Miraculous cast react to thei...

By Adrienettesmut

14.6K 161 120

The Miraculous cast will be watching their past and future This is after Optigami in season 4 but in a diff... More

Coming to the cinema
Origins part 1 (Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Origins part 2 (Stoneheart)
Question and Answer
The truth and Adrienette's romance
Stormy Weather
Lady Wifi (Part 1)
Break 1
The Evillustrator (Part 1)
Santa Claws
The Evillustrator (Part 2)
Princess Fragrance
Break 2
Dark Cupid (Part 1)
Dark Cupid (Part 2)
Mr. Pigeon
Break 3
The Bubbler
Simon Says
Break 4
The Pharaoh
The Puppeteer
Break 5
The Mime
Guitar Villain
Kung Food
Volpina (End of season 1)
The Collector (Start of season 2)
Prime Queen
Despair Bear
Season 2 Break 1
The Dark Owl
Captain Hardrock
Queen's Battle Part 1 (Style Queen)
Queen's Battle part 2 (Queen Wasp)
Heroes' Day part 1 (Catalyst)
Heroes' Day part 2 (Mayura. End of season 2)
Miraculous World: Shanghai - The Legend of Ladydragon

Lady Wifi (Part 2)

297 5 2
By Adrienettesmut

Scene: The city. Cat Noir runs in the ceiling and sees the hotel. He takes his staff and sees Chloé dressed as Ladybug

Cat Noir: What? This can't be!
Ladybug: Who's being a sneaky kitty now?
Cat Noir: Oh, Ladybug. But-
Ladybug: Come on, you don't actually believe she's the real Ladybug.
(Chloé keeps playing with her yo-yo and ends up tying herself up.)
Cat Noir: Yeah, of course not.
Ladybug: And besides, who would believe that she's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan. A copycat?
Cat Noir: Right.

Scene: Chloé's room. Chloé dressed as Ladybug, is trying to untie herself, when her cell phone rings.

Chloé: (answers the phone) Hello? (The phone starts to emit a bright pink glow, she throws it, and Lady Wifi appears.)
Lady Wifi: Well, hello there, Ladybug! (Chloé tries to run away, but Lady Wifi puts a pink pause icon on Chloé, stopping her)
Ladybug: We got Wifi! (She and Cat Noir head to the hotel.)
Lady Wifi: (puts a camera icon above Chloé) Well, well... So, my hunch was correct in window. (from screens) Everyone thinks the girl beneath the Ladybug costume is a little angel. Think again, people! The real Ladybug is... Chloé Bourgeois, everyone! (Ladybug and Cat Noir enter the hotel) Who are you?

Cat Noir: Uhhh...

"Really kitty flexing your muscles now." Marinette said

"What I like to show off as Cat Noir you don't see me showing off as Adrien do you." Adrien said

"No, I don't considering how strict your father is and how free you are as Cat Noir I'm sorry for making your job as Cat Noir even harder like your model job." Marinette said

Lady Wifi: (looks at Chloé) But I thought you were Ladybug!
Cat Noir: Sorry to bust your news story. Next time, double-check your facts.
Lady Wifi: You'll be sorry. (She uses her cellphone to delete the pink icons, releasing Chloé. Chloé trips and falls.)
Ladybug: Alya?

Lady Wifi: Alya's been disconnected. I'm Lady Wifi. News flash! Ladybug, let's find out who you really are!
Ladybug: Follow me!
Cat Noir: So, what's the plan?
Ladybug: She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there is no service!

"That is a brilliant plan Marinette taking me to the basement so I lose my powers." Alya proudly said

"Of course, it's my plan anyway, none of plans have failed yet." Marinette proudly said

("Oh, dear she won't be liking the future cause there's going be episodes where her plans have failed.") Gary thought

Cat Noir: No service, no power. Nice one, my lady!
Ladybug: We've gotta go lower!
Lady Wifi: (laughs) I've got you now, Ladybug!
Ladybug: Get ready!
Cat Noir: So, what do you do when you're not Ladybug?

"Haven't you heard curiosity killed the cat." Marinette said

"Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back." Adrien said

("Seriously these two idiots.") Chloe and Lila said

Ladybug: (looks shocked, then recovers) Can't you see we're a little bit busy right now? (She sees that Lady Wifi is no longer above them.) She's gone back into the hotel!
Cat Noir: (sees that pink lock icons have been put on all the doors) She locked all the doors! Hey, you realize we might actually know each other in normal life.

"Was I right or was I right." Adrien said and everyone laughed except for Marinette, Lila, and Chloe

"Yeah, laugh it up you guys." Marinette said

Ladybug: Doubt it. It's locked!
(They reach the top door, which doesn't have a pink lock on it.)
Cat Noir: She's left this one open.
Ladybug: Get ready for an ambush on 3. 1, 2, 3!
(They burst through the door to the dining room, only to find that Lady Wifi is nowhere to be found. Phones are on all the tables.)

"Why are there a lot of phones on each table"? Luka asked

"How should I know I was akumatized." Alya said confused

"I might answer that that was part of my power I cloned my phone and I place them there so I can ambush the heroes." Lady Wifi explained

"That answers everything." Mr. Damocles said

Cat Noir: Ahhh... So much for the ambush.
Ladybug: Follow me. Where is she hiding? And what's up with all these phones?
(A pink light comes out from a phone, and Lady Wifi appears. She attacks them.)
Cat Noir: How now, brown cow? I thought it was you she was after!
(Ladybug ties Lady Wifi with her yo-yo, but she disappears, re-appearing above one phone after another.)
Lady Wifi: Ha! You can't get me!
Ladybug: Yes I can. (She breaks all the phones with her yo-yo. Lady Wifi runs into the kitchen. When Ladybug follows her in, Lady Wifi locks the door behind her.)
Cat Noir: No, no, no... Hold on in there, Ladybug! (He checks the hotel map in his staff.) Of course! The service elevator!
(Back in the kitchen, Ladybug dodges Lady Wifi's attacks until her hands get pinned to the wall by two lock icons. Lady Wifi puts a camera icon in front of her.)
Lady Wifi: (from a projection in the sky) Who is Ladybug? Is she a superhero or a super-weirdo? How can we trust the girl when we have no idea who she really is? We have the right to know! (tries to remove Ladybug's mask, but it won't come off) Why doesn't it come off?

"Did you call me weird." Marinette then playfully said putting her hand on her heart. "I just got assaulted by my best friend she called me weird." Marinette playfully said

Alya playfully pushed Marinette and they both laughed together

"You two have the fun friendship ever, no wonder you two are cute together." Rose said

"Rose, are you shipping us together"? Marinette asked

"What, I ship everyone." Rose said

"Marinette and I dating that would happen in another timeline." Alya said

("An Alyanette fanfiction I'll start writing that write up soon.") Gary thought

Ladybug: Uhhh... because it's magic?
(The service elevator door opens, and Cat Noir comes through.)
Cat Noir: You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi!
Lady Wifi: Oh, how romantic. Tomcat's come to save his love bug.
Ladybug: I am not his love bug!

"You are my love bug Marinette you just don't know it yet." Marinette said

Cat Noir: We'll come back to that later.
(Lady Wifi attacks him, knocking him into the freezer room. His ring comes off, releasing Plagg, and Cat Noir turns into Adrien.)
(Plagg shivers.)
Adrien: My ring!
Plagg: Ooh... so chilly in here.
Adrien: Where is it? I could use a little help!
Lady Wifi: Well, well... what am I gonna do with both of you?
Hawk Moth: Get her to use her Lucky Charm! It'll force her to switch back, and her identity will be revealed, and her Miraculous will be mine.

"What an idiot he could've told Lady Wifi to take my Miraculous and then unlock the freezer and take Cat Noir's Miraculous but no he just asked her to let me go and use my lucky charm which is a very bad idea for him." Marinette explained

"Yeah, what an idiot losing to you guys over and over again." Alya said

("Just wait you two Shadow Moth will win against you two heroes.") Chloe and Lila thought

Lady Wifi: I you don't get him outta there fast, your crush will soon be slush. Ha ha ha! (She removes the locks from Ladybug's hands.) Good luck with your cat popsicle! I have other news to cover! (She disappears.)
Ladybug: Huh?

"I was confused why Lady Wifi let me go and not take my Miraculous." Marinette said

André: Come on...
(Chloé exits the hotel and hugs her father. She checks her phone, but Lady Wifi comes out from it and flies into the sky. She begins broadcasting herself.)
Lady Wifi: What's up, peeps! Listen everyone! I present you with the award-winning news story you've all been waiting for!
(In the kitchen, Ladybug is trying to break down the door to the freezer room.)
Ladybug: I'll get you out of there, Cat Noir! (Adrien is shivering while he is trapped)
Adrien: Take your time!
Lady Wifi: (broadcasting) Don't blink, 'cause Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!
Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (a box appears) This better be some lucky box... Of course, the microwaves! (she puts the box in the microwave, and uses it to melt the lock icon.)
Adrien: (finds his ring) Gotcha! Gotcha!
Ladybug: Come on, micro-thingies, jam this signal...

"How did you know that was going to happen Marinette"? Kim asked

"I learned it in science class everything I learned from class has helped me doing the akuma battles." Marinette said

Miss Bustier, Mr. Damocles and the other teachers smiled in pride at their star student learning something from them.

(The freezer door opens and Cat Noir is shivering while he falls and Ladybug catches him)
Ladybug: You okay, Cat Noir? (her Miraculous beeps)
Cat Noir; You used your Lucky Charm...there's not much time left.
Lady Wifi: Exactly!
Cat Noir: Open the kitchen door!
Ladybug: We can't, microwave's busted. (she whispers to Cat Noir) Here's what to do, listen to me...
Cat Noir: Got it.
(Cat Noir is giggling while he puts a pan over the top of the camera icon, blocking Lady Wifi's screen.)
Lady Wifi: What is she up to?
Hawk Moth: Don't let my Miraculous get away!
Lady Wifi: Right!
Cat Noir: (gets in the service elevator) I'll go and jam the wi-fi antenna.
Ladybug: Good luck!
(Lady Wifi runs to the ceiling, while Cat Noir dodges her attacks. He reaches the top floor of the hotel)
Cat Noir: (sees the wi-fi antenna) Here you are! Cataclysm!
Lady Wifi: Nice idea, kitty cat, but I'm not gonna let you cut me off so easily! (starts firing pink pause symbols at him)
Ladybug: (Her Miraculous beeps again) Hurry, Cat Noir...
(Lady Wifi keeps attacking Cat Noir, but he dodges her. He uses his staff to attack her, but she dodges. The staff splits into two, but she destroys them. She sees Cat Noir is about to destroy the antenna.)
Lady Wifi: Nooooo!
(Cat Noir destroys the antenna, and Lady Wifi falls off. The pink symbols disappear, and Ladybug exits the kitchen.)
Lady Wifi: Lost the signal!
Cat Noir: Gimme that phone!
(Cat Noir tries to take the phone away from her, but she dodges. Cat Noir finds himself defenseless, but Ladybug appears and takes the phone away from her)
Ladybug: (breaks the phone, releasing its akuma) No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases it, and turns it into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (Throws the Lucky Charm into the air, and it explodes into a blast of energy. It turns everything back to normal, and Lady Wifi turns back into Alya.)

"Thanks for saving me Marinette." Alya said

"I'll always save my best friend Alya always." Marinette said

"Thanks girl." Alya said hugging Marinette and Marinette hugging Alya back

"Why are you two dating Nino and Adrien why not just date each other instead"? Rose asked

"You guys have been friends since the start of the school year so just date already." Mylene said

"Should we Marinette our friends won't stop pestering us until we do"? Alya asked

"If it's alright with Nino and Adrien." Marinette said

"We don't mind it would make us love you two more." Nino and Adrien said

"It seems like our boyfriend's agree Marinette should we seal this with a kiss." Alya said

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss. Everyone chanted

Alya walked over to Marinette and pulled her up and fully kissed her on the lips

"Wow you lips taste like strawberry's." Alya said licking her lips

"Of course they do, I wear strawberry lip gloss all the time." Marinette said

Alya: What?
Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Can I kiss my boyfriend a kiss good job Alya"? Marinette asked Alya

"He's still your boyfriend Marinette we're only dating cause our friends told us to. Alya said

"Pound it"! Marinette and Adrien said pounding their fists together and kissing at their victory.
Alya: Ladybug! Wow! And Cat Noir! Can I get a quick interview? Just let me grab my phone!

Cat Noir: (his Miraculous beeps) Uhh... gotta go. You've only got a minute.
Alya: So- oh, no! Where did they go?

"We had to escape so our identities don't get revealed to the whole world and Hawk Moth doesn't figure out who we are." Marinette said to her girlfriend

Ladybug is about to enter a room, but Cat Noir stops her.)
Cat Noir: Stay! (his Miraculous beeps) I won't tell anyone who you are. Cat's honor.
Ladybug: Nobody must know who we really are. Not even us. (She closes the door. Cat Noir tries to open it, but Ladybug de-transforms.)
Tikki: Phew, that was too close for comfort!
Marinette: Tell me about it. (opens the door, seeing nobody outside)

"What if Adrien was still by the door when you opened it up"? Ivan asked

"I trusted him." Marinette said smiling at her boyfriend and Adrien smiled back at his Girlfriend.

(Adrien leaves the hotel.)
Plagg: That was the chance to find out who the love of your life really is! What were you thinking?
Adrien: That's the thing, Plagg. I wasn't thinking. I was following my heart.
Hawk Moth: Your mask will fall one day, Ladybug. You'll have no choice then but to hand over your precious Miraculous! (His window closes.)

"You wish Hawk Moth"! Marinette shouted at her archenemy

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is in the balcony with Tikki.

Tikki: Is that true? You're gonna tell him? Is that what your heart's saying?
Marinette: Sometimes your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head.
Alya: Got it!
Marinette: Waaahhh!
Alya: Wanna see my new smartphone? It puts my old phone to shame! Just look at these pics!
Marinette: Huh? What's with all these photos of Adrien?
Alya: Well... with a mask and a costume, don't you think he looks a little bit like Cat Noir?
Marinette: Are you out of your mind? He's tons more legit than Cat Noir!
Alya: Hey! I happened to think that Cat Noir is pretty slick.
Marinette: Anyway, stop taking photos of Adrien. Well, unless you give them to me, afterwards. (snatches Alya's phone)
Alya: Give it back! (runs after Marinette)
Marinette: Nope!
Alya: Oh, come on, Marinette! What if you drop it? Everyone knows how clumsy you are!
(Both laugh.)

Everyone laughed at the playfulness of their friendship.

"So, what is the next episode"? Luka asked

Everyone looked at Gary and saw him asleep and they saw the next episode name.

"The Evilustrator is up next this is going to be interesting." Kagami said

(Sigh) "Which one of you guys from the akuma class got akumatized"? Zoe asked

"That would be me." Nathaniel said

"Well let's watch it then." Marinette said

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