The Fairy and the Dragon

By EmmyNealStock7

729 13 2

Fairy Tail Gajeel Redfox x Reader There will be modern twists on the series. I even decided to make both boys... More

Chapter 1: The Aftermath of Edolas
Chapter 2: Gajeel gets hurt
Chapter 3: Healing Gajeel
Chapter 4: Gajeel's Awake
Chapter 5: Karaoke at Fairy Tail
Chapter 6: The Big Sleepover
Chapter 7: The Sudden Duet

Christmas Special

35 1 0
By EmmyNealStock7

Y/n's POV
It's Christmas Eve, so there's only 24 hours left until Christmas day. Right now, the girls and I are on our way to get the guild hall ready for a surprise Christmas party, shopping bags full of holiday decorations in our hands. We were all dressed up in winter themed outfits, and in my opinion, we all looked super cute.

(Here's what you're wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Wendy's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Lisanna's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Mira's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Bisca's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Levy's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Lucy's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Cana's wearing ⤴️, Juvia is just wearing her outfit from the Grand Magic Games arc, and Erza's wearing her armor.)

"So, what do you girls think we should do for the party set up?" I asked. "Because I was thinking that we could have someone go and get a Christmas tree and we can decorate it."

"That's a great idea!" Levy cheered.

"And we can get everyone presents!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Isn't it a bit too late to get everyone a present?" Mira asked.

"Yeah, it is," Bisca agreed.

"Well, I already got Team Shadow Gear, Team Natsu, you girls, and Gajeel presents," I countered. "But you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what I got you."

"I even got my precious Gray a Christmas present," Juvia added, a lovestruck expression on her face.

"Well, Mira and I went Christmas shopping for each other, Elfman, and you girls," Lisanna continued.

"Yeah," Mira said, agreeing to what Lisanna had said. "We should give everyone their gifts tomorrow."

"Anyways, I have an idea for matchmaking," Cana stated. "But it's a surprise, so don't even ask me what it is."

"But what about the guild hall decorations?" Erza questioned.

"Don't worry, girls," Carla countered. "Stella and I went shopping for holiday decorations a few days ago. We have that covered."

"And if we want to decorate the railings for the second floor, Carla, Stella, and I can do that," I stated. "And I think that I can use my Lovix form to add more of a holiday vibe to the decorating."

"Yeah!" the girls cheered.

Soon, we made it to the guild hall (luckily Gramps wasn't there). Once inside the guild hall, Erza started to put us into different decorating groups.

"Alright, we need to organize ourselves," Erza exclaimed. "Y/n, Carla, and Stella will take care of decorating any high up areas of the guild hall. Juvia and Wendy will also help decorate the railing for the second floor, seeing as they will be with an S-Class wizard."

"Right," the five of us replied.

"Next, Cana, Mira, and Lisanna will take care of the refreshments," Erza continued.

"On it," the three girls stated.

"And finally, Lucy, Levy, Bisca, and I will take care of finding a Christmas tree and decorating our tree," Erza finished up.

"Got it!" the three girls cheered.

"Great!" I exclaimed, excited to start decorating the guild hall. "Now let's get started!"

"Yeah!" the girls cheered.

Then we all set off to do what we were assigned. Erza, Lucy, Levy, and Bisca went to find a Christmas tree; Mira, Lisanna, and Cana went back behind the bar to get started on refreshments; and Juvia, Wendy, Carla, Stella, and I got started on picking out different decorations to start decking out the guild hall.

"Wait, girls!" I countered to my group.

"What is it, Y/n?" Juvia asked.

"I need to transform real quick," I replied.

"Then transform, Y/n," Stella said.

"Right," I responded. "Y/n, Lovix!"

Then I started transforming.

"Y/n, fairy of balance!" I exclaimed.

Once I was done transforming, I flew into the air and started decorating the support beams.

"How does this look?" I asked the girls on the ground.

"Amazing!" Wendy cheered.

"It looks beautiful!" Juvia exclaimed.

"Alright!" I replied, flying to the next support beam.

After a few minutes, all of the support beams were decorated. Then we moved onto the railing to the second floor.

"Can I decorate the stairs railing?" Wendy asked. "I think it would look cute!"

"Of course you can, Wendy," I replied, smiling at her. "Why don't you use the light up garland that we bought?"

"Yeah!" Wendy cheered, grabbing the light up garland, and running to the stairs to start decorating the railing.

"Hey, Juvia," I said to the water mage.

"Yes, Y/n?" Juvia questioned. "Is there something you need?"

"Do you want to decorate the second floor?" I asked her.

"Of course!" Juvia cheered, grabbing the bag of decorations meant for the second floor and running up the stairs.

Then I turned towards the two exceeds.

"Do you girls want to start decorating the railing for the second floor?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" Stella cheered.

"Of course," Carla replied.

Then we flew up and started decorating the railing for the second floor. Since there was a lot of ground to cover, Juvia and I split the work load up evenly between the two of us, Stella and Carla each helping one of us.

After about three hours, we finally finished decorating the guild hall for the party. While the girls and I were taking a refreshment break, we heard Erza's voice booming through the guild hall. That meant that Erza, Lucy, Levy, and Bisca came back with a Christmas tree. So everyone met up on the first floor to help Erza's group bring in the tree.

Of course, since I was still in my Lovix form, Erza had me flying above the group to make sure that nothing bad happened to the tree. Once everyone got the tree inside, we all started stringing the lights and garland on it (Erza having me and the exceeds get the top of the tree). Once it was time to put the tree topper on, I grabbed the tree topper (which just so happened to be the Fairy Tail emblem) and looked at Wendy.

"Hey, Wendy," I said to her.

"Yeah, Y/n?" Wendy questioned.

"Do you want to put the tree topper on?" I asked, handing the emblem to her. "I can carry you on my shoulders so you can reach."

"Yeah!" Wendy cheered, taking the emblem with excitement.

Then I turned towards Carla.

"And I'll make sure she's safe, Carla," I reassured the snow white exceed.

"Thank you, Y/n," Carla said to me.

After that little exchange, I put Wendy on my shoulders and flew up to the top of the tree.

"Alright, girl of honor," I said to Wendy. "It's time to give this tree the Fairy Tail touch! Put the emblem on!"

"Yeah!" Wendy cheered. "But can you see if you can fly in a little closer? I don't want it to be sideways or anything."

"Got it," I replied, doing as Wendy requested. Once I was as close as I could get, I looked up at Wendy. "Alright, this is as close as I can get without knocking the tree over. Think you can get the emblem on?"

"Yeah," Wendy stated, confidence lacing her voice.

Then she started to put the Fairy Tail emblem tree topper on the top of the tree. Once I couldn't feel her body weight against my head anymore, I figured that she must've been done.

"Done!" Wendy cheered, confirming my suspicions.

"Alright, let's head down," I replied, flying back down to the girls.

Once I was safely on the ground, Carla took Wendy off of my shoulders.

"Now, all I have to do is set up my little surprise," Cana cheered, mischief coating her words.

"I hope it's nothing that'll get us in trouble with Gramps," I countered, leery of what Cana had planned.

"Don't worry, Y/n," Cana reassured me. "It's just a little something to help get couples together, that's all. It's nothing that'll get Master mad at us."

"Alright then," I grumbled. "Anyways, why don't we head back to my house? It's pretty late. And we don't want to get caught up in the snow."

"Right," the girls agreed.

And so, we went back to my house.

The next day

It's now Christmas day, meaning that everyone will be at the guild to celebrate the holidays together. So before it got to late into the morning, I woke the girls up and we all got dressed in Christmas outfits that we individually picked out (and we made sure that Cana's outfit wasn't going to be just a bikini top and a pair of pants).

After we all got dressed, we grabbed the presents we bought for each other and some of our friends and made our way to the guild hall, enjoying the sight of the falling snow.

(Here's what Erza's wearing, but a combination of both ⤴️)

(Here's what Juvia's wearing, but the third one ⤴️)

(Here's what Wendy's wearing, but the second one ⤴️)

(Here's what Levy's wearing, but the second one ⤴️)

(Here's what Cana's wearing, but the middle one ⤴️)

(Here's what Mira and Lisanna are wearing. ⤴️ Mira's wearing the one with the red and green hair ribbons and Lisanna's wearing the one with the green and gold hair ribbons)

(Here's what Lucy's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what you're wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Bisca's wearing ⤴️)

(Here's what Carla's wearing ⤴️)

"So, Y/n," Juvia said to me.

"Yeah, Juvia?" I questioned.

"We were wondering if you wore that particular outfit to impress a certain someone at the guild," Juvia responded, a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Not this again," I grumbled. "I picked this outfit out because I thought that it was cute, that's it. Why do you girls always insist on thinking that I want to impress someone at the guild?"

"Oh, no reason," Levy countered.

"Anyways, I just hope that everyone likes the guild hall's decorations," Lucy said, changing the subject.

"Me too," Cana agreed. "I mean, we spent about three hours on decorating for this party."

"Yeah," Wendy responded. "I wouldn't want all of our hard work to go to waste."

"Which is why we need to make it to the guild hall," Erza stated.

"Right," we all exclaimed.

By the time we were done talking, we were at the guild hall. So we walked inside to see the decorations still up. As soon as we took our coats off, we put our gifts under the tree and waited for everyone else to arrive.

"Whoa!" a voice exclaimed. "What happened to the guild hall? It looks like Christmas exploded in here."

When I turned around to see who it was, I saw that Natsu and Gray had walked inside.

"Oh, hey guys," I greeted them.

"Y/n, do you know what happened here?" Gray asked.

"Oh, the girls and I decorated the guild hall for Christmas," I cheered.

"But why?" Natsu questioned.

"Because we have a big surprise for everyone," Lucy replied, overhearing my conversation with the boys. "And we have presents for you guys, but you'll have to wait until everyone is here to open them."

"Fine," Natsu and Gray grumbled.

"But about this surprise," Natsu stated. "Is it a good one?"

"Yes, Natsu," I replied. "It's a good surprise. I promise."

"Alright!" Natsu cheered.

Soon after, Alzak came into the guild.

"Mornin' girls," Alzak greeted.

"Morning, Alzak," we replied.

That's when Alzak noticed Bisca's outfit.

"You look nice, Bisca," Alzak complimented her.

"Thank you, partner," Bisca replied.

Soon after that, Bisca and Alzak went off on their own to talk with each other. After a while, more and more people started filing into the guild hall until everyone was here. Soon, I noticed that Gajeel was sitting at a table by himself in the far corner of the guild hall, so I walked over to him to try and get him into the Christmas spirit.

"Hi, Gajeel," I greeted. "Merry Christmas."

"Oh, hey, Fairy Girl," Gajeel replied. "Thanks. You too."

That's when I noticed him pull something out of his pocket. It looked like a small jewelery box wrapped in winter themed wrapping paper, but I couldn't be sure.

"Here," Gajeel said, putting the small, wrapped box on the table and pushing it towards me. "I got you something for Christmas."

"Oh," I gasped, taking the small box into my hands. "Thank you, Gajeel. I also got you something. Let me go get it real quick."

Before he could answer, I ran off to go get Gajeel's present. It was wasn't much, but it was something that I'm sure he would enjoy for a long time. I decided to get him a dragon necklace made of pure iron with a little bit of magic from each of my different fairy transformations. The dragon pendant was made of pure iron, while the chain was made of a little bit of magic from each of my different fairy transformations. It was something that I thought he would wear every day, but if he didn't want to wear it, he didn't have to. Anyways, after grabbing Gajeel's present, I ran back to the table that he was at.

"Sorry, Gajeel," I apologized, handing the present to Gajeel. "I know it's not much, but I decided to get you a little something. I even had it made from scratch."

Gajeel's POV
"Um, thanks, Fairy Girl," I replied, taking the gift from Y/n. "But why don't you open your's first, then I'll open mine."

"A-alright," Y/n stuttered, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

Then she started to unwrap the small ring box. Once she had taken the wrapping paper off, she stared at the ring box for a few seconds before opening it. When she finally opened the box, Y/n found her mother's wedding ring inside. When I looked up at her, I noticed that she was trying to not cry in front of me.

(This is what your mother's wedding ring looks like ⤴️)

"You okay, Fairy Girl?" I asked her.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Y/n stuttered again. "It's just that...I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" I questioned.

"How did you get ahold of my mom's wedding ring?" Y/n wondered. "I thought it was on her left ring finger when she was buried."

"I went to the master and told him that I wanted to get you something for Christmas," I explained. "He told me that when your mom died, she never wore her wedding ring or her engagement ring. Master also explained that your parents' house was never sold, seeing as it was your decision since you're the last one in your family alive."

"But that doesn't explain how you got ahold of my mom's wedding ring," Y/n countered, wiping away the tears that somehow escaped her eyes.

"I thought that it would be a good idea for you to have something of your mom's," I continued. "After asking the master about what to get you, he showed me your mom's wedding and engagement rings, but I thought that it would be a bit more special for you to have her wedding ring, seeing as you would've seen her wearing it more than her engagement ring."

After I finished explaining, there was a blanket of silence over us. After a few seconds, Y/n tackled me in a hug and spoke up again.

"Thank you so much, Gajeel," Y/n whispered. "Thank you."

"No problem, Fairy Girl," I replied, hugging her back. "It's the least I can do for you."

Then she pulled away from the hug.

"Now, open your's," Y/n stated. "I worked hard to find the right present for you, so I hope you like it."

"Alright," I said, letting go of her.

Once Y/n was out of my reach, I grabbed the present she got me and started looking at it. It was wrapped in silver wrapping paper, but it looked like it had an iron like texture to it. After staring at the present for a few seconds, I started unwrapping it. After I had unwrapped the present, I saw that it was a small box, most likely a box that would have a necklace inside. After opening the box, I say a necklace with a dragon pendant. I can tell by the smell of the pendant that it was made of pure iron, but the chain seemed different. I could feel Y/n's magic energy radiating off of the chain, meaning that she must've infused it with her magic. The pendant had some unique designs to it, but it was something that Y/n gave me.

(Here's what the pendant to Gajeel's necklace looks like ⤴️)

"It's not much, but I infused the chain with magic from each of my fairy transformations," Y/n explained. "I even had the whole thing made from scratch, like I said earlier."

"Thanks, Fairy Girl," I thanked her, putting the necklace on. "It's perfect."

"You're welcome, Gajeel," Y/n replied, getting up from her seat. "Well, we should probably join the others."

"Yeah," I responded, getting up from my seat too.

Then we went to join the others by the tree.

Y/n's POV
Once we were back by the others, I noticed that my presents for my friends were the only ones left under the tree.

"Alright," I called out, still standing next to Gajeel. "Teams Natsu and Shadow Gear, Strauss siblings, Cana, Juvia, Bisca, Pantherlily, and Stella, go get your presents."

"Alright!" my friends cheered, running up to the tree and grabbing their presents.

I got Elfman a handmade plushie of his beast form from when we thought we lost Lisanna, Mira received a handmade plushie of her She Devil form, Lisanna got a handmade plushie of her bunny form from when her and Natsu found Happy's egg, Erza got a handmade Jellal plushie, Juvia got a new dress, Lucy got a handmade Plu plushie, Gray got a handmade plushie of Ur, Natsu received a handmade plushie of Igneel, Happy got fish, Wendy got a handmade plushie of Grandeeney, Carla got a new outfit that I handmade, Levy got a new book about my type of magic, Jet got new running shoes, Droy got a book about different plants (which Levy forced me to get him), Bisca got a new gun for her magic, Cana got a bottle of her favorite alcohol, Pantherlily got a sword, and Stella got a new bed.

"I love it!" they all cheered.

The first two people to thank me for their presents were Natsu and Wendy.

"How did you know to get us plushies of our dragons?!" Wendy and Natsu exclaimed at the same time.

"Haha!" I laughed at their reactions. "I thought that it would be nice if you had your dragons with you."

Then I turned towards Gajeel and stood up on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear.

"I even made you a plushie of Metalicana," I whispered. "If you want to spend the night at my house tonight, I can give it to you."

"Thanks, Fairy Girl," Gajeel whispered back.

After Gajeel had said that, I couldn't help but blush because of the feeling of his breath against my skin. Before I could think too much about it, Bisca walked up to us with her new gun in her hands.

"How did you know that I wanted a new gun?" Bisca asked me.

"You wouldn't stop asking me for a new gun to use with your magic," I replied.

"Thanks, girl," Bisca responded.

The next two friends to thank me for their presents were Juvia and Carla.

"Thank you for the new outfit, Y/n," Juvia and Carla cheered.

"No problem, girls," I replied.

Then Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna came up to me with the plushies in their arms (but Elfman had his in his hands).

"Thank you for the plushies, Y/n!" the Strauss siblings called out.

"Mine is so manly!" Elfman exclaimed.

"Hahaha!" I giggled at Elfman's reaction. "It's not a problem, guys. I just thought that you would enjoy having mini versions of one of your transformations."

Then Happy flew over to me and Gajeel.

"Thank you for the fish, Y/n!" Happy cheered.

"Not a problem, Happy," I replied.

That's when I saw Gray come up to me and Gajeel.

"Thank you for the Ur plushie, Y/n," Gray said. "It's nice to have her still with me."

"I know how much she meant to you, Gray," I stated. "I wanted you to have a piece of her still with you, so I made you an Ur plushie."

"Thank you," Gray repeated what he said earlier. "I mean it."

"It's no problem, Gray," I countered.

Then Cana came up to me and Gajeel.

"Thanks for the booze, girl!" Cana cheered, already having the bottle half gone.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed. "You're welcome, Cana. Just make sure that you don't drink it all. It's hard for me to buy that stuff without asking Gramps where to get it."

Then Stella flew over with her new bed on her head. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit at her.

"Thank you for the new bed, Y/n," Stella cheered. "I love it! And it's so soft!"

"You're welcome, Stella," I replied. "I'm glad you like it. Now you can stop sleeping with me. I got you that bed because I was too scared that I would hurt you in my sleep."

"Well, thank you for being so considerate of my welbeing, Y/n," Stella said.

That's when Pantherlily flew over to us.

"Thanks for the new sword, Y/n," Lily thanked me. "It's perfect!"

"Haha!" I laughed. "No problem, Lily."

That's when I noticed Lily looking at something in the air above mine and Gajeel's heads.

"What is it, Lily?" I asked him.

"Look up," he replied.

And so, Gajeel and I looked up, only to see Happy holding some mistletoe above our heads.

"Uh oh," I mumbled, my face erupting into a full blown blush.

"You know the rules, Fairy Girl," Gajeel stated.

"But I--" I countered, but before I could finish, I felt Gajeel's lips on mine.

"His lips are soft and warm," I thought to myself, closing my eyes and kissing Gajeel back. "It's like I'm on Cloud 9. I feel like it's just me and Gajeel in the room. I never want this moment to end."

After a few more seconds, Gajeel pulled away from the kiss, leaving me yearning for his warmth.

"I...uh..." I stuttered.

"I'll stay the night at your house tonight," Gajeel whispered.

"A-alright," I mumbled, still on Cloud 9 from that kiss.

"Well, when do you want to go to your house?" Gajeel asked me.

"Why don't we just enjoy the party right now?" I suggested. "If I have to, I can just ask Stella to go get your plushie."

"Alright," Gajeel replied.

And so, we enjoyed the rest of the Christmas party. As the party went on, I saw Stella and Lily, Natsu and Lucy, Gray and Juvia, Lisanna and Bixlow, Elfman and Evergreen, Mira and Laxus, and Bisca and Alzak get caught under the mistletoe. Eventually, everyone passed out because of the booze and eggnog. But no matter what, the party was a blast. And I'm glad I got to spend it with the one person I cherish the most, Gajeel Redfox.

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