen
Two Sides of the World
A Warm Glow within the Darkness
A New Life
The Void's Temptation
The Three Ultra 'Brothers'
Newfound Revelation
Apex Titan
A Sacrifice for Brothers, Remnant's Gift
Moment of Peace
Nearing the Beginning, Saving a Fair Maiden
Red's Test
White's Performance
Black's Conflict
Yellow's Search
Old Life Revisited, Help from a Distant Light?!
(...It may be over.)
An Interesting Night, Finally at the Start

The Red Giant, Crimson Emperor, and the Magma Nightcrawler

856 17 13
Av average_writing_guy

{On the Eastern Side of Anima. 3rd POV}

A portal appears as a creature begins to exit from it. You can see the giant red horn of a creature poking out before its head appears after it. Its head seems to be mainly dark blue with the skin entirely made of spikes. The small eyes glow brightly as you can see its jaws. It's teeth also have the same red coloring as the horn.

Its Spheresaurus! The creature makes an ear-splitting roar as it continues exiting the portal before-


The Spheresaurus is grabbed from the other side of the portal and pulled away. Now, another creature exits instead as you can hear the Spheresaurus being defeated by a finishing move. This creature begins to go back into the portal before it somehow trips and falls out of it.

The portal closes on the creature as it makes a confused noise from what happened before turning around and seeing its way home close. It gets back up and dashes to where the portal once was as it tries anything to make it appear again. Eventually, the creature gets tired and just sits down, crosslegged, and waits as it picks up a small volcanic rock and chews on it, revealing Fire and Rock Dust Crystals inside.

The creature is lightly green in coloration, with some dark lines outlining parts of its body. The whole body is covered in a sort of plating. The creature's neck is long and carries a small head. Its teeth being sharp spiky teeth.

It was the green strong man monster, Red King...!(?) At some point, Red King lays down and sleeps. Its stomach glows a similar red and dark orange from the Fire and Rock Dust it ate earlier...

{Timeskip at the Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

Salem was pacing back and forth in her chambers, reflecting on seeing what the Red and Blue Giant had done by now. It was clear that they were here to protect the people here, Humanity and Faunuskind. They also seemed to actively help them as well, seeing Gaia get Summer and Qrow to safety while Agul had literally changed the whole landscape of Mistral by changing it from nearly uninhabitable to having almost all of it being planned for Faunus settlements in the future.

She also had seen how there were new creatures coming to Remnant, drawn to it as they go to destroy it. Due to them appearing in giant settlements, she did not have the chance to study any of them with how any leftover pieces were already taken away by the end of each of their battles with the Ultras...

Coincidentally, she found a new creature as she was looking through the eyes on one of her Grimm. It seemed to be taking a nap...? Whatever the case, it was far enough from any human settlement to notice them and go there. 

With a plan in her mind, Salem began walking out of her chambers to get Grimm to extract the creature from Anima and bring it here for her to experiment on and create something to use against Humanity and Faunuskind.

{Back on Anima. 3rd POV}

Red King had finally woken up and scratched its chest before standing up and just walking in a direction. It didn't know what to do but go somewhere to find help, all while still chewing on some rocks with Dust in them. At some points, it would burp and accidentally breathe fire which burnt its hand as it tried covering its mouth from the burp. The Kaiju began to wave its hand around and tried blowing on it to put it out, only for more fire and now rocks to be launched out. From the constant barrage of attacks, the flames burnt its hand even more as the stones pelted and hurt it which left the hand sore.

The fire had eventually diminished from Red King shoving its hand into the ground and staying there for a bit. After a bit of walking, it had found some sort of building with symbol of a snowflake on it. Vehicles were being driven in and out of it until the workers noticed the giant Kaiju approaching them. They began to evacuate as you could see human workers getting into vehicles and driving off as human guards were quickly leading Faunus into backs of trucks before trying to drive away with them. As Red King neared, some security guards stopped moving Faunus and instead, began targeting Red King as they tried firing at Red King. This only had the Kaiju try covering itself to block the shots.

Unluckily, one guard had somehow shot Red King's eye, irritating it as it began stomping towards them. It had stomped all the way in front of the path that all the vehicles were going through to escape the Kaiju. This led to the monster grabbing one as it tried passing by and lifted it up to its face. The driver had already jumped out of the vehicle when Red King had picked it up.

Red King started sniffing the truck as it smelled a familiar scent from it before taking a bite out of the truck and revealing boxes of Dust in them. Upon seeing these colorful ores, the Kaiju salivated over them. The guards that were still trying to stop Red King stood there in confusion before they all stopped and left the Kaiju be, some even saying, "I ain't paid enough for this!" As they ran off.

The giant Kaiju just kept munching on these Dust filled trucks as it grabbed another truck, about to bite into it before hearing sounds from within it. The Kaiju was confused and held it front of itself before pulling the top off it. This revealed to Red King that there were people inside the truck.

Red King didn't understand why these humans had animal traits though, or why they looked so dirty and roughed up compared to the ones that tried shooting at it or escape from it. At some point, one of the humans(?) spoke up.

"P-Please! Let us go! We just want to go home!" One of them cried. They were desperate enough to try bargaining with a giant monster but it was either that or get killed by it. Red King had managed to hear what the animal human thing had said and felt something resonating within it.

It too wanted to go back home. That's all it ever wanted. However, when those Aliens began attacking its home, Red King needed to fight back. Eventually, it teamed up with a silver giant to fight them of as the two became an unstoppable team and good friends.

However just as the last invaders were being defeated... One tried escaping via a portal that came out of nowhere. Red King had seen it and pulled it back out to let its silver friend finish it off. They finally could go back home but, that's when Red King fell into the portal and was stranded in this place.

With that in mind, Red King gently put down the truck on its side to let the animal human things out. Once they all got out, they looked to the Kaiju with gratitude. They all began cheering for it and thanking it. Though the Kaiju had heard this many times from its own world, knowing that they related to it made the cheers it heard from them make it feel better.

Eventually, they all began walking back to the base due to none of them knowing where else to go and the animal humans thinking that they could somehow get help from there. Red King had carried them in its hands because it had nowhere else to go, also since it enjoyed the company.

{Timeskip, back to the Schnee Dust Facility. 3rd POV}

They all had gotten back to the Facility as Red King let them all down. Some of the Faunus began walking inside of it to look for any way to contact the outside world in hopes of getting help for them as others looked for supplies that weren't just Dust. The Kaiju just looked around for more of those Dust filled trucks or rocks to munch on. Thankfully, one of the Faunus helped it out by pointing where the trucks were stored.

As it ate one truck, its stomach glowed all sorts of colors from the Dust it ate. The Faunus noticed this and were confused from the glowing, only amplifying by seeing the Kaiju burp which caused it to breathe fire, ice, plants, etc. Even pushing all of it away farther with Gravity and Wind Dust. Some Faunus looked at it with awe as others were confused on how that even worked.

One of them even tried taking a bite into a Dust Crystal to gain a similar effect. They however, only got a sore mouth from trying to take a bite out of a tough mineral.

After a while, they all decided to call it a night and began going to rest. Some Faunus stayed up and out of the facility to keep watch in case of the Schnee Company coming back for them. Red King just laid down and began snoring, its nostrils blew out some fire and ice. What they all didn't realize was that there was a Grimm approaching to take the sleeping Kaiju.

{A little while later. 3rd POV}

The ground trembled as resting Faunus began to wake up while the watchmen started alerting the remaining ones of something happening. Red King felt the trembling as it woke up from its sleep and got up to look for anything. All it saw was the ground shaking and the Faunus trying to get ready for something.

At last, the ground broke as out came a giant worm-like Grimm. It was a Blind Worm Grimm but this one was thicker than normal ones. It had what looked to be bright magma from underneath the armor along with its own black body. The armor wasn't just the white bone plating, but also what looked to be red rocky armor on both of its heads. This was a Volcanic Blind Worm!

It roared at them which revealed one of its mouths which was covered by not only four spikes, but even volcanic rock to really protect it. Inside the mouth could be a bright light, possibly lava, as it puked it out to launch at Red King.

The Kaiju quickly acted and grabbed a piece of the ground in front of itself before using it as a shield. The rock thankfully did protect Red King, at the cost of most being melted off. The Kaiju looked at the front part of its rock shield and recoiled from the damage it received from the Grimm, turning it into a disc instead now.

Red King gripped the rock disc and spun around before throwing it at the Volcanic Blind Worm. This made the Grimm duck down and dive back into the ground, making the ground shake as it maneuvered underneath it. The Faunus were paralyzed in fear of a giant Grimm coming to them before Red King roared to snap them out of it.

It pointed to the remaining vehicles and gestured them all to escape. The Faunus looked between Red King and the vehicles before running off to the vehicles, leaving the Kaiju to face off with the Grimm. At that point, the Grimm popped out of the ground and went to bite down on the Kaiju, only for Red King to breathe out flaming rocks from its mouth to choke the Volcanic Graboid with.

As the Volcanic Blind Worm began trying to gulp down the sudden rocks, Red King winded one of its arms as it charged towards the preoccupied Grimm. The Kaiju gave a devasting uppercut to the Grimm as its arm got a bit bigger and its skin turned molten black with cracks that revealed bright lava within it. This change in its arm stopped however and went back to its normal look after the Kaiju already finished the attack while the Grimm flopped back.

Red King took this opportunity to spit onto its hands before rubbing them, readying itself. Then, it grabbed onto the ground and pulled out a large boulder and YEET- threw it at the downed Grimm. The Volcanic Graboid saw this and instead of diving into the ground to dodge it, it had jump into the boulder, disappearing from the Kaiju's sight.

This made Red King believe it had beaten it, taunting and celebrating for its victory. It did not notice the boulder shaking as it kept doing a victory dance. Once Red King began walking away, the boulder burst open with some lava as the Worm Grimm lunged out and bit into Red King's shoulder. This surprised the Kaiju as it tried pulling the Grimm off, only for Worm to wrap the rest of its long body around the Kaiju, trapping it as the other mouth on the opposite end bit into the Kaiju's opposing leg.

Red King kept struggling with the Vulcan Blind Worm as the pain just kept growing. This caused the Kaiju to begin to tire out as it stood limp from the constant pain. Just as Red King was about to fall down and pass out, multiple shots hit the Grimm as it made a roar of pain.

The Volcanic Blind Worm let go of Red King as it was being shot by the Faunus from before!? Red King saw that they had come back for it and used some weapons that the guards carried to shoot the Grimm. It seemed that they had filled their guns with Ice, Water, and Hard-Light Dust to combat the Fire type Worm.

The Volcanic Blind Worm maneuvered like a snake before looking at the Faunus as they tried shooting at it. The Worm just closed itself and used the armor to stop any real harm to get to it. When it opened back up again, it started launching lava at the Faunus who began running away for cover.

As the Grimm was distracted, one truck had gotten past and was brought to Red King. A couple of Faunus got out and began telling Red King what to do with it.

"Hey! Eat this so you can breathe out Ice, Water, and Hard-Light to stop this Grimm!" One told it. The Kaiju nodded before quickly grabbing the truck and scarfing it down, burping after as it breathed out some mist and ice while the inside of its mouth showed a bright light. It brought its fists together before looking back at the Grimm, only to see it about to kill some of the Faunus.

Luckily, a shot of plasma energy had hit the Grimm from above as it recoiled from sudden hit of pure light. The Faunus looked up and saw someone that made them look in hopefulness. Another attack reached the Grimm, this time it was a wide ray of light which made it get knocked back.

Finally, the ground shook as a silver being landed down, slowly standing up to reveal it to be Ultraman Gaia! The Ultra looked at Red King before the Faunus shouted at Gaia to let him know something as he looked at them.

"Oi! Don't hurt them! They're protecting us!" One of them told Gaia. He looked back at the Kaiju. Red King was looking at the Ultra with nostalgia as it was having some flashbacks. This was all stopped when they all heard the Grimm Worm roar once it was back up again. The Ultra stood in front of the Faunus and gained a fighting stance before it saw the Kaiju walk next to it and ready itself for a fight.

Suddenly, the Ultra and Kaiju saw the Faunus begin to ready their weapons as they went to their vehicles, looking to want to join in the fight as well. They all looked at each other before Gaia grunted in approval as Red King growled while the Faunus cheered. They all turned back to the Grimm as it began tunneling through the ground to reach them.

The Faunus began driving around the approaching Grimm as Gaia leaped into the air and waited up there. Red King readied itself for the Volcanic Worm to pop out. As soon as it did, Red King breathed out some ice, mist, and light to stop it. This made the Worm yelp in pain as it was then grabbed by the mouth spikes by Red King.

The Kaiju kept holding onto the Grimm as the Faunus started unloading their shots at unprotected areas of its body. Gaia looked and saw the second head try to go for Red King as it was distracted before the red giant flew straight at it, pinning it to the ground as he began subduing it.

After a few seconds, Red King and Gaia picked up their respective head of the Blind Worm before turning to each other and running forward. The two titans smashed the heads of the Worm against itself before they let go of both of them. The two heads rose up before roaring at each titan.

The two heads readied themselves to shoot at their target before one was shot closed with ice as Faunus on Red King's side had frozen it shut with their Dust Bullets. Gaia's Worm head had managed to launch some as he used his Ultra Barrier to block it. His group of Faunus tried freezing the mouth, only for the lava to burn it up before any of the bullets reached.

Red King saw this and began breathing its icy and cool breath at the Worm's mouth, starting to freeze it. The Grimm tried turning to the Kaiju, only to be held by the jaws and have ice shot straight down its throat. The Faunus all gather and started firing at the other head while it laid there exhausted, freezing it to the ground.

Gaia stopped using his barrier and watched as Red King countered the Lava Worm head with ice as it tried to stop it with lava. To stop this struggle, he went up to them and primed his own freezing technique and shot it straight into the mouth of the Worm with Red King's.

He spread his arms out diagonally before turning them to his sides. He then crossed his arms on his chest before sticking them forward and firing out his Gaia Blizzard!

The continuous freezing from both Ultra and Kaiju overpowered the Magma Worm's own Lava breathe as it began to freeze from the inside, eventually the Grimm was fully frozen inside and out. Once that was all said and done, Red King looked at Gaia before looking at the Faunus, they had smiled at it, knowing they had saved their new friend and stopped a giant Grimm together.

Gaia looked at what Red King was staring at before he realized what it wanted. He went to the group of Faunus and held out a hand for them to stand on, they hesitantly walked onto it once Red King assured them that Gaia was good. When all of them were on his hand, Red King watched as Gaia started to float away and begin to get the Faunus home. It sighed and shed a tear for them as it began to walk back to the Schnee Facility.

"OOOOII!!!" A Faunus called out, confusing the Kaiju as it turned back to see what was happening. It then saw Gaia landing back down in front of it as he turned his back to him and readied himself. Red King looked at him in confusion before Gaia gestured to get the Kaiju onto his back.

The Strange Monster was surprised at this before it debated whether to stay here or go with its new friends. It eventually chose its friends as it leaped onto Gaia's back, making him grunt as he started to struggle from the weight of a Kaiju. Thankfully, he got used to it before flying up and begin traveling to Menagerie.

The Faunus cheered and began to celebrate, knowing they'd be going home and with their new friend with them. Red King started to tear up, knowing that it might never go home, but at least it'll find a new one with its friends that it made here. Gaia mentally smiled knowing that everyone here is finally safe.

Though he did wonder...

'How did it get here...? Its not like SpaceGodzilla and not an Alien like Baltan that Kenji fought so... Why's it here?' Gaia/Akio wondered. He put those thoughts aside however, opting to focus on getting all of them home as they flew away from the volcanic east side of Anima and onto the vibrant peaceful island of Menagerie.

{Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

"So... He appears once again and saves the creature. Hmph... I suppose it will be harder to obtain more knowledge on these creatures than I thought..." Salem said to herself. She had just seen what happened to her Volcanic Blind Worm through its own vision as it saw Gaia team up with Red King.

"Very well then Ultraman... It seems this war of mine with Ozpin has just gotten a lot bigger..."

(Here's another chapter, I literally just thought of this and well, I wanted to start a chapter to finish tomorrow and ended up making it all...)

(Now then, do you want me to just timeskip to the start of the canon series or should I stay here in the past for a bit longer...?)

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