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C141 - 141: Help From Wang Fu Ya?

The orphanage director might have a clue for her real family. Even her real family would dislike her according to her past life, but Yu Qi wanted to find them. Just for her grandfather. She needed to find him to save him from the poison that those people gave to her grandfather.

"You bitch!" Wang Ha Na gave the cuss word to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi realized she was still talking to the Wang Sister. She did not angry with Wang Ha Na that shouted 'bitch' to her. Her eyes met Wang Fu Ya's eyes.

"Teach your sister in some manner. Don't let your sister lash out like that." After saying that, Yu Qi did not want to stay there any longer.

"Lash out?... Hey, do you think I'm a dog? You whore, bitch." Many cusses words came out from Wang Ha Na's mouth.

Even though Yu Qi already walking far away from them, Wang Ha Na was still calling her with names. Many people were walking around gave a look to the Wang Siblings. Wang Fu Ya realized that so she immediately closed Wang Ha Na's mouth and dragged her from there.

"Why sister? Wang Ha Na protested.

" You idiot. You screamed calling her with names, did you realize people were looking at you?" Wang Fu Ya scolded Wang Ha Na.

Wang Ha Na was silent. Yeah, she did not think about that. When she heard Yu Qi said something like that to her, she was snapped. She forgot her surroundings.

In the past few months, Wang Family had been trying so hard to improve their family's image. Their family's image was bad when Yu Qi's matter.

Her sister was correct. She was too impulse. She should control her mouth.

"I'm sorry, sister." Wang Ha Na apologized to Wang Fu Ya.

"It's okay. Don't worry. Next time when you saw Yu Qi, try don't get mad. Control your angry." Wang Fu Ya advised her sister.

Wang Ha Na nodded.

"But the bitch seems interested to find her real family when looking at her expression." The news about this seemed too favorable for Wang Siblings.

"Yeah, I also noticed that too." Wang Fu Ya also noticed Yu Qi was thinking so hard when Wang Ha Na mentioned she was unlucky. The director of the orphanage told that to her mum.

"Maybe I should help her a little bit." Wang Fu Ya gave an evil smile.


Yu Qi needed to go to the greenhouse tonight to fill the water tank with water lake in her space. She was telling others that she wanted to rest earlier so she did not want to get disturbed by others.

She went out of the room through her window. Yu Qi already put Aoi in her space. She sneaked out from the house and walked in the darkness toward her greenhouse.

Fortunately, she got the spare key from Song Twin this morning. So, she would not get any problem to enter the greenhouse. She closed the water system so that the tank would not be refilled.

She looked inside the tank. Half of it already filled by water. She had to drain the water first. She looked at the piping system. The system was not really complicated. She opened what needed to open.

She wanted to bring this tank int her space to make her work easily. She placed her hand on the tank and closed her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she and the tank were already in her space. The tank was really heavy.

"Master." Her two cuties called her.

" Aoi, Bo Ya."

"Master, what are you trying to do?" Bo Ya looked the tank that appeared together with his master.

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