Queen's Battle part 2 (Queen Wasp)

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Scene: Grand Palais. The news about the events of the last episode is broadcasted.

Nadja: Coming to you live from the Grand Palais Museum. I'm Nadja Chamack. Gabriel Agreste's fashion show was recently delayed after the Queen of Fashion, Audrey Bourgeois, was akumatized. But everything is back on schedule again, after Ladybug (Ladybug is shown carrying Adrien) heroicly stepped in to save the day, as usual. The fashion show can finally begin!

Scene: Agreste Repository. Gabriel is watching the news on his phone. He switches it off and puts it in his pocket.

Gabriel: (guilt-ridden) I don't want to break our promise, but... I can't keep putting our son in danger. Style Queen was supposed to be my masterpiece... but even she failed. I feel like I've done all I possibly could, you know? I'll never be able to fulfill my wish without Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. (Scene shows Emilie in her coffin) Forgive me, Emilie. I'm giving you up, Nooroo.
(He takes off the brooch, which forces Nooroo to return to the Miraculous. He places the brooch in a silver box. He leaves the respository as the lights go off one by one. He sits down in his chair, distraught, and takes off his glasses. Nathalie notices and gives Gabriel a hug.)

"My father finally gave up being Shadow Moth on that day." Adrien said

"He must have given up for you." Marinette said

"Yeah since he came to the fashion show. Adrien said

Scene: Grand Palais, catwalk. The fashion show is continuing in the Grand Palais. Lights dance around the room as Adrien walks the catwalk and poses. Alya is live streaming.

Alya: Scoop. The hat Adrien Agreste is wearing was made by my BFF, Marinette! Anything you'd like to say during my live stream?
(Marinette waves and squals at the camera awkwardly; Alya looks behind Marinette at something and looks surprised)
Alya: What?
(Marinette turns around too, equally surprised. Everyone in the hall looks surprised eventually. Audrey crosses her arms in disgust as Chloé mimicks the same pose as her mom.)
Alya: I... don't... believe this! (Adrien turns around and is shocked of seeing his father standing on the catwalk, for the first time of his life after Emilie's disappearance.) Ladybloggers, a huge update! That's Gabriel Agreste; he hasn't been in public in ages.
(Gabriel walks on the catwalk towards Adrien and stops. Adrien stands there, frozen in shock. He takes off his hat as his father pulls him in for a hug. Adrien wraps his arms around his father while holding the hat. The paparazzi start taking photos of Adrien and his father in embrace.)

"I was happy that my father came out into public and hugged me." Adrien said

"Too bad that didn't last long." Alya said

"Yeah, your right." Adrien said

Alya: Scoop number two! Gabriel Agreste has just turned up!
(Audrey unfolds her arms and pulls her sunglasses down with her finger and Chloé mimicks the same pose, Alya and Marinette stand up in excitement)

"I'm seeing some bitch trying to copy their mother so much." Emonette said

Alya: And that means we'll be seeing your hat in every single photo and news broadcast! (The paparazzi keep taking photos as the Agreste duo is still in embrace.)

Scene: Grand Palais, interview area. Nadja Chamack is live on television.

Nadja: This was Gabriel Agreste's first public appearance since his wife disappeared. This fashion week is full of surprises and shockers.

"Mother hasn't disappeared he has her body under our mansion." Adrien said

(The scene zooms out, to where Gabriel and Adrien are walking towards the Bourgeois.)
Gabriel: My dear Audrey, I heard about the unforgivable misfortune you had to endure. (Audrey extends her hand out to Gabriel to kiss)

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