By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

C511 - 511: Some Conspiracy
Yu Qi and Long Hui left the hospital. They returned straight to the hotel. After stepping into the room, Yu Qi brought Long Hui into space. Her two little cuties were very happy to see her.

"Master." Bo Ya smiled.

"Master." Aoi was running around Yu Qi's legs like a normal dog did when their owner came home.

"Hi, you two." Yu Qi patted both of their heads.

As for Long Hui, the two little cuties already had been on an agreement that they would just ignore him unless it was not necessary.

Long Hui only watched his beloved Qi Qi patting the boy and the dog. He felt something.

"Wait here, I will come out after I have stored the sample." Yu Qi ran to her room to store the blood sample and sample of the wounds in an appropriate place.

The three of them were left together. Bo Ya and Aoi looked at Long Hui while Long Hui also watched the boy and the dog.

"What?" Long Hui asked since he felt both of them had something to say to him.

"Nothing." Aoi shook his head. He was a bit scared of Long Hui.

"Humph!" Bo Ya rolled his eyes to Long Hui.

Long Hui did not say anything to Bo Ya.

Yu Qi walked faster after she stored those things. When she arrived, she could sense the weird vibe between the three of them.

"What are you talking about?" Yu Qi asked.

"Nothing, Master."

"Nothing, Master."

"Nothing, Qi Qi."

The three of them answered at the same time. Yu Qi chuckled. It must be something but she did not want to think much about that.

"I will go out now. Two of you, I will bring some food later." Yu Qi said to her two little cuties. Then she turned to Long Hui. "Brother Hui, let's go out now."

"Okay." Long Hui nodded.

Yu Qi handed out her hand to Long Hui for him to hold her as she would bring him out. But Long Hui took the initiative by hugging her whole body.

"Brother Hui really knows how to take advantages." Yu Qi chuckled.

"Every second is precious. I wish to hug you all the time." Long Hui made a remark.

"Me too." Yu Qi also wanted to get closer to Long Hui but she knew it would be impossible since Long Hui was a soldier. He was bound to do his duty to the nation. So, like Long Hui said, every second is precious.

Yu Qi brought Long Hui out from the space.

"What are we going to do now?" Long Hui asked. He was told by his beloved Qi Qi that she would take some sample from her patient and it was done.

"Oh." Yu Qi actually wanted to bring Long Hui to meet her real grandfather. However, before that, she needed to explain to Long Hui about the matter.

"Well, let's go out to a drink first. I have something to explain to you." Yu Qi told Long Hui.

"Okay. My pleasure." Long Hui smiled.

Both of them went outside the hotel and walked around and found a cafe. It was the afternoon after all. It was time for lunch.

They took a seat and ordered some light food for their lunch.

"Take your time to talk to me." Long Hui noticed that Yu Qi's difficulties to talk to him.

"You know that I'm an orphan, right?"

"Yeah. Is that something matters with that?"

"Actually, I'm not technically an orphan. I have my family."

"I know. Your Tang Family, right?'

"Well, they are my family now. But that is not what I meant though."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"I had found my family. I mean my real family. I have told you about it when you have come running to me at the University after we have returned from the medical conference at the Fanghai Nation. "

"Really, it is great then." Long Hui was genuinely happy with his beloved Qi Qi. He remembered that time. At that time, she had not told him much. After that, she had not talked about it and he had almost forgotten.

"I want to bring you to meet my real grandfather tonight." Yu Qi said happily.

"By the way, how do you find your real family?" Long Hui was curious about that.

"It is fortunate that I am born with this face." Yu Qi pointed to her face.

"Why?" Long Hui did not understand.

"This face is very similar to my late grandmother. Because of this face, my real grandfather has recognised me and has taken a DNA test. It has been proven that I'm his biological granddaughter." Yu Qi smiled.

"I'm glad for you." Long Hui reached Yu Qi's hand and gave a hold on it.

"These people that we have met just now are my relatives." Now Yu Qi turned serious.

"Your relatives? They seem not to know that." Long Hui remembered that part of them seemed to despise Yu Qi.

"Of course. It is because they do not know that I'm their niece." Yu Qi nodded. "My real family is a bit complicated. My grandfather has two wives. One is my biological grandmother. She has already left this world. Another one is my step-grandmother. My grandfather has married her after my grandmother has died. The two men whom you have seen earlier are my uncles but they are born from my step-grandmother."

"Oh, I see. But they should recognise your face." Long Hui confused.

"Well, they have recognised. You must have heard that one of them has shouted 'ghost' earlier. Meaning, they do know my grandmother has died. But I also don't understand that they have not expected me to be part of their family." Yu Qi also confused about that.

"Meaning, they probably know that you are not from your father." Long Hui made an assumption.

"Know?" Yu Qi frowned.

"Yeah. You have said that they have not even expected you as their family member even though you bear a similarity of your grandmother. Meaning, they are confident that you are not a part of their family." Long Hui expressed his understanding of this matter.

"Confident..." Yu Qi started to think about something. "Bother Hui, I start to think there is some conspiracy here."

Long Hui did not say anything.

"From what you have said, they are confident that I'm not part of their family. Why are they confident about it?" Yu Qi started to tremble.

"Qi Qi, you have said that you have found your family. Then, where are your parents?" Long Hui noticed that his beloved Qi Qi trembled more when he finished the question. He held Yu Qi's hand. "Qi Qi, calm down."

"My grandfather had said that my father has been missing after their argument. My grandfather have not agreed with the woman that my father has brought back then. He has not seen my father after that." Yu Qi explained.

Long Hui was in deep thinking after listening to his beloved Qi Qi's answer. He had drawn some conclusions in his mind. But he did not think that he should tell his beloved Qi Qi about it. Since it was not a good thing to hear.

C512 - 512: Going For A Trip
The matter about her father had been pushed back in her mind. She wanted to investigate but she had no lead on this matter. She barely remembered her father's face. Because she did not think much about her father in the previous world. She would have to ask for some pictures of her father from her grandfather.

As promised, Yu Qi brought Long Hui to meet her grandfather. Since Long Hui was with her, Yu Qi followed Grandpa Mu's suggestion on where they would be having dinner.

Grandpa Mu booked a private room at a famous restaurant. Yu Qi arrived with Long Hui. The waiter had been informed about them. So, he brought them to the room where Grandpa Mu had been.

"Grandpa." Yu Qi went and hugged Grandpa Mu.

Grandpa Mu smiled when his granddaughter came and hugged him intimately. "How are you, my dear?"

"I'm fine." Yu Qi released her grandfather.

"Take a seat." Grandpa Mu said.

Yu Qi and Long Hui took the seat side by side.

"Oh, by the way, this is my boyfriend, Long Hui." Yu Qi turned and introduced Long Hui to Grandpa Mu.

Grandpa Mu turned his eyes to the young man who had come with his granddaughter. He was impressed with how he looked like. His looks were comparable with his granddaughter. In the terms of that, he was satisfied. However, the looks were not enough. The man needed to provide enough to his granddaughter.

"What are you doing for your life?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"I'm a soldier." Long Hui answered it shortly.

"Soldier?" Grandpa Mu was impressed again.

"Brother Hui is currently Colonel rank." Yu Qi added.

"Colonel? How old are you?" Grandpa Mu wanted to ask because he looked at Long Hui and wondered about this young man's age.

"26 years old." Long Hui answered it.

"Colonel rank in this young age?" Grandpa Mu opened his eyes widely.

"Brother Hui joined the military at a young age." Yu Qi bragged about her boyfriend to her grandfather.

"I see. No wonder." Grandpa Mu nodded. "Oh, let's order the food. I hope you two will like the food here."

"Okay." Both of Yu Qi and Long Hui nodded.

Grandpa Mu asked many things to Long Hui. Long Hui answered them with a short answer. Yu Qi told Grandpa Mu that Long Hui was someone who did not talk much, so his answers were short.

Grandpa Mu did not mind about that. Since he liked the man who did not talk much compared to the one who talked much. Because Grandpa Mu thought a man did not talk too much was a man that did not like to make things complicated and straight to the point.

The dinner ended happily. In the end, Yu Qi asked her grandfather about her father's pictures because she wanted to know. Grandpa Mu told her that he would deliver the pictures to her. Grandpa Mu thought his granddaughter might want to know about her father.

Yu Qi told Grandpa Mu to sent the pictures to her home at FINN City. Because tomorrow she would fly to somewhere else.


"Are you sure about this? Don't you have work to do?" Yu Qi asked Long Hui.

They were at the airport. They had a last-minute plan. They planned to go to Japan, specifically, Osaka for a holiday together.

It was because Yu Qi found out that Long Hui would be on leave even after they flew back to Binhai Nation. Long Hui even wanted to stay with her for the next two weeks. So, Yu Qi changed their plan, instead of flying back to Binhai Nation, they would have a trip to Osaka for a week.

"Yeah. I just come back from a mission. The high-rank militaries officers has granted me a long leave." Long Hui smiled.

"I hope you will not be called later and destroy our holiday." Yu Qi said.

"Well, it can not be avoided." Long Hui really could not control that.

"Let's things go on their course. As for now, let's enjoy our first vacation together." Yu Qi was in high spirits.

Yu Qi and Long Hui entered the first-class seat. It would be six hours on the air.

The flight attendants did their job attending the passengers. They also came to Yu Qi and Long Hui's seat. Well to be specific, Long Hui's seat. One of the flight attendants paid too much attention to Long Hui. Like asking Long Hui whether he wanted to drink or not, whether he was comfortable or not, whether he wanted a blanket or not and so many things.

Long Hui only shook his head telling her that it was not necessary. Then the flight attendant encouraged herself to ask his phone number.

Listening to this, Yu Qi turned to the flight attendant. "Excuse me, he is my boyfriend."

The statement made the flight attendant felt embarrassed but she did not leave since the man still did not answer her request. Even though the girl had said the sentence was beautiful, she thought she did not lose to the girl.

"Qi Qi, don't be mad. It is not good for your health." Long Hui pulled Yu Qi's hand to calm down his beloved Qi Qi.

The flight attendant still did not leave. Long Hui turned to her.

"What? Still don't leave? Do I need to tell you?" Long Hui glared to the flight attendant with cold flash.

The flight attendant suddenly felt very weak on her legs. She fell down. Her body trembled. The man in front of her was very scary. Her colleagues came and helped her to stand up and get away from that place.

C513 - 513: Seiryuu-Tei

"Brother Hui, you are a flower." Yu Qi pouted.

"A flower?" Long Hui did not understand why Yu Qi said that.

"Yeah. A flower that the bees really like." Yu Qi spoke without facing Long Hui.

Long Hui was stunned. Then he understood what his beloved Qi Qi had meant by that. Oh, his beloved Qi Qi was jealous. It was very astonishing feeling. Jealous meant that his beloved Qi Qi really loved him.

Long Hui pulled Yu Qi into his hug. "My dear Qi Qi, you are the only one that I love. I will never betray you." Long Hui made the vow by whispering in his beloved Qi Qi's ear.

Hearing this, Yu Qi somehow felt better again. She felt that she had become possessive lately.

"We have a long flight. You can rest first." Long Hui patted Yu Qi's head.


They were about to land at Osaka International Airport. The couple already woke up and talked among them. Yu Qi already made the plan for them to enjoy Osaka.

Yu Qi always wanted to visit Osaka. In her previous life, she often travelled to Japan but she only went to Tokyo for the official business. She always wanted to visit Osaka and Kyoto. After thinking for so many times, she decided to visit Osaka first. As for Kyoto, it would be the next time.

The plane landed. The couple went to the booked hotel which was Amami Onsen Nanten-en Ryokan. It was a hotel which was famed for being absolutely breathtaking in all seasons. Nanten-en was also known for its architecture.

The building was a rare surviving example of Japanese architecture designed by KingoTatsuno, a student of the British architect Josiah Conder. The rooms retain their original design with the warm feeling of the woodwork complementing the elegant simplicity which the Japanese loved so much, termed "wabi-sabi."

Yu Qi and Long Hui headed to the ryokan by train. When the ryokan came into their sight, they would see the stunning building that surrounded by the forested mountains. Even though Yu Qi built her ryokan based on her knowledge, this ryokan was indeed amazing more than her ryokan.

The couple entered the ryokan. There was a friendly staff at the front desk, greeted the couple with a smile.

The staff greeted the couple with Japanese language and followed by English. Yu Qi replied in the Japanese language. Yu Qi confirmed the booking and the staff handled out the key to their room. The staff praised Yu Qi for her fluent Japanese language. Yu Qi smiled telling the staff that she had studied the language before.

The couple left and went to the room. The staff at the front desk looked at her staff.

"Did you see that? The couple was awesome. The man is a knight while the woman is like a queen. It was perfect. It is like my favourite anime Shirayuki-Hime." One of the staff was giggling when she saw the couple.

"Hahaha... She had started already." Another staff said.

"What? You don't agree with me?" She glanced to her colleague.

"No. It is indeed true. The man is so handsome and the woman is beautiful. They are well-matched each other." Her colleague commented.

"I wonder when is my knight would come to my side and protect me?" She sighed.

Her friend patted her. "That moment probably would come. It just not now."

"Well, I can live off with my anime...." She laughed.

The couple already arrived at the room that they got. The room that Yu Qi booked was called 'Seiryuu-tei'. It had an open-air hot spring. So, if they wanted to enjoy the hot spring, they would just dig into it. They went to the room. The room had a breathtaking view.

The room that Yu Qi booked was called 'Seiryuu-tei'. It had an open-air hot spring. So, if they wanted to enjoy the hot spring, they would just dig into it. They went to the room. The room had a breathtaking view.

"Brother Hui, it is very beautiful. Look. It is amazing." Yu Qi behaved like a kid.

Long Hui was happy to see Yu Qi acting like that. Meaning the defensive wall that Yu Qi took against him had already crumbled. Long Hui pulled Yu Qi by her shoulder and enjoyed the view together with her.

After a while, they took the turns to wash up and changed into comfortable clothes. Long Hui teased Yu Qi by telling her to wash up together. Yu Qi's face turned red. She ran away into the bathroom alone.

Long Hui only smiled when he looked at this. He still had a lot of time. So, no need to rush.

One of the staff members came to the room asking whether both of them wanted to serve dinner now or not. Yu Qi indeed felt hungry, so she nodded.

So, the food was served. The food looked like the art crafted by a famous painter. It was so beautiful. It also tasted good.

"It tastes heavenly." Yu Qi praised. "I want this to be served at my ryokan too."

"You should." Long Hui agreed.

The dinner had ended with everything which had been served on the table being finished. Yu Qi who had only eaten a little ended up eating a lot.

"Let's enjoy the onsen." Long Hui made a suggestion.

"Oh, yeah." Yu Qi nodded. Suddenly she froze. It meant that they would be naked together.

"Qi Qi... Qi Qi... Qi Qi..." Long Hui waved his hand in front of his beloved Qi Qi whose mind was somewhere else.

"Oh, sorry. I am just thinking about something." Yu Qi's mind came back.

"What else do you need to think about, hmm?" Long Hui's voice somehow sounded so sexy to Yu Qi.

"Nothing. You can dig in first. I will follow after you later." Yu Qi ran away to the bathroom. She tapped her face looking at the mirror. 'I feel something. Am I horny right now?' Yu Qi questioned herself.

Yu Qi undressed and wrapped her body using a towel. She then walked out of the bathroom and saw Long Hui. His back was facing her right now. He was currently enjoying the onsen and the night view since the onsen was open air.

Yu Qi could see his muscles by his look. Those were very strong. It must be strong since he was a soldier.

"Come in, Qi Qi." Long Hui suddenly talked making his beloved Qi Qi to nearly jump in surprise.

Long Hui already knew that his beloved Qi Qi was standing behind him, giving him a stare. The stare that somehow made him felt hot. 'My beloved Qi Qi has been looking at my body. Is she desiring my body that badly?'

C514 - 514: Long Hui Was Struggle.🔞
This chapter contains rated R-18 content. You can proceed if you want...

Long Hui's body made Yu Qi fell very hot. Yu Qi stepped slowly towards the onsen. Since the ryokan was near the mountains, there was some white fog lingering, making the scene at the onsen somehow blurred at the certain part.

"Brother Hui, can you close your eyes first?" Yu Qi shyly said it.

"Oh, okay." Long Hui closed his eyes as his beloved Qi Qi asked for it.

Yu Qi threw away the towel that wrapped her body and stepped into the onsen. She sat closely beside Long Hui. Yu Qi sat deeply until her chest was in the water.

"Brother Hui, you can open your eyes now." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui already felt that his beloved Qi Qi had taken a seat close to him. It made his heart to beat crazily. He was a normal man. The one sitting beside him was his beloved woman and the most important part was that she was totally naked. How would his hearing to calm down?

"Brother Hui, what are you thinking right now?" Yu Qi felt that it was very quiet. So she wanted to have some conversation with Long Hui.

"Thinking about you." Long Hui's answer came out immediately making Yu Qi blush even more.

"How can I think of something else? My beloved woman is here." Long Hui made a move by pulling Yu Qi's shoulder and bringing her closer to him.

Yu Qi's hand touched Long Hui's muscular chest. Yu Qi was mesmerised with Long Hui's solid chest. Until she discovered that how fast was Long Hui's heart was beating. Yu Qi's eyes went up until her eyes found his eyes.

Long Hui also was staring at his beloved Qi Qi. There was a large wave going on in his mind. In his mind, there were two voices fighting each other.

'Hey... Hey... Hey... There is food in front of you. Take and eat it. What are you waiting for?' One voice said in the mocking tone.

'She is not some food. She is your beloved. Don't listen to him.' Another voice said in a calm tone.

'What? She is just right in front of you. Look, she must be wanting for it too.'

'No, you need to be patient. She will become yours soon or later.'

'Eat her.'

'No, don't listen to him.'

'Shut up!!!' Long Hui shouted angrily.

"Brother Hui?... Brother Hui..." Yu Qi kept calling Long Hui but Long Hui did not respond. She was worried that Long Hui was dizzy because of onsen. She touched Long Hui's cheek.

That touch made Long Huo realize that Yu Qi was here and that current situations. Long Hui was afraid that he would lose control of himself. So, he hugged Yu Qi from the behind.

It was a very intimate position since her back touched his front body. Also, she could feel that something hard was touching her back. Even though they were in hot spring but Yu Qi could still feel the heat that was being emitted by that 'something'. It felt it had different heat or something. Yu Qi could not describe that.

"Brother Hui..." Yu Qi called him again.

"Qi Qi, please. Let me hug you like this for a moment." Long Hui whispered.

Yu Qi did not sit still. She turned around and faced Long Hui. She then kissed Long Hui.

It was a surprise attack for Long Hui. Yu Qi wanted to take the lead in kissing but she did not have much experience since it was Long Hui that made the lead always. So, it was a very innocent kiss that Long Hui thought.

Seeing that his beloved Qi Qi did not have the intention to stop, Long Hui grabbed his beloved Qi Qi's head and guided her. Long Hui's tongue played around with his beloved Qi Qi's tongue.

The area felt very quiet and Yu Qi felt that only the sound of their kissing and her moans could be heard. It was embarrassing to hear their own sounds of kissing. Even though they were alone right now but it was an open-air area.

Long Hui did not stop until he felt that his beloved Qi Qi was out of breath. His beloved Qi Qi tried to catch up her breath.

"Qi Qi..." Long Hui called her name in a sexy voice.

"Hui..." Yu Qi responded.

Long Hui felt that it was nice when his beloved Qi Qi called his first name directly. "Qi Qi, can you call me with that name again?" He requested.

"Hui..." Yu Qi called again. Her voice sounded very alluring.

Long Hui felt his hair was all stood. Long Hui attacked Yu Qi's neck. He kissed and licked it. He felt his beloved Qi Qi's neck was very sweet.

"Ah... Hui... More..." Yu Qi's voice was very sexually arousing for Long Hui.

Long Hui's hand did not stay still. His hand groped his beloved Qi Qi's breast.

"Ah...Aha..." Yu Qi did not stop to make that sound.

Long Hui's tongue started to trace down the line of his beloved Qi Qi's collar bone. Down until he reached her breast.

Yu Qi's breasts were currently visible to Long Hui's eyes because Yu Qi did not sit on the floor of the hot spring but on Long Hui's lap. The two white breasts stood proudly facing Long Hui telling him that he should come and bit them.

Long Hui did not wait any longer. He licked and kissed one top of the white breasts. While his hands kneaded the other one.

C515 - 515: Finally He Got Her🔞

This chapter contains the R-18 scene. You can proceed if you want...

"Hui... Can we change... the place?" Yu Qi tried to talk. Her lips were trembling. Even her eyes slightly trembled.

Long Hui did not wait for a second. He lifted up his beloved Qi Qi and carried her in a princess style.

Yu Qi was very embarrassed so, she buried her face on Hui Long's chest while hugged Long Hui's neck. She could feel that Long Hui's heartbeat beating very faster.

Long Hui gently put his beloved Qi Qi on the bed that was prepared by the ryokan. His beloved Qi Qi's naked body was fully exposed in front of his eyes. He swallowed his saliva.

Yu Qi looked up at Long Hui and saw that Long Hui was watching her naked body with a lusty look in his eyes. She also could see that in his eyes, he was fighting with something.

Yu Qi had actually already made the decision. She wanted to become one with Long Hui. Seeing Long Hui did not make any movement, Yu Qi stood up and hugged Long Hui. She kissed Long Hui innocently.

Long Hui narrowed his eyes. 'My beloved Qi Qi wants to play with fire.' He immediately responded to the kiss. After a while, he let his beloved Qi Qi go. He pushed Yu Qi back onto the bed. Using his tongue, he licked her collar bone, down to her one of the white breasts that stood proudly.

He stopped there for a while. He was playing with the nipples. One using her tongue and another one using his hand. His beloved Qi Qi gave the response by moaning erotically. He was pleased when his beloved Qi Qi responded like that.

The journey did not end there. His tongue moved back passing the button belly. Long Hui stopped at a certain point. Long Hui, using both of his hands, separated the long white legs of his beloved Qi Qi. Revealing the place between the legs. It was already wet. Long Hui could see that the liquid slowly came out from it.

"It is beautiful the more I see it." Long Hui praised.

Yu Qi was blushing in excitement. She was waiting for Long Hui to make another move.

And he did. Long Hui bowed down and kissed Yu Qi's 'place'. Yu Qi moaned in pleasure again. It felt like a large amount of current was running inside her body. Long Hui kissed that 'place' many times. Then using his fingers, he opened it. He saw his beloved Qi Qi's 'charm point'. It had already hardened. Long Hui took a bite on it.

"Ah... Ah... It feels good... More... More... Hui..." Yu Qi screamed in pleasure.

Long Hui followed his beloved Qi Qi's order and bit, licked even sucked his beloved Qi Qi's 'charm point'. A series of Yu Qi's scream asking for more. Her body reacted strongly to Long Hui's action. Suddenly her body made a beautiful arch. She reached her orgasm.

"Ah!!!" Yu Qi shouted while holding Long Hui's head close to her 'place'.

After a while, Yu Qi started to calm down. Her chest went up and down searching for the air to breathe. It was wonderful. That was Yu Qi thinking right now.

Long Hui caressed Yu Qi's cheek while smiling at her. "Feeling good?"

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded weakly. "Hui... I'm ready... To give myself to you..."

Long Hui freeze when he heard that sentence. He looked at his beloved Qi Qi eyes. "Is it true?"

"Hmm..." Yu Qi answered.

Right after that, Long Hui kissed his beloved Qi Qi's lips again. It was not a gentle kiss but more like a man who had been starving for a long time and suddenly he had been offered with delicious food.

While both of them were kissing, Yu Qi could feel the hotness of Long Hui's little brother touching her 'place'. It felt like Long Hui's little brother was kissing her 'place'. It was hard, big and long.

Long Hui released Yu Qi. He could not help to ask again. "Qi Qi, are you sure?" Since he started, he did not feel that he could stop even if she asked to, so, he needed to confirm it once again.

"Yes, I'm ready." Yu Qi was firm with her decision. She loved him. And he loved her. She already knew him long enough.

"Thank you." Long Hui said. It must not an easy decision for a girl like his beloved Qi Qi to make.

Long Hui placed his 'little brother' at his beloved Qi Qi's place. He tried to push in but he did not succeed. He was not experienced with this kind of things before so, he looked somehow foolish when he did not succeed.

Yu Qi felt it was funny and she wanted to laugh. "Hui, the entrance is down there... Yes, lower." Yu Qi shyly gave a guide to Long Hui.

Long Hui followed his beloved Qi Qi's instruction. He found it. But he did not push in yet. He kissed his beloved Qi Qi again.

"Are you really sure about this?" Long Hui whispered into his beloved Qi Qi's ear.

"Hmm... I want to be yours." Yu Qi also whispering.

"Okay... It might hurt." Long Hui slowly pushed his 'little brother' into his beloved Qi Qi's 'place'.

Yu Qi could feel something big and hot trying to get inside her. Long Hui pushed in until he felt that something was preventing him in.

'This is...' Long Hui's eyes flashed in excitement. "Qi Qi, please bear it."

Yu Qi understood what Long Hui meant to, so she nodded.

Long Hui directly pushed his 'little brother' crushing the obstacles. He was finally in.

Yu Qi bit her lips to withstand the pain. Her tears came out. Long Hui panicked as he saw the tears.

"Qi Qi, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Don't worry." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui did not dare to move as he was afraid to hurt his beloved Qi Qi more. So he just let his 'little brother' inside her 'place' in order to get her 'place' got over the pain. Then he felt that her 'wall' was feeling his 'little brother'.

"Hui, you can move now." Yu Qi smiled. The hurt already decreased.

Listening to his beloved Qi Qi's words, Long Hui moved his 'little brother' in and out. He was hissing in pleasure. This was the sensation that he would never think before this.

"Qi Qi, it feels very good." Long Hui said in a low tone while feeling immense pleasure.

"Ah... Hmm... Mmm... Me too... It feels.. .. Good..." Yu Qi also moaned.

Long Hui speeded up. In out in out... Yu Qi also gave massage to Long Hui's 'little brother' as it went in and out. Both of them moaned.

Yu Qi felt that she was about to reach her climax. Her breathing became faster as she moaned loudly.

"Ah!!!!!" It was her second orgasm.

"Feels good?" Long Hui asked by whispering.

"Mmmm..." Yu Qi did not have to speak it. Her orgasm was proof that she was feeling good.

"Then, I will make you feel more." Long Hui started to move faster. He was growling while pounding into his beloved Qi Qi's 'place'. Then he felt that he wanted to let something out.

Yu Qi also felt it. She lifted up her legs and hugged Long Hui's waist. Long Hui had opened his eyes wide and looked at his beloved Qi Qi. His beloved Qi Qi was smiling and nodded. He began to move faster than earlier.

And suddenly... "Ah!!!!" Long Hui let out something form his 'little brother'.

Yu Qi felt something was spraying into her 'place'. It was very warm. "Ah!!!!" Yu Qi orgasmed again.

C516 - 516: Fainted
The two people were catching their breath after a long fight. Long Hui was currently laying beside his beloved Qi Qi.

"Qi Qi, it is amazing. Thank you." Long Hui kissed his beloved Qi Qi's cheek.

"It is a pleasure for me too. Thank you.'' Yu Qi smiled weakly to Long Hui.

After Yu Qi said that sentence, she felt something again and looked at Long Hui as her eyes had opened wide . "Wait, it is getting bigger back."

Actually Long Hui's 'little brother' was still buried in his beloved Qi Qi's 'place'. When he heard his beloved Qi Qi's voice, his 'little brother' started to give a reaction. It was getting bigger and bigger. Telling them that it was still not enough.

"Qi Qi, can I do it again?" Long Hui was particularly begging his beloved Qi Qi with a begging look like a cute puppy-like Aoi.

Aoi: 'Master, this man is not like me. Don't put us together.

Yu Qi could not reject when Long Hui begged like that. Well since it was already in there, a couple of more times would not hurt.

"Okay..." It was a small whisper from Yu Qi but Long Hui managed to catch it.

Listening to his beloved Qi Qi's answer, Long Hui's 'little brother' was very happy so that it gave a response by getting bigger.


Yu Qi opened her eyes when she felt the light on her eyes. She was very tired. Last night, she did not even know when she had finally fallen asleep.

They did it many times. She had even lost the count of how many times she had reached the orgasms. She thought that she would probably faint in the middle because she was too tired.

Long Hui's last night was like a berserk beast. He had finally tasted something that he wanted so much. Yu Qi felt her body was very very tired due to the last night's action.

'That man has done it many times. My body is still tired. I can't move my fingers.' Yu Qi was crying inside. She thought that she had already trained her body but it was still not enough. She needed to train more.

Author's thought: 'So, Yu Qi has trained her body for making her body stronger in lovemaking? I don't know about this.'

"Qi Qi, you are finally awake." Long Hui entered the room and saw his beloved Qi Qi had woken up. He kissed her forehead.

"Is your body okay? Sorry, I was too rough yesterday." He looked worried.

"I can't move my body." Yu Qi said in a weak voice.

"Sorry." Long Hui apologized. He did not mean to hurt his beloved Qi Qi.

"Don't apologize. I'm actually happy that I have finally become one with you.'' Yu Qi did not get angry with him.

"Don't worry. I will become your hands and legs for today." Long Hui said.

Yu Qi did plan on going somewhere for today but she guessed it had to be cancelled since she could not even move her hands. Going out? That could not be happening.

"Let's stay in for today, okay?" Long Hui said.

"Okay. But first, I want to have a bath." Yu Qi looked at Long Hui.

"Okay, I will give a bath to you." Long Hui lifted up his beloved Qi Qi and carried her to the bathroom. He gently put his beloved Qi Qi into the bathtub.

Yu Qi felt very embarrassed since Long Hui lifted up her naked body. But to think of, Long Hui had already seen and touched her naked body but it was still too embarrassing.

Long Hui said that he would give a bath to his beloved Qi Qi, he was indeed intending to do so. He washed his beloved Qi Qi's body with gentle scrubbing. He also uses the shampoo and gave some massage on her head.

Yu Qi felt like she was somehow in the body spa. She forgot that she was embarrassed earlier when Long Hui looked at her naked body. It was so relaxing.

Long Hui did a good job massaging her body and head. It was not that Long Hui did not feel anything. He was a normal man. When facing someone whom he loved so much, and that woman was naked, it would be weird if he did not feel anything.

Long Hui actually was holding back. He wanted to do that with his beloved Qi Qi right now, in this bathroom. However, he was thinking about his beloved Qi Qi's condition. She was telling him that she could not move her body.

Yesterday, they did it so many times. She had even fainted in the middle of it. If he took her right now, it would be bad for her body. He did not want that to happen. So that was why he was holding back.

Long Hui was secretly imagining that somehow in the future, they would do the lovemaking in the bathroom. He felt it would be exciting.

Yu Qi did not think that Long Hui would think something like that. Since he looked so serious during washing her.

Long Hui finished giving her bath. He dried her up and brought back to the room. She was put on to the cosy chair.

"Let me take some clothes for you." Long Hui opened Yu Qi's bag.

Yu Qi did not manage to stop Long Hui on opening her bag. Yu Qi forgot to hide it.

Long Hui had widely opened his eyes. The first thing that his eyes caught was a pair of sexy black lace underwear. The pupil in his eyes shrank for a moment. He coughed adjusting his voice.

"Bring the bag to me. I will take the clothes." Yu Qi said.

"Okay." Long Hui followed her order.

"Don't look at me. Turn around."

"Okay." He followed again. "I will ask the ryokan to bring breakfast here. You can put the clothes first." Telling that, Long Hui stepped out of the room.

Yu Qi quickly hid that sexy black lace underwear somewhere else in the bag. She took the clothes that she wanted to wear. She quickly wore the clothes. She managed to put the clothes after she had struggled too much.

Not long after that, Long Hui came back.

"Qi Qi, are you done?" Long Hui asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi answered.

Long Hui stepped in with the staff behind him, had brought the breakfast into the room. The staff set up the table and put the breakfast on it. After setting up, they left the room leaving the couple.

"Let's eat." Long Hui said.


They started to eat.

"It is very delicious." Yu Qi commented.

"It is indeed delicious." Long Hui said.

Yu Qi did not realise that Long Hui was not talking about the food but her.

"Eat more. You need to refill your energy." Long Hui said.

"Cough...cough..." Yu Qi coughed. She did not think that Long Hui would be saying something like that.

"Drink the water." Long Hui offered the drink.

Yu Qi took and drank it. Her Long Hui really knew how to make people feel speechless.

C517 - 517: Pictures...
Yu Qi had planned to go out today. Because of the last night, she had to cancel those plan. She did not expect that her body would be so tired after being together with Long Hui.

Long Hui felt guilty due to his actions last night but he did not regret it. It was a wonderful thing that Yu Qi ever gave to him. Because of that, he attended Yu Qi's matter more today.

"Qi Qi, last night, I let it inside you." Long Hui mentioned the matter after they finished breakfast.

"Oh, yeah." Yu Qi was embarrassed when Long Hui mentioned those things. She remembered that time when she did something like holding Long Hui's waist using her legs because she did not want Long Hui to come out.

"Is it okay for you? What if you get pregnant?" Long Hui asked.

"You don't like me getting pregnant?" Yu Qi wanted to tease Long Hui but after she asked that sentence, she was embarrassed.

"Of course not. I do want you to get pregnant." Long Hui answered quickly. Then, Long Hui faked his cough. "But we still are not married. I don't want you to be condemned by others."

Listening to that, Yu Qi was touched. Long Hui was very considerate about her matter.

"Don't worry. I will take the birth control pill." Yu Qi smiled.

"But I have heard that the pill is dangerous to the women which lead to infertility." Long Hui was worried about that too. He read about that.

"Don't worry. I will take a pill which I have personally made. It will not have any side effect." Yu Qi assured Long Hui.

"Oh, " Long Hui smiled after listening to it.

"Let's go wonder around the ryokan. It is so beautiful. I want to look at it." Yu Qi suggested.

"But, are you sure you can walk?" Long Hui asked.

"It's.... already okay." Yu Qi answered.

"Alright. Let's go."

They got out of the room. Then she saw something on the billboard when they passed the lobby area. Her eyes lifted up. She then went to the front desk to ask about something.

"Excuse miss, is that true the customer can wear that?" Yu Qi pointed towards the billboard.

"Of course. Do you want to try?" The staff asked.

"Yeah. We want to try." Yu Qi nodded.

"Does he also want to try too?" The staff asked again.

"Yeah. Is there no for men?" Yu Qi looked at Long Hui.

"Of course not. We also offer to men too. But usually, the man does not want to try it." The staff looked at Long Hui.

"Brother Hui, let's try it." Yu Qi said to Long Hui.

"Call me Hui as you called me yesterday." Long Hui smirked.

"What?" Yu Qi was flustered. She did not expect that Long Hui would ask something like that here, in front of others.

"Call me Hui. You call me like that yesterday." Long Hui teased his beloved Qi Qi.

"Okay... Okay... I will call you, Hui. Just stop mentioning about last night." Yu Qi gave up. This man was not even embarrassed to say something like that.

"So, customers, do you want to try it?" The staff asked again after a while looking at the interaction between the couple.

"Yeah. Hui, can we?" Yu Qi made a begging face to Long Hui.

His beloved Qi Qi seemed to know that he would not reject her if she made that face.

"I will try it as long Qi Qi wants it." Long Hui nodded.

"Yes." Yu Qi was happy.

The staff also smiled. She could see that the man loved the girl every much.

The things that Yu Qi wanted to try was the original Yutaka. The couple chose the colour of Yutaka's. Well, it was Yu Qi who made the choice. Long Hui just followed his beloved Qi Qi's choice.

The colour that Yu Qi chose for Long Hui was the dark purple. It was well-matched with Long Hui's appearance. It made Long Hui look like a nobleman in ancient time.

As for Yu Qi, she chose a light purple. It made her look like a fairy with a suitable hairstyle.

The staff was very happy to hairstyle Yu Qi since her hair was very easy to handle. She already put some makeup for Yu Qi.

And the result was amazing. The couple looked very beautiful in their Yutaka. It was the first time that she came across with such a beautiful couple just like this couple.

"Can I take your picture together?" The staff asked excitedly.

Yu Qi was hesitating to give permission. Long Hui was a soldier. It was not good to take a picture of a soldier. Moreover, he was in a high-rank position.

"Sorry. You can't."

"Yeah, you can."

The answers came out at the same time. Yu Qi looked at Long Hui as she opened her eyes wide. She did not expect that Long Hui would give permission.

"Only if you did not capture my face." Long Hui continued his sentence.

"But..." The staff wanted to capture all.

"I'm sorry. My boyfriend is in the military. It is not good if his picture spreads." Yu Qi explained.

"Sorry. Okay." The staff understood. "Okay, I will capture your picture without capturing his face. Oh, you can go outside and walk around the ryokan. I will capture the picture as you walk and you can act like I'm not here." She was in charge of taking the picture when the customers came and wanted to borrow their Yutaka.

The staff grinned. She was excited. Both of them were very nice in their Yutaka. It was sad not to get the man's face in the picture. But she was pretty sure, with a right angle, the picture would come out nicely even without his face.

So, Yu Qi and Long Hui went outside, walked around the ryokan, as they enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

The staff did take pictures of them. She followed her promise that she would not take the pictures of the man's face. She took the picture showing the man's back and the smiling woman.

The most beautiful pictures that she had taken was the pictures when the man tried to get something from the woman's hair. It was a very beautiful scene for her.

The staff came to the couple.

"This is the pictures that I have taken earlier." The staff showed the pictures. "Can I request something?" The staff suddenly asked.

"What is it?" Yu Qi asked her.

"I want to request your permission to use this picture and put this picture into our website. Is that possible?" The staff looked at Yu Qi.

"Which picture?" Yu Qi wanted to see.

"This picture." The staff happily showed the picture. It was the same as the staff's favourite.

Yu Qi looked at the picture. The picture did not show Long Hi's face at all but only his back with Yu Qi facing him with a smiling face.

"Well, you can." Yu Qi did not have anything to reject her request.

"Thank you, miss." The staff said. "I will print out the pictures and give them to you later." The staff said thank again and ran off excitedly.

"Let's take the pictures of us together." Yu Qi said.

"I can't. My picture can't be taken." Long Hui joked.

"Even by me?" Yu Qi smirked.

"Of course, you are an exception." Long Hui laughed.

The two of them took many pictures on their own.

C518 - 518: Someone Knew About Her Secret

After lunch, Yu Qi wanted to take a dig into the hot spring. This time, she did not want to go into the one in their room. She wanted to go to the female section. She was afraid that she would not able to enjoy the hot spring if Long Hui was there.

Long Hui agreed to let her go even though he was reluctant to since he knew that she did not enjoy the hot spring last night.

Yu Qi was enjoying the hot spring alone. She did think that the onsen helped her body to relax after the last night's battle.

After two hours of soaking in the hot spring, Yu Qi came out from the hot spring and walked towards their room. When she opened the door, she could see that the handsome man was looking around the view. Making the scene looked more beautiful.

"Hui..." Yu Qi called Long Hui. She already liked to use Long Hui's first name.

"Have you finished?" Long Hui turned around and asked.

"Hmm... It was great." Yu Qi nodded.


The next day, the couple finally went out of the ryokan to go somewhere else.

Long Hui did not do anything to her last night. He did not want her to think that he just wanted to do that thing only. And also he thought about his beloved Qi Qi's body. If he started doing that, he was afraid that they would not able to go outside on the next day.

The place that Yu Qi wanted to go was Tsuyu-no-Tenjinja Shrine. Tusyu-no-Tenjinja Shrine was the guardian shrine of the Umeda area and was said to have been founded 1,300 years ago on an island in what was then a marshy bay.

The shrine took its name from a poem by the great Heian era scholar Sugawara Michizane. In the year 901, having been exiled from the Imperial court in Kyoto, Michizane stopped at the shrine and wrote:

dew falls

with tears my sleeve

is soaked

when I think back

on Kyoto

The Japanese word for "dew" is "tsuyu", and after his death, Michizane was deified into the Shinto pantheon as the god of learning, Tenjin. That was why the shrine was called Tsuyu-no-Tenjinja, or often just Tsuyunoten.

This shrine was known for its romantic associations because of one story of puppet play, The Love Suicides of Sonezaki. This story was about a geisha who had fallen in love with an apprentice trader but their love story did not end nicely. They decided to take double suicide at the shrine.

In the play, it told that love was not enough to stay happy, an unfortunate combination of family pressures, financial misfortune, and the betrayal of a friend had threatened to keep the lovers apart. Since they could not live without each other, the couple went to the shrine and took their own lives.

"It is very sad, right?" Yu Qi said to Long Hui after explaining the origin of the shrine.

"It is indeed sad. If we come across those problems, I swear that I will fight that problem and be with you." Long Hui gave a grip on Yu Qi's hand that he had been holding.

"Yeah, me too." Yu Qi nodded while smiling as she looked at Long Hui.

The couple walked until they found a pair of stone statues. It was the status of the young girl and the young man who sat together while holding hands and looked at each other.

"They made the status of the couple. So that the visitors can pray for the couple." Yu Qi said.

She placed her hands together and prayed for the poor couple. Long Hui followed Yu Qi's lead. After that, they went to buy the special wooden plaques called ema that people usually wrote their prayers for success in their love. Yu Qi and Long Hui wrote their wishes and hang the wooden plaque at the arranged place.

When Yu Qi was passing someone, that someone stopped her.

"Miss, wait." There was an old man dressed in traditional clothes.

Yu Qi stopped and looked at the old man. "Yes?"

"It has been a while since I see someone surround with a bright white aura around their body." The old man suddenly told to her.

"Huh?" Yu Qi did not understand.

"It seems there is really a miracle. I'm very happy to see such a miracle. I hope you will live happily." The old man said and he walked closer to Yu Qi. "Rebirth is a miracle. You have to lead a good life."

Yu Qi was stunned. This old man knew. Yu Qi looked at the old man with her eyes widely opened. "You!!!" She did not know how to express her thoughts.

The old man just smiled and walked away.

"Qi Qi." Long Hui called her.

Yu Qi looked at Long Hui. Seeing his beloved Qi Qi frowned, Long Hui gripped Yu Qi's hand.

"Qi Qi, you will be fine." Long Hui smiled.

Long Hui's smile made Yu Qi to feel better.

"Hmm... I'm okay." Yu Qi nodded. As for that old man, she would not think much about that. The old man seemed would not tell anyone about that.

She saw the clothes that the old man wore. It was clothes that a kannushi, which was a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine as well as for leading worship of a given God for the shrine.

As for how he knew about her rebirth, she did not know. Perhaps his worship of God made him could see what normal people could not see.

Long Hui also looked at the direction where the old man went. When the old man whispered something to his beloved Qi Qi, he managed to read his lips.

The sentence that the old man said to his beloved Qi Qi was 'Rebirth is a miracle. You have to lead a good life.' He did not know what that old man meant by that. And what had been more surprising thing was when his beloved Qi Qi seemed to be shocked when she heard that sentence.

C519 - 519: Long Hui's Treat To Her Little Cuties

Long Hui looked at his beloved Qi Qi. It seemed that his beloved Qi Qi had a lot of secrets, other than her space. Well, he would not investigate that. If his beloved Qi Qi wanted to tell him about that, he would lend his ears to listen to it as his beloved Qi Qi told him about her space.

When they left the shrine, it almost times for lunch. Yu Qi asked Long Hui what he wanted to eat. Long Hui told her that he would follow her choice.

So, Yu Qi found someone local and asked them which restaurant that served delicious sushi here. That person told her that there was a restaurant nearby that served sushi. She should try it.

The person told that the restaurant's name was 'Tosukiyaki Umeda Namaniku Ryutsu Center Umeda Ohatsutenjin. It was a long name for a restaurant. The person told me that she could lead them to the restaurant since she also going in the same direction. She could drop them there. Yu Qi thanked that person.

They arrived at the restaurant with that person's help. The couple thanked that person again. They opened the restaurant and came in. The waitress in smile greeted them nicely.

"Welcome to our restaurant. Are just two of you or others would come later?" The waitress asked.

"No, it is just two of us." Yu Qi answered.

"Do you want to sit in the open area or private room?" The waitress asked again.

"Private room." This time, Long Hui answered.

Yu Qi looked at Long Hui. He looked back at his beloved Qi Qi. It would be nice if they eat in the private room instead of an open area because he did not want others to covet her during lunch.

"Okay, you can follow me." The waitress led the couple into a private room. The room was not small or big. It gave a cosy feeling.

Yu Qi ordered a bunch of sushi.

"Who would be going to finish all of that?" Long Hui was grinning. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi usually did not eat much.

Yu Qi laughed. "You are here."

Long Hui only smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry. I will pack it out and give them to my two little cuties." Yu Qi said.

Aoi: 'Yeah. I want a lot, Master.'

Bo Ya: 'Me too, Master.'

Yu Qi laughed again.

"What is it?" Long Hui caught that his beloved Qi Qi laughed out of sudden.

"Oh, nothing. My two little cuties just responded to me telling me that they want a lot of food." Yu Qi told Long Hui.

"You can talk to each other?" Long Hui asked as he was interested to know.

"Yeah. We can talk to each other even though they are in space. Their voices can be heard in my mind. As for Aoi, when he comes out of space, he can speak to me even though he is far away from me. We speak through telepathy." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, it was very convenient." Long Hui nodded. It was better since he would use with his subordinates against his enemy.

"It is. Otherwise, people would come and catch me as they look at me as experimental material." Yu Qi chuckled.

At first Yu Qi also worried about that when Aoi suddenly spoke. Turned out his voice could be heard only to Yu Qi.

The food arrived. They ate happily. The food was indeed tasted very good. It was worth the price. Since it was delicious, the table was empty.

"Oh, I think I will order to take out for my two little cuties." Yu Qi called the waitress again.

She started to order more than they had right now. The waitress is shocked even Long Hui was shocked too.

"Are you sure those two can finish this many?" Long Hui thought about those two. Their bodies were very small.

"Don't worry. Those two can finish all of that. Wait, I think I need to order more." Yu Qi stopped the waitress from leaving and started to order more.

The waitress was more shocked as Yu Qi began to order the food. Even though the customers talked in foreign languages, but she managed to catch some words. What she understood was the food was prepared for two people. However, it was too much. Two people could not eat this many.

They needed to wait as the restaurant prepared the order. After one hour, the food was ready. Yu Qi wanted to pay for Aoi and Bo Ya's portion but Long Hui shook his head telling her that he would go to settle the bill. Long Hui said it was his treat to the two of them.

Long Hui also helped Yu Qi to bring the food away. Yu Qi thanked him. It was inconvenient to bring that food around since they had another place to visit. Yu Qi wanted to bring the food into space first. So, they went to the place that not many people.

After observed a while, Yu Qi entered the space without Long Hui. Bo Ya and Aoi ran toward her.

"It is your food. It is Long Hui's treat. Remember to thank him later, okay." Yu Qi reminded her two little cuties.

"Yes, Master." Both answered excitedly.

Aoi seemed to be drooling when he looked at the food.

Yu Qi chuckled. 'This little foodie.'

"Okay. I will go out this. Enjoy your food." Without waiting for the answer, Yu Qi went out.

C520 - 520: Reveal The Biggest Secret
The night time.

After dinner, the couple decided to relax in the hot spring in their room. When Yu Qi suggested that, Long Hui looked at her.

Yu Qi seemed to understand his look. "Spare me. I'm still hurt."

Long Hui did not say anything but from the look in his face, he was quite disappointed.

Long Hui went into the hot spring first. Then Yu Qi followed him later. Yu Qi sat beside Long Hui but there was a distance between the two of them.

The sky looked very clear as usual. There was a moment of silence.

"Hui, do you believe in the miracle?" Yu Qi suddenly asked Long Hui.

Long Hui did not respond immediately. He remembered what happened at the shrine earlier when he read the old man's lips.

"Yeah. I believe in the miracle." How he could not believe that after witnessed the space?

"Why?" Yu Qi asked that question.

"Well, after seeing your space, I think everything is possible." Long Hui replied.

Yu Qi chuckled. "Oh, I forget that you know about my space." Yu Qi paused.

Yu Qi thought she should talk about her rebirth to Long Hui. He already knew about her space.

"What do you think if you can reset your whole life?" Yu Qi was about to reveal the biggest secret in her life.

Long Hui turned to his beloved Qi Qi. Yu Qi seemed to notice that Long Hui turned and looked at her.

"It would be nice but I don't think that I want to reset my life right now. I'm quite happy with my current life right now." Long Hui gave an honest answer. He liked his current life because he had his beloved Qi Qi right now.

Yu Qi smiled as she listened to Long Hui's response. Yeah, she also liked this current life.

"I want to get out of the onsen first. I feel dizzy. Can you turn around first?" Yu Qi still felt shy even she already together with Long Hui.

Long Hui chuckled. His beloved Qi Qi was still shy. Even so, he turned around. After that, he also followed his beloved Qi Qi.

They wore comfortable clothes and sat at veranda as they were viewing the scene of the night mountain. The stars shined brightly at the clear sky.

"Then you believe in the past life?" Yu Qi gave a vogue question again.

"Well, I can't think about that." Long Hui could not express his opinion about that since he did not experience something like that.

"I do. Since I had experienced myself." Yu Qi revealed the secret.

Long Hui opened his eye widely again as he looked at his beloved Qi Qi. He did not hear it wrong, right? She had experienced herself; she did tell him that, right?

"I had reborn. I also remembered my memories of my previous life." Yu Qi's voice seemed to tremble.

"Qi Qi..." Long Hui was shocked. It was more shocking than knowing that she had a magical space. "Then, ... Did we meet in your previous life?"

"No... I did not even know your name." Yu Qi shook her head.

"Oh..." Long Hui did feel slightly disappointed. "Can you tell me about your previous life?"

"Of course." Yu Qi took a breath before started to talk. "As you know, I'm an orphan. I grew up in Wang Family. Sacrificed my life to make Wang Family lived better. At that time, I did not even know that I was an orphan. Until I met up with my real grandfather which is Grandpa Mu."

"So, you did not meet with Elder Tang in your previous life?"

"Nope. Even Grandpa Feng and Feng Yue. I did not know them."

"Oh, no wonder." Long Hui nodded. They knew each other because of Feng Yue. Feng Yue knew his beloved Qi Qi because of Grandpa Feng. And Grandpa Feng met her because of Grandpa Tang. Since she did not know Grandpa Tang in her previous life, so they did not meet each other.

"How did you meet Elder Mu in your previous life?" Long Hui asked.

"I worked at the hotel. That hotel was exactly located at my current hotel. He came for his business plan. Like I told you before, he recognized my face. He had a suspicion and took me for the DNA test." Yu Qi smiled as she remembered about that. How Grandpa Mu was happy when he found about her.

"Then, Grandpa Mu took me back to Mu Family. I was happy since I found my real family but others were not so happy about my return. Grandpa Mu groomed me as his heir making others hated that. Grandpa betrothed me with a man. He entrusted me with that man hoping that the man would take care of me. Instead, he cheated with the person that I thought a friend." Yu Qi clenched her fists.

Long Hui grabbed her hand. Unclenched her fists.

"They brought me into a jungle. They ordered some men to cut my arms and legs as they forced me to be awake and to see the process. They even brought a doctor." Yu Qi was about to cry.

Let go her hand, Long Hui brought his beloved Qi Qi into his hug. "No need to tell me if you think it will sadden you."

"No, I need to tell you. At that time, I asked them why they did something like that. They told me that they were in love with each other. Fine. They should tell me about that. I would let them be together. But they just wanted to kill me and even plotted with other members of Mu Family to kill my grandpa. They gave a slow-acting poison to my grandpa. After telling me the truth, the bastard and bitch couple told people to throw my limbless body into the jungle for death. My body itched everywhere because of the insects eating my body and I even couldn't do anything to stop it." Yu Qi already cried as she sobbed and continued to talk.

Long Hui only could give some comfort to his beloved Qi Qi by hugging her body. Yu Qi continued crying for a while.

After Yu Qi calmed down, she started to continue, "That night, I know it was the end of my life. However, suddenly, when I woke up, I noticed something strange. The place was very familiar to me. It was my bedroom when I still lived with the Wang Family. At the same moment, I found out that I have space."

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