The Tenth Ringwraith: a Sauro...

By MidnightNinja27

5K 229 69

AU: Bilbo is corrupted and joins the Nine Not yet corpses. Still, we rot. The Ring decides that Bilbo Baggins... More

The Beautiful One
Twisted Affections
A Long Road
Into the Dark
The Price of a Life
To Save a Soul
The Point of No Return
Truths and Lies
Ever Watchful
The Battle
Dark Lord Victorious
Many Happinesses

Another Taste

242 10 5
By MidnightNinja27

Walking through the port city, Bilbo eventually found a shack of a restaurant to have lunch in, the smell of fresh seafood all but dragging him in.

At first the barmaid assumed he was a child, asking where his parents were, but he explained he was a hobbit of the Shire she just shrugged and took his order.

While he waited for his meal to arrive, Bilbo stroked the ring on his finger absentmindedly, hearing the whispers around him again.

He wondered, for just a moment, if this was the true reason most hobbits never dained to leave the Shire ever if they could help it: the belittment, the stares and the whispers; it was much easier when everyone was the same as yourself after all.

Halflings, half men, elvish dwarves, faeries, sprites and will-O-the-wisps were just the common things the other races -especially men- called hobbits.

This trip had been a mistake, he should have just gone home after seeing Bree -or better yet, not have even gone there.

"Do not listen to the cruel words of lesser beings." Ash soothed through their mental bond, "You are half of nothing. You are more than any one of them, most of these Men are not even learned enough to read nor write, much less string together the grand tapestry of words your poems and stories create."

"Thank you." Bilbo replied on his mind, trying to blink the tears misting his vision away

His meal arrived a few minutes after that: shrimp with potatoes and carrots, all of which had been boiled.

It was simple, if not a bit bland -but it was cheap fare and spices were a luxury so he was not going to complain- and he did not waste any time leaving when he was done.

He walked a few blocks before noticing the Man following him, at first he wondered if it was a coincidence so he made a right turn at the first opportunity and then another and another and another until he was back where he started and the stranger was still following him.

Knowing Sting was hidden in his jacket, his mithril shirt was under his white button-up and Ash could turn him invisible if needed, he felt safe enough to turn around and confront his pursuer.

Instead of the stealthy stalker he had expected to face, he was met with a very drunk Man.

"Its about time that you turned around, I have been tryin' ta get your attention for blocks!" The drunkard commented

"Why?" Bilbo asked

The Man gestured to the hobbit's body, "I've never tasted fairy 'honey' before. I can promise to make it well worth your while."

"I am not interested." The blond replied, feeling disgusted as he tried walking away

And while Bilbo was rightfully repulsed by the drunkard's advances, the Ring was grossed out as well.

A wave of possessiveness was present as well, as it thought that said 'honey' was Sauron's alone to taste as Bilbo was to be his Consort -even if neither of the pair knew it yet, Ash was committed to this.

"Kill him." The Ring purred to Bilbo, furious at the thought of Bilbo coupling with another even of said male stood absolutely no chance

And well, Bilbo did not have to be told twice on the matter.

He pretended to have changed his mind and led the pervert over to a secluded alley.

There, he convinced the man to kneel on the floor to be able to reach his 'prize' and close his eyes.

But instead of getting to taste hobbit 'honey', he got a blade down his throat.

The drunk was completely sober as the blade emerged out of his flesh, his eyes opening as blood spilled from his nose and mouth.

Pulling Sting out of the man's mouth, Bilbo kicked him to the ground, stepping on his neck and stomping until he heard a snap.

Bilbo hid his blade back in his jacket after wiping it off on the man's shirt, seeing a few drops of blood had gotten on his fingers from the splatter.

He could have wiped them off, but his first instinct was to lick the blood off his hands.

Blood had a subtle coppery taste, reminding him of well water more than what he imagined the blood to be like.

Recipes filled his mind: blood sausage, blood puddings, blood pancakes, chocolate blood cake -just a few common recipes in the Shire using cow, pig or sheep blood to ensure all parts of the animal were used.

He licked his lips, surely no one would notice if he swapped the animal blood for Man blood or hobbit.


The white clad Ringwraith led his horse towards the exit of Minas Morgul, not sparing the orcs who opened the Mordor-side gate for him a glance.

Kicking his horse's side, the mare picked up from walking into a trot.

Though, Bilbo made sure his horse was not going at top speed, not even a brisk run, since he knew he was being followed.

He knew who was following him, of course, they were not very good at hiding, but he was acting as if he had not seen them since he wanted to lead them back to Barad-dûr.

While he had been lying about nearly everything when he had been in the enemy camp, he was being truthful in his fondness for the younger hobbits.

Mairon had suspected they would follow after him, so Bilbo would ensure he did not lose them in Mordor's landscape and take them back to the safety of the tower.

A few adjustments would have to be made, naturally, but when one's husband has magic things like that were much easier.


Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee were not going to let Bilbo's refusal stop them from rescuing him.

Even if the older hobbit was certain he could not be saved, they still held hope that he could.

Gandalf had advised them against entering Mordor, saying that Bilbo would be unreachable in Sauron's lands.

"Bilbo is back under his foul spell; you will receive no aid from him when only the commands and desires of the Dark Lord fill his mind." The Grey Wizard warned

But Frodo had told his old friend that he was not asking for his permission and followed after his uncle regardless -Sam followed faithfully after Frodo as well.

It took hours to climb up the steep sides of the Ephel Dúath, especially going undetected, but by time they reached the ashen dirt of the other side they spotted the white specter riding away.

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