Once Upon a Time (A Rusame St...

By ZC_AceWolf

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"I cant control Switzerland's power like he can. I cant single out one persons thoughts, and even knowing tha... More

Character notes
Chapter 1: 7am
Chapter 2:Fists
Chapter 3: Hatred
Chapter 4: Roomates
Chapter 5: The Note
Chapter 6: Bruised and Broken
Chapter 7: The Big Day
Chapter 8: Side Effects
Chapter 9: EU?!
Character 10: Blinded Fate
Chapter 11: Stolen
Chapter 12: The Bully
Chapter 13: The Search
Chapter 14: Only Room For One
Chapter 15: Powers?
Chapter 16: Wings Of Gold
Chapter 17: Dark and Deadly
Chapter 18: War
Chapter 19: Broken Hearts
Chapter 20: Hangover
Chapter 21: Someone's to Blame
Chapter 22: Shadows
Chapter 23: Smoke & Fire
Chapter 24: Savior
Chapter 25: Ready, Set, Go!
Chapter 26: A Cold Revenge
Chapter 27: Britain?
Chapter 28: Principal's Office
Chapter 29: Love & Hate
Chapter 30: Challenge
Chapter 31: Healed
Chapter 32
Extra: Thanksgiving eve
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Back Again?
Chapter 40: So Cold... :o
Chapter 41: I'll Help You
Chapter 42: Love
Chapter 43: Clinging to Life
Chapter 44: Help Me
InterChapter: Home?
Chapter 45: Find Me
Chapter 46: Do You?
Chapter 47: Save Me
Chapter 48: What's This Feeling?
Chapter 49: Toxic
Chapter 50: Blade of Languages
COTM & Quick Write
Chapter 51: Danger
Chapter 52: What's The EUC?
Chapter 53: Figures
Chapter 54: Stories
Chapter 55: A Plan
Chapter 56: So much going on-
Thanksgiving Eve; PT.2
Chapter 57; A plan to start
Chapter 58; It's Almost Time
Chapter 59; A light in the Darkness
Chapter 60; No One Wins
Chapter 61; Back to Normal..?

Chapter 37

73 4 3
By ZC_AceWolf


I could only listen as my brother walked out of the room, going to fight a major storm that was soon to hit. That just left Switzerland, Germany and me in this room.

"I think we should hide, don't you hear those sirens?" I tried listening to the sirens, only hearing them when they were at their loudest.

"I can hear them." I looked in the direction of where I thought Germany stood, but I couldn't tell due to how quiet he was.

"We can hide under the staircase, come on, we don't have much time." Someone aggressively grabbed my shoulder, yanking me up onto my feet before I could say anything.

"Ay, cool it, no need to grab and yank!" The country grabbing my arm loosened their grip some. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize I was yanking that hard..." By the voice, I could tell it was Germany. I could also tell that he still regretted his past with me although I didn't care much.

"You're okay Germany, dont worry about it!" I paused as the light dimmed. "Let's just get in, I don't feel like dying a second time" I strained a laugh even though we all knew this situation was no laughing matter.

"Alright, Only two can fit under these stairs, so I'll go hide in my closet, just- Dont kill each other, please." This was Switzerland speaking, he seemed sure of himself yet caught in a third world dimension.

"I see you have forgiven Germany for the accidents of the past, although I do not know much of this, I thank you for it. He still regrets everything... I think it is best to leave you two to talk." My headache returned to me as soon as Switzerland's voice spoke through my head. Thank you for telling me, but you are giving me a headache, leave my head in peace please. I could feel the crushing weight lifting off of my head as Switzerland left my mind.

The creaking of the stair door shutting signaled Switzerland leaving me and Germany officially alone.



"Why did you do it?"

"Why did I... Do what..?"

"Why were you so angry?"


"Why did you kill me?"


"You were angry, Why?"


"Dont lie to me, Germany."

"It's a long story."

"Well, it seems we will be stuck in here for a while. Speak."

"Okay... Just... Don't try anything..."

I nodded waiting for him to continue.

"It all started around ten years ago...

No ones pov

(Because I can -_-)

A small snake slithered through the grass, its tongue flicking in and out of its mouth as it cautiously slithered towards a young boy who sat on some porch stairs.

The little boy smooched, calling out for the snake as it continued sliding towards him. Once the snake had finally finished its 'long' journey to the young boy, it got rewarded with a small cricket that it did not attempt to eat.

"You did such a good job! You are learning so fast, spots!" The boy allowed the small 1 ft snake to coil around his arm, even going as far to let it coil around his neck although he was young, unaware of the dangers.

The boy let out a giggle as the snake's tongue tickled his neck. Only a loud yell arising from the house behind him ruined this moment.

"You should go, I'll see you tomorrow, spotty!" He calmly peeled the snake off of his neck, releasing it into the grass for it to slither off into the forest that surrounded his small cozy home.

Another yell signaled the last warning for the small boy who rose to his feet like a soldier on duty.

He snapped his hand to his forehead saluting the door which was still closed for just a moment more before a black white and red flagged country slammed the door open.

"Hello, father..." This new country was fuming, his hateful eyes stared down upon the small German child below him.

As if it was instinct, the child hunched over making himself seem smaller and less threatening to the older, sturdier country.

"Germany, Where the hell were you when I called the first time?" This country's voice was strong, overpowering even.

Germany peaked up for a moment, thinking of an excuse to use in his icky situation.

"I was fixing the plants... I didn't hear your call, I am sorry father..." Germany pleaded for mercy from his father but was not given any.

The taller country raised his hand before slamming his palm into the younger Germany's face with a loud 'CLAP'

Germany crumbled to the ground, clasping his face in his hand as tears filled his eyes in shock.

"Next time you will know to answer to my first call." With that, he walked off, leaving Germany on the ground, tears now streaming down his face but his face still shown in shock.

"But you didn't even need anything..."

He leveraged himself up, slowly making it onto his feet. His eyes darted around the open area, looking for anybody who would watch him, but no one was there.

Germany took this chance to dart into the woods, his right hand still tracing the red marking from his father's hand.

A small whisper sounded as Germany slowed his pace in the forest. The sun was sliding down the sky, causing the forest to be a cold whisper of trees.

Shadows surrounded him, more forming as the light from the sun dimmed. "Nazi... Are you there..?"

A smaller but way older country stepped out of the bushes that lined the trees. "Yes, I am here... What happened today, brother?"

Nazi was of course Germany's brother although he got more attention from their father he was also allowed to travel further and mess up more. Nazi followed their father in every footstep, in fact he wanted to be just like the 2nd reich.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to come out here..."

Although most favorite children abuse their power, Nazi and Germany had yet to reach that age of hating each other, in fact Nazi was the closest person to Germany at this point.

"Have you ever thought of running away, Nazi..?"

Nazi had sat down next to Germany, his hand grabbing onto Germany's shoulder in a polite, loving way.

"No-no-no, Why would we ever do that, father loves us and you know that!"

Germany mumbled a sigh, keeping his opinion to himself like usual. He forced fake belief into his words as he continued.

"Yeah, You're right, father does love us!"

Nazi shook Germany a bit in excitement.

"I'm glad you agree, well I'm going to head to bed, I'll see you in the morning!"


Nazi had gotten up already making his way towards the dim glow of the wooden house they lived in.

"Just come home soon, you know what lurks out here, praying on small countries like you!"

Germany shivered, before humming an approval even though he knew he wouldn't be back soon.

A loud caw of a hawk caused Germany to jump.

He knew that he should go home, but who would want to be home with people who hate you?

"SKY?" Germany yelled out towards the sky, his eyes traced every inch of the sky and he listened for any signs of this creature he yelled out for.

"SSSSKKKKYYYYYYYYYYY???" The German country began fiddling with the dead leaves that laid on the ground, anxiety crawled up the more his pet did not respond...

Finally a call of a bird relieved all of his built up anxiousness. A big eagle flew down from the sky, landing swiftly on Germany's arm.

Germany squeaked in pain as the eagle's claws stabbed into Germany's shoulder

"What did I tell you about the shoulder, Sky!" Sky the bird purred. Rubbing his head on Germany's face.

"Hah! I missed you too, buddy-boy!"

The two played together for a while longer before Germany began to yawn. Sky took a spot next to Germany as he laid down on the crunchy leaves.

The small German's eyes slowly slid closed as exhaustion took over his body though his mind continued to run.

He knew of the consequences that would come in the morning, but he couldn't gather enough energy to get himself up.

"Good night, Sky."

Back at the cabin sat Nazi and the Second Reich talking on the patio, only in quiet whispers, but loud enough for the country in the bushes to hear.

"You are better than your brother in every way, shape and form. You do not need to talk to him. He is useless."

The young Nazi looked at his father, nodding.

"Treat him like a slave. That's all he's good for."

5 years later

The now older germany woke up in the same spot that he had slept in before.

"Good morning, Sky, You look better today than yesterday..."

A small squawk from the bird signaled that he was still alive although the small bite-marks lining its wing were inflamed, worrying Germany.

"Let's get you fixed up, you can't go around flying on that wing."

The thirteen year old boy gently picked up the eagle, bringing it protectively to his chest like a wolf defending its pup.


Germany snorted a laugh.

"Shshshshshshsh! You have to be quiet, Nazi can't know about you or he will kill you!"

Germany gently pressed his fingers against the bird's beak, closing it slowly.

The bird severally disagreed with his choice, shaking its head to get its beak free.

"Okay, Okay!"

Germany let go of the bird's beak allowing it to squawk freely, although it didn't make a sound.

"Alright come on!"

Germany began his short walk towards the small cabin that was slowly degenerating overtime.

He was only about fifty feet away when he noticed his brother talking on the back patio.

"Sh, I have to sneak around him, don't get me in trouble!"

It seemed as if the bird could understand because it ducked its head and stayed quiet.

The teen boy smiled at the bird's understanding before tip-toeing towards the front door. He quietly creaked the door open, smelling the air as it blew out.

"Looks like there is some beef stew for dinner today... yuck... not like they left any for me anyways."

Germany continued through the house until he made it to his small but cozy room. He pulled out a med kit from under his bed.

Softly, the German disinfected the bird's wounds before wrapping it in a bandage.

"That should do it! You'll hopefully be up and flying in no time!

The bird stood up, waddling around this new area, it snuck under the bed and into the closet, over the clothes and through the trash. All without a sound.

"I'm sorry, birdy, but you'll be here for a while, at least until your wing is fully healed... I promise I'll try and hunt for you, but I don't have a gun... Here, let me make you a leash so I can still take you out"

"Come on, now that you have this leash, we can go out and get you some food!" Germany lightly tugged on the leash and the bird perked up before following him.

They quietly made their way towards the forest as the sun began setting, dyeing the sky a bright marble of colors.

"Alright, you go up there, and stay, I'm going to try and hunt for you!"

Germany placed the eagle on a high branch away from any predators that could attack.

"Wish me luck!" the boy stifled a laugh, trudging deeper into the forest, watching his footing every step he took.

Even the smallest crack of a branch or crunch of a leaf would alert any creatures in a mile radius, and Germany couldn't risk it.

He carefully separated the branches of a bush as he crawled through it, he knew where to go to find prey, and he knew just how to get it, but not every time would he come home with something.

He carefully rummaged through the bushes surrounding him until he found what he was looking for.

The German boy pulled out a jaggedy bow and three blood tipped arrows from the bush, turning the arrows in his fingers as he looked over.

His fingers traced the sharp edges of one of the arrowheads, wiping away the crusted blood that was layered on.

"Come on, please give me another kill..."

Germany noticed the shredded part of his bowstring, knowing that it wouldn't last much longer, he twined it together, hopefully giving him another chance to use it before it would break.

A crack of a branch around him signaled an animal, he silently slid his bow onto his shoulder and began to stalk his prey.

A male deer stood in a small clearing, chewing on the few living leaves that lined the bushes. This buck was rather skinny, and its horns were broken, obviously it had fought for a mate and lost.

This would be an easy kill for Germany, and obviously he knew this.

The dear moved slowly, and jerked with every move. Germany believed that this buck wouldn't have enough energy to run away, so he decided his way of attack.

Germany slowly moved out of the bush not making any sound, then he pulled out his bow and laid an arrow in his bow.

With a deep breath, he pulled back the string.





Germany aimed his arrow at the buck's heart area and released.

A high pitched whistle sounded as the Arrow was sent flying through the air, followed by an outcry of pain from the poor buck.

Another thing Germany noted was that his bow string was now snapped, he would have to get another sooner or later.

Moments later, Germany realized that the deer was down, so he crawled out of the bush and grabbed onto the buck's leg, slowly hauling it back to his bird.


Germany muffled his laugh again.


The bird flew out of the trees- well dropped out of the trees and onto Germany.

"Hey, boy, I know, I know you're hungry, but you have to wait till we get home so then I can cut you off a slice."

His tone switched as he muttered on.

"And I have to fix my bow." His voice lightened again. "But anyways, I gotta cook my food on the stove so I can eat it too!"

Sky climbed up Germany's arm, ending on his shoulder. Sky pressed his feathery head against the face of the German as they trekked towards his home.

The journey didn't last long but it felt like heaven to Germany, or- at least for the time being.


Because Germany loved the outdoors, He loved to look up at the sky and bathe in his freedom, He loved the way the animal's were trusting, and never judging unlike the majority of his family. When he was out in the wilderness, hidden in the trees, he could be free.

"Sh, we are getting close, my friend. You'll have food any minute now..."

Germany hid the bird under his shirt, as he dragged the deer carcass through the dirt to his home which was only a few steps away.


Germany's whole body stiffened as he heard his name being yelled out.

"GERMANY! Where the hell have you been?!"

Nazi appeared around the corner of the house, his face depicted his anger to the T.

"Heeeeyyyyy, Nazi... I was just hunting for some food, It took a minute... and my bow broke...but I got some!"

Nazi looked down at the skinny deer disappointedly.

"What food? That thing is about as big enough to feed one of us fully... If that."

Of course that was a lie, but since the talk Nazi had with their father around five years ago, he had never been the same, in fact, he had been an ass since then

"No need to be rude, cool it. At least I'm Trying to feed us!"

Nazi looked up from the carcass, his eyes widened in shock as if he thought that Germany would never talk back to him.

"You know, since dad isn't around anymore, I have to deal with ALL OF THIS! I have to make sure everything goes as planned"

Germany knew this was bullshit, the land had already been paid off, and they didn't get electricity or heaters, there was no taxes to be paid, nothing to be fixed. In fact even with the stuff that needed to be fixed, Germany had done. The only thing Nazi did was cause more problems.

"You know that is bullshit! I'VE done it ALL!"

Nazi sharpened his glare at Germany, threatening his brother with his stare.

"No, You've been useless, just like father said you'd be. The only thing you are merely good at is getting us food, nothing else."

Germany took a step back.

"Well if you think you're all that! Go try living by yourself! See how well you get along! In fact, I'll go!"

Nazi smiled at Germany as the German spoke.

"Fine, go ahead, get your damned stuff out of my house. See you never."

Germany nodded, then shouldered past his brother and walked into the house.

Nazi stood outside still fuming about his brother's words.

Of course the Nazi boy didn't think his brother would truly leave forever, but at the moment, he didn't care if he would, in fact at the moment he wished Germany would leave

Just a few minutes later and Nazi's dream came true, Germany had packed his stuff, and with Sky on his shoulder and Spot twirled around his bare leg, he was ready to go.

Nazi allowed Germany to take as much of the dead deer as he wanted and Germany did so, taking about half of it into his bag

"Goodbye, Nazi."

The two brothers made harsh eye contact, each equally outraged with the other.

"Goodbye, Germany."

~End Flashback~

"I thought that would be the last time I would see him..."

Germany looked down at his feet, even in the darkness, Greenland could see his despair

"I didn't even recognize him in the forest until a few days ago."

Greenland waved his arm in the air until he found Germany's shoulder.

"Germany, I see there are many reasons you made that choice, but that one decision doesn't defy you for the rest of your life. It's your next actions that will define you. Not the actions of the past. You can't truly opinionize somebody who you don't know based off of one's telling of the story."

Greenland's words were wise and soothing although Greenlands emotions were not. He could also tell that his calming tone was doing Germany some justice by calming his nerves. Which of course made Greenland happy.

The sound of pattering rain broke the silence between them.

"Do you think we will make it?"

Germany spoke through the loud storm.

"I am not sure. Switzerland, how are you?"

"I am a little cramped, but I'll do. How are you two?"

Greenland could tell that Switzerland already knew how they were by the way of his voice.

"I think we are okay, besides for the fact that we are in a possibly deadly storm.... But you know, that's fiiiiiinnnneeeee."

This was Germany, his sarcasm peaked at the end of his sentence.

"Yes, we are truly okay, nothing bad has happened."

Switzerland hummed in their minds.

"That sounds good, but... Never mind."

Greenland retracted his arm off of Germany and Germany sat back up.

"I'm going out."

Greenland jumped up, grabbing the door handle and twisting it.

"Greenland no!"

"Don't do that Greenland, you don't know what is out there, and the lights are out, you cant see anyways!"

The Greenlandic man continued through the door, closing it behind him.

"Switzerland! Please keep an eye on him, I don't need him dying again."


Greenland stood in the dimly lit room, his eyes were open, but not his usual color, they were a darker emerald green.

His breath caught as he stood there. Greenlands skin grew pale as if he was dying a second time, but his face told otherwise.

Switzerland shivered in his hiding spot as he kept connected with Greenland's mind.

Germany worried in the dark though he stayed strong.

"Switzerland what's going on?"

Germany sounded anxious and that anxiety only grew as Switzerland did not respond

Greenland stared straight through everything, as if he was looking into the multiverse in all instead of the four walled room he was in.


This time he got a response, but would have rather not have gotten one.

Switzerland responded with nothing but his gasping breaths.

"Oh, shit!"

Germany cried out, gathering his courage and escaping the sheltering spot.

He quietly moved past stationary Greenland, though he knew something was off, he would have to come back to Greenland later. Germany's main concern was Switzerland.

The only problem; Germany had no clue as to where Switzerland was.

The air around Greenland thinned before he finally awoke from his trance. Switzerland was also freed of his mind.

"Germany, I'm alright!"

A loud thump sounded as Switzerland tumbled out of his spot. Another thump was made when Greenland fell to his knees.

"I'm here! What happened to Greenland?"

Switzerland walked out of the room to Germany's right, looking down at Greenland.

"I'm not sure... What happened to you?"

Switzerland sighed, staring down at his feet before returning his eyes to Germany.
"I do not know."


3467 words

Honestly, not bad, only had to fix half of it to make it make sense.

Anywho, Merry Christmas and happy new years, Ill see you next yeaaaaaarrrrrr



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