Yokai Academy's Half Breed Fox

By ManuelMandujano1

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Hiroshi Iwatani is a delinquent boy that sent to yokai Academy by his father but what people don't know is th... More

Chapter 2: Succubus trouble and tasting Cajun style lizardman tail with a witch
Chapter 3: The Fanboy retaliation and Mermaid fishing season
Chapter 4: A Fox's beef with a Werewolf
Chapter 5: Going against an artistic Gorgon and a Blackmailing Slug cameraman
Chapter 6: A reunion with a Yuki-onna and Technical wrestling with a kraken.
Chapter 7: The Witch's Ranch Part 1: Entering the human world.
Chapter 8: Witch's ranch Part 2 A Witch's Past
Chapter 9: (PSC Part 1) Hiroshi's lyrical and physical smackdown on the PSC
Chapter 10: (PSC Part 2) War declared and Secrets revealed.
Chapter 11: Visiting the Family and Dojo Punishment
Chapter 12: The Great Roshi vs Troll Hogan
Chapter 13: A Kitsune's Heat problem (+18)
Chapter 14: Tutoring problems with a Lamia
Chapter 15: (Anti Thesis) Hybrid Warfare
Chapter 16:(Anti Theses 2) Tsukune's Ghoul Time
Chapter 17: (Anti Theses 3) Hospital trouble with a Puppeteer.
Chapter 18(Anti Theses 4) A Neko-Raiju's Cyclops beef
Chapter 19: (Anti Theses 5) Fighting back
Chapter 20: When your children visit from the future
Chapter 21: (Anti Thesis 6) Taking the fight to the enemy.
Chapter 22 (Antithesis 7 finale part 1) Hokuto's agenda.
Chapter 23(Antithesis 8 Finale part 2) former human beatdown
Chapter 24 Meeting the Future in laws in the School festival
Chapter 25: (Season 1 finale) Hitomi's (Failed) revenge.
S2 Chapter 26: Sibling trouble Part 1 The letters
Chapter 27: Sibling trouble part 2. Family fight.
Chapter 28: Shoto's blast from the past.

Chapter 1: First Day in Yokai Academy.

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By ManuelMandujano1

A boy is waiting by listening to his music as he waits for the bus to take him to yokai Academy .That boy is Hiroshi Iwatani is father is a human but his mother is well known in the yokai world, as Iwatani is sitting comfortably he noticed the bus stopping to pick him up. His then remembered his father telling him about it.


Both Hiroshi and his Father Sosuke were arguing about an incident he committed that got him expelled.

Sosuke: This is the Third time you got expelled for causing a fight!!

Hiroshi: Look Dad I didn't want to fight them but if I didn't do it those assholes would have gotten away with hurting my classmate!!

Flashback inside a Flashback

Five bullies were trying to pull a cruel prank by trying to put a girl in the pool as she couldn't swim.

Bully 1: Hahaha Come on kageyama let's see if you can swim.

Kageyama tried to free herself but the group threw her into the water she tried to reach until the 2nd bully push her head into the water.

The jerks were laughing at Kageyama struggling they didn't notice Hiroshi walking behind them and stomped one of them to the ground.

Bully 4: What the Hell? Joro's knocked out!!

Hiroshi: You 5 Bastards really went that far to mess with someone. Sakura go check on Kageyama, I'll deal with those Assholes.

Bully 3: Why you!!

The first Bully tried to punch him only for Iwatani to dodge and dislocated his arm.


Bully 5: You monster why did you do that?

Hiroshi: Oh so I'm a monster? I'm not the ones who tried to kill someone with a prank.

Hiroshi pulls out a bottle as he drank a bit, one of the bullies thought that he had left himself wide open tried to attack until he spit red pepper mist as he blinded his attacker and gave him a fame asser knocking him out.

Meanwhile Sakura Hiroshi's half sister from his mother's went to take Ryuko to the Infirmary.

As the teacher came to see them he saw the bullies brutalized by Hiroshi a day later the parents of the bullies told the principal to expell him until Hiroshi came.

Hiroshi: You think expelling me will help you get justice for your kids? You do realize that there are cameras over there.

The parents were shocked as the principal showed them the video just as they tried to defend their kids Ryuko's father came and told them this.

Principal: You do know that it's the last time you will be here in this school Iwatani?

Hiroshi: I know that fight was the 3rd strike but at least I broke that rule to save a life.

Flashback in a flashback over

Sosuke: But putting them in the Hospital!?

Hiroshi: Look those bullies almost took her life I had no other choice.

Hiroshi's father was surprised that he had to brutalize 5 people to save a life.

Sosuke: (*sighs) Son let's just hope this school is better I'm sending you to Yokai Academy.

Hiroshi: Dad why are you sending me there!?

Sosuke: Because I know you want to be yourself but I fear if people find out that you're the son of one of Japan's 3 most infamous yokai they would try to kill you.

Hiroshi: All right, Old man I'll go.

Flashback over

Bus Driver: you Going to Yokai Academy?

Iwatani: Yes

Bus Driver: Then come with me

Iwatani walked to the bus as the driver was took the bus to a tunnel that leads to Yokai Academy

Iwatani: Hello, names Hiroshi Iwatani nice to meet ya.

Boy: Oh I thought I was the only one my name is Tsukune Aono.

As the Driver stops at a bus stop filled with a redish sky and dead trees

Bus Driver: its not every day to see the son of one of the most famous figures in Japan coming here.

Tsukune: Most famous!?

Hiroshi: It's most likely my mother, she is famous for a reason.

Both Hiroshi and Tsukune walk their way to the Academy where outta nowhere a girl on her bicycle crashed on to Tsukune.

Pink haired girl: Im sorry, are you ok?

Tsukune: it's ok I'll live

Pink haired girl: oh no you bleeding.

Tsukune: it's ok it's only a scratch.

Pink haired girl: The smell of blood I can't resist it. I lose control when I smell the scent.

Tsukune: what's going on here!?

Pink haired Girl: Im sorry but, it's just '

She bites his neck suckin some of the blood.

Pink haired girl: Im a Vampire

Hiroshi: I'm surprised you taking this calmly Tsukune.


Hiroshi: Nevermind. So what is your name?

Vampire: My name is Moka Akashiya and all though I look like this, I'm a vampire.

Hiroshi: Names Hiroshi Iwatani, nice to meet you and the guy whose blood you sucked is Tsukune Aono.

As they walked all the way to the Academy both Hiroshi and Tsukune went their separate ways with Moka as they went to class.

Teacher: Hello and welcome to yokai Academy I am your teacher Shiozuka Nekonome.

Ms Nekonome: I think you already know this but.. This is a school for the sake of Monsters to attend.

Tsukune is shocked mostly because of the school his parents sent him to.

Tsukune: What the hell did mom and dad sent me to?

While Hiroshi is calm as he is half yokai. The teacher explains to the monster students about how to blend in as a way to coexist and survive the human world and must never do anything that caused problems for both sides.

Dio Ripoff: Hey teacher wouldn't it be better to eat those pathetic humans and in case of beautiful women molest them?

The Class turned to the guy named Saizou Komiya.

(This dude in the Manga looks like the guy below)

(But even dio is more better looking than Saizou but enough of that back to the story)

Ms Nekonome: I don't think any human beings would able to appear here as all students and teachers are monsters. If Any human beings found out of our existence they are executed.

Tsukune is even more Scared that he might get killed if they find out he is a human.

Hiroshi: Tsukune don't be scared it's not like you're human.

Tsukune:(nervous) y-yeah.

???: sorry I'm late! I got lost after the entrance ceremony!

The boys in the classroom start going wild after seeing Moka enter the classroom. Moka then noticed the two boys she met at the pathway.

Moka: Tsukune, Hiroshi? Hey we're in the same class!

Hiroshi: Oh Hey Moka.

Moka then hugs Tsukune and Hiroshi earning the boys anger that both Hiroshi and Tsukune knew the beautiful girl.


Hiroshi: Hey shut the hell up and keep those dumbass thoughts to yourself!!

Random guy: What are you gonna do about it? I will kick your ass!!

Random Guy 2: You tell him nobu!!

Hiroshi: Oh really? Ok then, After school we throw hands let's see if you got the balls to face me.

The Class was surprised that the half yokai wanted a fight.

Nobu: Cocky bastard I can't wait to put you in your place.

As they walk through the hallway the boys began to idolize Moka until they saw her with Tsukune earning him death stares.

Dio Ripoff: you must be Moka Akashiya. I am Saizou Komiya. Why is a beautiful girl hanging out with a loser like him, when you can hang out with a guy like me.

Hiroshi: I suggest you leave them alone Komiya.

Saizou: and who are you?

Hiroshi: I'm their friend and besides, Moka would rather hang out with Aono than an asshole like you, come on guys.

The 3 friends are started having fun and as they reached the dorms Tsukune ask a question to Moka.

Tsukune: Are you really a Vampire?

Moka: Well yes of course. I may look like a human girl right now, but if the rosary is taken off I will become a scary and powerful Vampire. It's one of the reasons I have my powers sealed.

Hiroshi: Oh so it's a way to restrain your power?

Moka: Yes, But even if our power is sealed we still have crave for blood.

Tsukune tries to calm down as Moka starts to suck his blood but in the distance Saizou was pissed and plan on getting rid of Tsukune.

As school ended the students headed out to see the fight as both Hiroshi and the guy he challenged are about to throw down.

Hiroshi: You sure you want to want to take me on?

Nobu: You are getting on me nerves

The dude charged at him only for Hiroshi to duck the punch as he judo flipped him to the ground.

Nobu went toe to toe as he tried to punch him as Iwatani dodged the attack that is until the students kicked him in the balls!!

Tsukune: Ohh that's gotta hurt.

But this pissed Hiroshi off it was a trigger to bring out a few tricks up his sleeve.

Hiroshi: You really done fucked up now.

The fighter charged at him and tried to punch him but Hiroshi ducked and did this


random Guy 2: That's unfair man!!

Hiroshi: Who the fuck said anything about a fair fight? Since that idiot kicked me in the balls, I'm gonna humiliate him Puro Style.

Nobu tried to punch him only for Hiroshi to put him Russian legsweep and Manji Gatame!!

Hiroshi : Come on, give up!!

Nobu: Fuck you!!

The half yokai then went for a ddt and picked him up for this as he took a bit of distance.

And of that wasn't enough nobu tried to strike him but missed which gave Hiroshi the opportunity to hit a Poisonrana dropping the cocky student on his head.

The students were shocked as Nobu was dropped on his head and got knocked out. Tsukune then went to Hiroshi to speak to him.

Tsukune: How did you nail him with wrestling moves? and who taught you?

Hiroshi: my uncle, taught me since he's a pro wrestler he used to take me to the Dome, Kuroquen hall or the Budakon back in Tokyo. (Before you ask those are iconic places for Pro wrestling)

The next day Tsukune was walking with Hiroshi until Saizou aka Ripoff Dio walked to Tsukune.

Saizou: Hey Aono you must be having fun with Akashiya yesterday but you're going to regret it today.

He slams Tsukune into a wall.

Saizou: So tell me, What it is your true form? TELL ME!!


Saizou turned around to see Iwatani angry.

Saizou: Oh so the other loser wants the same treatment as Aono? Then I'll give you the same thing-

Just as he was about the threaten him he stops to notice his eyes as they were slit eyed.

That's when Komiya knew he had back off because those eyes mean danger. He then advised Tsukune not come near Moka again. Iwatani went to Tsukune's aid to check on him.

Tsukune: Thanks Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: Don't sweat it Tsukune I always help my friends.

Moka jumps onto Tsukune's back, Surprising him

Tsukune: Moka!!

Moka: Tsukune? What's wrong?

Tsukune: I couldn't help it, I wanted to go to a human school.

Hiroshi: Wait, what? Is it because of Saizou?

Moka: You can't go to a human school, there I hate the humans there.

Moka: I used go to a human school up thru middle school it was tough and I felt so alone. But since you two are the first ones who accepted me being a vampire I no longer feel alone.

Moka: so please don't leave we'll get through this together.

Hiroshi: yeah man we'll help you.

Tsukune: guys I don't deserve to be here, because I am a human.

Moka: huh?

Hiroshi: Wait, you're human!?


Moka: Please don't say it's true.

Tsukune: Unfortunately it's true!! you hate humans right? then please don't come after me!!

Hiroshi: Tsukune, damn it!!

Moka: All this time my first friend was a human.

Hiroshi: Don't worry about it, I'll go talk to Tsukune about this.

Tsukune ran to the bus stop only for Iwatani to catch up not knowing what was happening after Hiroshi ran to Tsukune.

Hiroshi: Tsukune!!

Tsukune: Don't stop me Hiroshi I'm going home.

Hiroshi: Tsukune, you're being an idiot, you're human so what? Moka values you as a friend despite what you are.

Tsukune: How would you know?

Hiroshi: Because I'm half human Tsukune! I got yokai blood from My mother's side. She married a human man and gave birth to me. Look please stay and apologize to Moka, Tsukune. She'll be lonely again if you go do, you want to have that in your conscious?

Tsukune:Fine, I'll do it. I'll try to apologize to her.

As they went back they saw Saizou trying to molest Moka.

Tsukune: what the heck is he!?

Hiroshi: Dio Brando would be disappointed in you Saizou.

Saizou: Im an Orc you idiot and I thought I told you not to come near Moka again Aono!!

Saizou launches Tsukune to a tree injuring him as Moka ran to his aid to help him

Saizou: Do you think I a rogue monster wouldn't challenge a so called yokai?


As Saizou attack Tsukune and Moka as Aono accidentally pulled the rosary.

Moka: You... you pulled the rosary.

A light came as the sky turned more reddish as the transformation happened. Moka's pink hair turned into a white-ish Silver, and her eyes became blood red.

Saizou: An S-class monster a real vampire!?

The orc then took a kick to the face as Hiroshi attacked him from behind.

Hiroshi: HEY SAIZOU!! You Screwed up big time because, She's not the only S class Monster here.

Saizou: Oh your approaching me?Instead of running away you are coming to me.

Hiroshi: I can't beat the shit out of you without coming closer

Saizou: Oh then come as close as you like

(Sorry had to put a Jojo reference if it got overused)

But before Saizou was about to throw a punch he noticed Iwatani turning into his yokai form, a Kitsune.

His hair turned silver white not to mention his features he had a pair of animal ears and multiple tails the orc then realized what yokai saizou tried to threaten.

Saizou: A KITSUNE!?

Hiroshi: Surprised are you, Saizou? You have been acting like you own the place just because you're an orc, but in reality you're just a small goldfish in a tank full of the most bloodthirst Piranhas. Hey Moka, wanna give this guy the ass whooping he deserves?

Moka: Gladly.

Hiroshi then pulled out a talisman as he attacked the orc.


He launches Saizou with a tornado attack as it lifted and made him dizzy from the attack as it launched him to Moka.

Moka: You wanna try and take me by force? You better KNOW YOUR PLACE!!

Saizou was kicked in the head like a soccer ball knocking him out. The silver haired vampire then turned to Tsukune and The half yokai.

Inner Moka: Don't worry about the other Moka, she is fine, you better take care of her Tsukune, you too fox boy.

Hiroshi: We'll do our best.

the Inner Moka went back to her sealed form. Tsukune then got up as both Iwatani and Moka ran to his aid.

Hiroshi: That was a ballsy move taking on Saizou, Tsukune.

Tsukune: Yeah it was gutsy but it was worth it.

Moka: I'm just happy you're OK.

A day later Tsukune ripped the transfer papers to pieces as he ran to his friends, he may be human but at least he has some friends who are there for him if he's going to survive this school.

This is the first Rosario Vampire book I'm doing. Don't hesitate to comment cuz two words, Constructive criticism.

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