By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

C491 - 491: Explanation
Long Hui rested on the bed for two more days before he got off from the bed. Yu Qi allowed Long Hui to get off from his bed after checking his body. His wounds had healed nicely even though it was not completely healed.

When Long Hui stepped out from the pagoda, he was speechless. 'What is this place?' In front of him, there was a beautiful scene. A clear sky, a large lake and the greenish mountain. Behind him, from where the place he had gotten out was a large pagoda.

And the dog and the boy were playing together. The dog was talking in human language. Even though he already knew about that but still he could not help to feel amused.

"Brother Hui, let's go sit at the pavilion." Yu Qi pulled Long Hui's hand and walked towards the pavilion.

Long Hui just followed his beloved Qi Qi. The two of them sat on the chair. The breeze felt very nice.

"Brother Hui, you must be wondering where and what is this place, right?" Yu Qi smiled.

"Yeah. It feels different here." Long Hui nodded.

"It is my space." Yu Qi started to explain.

"Your space? What do you mean by that?" Long Hui did not understand?

"How can I explain to you in a simple way?" Yu Qi played with her chin. "This place is separate from the real world. You can only enter this space with my permission."

Long Hui showed some confusion on his face. He did not quite understand what Yu Qi had meant by this.

Seeing this, Yu Qi stood up. "Let's go. I will show it to you."

Yu Qi grabbed Long Hui's hand. She closed her eyes. "Brother Hui, you should close your eyes in case you feel dizzy."

Listening to his beloved Qi Qi, Long Hui closed his eyes. He did not feel anything at all.

"Okay, Brother Hui. You can open your eyes now." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui closed his eyes. Then he opened them widely, feeling shocked with what he was seeing in front of him. In front of him was the place where he had fought with those men. How did they end up here? He was pretty sure that he was not moving at all just now.

"You see, I have met you and entered the space here. So, when we will get out of my space, we will be here. If I enter my space from your room, when I want to get out of the space, I will be in your room." Yu Qi explained. It was a simple explanation. But she was hoping that Long Hui would understand it.

"Let's enter space first." Yu Qi once again grabbed Long Hui's hand. "Close your eyes.''

With a blink, they were already inside the space.

"See. We are already inside my space. Like I have said before, to enter this space, you will need my permission."

"So, what is this space actually?" Long Hui asked.

"Well, I had been told by Bo Ya that this space was actually formed by a cultivator thousand years ago. It was a place where someone could learn all kinds of knowledge that existed. Even though it had formed thousands of years ago but it still had the latest knowledge of the current world. Like it would be updated." Yu Qi also thought it was a little bit weird but it was indeed helping her.

"It is indeed an interesting place." Long Hui looked around.

He looked up to the sky. It was not much difference compared to the outside sky but the feeling was pretty different. Like its air. The air was much refreshing.

"One more thing, the time flows differently compare to the outside world. It is three times faster than outside. For example, one day outside equals to three days inside." Yu Qi told Long Hui.

"Oh, you will have more time to do your work if you stay in this space." Long Hui nodded.

"How this space ended into your hand?" Long Hui threw a question.

"I actually don't know about it. It suddenly has appeared. Bo Ya said this space has selected me as its owner. For what reason, I don't know." Yu Qi also did not know the reason.

She did ask Bo Ya about that. Even he did not know the reason. It was that space itself chose her as its owner.

"Master, look. I have made this." Aoi brought the origami that had a 'love' shape.

"Oh, it is nice." Yu Qi praised him.

"It is for you," Aoi asked Yu Qi to take it.

Long Hui stared at Aoi. Sensing the man was staring at him, Aoi quickly escaped from there.

"Tell me, why does that dog can talk?" Long Hui was curious about that too.

"Aoi is not a normal dog. It is a beast. A beast can think and understand human's language. He was found here in the space. I like dogs so I have kept him as a pet. Suddenly he has bitten my hand and entered the blood contract with me." Yu Qi was kind of happy when she reminisced the memories of her first meeting with Aoi.

"Blood contract?" Long Hui did not like those words.

"It is a contract, well, how can I explain to you... Hmm... I'm his master. If I die, he will die too. Basically, he is my bodyguard." Yu Qi nodded to her explanation too.

She could not describe this blood contract correctly. Well, it was because she just thought that Aoi was her cute little pet even though he was growing up right now.

Long Hui nodded, understanding his beloved Qi Qi's explanation. "Then, how about that boy?"Long Hui pointed to Bo Ya who was currently playing with Aoi.

Yu Qi looked at Bo Ya. "What I know about Bo Ya, he is the guardian of this space. It exists along with this space. He knows everything about this space. He is the one who has told me everything about this space. And this space has the previous owners. For some reason, Bo Ya told me that he only remembers a little bit of his previous owners. Like something has sealed his memories." Yu Qi told Long Hui about Bo Ya.

Long Hui was shocked hearing about Bo Ya. Turned out the person whom he had considered a brat was actually much older than him.

"Well, he is my cute guardian." Yu Qi smiled.

Her two little cuties really completed her life. If the two of them were not here with her, she did not think that she would be someone like right now. Bo Ya and Aoi really helped her a lot.

C492 - 492: Of Course, My Girl Would Be Excellent.

The two of them decided to get out of the space. Yu Qi wanted Long Hui to rest more but Long Hui insisted to go out. He told Yu Qi that it was not good for them to be missing for a long time.

With that decision, Yu Qi came out with an explanation to be explained to others. They were indeed missing for a long time.

They went out. Since they had entered the space while at the forest, they would be in the forest too after they got out of the space.

"We need to walk through this forest." Yu Qi said.

"It's okay." Long Hui assured his beloved Qi Qi. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi was worried about him.

So, they walked at a slow pace. Yu Qi insisted. She did not want to put a burden on Long Hui's body. He just recovered.

"Hui, is that you?" It was Ren Qian Yi's voice.

Yu Qi and Long Hui turned at the direction where they had heard the voice coming from. They could see that Ren Qian Yi was running towards them with a happy expression.

Ren Qian Yi was so happy to see Long Hui and Yu Qi. He was about to hug Long Hui. Suddenly, Yu Qi blocked, protecting Long Hui behind him.

"Don't pound on him. He is injured." Yu Qi said.

"What? Injured? Are you okay, Hui?" Ren Qian Yi became worried when he heard Yu Qi's words.

"I can manage." Long Hui said.

"Well, let's go back to the military compound first. I will call someone to bring a portable stretcher." Ren Qian Yi was about to call someone.

"No need."

"Call them."

There were two answers at the same time. Yu Qi had agreed with that idea while Long Hui had rejected.

"Well, I will listen to my sister in law." Ren Qian Yi grinned at Long Hui.

Long Hui did not say anything. He knew that Yu Qi would insist to bring him with that way.

So, Ren Qian Yi called someone to bring the stretchers. The soldiers were very fast. Long Hui relaxed as others brought him outside the forest.

Ren Qian Yi's vehicles already waited for them. Yu Qi helped Long Hui get into the vehicles. Ren Qian Yi asked whether he needed to ride the ambulance, however, he only received another glare from Long Hui. So, he shut up his mouth and drove back to the military compound.

They arrived at the military compound. Seeing their arrival, the soldiers that happened to see them, came and greeted Yu Qi and Long Hui. The soldiers were grateful to Long Hui and Yu Qi. One bravely sacrificed himself in order to save his subordinates. Another one helped to treat the injured soldiers without care about herself.

"Colonel Long, Doctor Tang. Thank goddess, you are safe." One of the soldiers talked.

"Thank you." Yu Qi gave a polite smile.

"Enough. Go and do your own work." Long Hui ordered them in a cold voice.

The soldiers did not get angry with Long Hui. They already knew that Colonel Long cared about them. So, they left Long Hui and Yu Qi.

"Let's go to the military clinic first." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui and Ren Qian Yi made an eye contact. Actually, they wanted to talk about the incident.

"Other things can wait. Let's check your condition first." Yu Qi realized the exchange between the two men. But that things could wait. Long Hui's condition was the most important thing to her right now.

The men could not win about it. So, they quietly stepped into the military clinic. In the clinic, there were three doctors including Zheng Yiwu. Looking at the person, Zheng Yiwu was surprised to see Yu Qi here.

"Yu Qi, thank goddess. You are safe." Zheng Yiwu could not express his happiness more. He was very worried when he suddenly heard that Yu Qi had gone missing on that day.

"Brother Yiwu, thank you." Yu Qi bowed. She regarded Zheng Yiwu like her brother since Zheng Yiwu gave a vibe as Tang Han Lee had.

"Oh, doctors here, can you give check-up for Colonel Long? He was injured. I treated him but it is better to check it." Yu Qi looked at the other two doctors.

"Alright." The doctors agreed.

They had already heard about this young girl. Her skill was par with another experienced doctors. As expected from the granddaughter of the legendary doctor.

The doctor did check-up on Long Hui. When the doctors checked his body, they were very shocked. The bullet wounds on Long Hui's body were too many. About 15 wounds. However, it had already pretty much healed. It was too fast. They did not know if it was Long Hui's body that was very good or Yu Qi was very skilful.

"The wounds are pretty much healed. However, it is better to take care of the body. Don't use too much strength." The doctor advised.

Long Hui nodded. Yu Qi and Long Hui left the military clinic followed by Ren Qian Yi. They walked into Long Hui's office.

Yu Qi looked at Long Hui and Ren Qian Yi. They seemed to discuss something.

"Well, since we are already here, I will leave first. Brother Qian Yi, please take care of Brother Hui. Don't let him work hard for now." Yu Qi advised. Only after that, she left the office.

"Hui, you are really fortunate. I want a girl like her too." Ren Qian Yi expressed his envy towards Long Hui.

Long Hui did not say anything. He just smiled. 'Of course, my girl will be excellent.'

C493 - 493: Throw Some Doubt

Ren Qian Yi rolled his eyes when seeing the proud expression on Long Hui's face.

"Well, let's get to the business." Ren Qian Yi turned serious.

Long Hui waited for Ren Qian Yi to continue.

"Our information had been leaked to the enemy by Wang Xi." Ren Qian Yi explained.

"Wang Xi?" Long Hui remembered that soldier.

He was a good soldier who would follow the orders very strictly. How could someone like him do something like that? He remembered the moment when Wang Xi had appeared in front of him that day. His face was filled with guilt.

"I guess he was threatened." Long Hui made an assumption. "He was there on that day. He behaved very strangely."

"I am thinking that same too." Ren Qian Yi nodded.

"Investigate for the last few months who made contact with Wang Xi. I am guessing that we have some rat in our rank." Long Hui's eyes flashed a cold glint.

"Okay. I will do it." Ren Qian Yi nodded. "By the way, where did you stay during the time you have gone missing?" Ren Qian Yi was somehow interested to know about it.

"Why do you want to know?" Long Hui annoyed with his friend.

"Don't be so heartless. I spent a lot of time searching for you, okay." Ren Qian Yi said.

"I stayed..."

Meanwhile, on Yu Qu's side, Yu Qi had been hugged by Ding Na An after Yu Qi stepped into their room. Ding Na An was very worried about her after knowing that Yu Qi was missing.

"Don't cry anymore. See, I'm fine." Yu Qi comforted the crying Ding Na An.

Ding Na An usually did not a cry but this incident left a great impact on Ding Na An. She was very scared as Yu Qi had gone missing. Last time, Yu Qi almost got kidnapped by some human traffickers.

"I thought that I will never meet you again." Ding Na An sobbed.

"Don't worry. You will see me until you get bored seeing me." Yu Qi laughed.

Because of Yu Qi's jokes, Ding Na An stopped crying and started to laugh with Yu Qi.

At the door, Ding Guan Ye knocked that open door. The two girls simultaneously looked at the door.

"Captain Ding." Yu Qi called Ding Guan Ye.

"Sister." Ding Na An was surprised to see Ding Guan Ye.

"Yu Qi, are you alright?" Ding Guan Ye inquired about Yu Qi. She had already considered Yu Qi as her sister since Yu Qi was a friend to Ding Na An.

"I'm okay Captain Ding." Yu Qi smiled.

"I have told you to call me Sister Guan Ye." Ding Guan Ye sighed.

"I will after this." Yu Qi patted Ding Na An's back.

Then other female soldiers came to Yu Qi and Ding Na An's room as soon as they got the new about Yu Qi's return. They were not in bad relationships with Yu Qi but still worried about Yu Qi since they heard about her missing report.

Some of them were treated by Yu Qi about their scars. As a soldier, they had some scars on their bodies. Yu Qi had kindly suggested that she could make the scars to fade away. When someone asked Yu Qi to treat her scars since she was about to get married soon and she had a really good result. Her scars faded away completely in one to two weeks. Her skin looked particularly good at the scar's area after the scars were gone.

The female soldier was very happy and told others about that. Others began to look for Yu Qi's treatment.

"Yu Qi, are you okay?"

One female soldier asked. It was someone whom Yu Qi had treated before.

"Thank you. I'm okay." Yu Qi just nodded.

The care showed by the soldiers here had made her thought that it was nice. Their relationship grew much closer.

The female soldiers and Yu Qi talked to each other. Only someone seemed to be unsatisfied with Yu Qi's return. She was grinding her teeth as she watched them talking from the door. That person was obviously Lang Jiang Ye.

When Lang Jiang Ye heard that Yu Qi had gone missing, she was secretly happy with it. It would be better if Yu Qi died somewhere else. She was imagining something worse. She imagined that Yu Qj was being raped by many men. That thought was very good when she thought about Yu Qi.

What made her unhappy was that Long Hui was missing too. She had already set her target on Long Hui. She wanted Long Hui to become hers after Yu Qi had died. She felt that Long Hui would be coming back and she would comfort Long Hui after he had got to know about Yu Qi's death.

"Where did you stay during these two weeks?" Ding Guan Ye asked. They indeed searched the area but still did not found them.

"We had stayed in the cave. When I had found Brother Hui back then, he was badly injured. So, I treated him. After that, I searched for a better place for him to recover. I found one cave. We stayed in the cave waiting for Brother Hui to wake up." Yu Qi explained. This was how Yu Qi and Long Hui agreed to tell others about their stay. They had to make a lie in order to completely hide Yu Qi's secret.

"That area indeed has a cave." Ding Guan Ye did not finish her sentences. Someone had interrupted.

"But we had searched the cave but still could not find you two. Or did you stay at the enemy place and conclude with the enemy?" Lang Jiang Ye joined the conversation.

C494 - 494: Clear Off The Doubt

All eyes were on Lang Jiang Ye. They displayed a bad face to Lang Jiang Ye. They all knew about Lang Jiang Ye's love towards Long Hui. When Long Hui and Yu Qi had gone missing, she indeed joined the search team but her main focus was to only find Long Hui. As for Yu Qi, she thought that it would be better if she would die.

They knew that Lang Jiang Ye would make things difficult to Yu Qi. Involved with the enemy was the worst doubt that could happen on someone's character.

Yu Qi was very calm. She did not show any kind of expression when Lang Jiang Ye was trying to find a fault in her.

"No, why do you think like that?" Yu Qi threw a question.

"The soldiers found the remaining bodies of the enemy. They were brutally killed. Did you kill them since you were afraid that Colonel Long would find out about that?" Lang Jiang Ye accused Yu Qi.

"Lang Jiang Ye, don't go too far." A soldier came and protected Yu Qi. She did not like to hear what Lang Jiang Ye had talked about Yu Qi.

"What? She should be interrogated in case she is related to those men." Lang Jiang Ye shouted for justice.

Suddenly everyone heard Yu Qi chuckled by herself. Now all the eyes were on Yu Qi.

"What you have said is indeed interesting. Then, tell me what is the reason I'm doing so?" Yu Qi asked.

Lang Jiang Ye frowned. Of course, she did not know.

"It is only two months since I have been here. I do not even know them and their existence until last time. And for what reason will I work together with them?" Yu Qi gave off a smile to Lang Jiang Ye.

Lang Jiang Ye suddenly shivered when she watched smiled that Yu Qi had given her. It was a smile but not exactly a smile.

"Probably you want to go to their country." Lang Jiang Ye gave a stupid reason.

Ding Na An chuckled. Lang Jiang Ye looked at Ding Guan Ye's younger sister.

"Why have you laughed?" Lang Jiang Ye asked angrily.

"Do you know about Yu Qi's identity?"

The question from Ding Na An had made people wonder about Yu Qi.

"Humph! What's about it?" Lang Jiang Ye scoffed?

"She is the granddaughter of the legendary doctor who is very famous among the doctors in the world. If she wants to go to the other country, she just needs to go there without involving the people whom you have mentioned." It was the first time that Ding Na An showed off like this.

Lang Jiang Ye's expression turned bad. She did not succeed in making Yu Qi looked bad in front of others.

"Yu Qi, can you tell me during that time, we had searched for you in the cave but we did not get anything?." Ding Guan Ye asked.

"The cave is very big. And it had many spaces. Probably you had missed some spaces." Yu Qi explained.

"Yeah, probably." Ding Guan Ye wanted to drop the topic. "Well, since Yu Qi has just returned, you can take a rest first. You are probably tired."

Ding Guan Ye turned to others. "Let's leave. Yu Qi needs some rest."

The others left the room. Only Yu Qi and Ding Na An were left in the room.

"Well, then Yu Qi. You can rest first. I will go to the medical station." Ding Na An also left the room.


Long Hui had completely recovered. He was in the space with Yu Qi. He wanted to know more about Yu Qi's space. So, they set the time to meet. They already met at the area that the soldiers rarely used since they wanted to enter the space.

"Let me show you the greatness of this space." Yu Qi said. She was excited to show Long Hui this space.

The two of them walked. At Yu Qi's feet, the two little cuties, Bo Ya and Aoi followed her. They walked in the pagoda. They stopped at a machine. Long Hui looked at the machine.

"Mary, I want to go to the training room." Yu Qi talked to the machine.

Long Hui thought his beloved Qi Qi was feeling sick since she talked to the machine. Suddenly the screen on the machine turned on and a figure of a girl had appeared.

"Alright, Master. You can ride the lift now." Mary said in a robotic manner.

The door of the lift had opened up. Yu Qi pulled Long Hui to ride the lift. The two little cuties did not leave.

"You have told that this space has been created thousands of years ago, right?" Long Hui could not help but wonder about it. He meant by the lift.

"That is something that I also do not know about it. This space seems to have the ability to update itself." Yu Qi answered.

"I see."

Suddenly the lift stopped. The door opened. Long Hui was stunned with what he had seen in front of him right now. In front of him was a place which looked like another world in the pagoda.

"This is inside the pagoda, right?" Long Hui asked again.

Yu Qi chuckled. "Welcome to the training room. Let's go. I will show you around."

They walked into the building.

"We have a lot of things here. A gym, an arena, and also a shooting ground." Yu Qi grinned.

"A shooting ground?" Long Hui was stunned once again.

"Come, let me show you something."

Yu Qi brought Long Hui somewhere. Yu Qi bet Long Hui would be surprised with what he was about to see.

C495 - 495: We Need To Talk

"What is this?" Once again, Long Hui had been waved with a stunning feeling.

The moment they had walked into a room, Long Hui stopped in his steps because of what he had seen. It was full of all type of guns. There were some of the guns that he could not recognise.

"It is my gun's room. There are a hundred or thousand types of guns that you can find here." Yu Qi grinned while she watched a shocked expression on Long Hui's face.

"You mean the real guns?"

"Of course. Remember when you saw me with a gun inside the forest at Shiwa Town?" Yu Qi giggled.

"You mean that gun came from this room?" Long Hui remembered there was something like that had happened when he first time met with his beloved Qi Qi.

"Yeah. I have been training a lot with the guns in this room. Probably there are some guns which even I have not tried." Yu Qi said proudly.

Long Hui smiled when he heard about his beloved Qi Qi bragging about it. No wonder his beloved Qi Qi was familiar enough with the guns. She had seen many types of guns. Even he did not see this many.

"Brother Hui, let's compete with each other." Yu Qi suggested.

"Compete? You mean in shooting?" Long Hui smiled.

"Yeah. Let's see who is better between us." Yu Qi raised her eyebrow.

Long Hui saw it and felt that his beloved Qi Qi was seducing him.

"We can compete in a different area too." Long Hui gave a devilish smile.

"Which area?" Yu Qi confused.

"Well...." Long Hui approached Yu Qi and get closer to her ear. Then he whispered, "We can compete with our stamina in the bed."

Yu Qi instantly turned red when she heard the sweet whisper followed by a quick kiss on her left ear. She jumped aside and put a distance between herself and Long Hui.

Long Hui smirked as he saw his beloved Qi Qi jumped over as a rabbit jumped in surprise.

"You!!!" That was the only word Yu Qi managed to say to Long Hui. 'This man has really upgraded his skill in flirting.'


Long Hui met with his beloved Qi Qi every single day after that. He spent about two to three hours meeting with his beloved Qi Qi. It was the time of the outside world. Meaning mostly he spent about six to nine hours with his beloved Qi Qi in the space.

He explored all the inches inside the space. The more he knew about the space, the more he felt amazing about the space. As his beloved Qi Qi said, this space indeed helped very much. The knowledge in the space was very good and had a large amount of it.

Recently, he found some martial arts that he thought were good for him. His beloved Qi Qi told him that he could use the manual of the martial arts if he wanted too. He was delighted to hear that. So, he spent more of his time learning about those manuals.

However, Long Hui did not forget to flirt with his beloved Qi Qi. It was fun to see his beloved Qi Qi turn red due to his flirting.

As for Bo Ya and Aoi, Long Hui did talk with Aoi much. The dog indeed disliked him when his master was with him because the dog was jealous. As for Bo Ya, the boy did not talk much to him.

However, Long Hui did feel that the boy was staring, well more like observing him. The boy did not seem to like his presence inside the space. But the boy did not mention anything about his presence to his beloved Qi Qi. Meaning the boy could tolerate his presence.

Two weeks later, Long Hui could feel some difference in his body. His breath became more stable, his powerful sense had increased, his sight became more clear and there was a lot of the benefits which he had gotten from one of the martial arts' manuals which he had practised.

"You have changed after practising the manual." His beloved Qi Qi said.

"Changed? Like what?" Long Hui's flashed glint of happiness when his beloved Qi Qi praised him.

"Your breath has become more stable and your body has become much stronger. You can feel it right?" Yu Qi analysed as she looked at Long Hui from up and to down.

Long Hui saw a serious Yu Qi. The desire to change the look on his beloved Qi Qi came out.

"Qi Qi, I do feel something when you watch me like that." Long Hui seduced his beloved Qi Qi by licking his own lips.

Yu Qi was stunned while her face turned slightly pink. "You are shameless." His beloved Qi Qi ran to her room.

Long Hui laughed. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi was embarrassed with the situation so he would not disturb her. He went to his room. His beloved Qi Qi had made the room beside her room in the pagoda.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door. He quickly opened the door as he thought that his beloved Qi Qi was coming but it was not the case. It was the boy, Bo Ya.

"We need to talk alone." The boy looked straight into his eyes without being scared.

There was a different look on the boy's face. Long Hui usually watched Bo Ya and the dog acting cutely in front of his beloved Qi Qi. But now, the boy wore a serious expression on his face.

C496 - 496: Leaving Chongbei
"Let's go out." Bo Ya said to Long Hui and left without waiting for Long Hui's answer. He did not give any chance for Long Hui to reject it.

Long Hui followed Bo Ya. They walked towards the pavilion. They sat facing each other.

"I will talk straight to the point. Don't betray her." Bo Ya did not need to mention who was 'her'. He knew the man in front of him would know who was 'her'.

"You don't need to worry about it. I will never ever betray her." There was a hint of seriousness in Long Hui's voice. He did not even hesitate.

"Good. I will believe you for now." Bo Ya acted like an old man who had entrusted his daughter to a man.

"You can go now." Bo Ya said. The matter that he wanted to talk about had already been received by Long Hui so he would not disturb him anymore.


It was a long time since Yu Qi had been updated by Mu Rong Xie's news. Mu Rong Xie had become crazy after spending more time at the hospital. She would throw anything that she could grab at whoever came into her room.

The doctors and nurses were scared to serve her ever since she had thrown a vase at one of the nurses. The nurse did not die but suffered from the blindness since the broken pieces of the vase fell into her eyes and injured her eyes.

Mu Li Zei covered the news with the money. However, the nurses who had seen this incident had spread the incident to others. Mu Li Zei felt very stressful when coming to his second daughter's matter.

All of the doctors whom he had employed were not able to find out the reason why Mu Rong Xie's wounds did not heal at all.

The three month volunteer program had ended. Yu Qi and Ding Na An were about to leave the military compound.

"Yu Qi, Na An, I will be missing you here." Xin Rin wiped her tears.

"Sister Rin, you can come and visit me and Na An." Yu Qi smiled.

"We would be happy if you visit us, Sister Xin." Ding Na An added.

It was not a long time but they had developed a good relationship with other people at the medical station especially Xin Rin. Xin Rin helped them a lot to adapt and live at this place.

"Really? Can I go to your family's house? I want to see the legendary doctor's house." Xin Rin was excited.

"Sure." Yu Qi did not reject.

"Then Yu Qi, I will visit your family to ask your hand." Dongfang Mo joked.

However, Dongfang Mo shivered. He suddenly felt very cold on his back. He turned over and saw that Long Hui was giving him a deadly glare. His mouth blurted out a joke like that at very bad timing.

Long Hui stepped forward and put his hand on Yu Qi's waist declaring what was his. He looked at Dongfang Mo like provoking and telling Dongfang Mo that Yu Qi was his.

Dongfang Mo's eyes ran over Yu Qi and Long Hui. He was just joking but this man was indeed a jar of vinegar.

"Are you ready to go?" Long Hui asked.

Since his beloved Qi Qi would be returning to Wenya City, he would not be staying over anymore. He even offered himself to be her chauffeur.

"I'm ready. Let's go, Na An." Yu Qi intended to treat Long Hui as her driver for today. It felt not so bad at all.

When they were about to leave, there were a lot of soldiers who had come and given their goodbyes. They were very grateful to Yu Qi since the last incident. Yu Qi had treated many soldiers on that day.

"Doctor Tang. Have a nice trip. You too, Doctor Ding. Hope we will be able to meet again."

They did not forget about Ding Na An. Ding Na An also had a good reputation in the military compound since she was Ding Guan Ye's younger sister.

"Thank you, everyone. Take care of your health." Ding Na An smiled.

"We are not getting any beauty tips anymore."

The female soldiers sighed. Yu Qi liked to share some beauty tips with the female soldiers.

"Sisters, you can go and visit my store. I sell all kinds of beauty products there. It is expensive than other brands but I am very sure that you will be satisfied with them." As a businesswoman, Yu Qi did not let the chance to promote her skincare brand. So, she shamelessly promoted it.

"Really? I will try to visit one."

"Me too. I will visit and buy your products, Yu Qi."

"Take care of yourself."

"Don't let our Colonel Long eat you too much."

Yu Qi was stunned when she heard the last sentence. She did not know how to react to that sentence.

However, someone helped her to respond to the sentence. Well, it was not helping her at all.

"What? She is mine. It is up to me if I want to eat her." Long Hui suddenly responded.

The answer was followed by everyone's shout.

"Our Colonel Long has boldly declared it."

"He is so manly."

Yu Qi rolled her eyes at Long Hui. Long Hui gave a wink to her.

Not far from the crowd, there was someone who watched the two of them. She was looking at the couple with a jealousy stare. She was Lang Jiang Ye. She was happy when she heard that Yu Qi was going to go back to her place. But when the news that Long Hui was also leaving, it had made her sad.

'Why is he leaving too? He shall stay here.'

Lang Jiang Ye could only stare at the couple as they entered the vehicle and left the military compound.

C497 - 497: Go To Fanghai Nation Again

Long Hui sent the two girls straight to Starlight University. Arriving at the university, Ding Na An requested to leave first. She wanted to leave the two love birds alone.

From Chongbei, Ding Na An got a stare from Long Hui who was driving the vehicle. She somehow understood the meaning of Long Hui's stare. Long Hui had probably hated her presence because his presence disturbed his alone time with Yu Qi.

"You scared her." Yu Qi said after Ding Na An left.

"I did not. " Long Hui would not admit it.

Yu Qi noticed that Long Hui had glared at her friend during the drive. She sighed. Well, she would explain to Ding Na An later.

"Are you going back to Shiwa Town?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah. I have left them for three months." Long Hui nodded.

"Who has asked you to leave for three months?" Yu Qi rolled her eyes.

"I have left them to see my beloved." Long Hui grinned. He made a quick attack by kissing her cheek.

"You. We are outside." Yu Qi was angry as she turned red. She was still feeling shy.

However, in Long Hui's eyes, his beloved Qi Qi was so cute even though she was angry.

"I will come on the weekend. Leave your time to me." Long Hui said.

"Shiwa Town is far from my university. You should use your time to take a good rest." Yu Qi thought that Long Hui should take a rest on the weekend.

"Well, I can spend my time with you. So, it is worth it." Long Hui had already made his decision.

"Okay, I will wait for you. Go back now. You will get late if you don't leave now." Driving late in the night would be dangerous. So, Yu Qi told Long Hui to leave now.

"Can I ask for a goodbye kiss?" Long Hui begged.

In Yu Qi's eyes, there was a pair of wolf's ear appear in Long Hui's head and a tail that swung excitedly behind his back.

"Okay." Well, it was just a kiss.

Yu Qi wanted to kiss Long Hui's cheek. But Long Hui turned his face and kissed Yu Qi's lips. Yu Qi was stunned but she had to let Hui kiss her. Long Hui's tongue played with Yu Qi's tongue for a moment before he had let Yu Qi go.

Long Hui licked his lips. "Thank you for the kiss, Qi Qi."

"Just go back." Yu Qi glared at Long Hui.

"Until we meet again." Long Hui entered his vehicle and left the place with a satisfied feeling.

"We have seen it." There was a voice.

Yu Qi turned to the source of the voice. Turned out there was her friends. Song Ha Ting, So Pang Lim, and Mei Lilli.

"You all. How long you have been watching me?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hehehe... What do you think?" So Pang Lim grinned.

Song Ha Ting and Mei Lilli also grinned.

"The last kiss has been so hot. I have never thought you are so bold, Yu Qi." So Pang Lim teased Yu Qi.

"It is not what you are thinking. I just want to kiss his cheek. But he has turned...." Yu Qi tried to explain. "Just forget it." Yu Qi ran away from her three friends.

"It is fun. A shy Yu Qi is very cute." Mei Lilli said.

The three of them laughed.


The students gave their reports about their stay during the volunteer program. Yu Qi and Ding Na An had already completed their report while others were still in progress. For those who had already completed and submitted it, they were allowed to go back to their hometown and enjoy the break.

Since that was the case, Yu Qi took the decision to go to Fanghai Nation to see the progress of the construction of the greenhouse there.

This time, Yu Qi would be accompanied by Ming Xuehai. Su Yu Hi had some works that he could not afford to leave. So, he asked Ming Xuehai to go with Yu Qi.

Ming Xuehai now looked like a proper lawyer. Su Yu Hi did train him recently. As Long Hui had told Yu Qi that he was going on a mission for about one month. So he would not be available to call his beloved Qi Qi for the time being.

Arriving at Fanghai Nation, Yu Qi brought Ming Xuehai to see Grandpa Su first. They went to Grandpa Su's shop. However, Grandpa Su was not there. Only his grandson, Su Fan was there.

"Oh, beauty. You are here again." Su Fan grinned.

"How are you?" Yu Qi asked.

"I'm fine. By the way, beauty, the beast has not come with you?" Su Fan looked behind Yu Qi.

"Beast?" Yu Qi fell into thought.

"Yeah, that man who has given a cold glare." Su Fan refreshed Yu Qi's memories.

Yu Qi made an 'O' with her mouth. He must be referring to Long Hui.

"Well, he is not here. Where is your grandfather?" Yu Qi asked.

"He is at the construction site." Su Fan told Yu Qi.

"Oh, really? Well then, I will go there." Yu Qi said.

Yu Qi signalled Ming Xuehai to leave.

"Beauty, wait for me. I will follow you." Su Fan stood up. "Uncle, come and take care of the shop. I will go to my grandfather."

The storekeeper came and took Su Fan's place. The three of them went to the construction site. Su Fan insisted that he could drive them to that place. Yu Qi nodded since it was not easy to find a taxi.

C498 - 498: You Are In My Territory

"Grandpa Su." Yu Qi called Grandpa Su who was currently watching the construction workers doing their job.

"Oh, Tang Girl, you are here." Grandpa Su waved his hand.

"Grandfather, I'm here too." Su Fan appeared behind Ming Xuehai's body.

"Brat, you are here. What about the shop?" Grandpa Su shouted.

"Don't worry. I have already asked Uncle to take care of the shop." Su Fan grinned.

"I still can not depend on you." Grandpa Su sighed.

"How about the progress?" Yu Qi looked at the site.

"It is going well." Grandpa Su lifted up his thumb.

"From what I can see, it has already completed for about sixty cents." Yu Qi was happy to see the progress of the construction.

Yu Qi asked to go to see the progress and talked personally with the site supervisor and workers. Yu Qi had experience in the construction area since the Mu Family's business had involved in the property dealings.

"You have experience in the construction?" Ming Xuehai asked when he saw Yu Qi asked the questions that only people who had knowledge in civil engineering would know.

"Well, I have some of it. It is self-learnt." Yu Qi smiled.

Yeah, it was the truth. It was self-learnt. In her previous life, she had studied business management at the university. After she had graduated and worked at the Mu Cooperation, she began to study construction and civil engineering since the core business involved the building and construction process.

"I have read some books about it in my free time." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, I see." Ming Xuehai accepted that reason.

Yu Qi made some arrangement by asking Su Fan to book a restaurant for all the construction workers. She wanted to show her appreciation by treating them.

Hearing that, the site supervisor happily informed all of the workers. They were so happy about getting a free dinner.

Yu Qi and Ming Xuehai went to their hotel to get some rest as there were traces of the jet-lagged. After they touched down at the airport, they had straight gone to Grandpa Su's shop to meet him.

"We will meet at 7 p.m. I will wait for you at the lobby." Yu Qi said to Ming Xuehai before going into her room.


Ming Xuehai waited for Yu Qi at the lobby. After 10 minutes of waiting, he finally saw Yu Qi. He was about to call Yu Qi but he saw that someone had stopped Yu Qi in her track.

"Miss Tang, nice to meet you here." Mu Yian smiled.

"Fancy to meet you here too." Yu Qi responded.

"What are you doing in Fanghai?" Mu Yian asked.

"I come here to deal with some business." Yu Qi did not keep this trip a secret. They could know if they wanted to know it.

"Business? What kind of business you have here?" Mu Yian wanted to know.

"Miss Mu, I have never thought that you are such a busybody. What business I have here is my problem. I am not obligated to tell you, right?" Yu Qi smiled.

Hearing this, Mu Yian's face slightly changed. But it was only for a split of a second, Mu Yian's face turned to normal.

"Yeah, it is right. Sorry because I have stepped out from my boundary." Mu Yian apologized.

"It's okay. Well, I am already late for my appointment. I have to go first." Yu Qi excused herself. She went to Ming Xuehai.

"Your acquaintance?" Ming Xuehai asked.

"Nope. She is my enemy." Yu Qi gave a cold smile.

Ming Xuehai gulped. 'Enemy? She has an enemy here?'

"Let's ignore this matter. Let's go to the restaurant. Everyone is probably waiting for us." Yu Qi said.

They left the hotel and went to the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Mu Yian clenched her firsts trying to hold back her anger. The little girl was very arrogant.

Mu Yian took out her phone.


"I want to know something about Tang Yu Qi."

"Oh, her again. Now, what do you want to know?"

"I have met her today in Fanghai. I want to know what she has been doing here."

"Okay, transfer the money to my account. I will investigate it after receiving the money."

"Okay. I want the details by tomorrow."

"Alright, my queen."

Mu Yian ended the call.

"You should not be arrogant here. You are in my territory. I can smash you like hell." Mu Yian smirked.


"I have never thought you are head of this project, Miss Tang." The site supervisor praised Yu Qi.

"You look like you are still young. How old are you, Miss Tang?" Another person joined.

"I'm just 21 years old." Yu Qi answered.

"So young. So young." The site supervisor said.

"Then, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Idiot. A woman like her must already have a boyfriend. Look at the man beside her."

"Well, I do have a boyfriend. But he is not here. The man beside me is my lawyer." Yu Qi answered it honestly.

Ming Xuehai was slightly hurt when hearing that fact. Su Yu Hi had already told him about this. Su Yu Hi told him that Yu Qi already had a boyfriend. A soldier. When he knew that Yu Qi's boyfriend was a soldier, he thought he would still have a chance. Because the soldier was not around most of the time.

However, when he saw Long Hui, he knew that he would not able to make Yu Qi smile like that. Furthermore, the two families seemed to acknowledge the couple being together. So, he gave up. He only hoped that he could work for her.

C499 - 499: Her Face

"What does this mean?" My Yian narrowed her eyes when she read the information about Yu Qi.

The document stated that the land was supposed to belong to the Mu Family had now become that girl's property. How did this happen? Did her father know about this?

She read again. That girl currently built a greenhouse on that land. The land's price would rise up in the future and that girl had just built a stupid greenhouse.

"I need to see my father now." Mu Yian stood up and brought the file.

She went to her father's office. The secretary stood up. When she saw it was her boss's daughter, she just let her in.

"Father." Mu Yian bowed.

"Oh, what has brought you here?" Mu Li Zei asked.

"I have something to tell you." Mu Yian sat down and put the file in front of Mu Li Zei.

"What is this?" Mu Li Zei asked.

''You can read it." Mu Yian pushed the file to Mu Li Zei.

Mu Li Zei took the file and read it. The more he read, the more he frowned.

"This..." Mu Li Zei could not believe this.

"Let's go and see your grandfather." Mu Li Zei held back his anger.

The two of them went to Grandpa Mu's office. Mu Li Zei knocked on the door. When he heard the voice asking them to come in, the two of them came into the room.



Both of them greeted Grandpa Mu.

"What is it?" Grandpa Mu asked. It would be something if this two came here.

"Father, can you explain about this?" Mu Li Zei put the file.

Grandpa Mu took and read the file. After a few whiles, he put down and asked, "What about it?"

"Grandfather, why have you sold that land at the price like that?" Mu Yian asked.

"The price of that land would rise in the future." Mu Li Zei added.

"It is mine. I can do whatever I want with it." Grandpa Mu did not give any reason.

"Father, the reason you have sold the land to that girl because of her face?" Mu Li Zei was grinding his teeth.

"As I have told you, it is my decision to do whatever I want." Grandpa Mu glared to Mu Li Zei.

The Mu Cooperation solely belonged to the Mu Family. With 50 per cent of the share, the largest shareholder in the company, Grandpa Mu could make a decision for the company. Another 5 per cent belonged to his wife. Another 5 per cent belonged to another shareholder. The rest belonged to his two sons and his grandchild.

"Don't think I don't know about it." Mu Li Zei said to his father.

Mu Li Zei left the place. Seeing his father left, Mu Yian also followed her father.

"Father, can you explain to me what were you talking about earlier?" Mu Yian wanted to know. She did not understand.

Mu Li Zei sighed. "Let's go back to my office first.

The two of them went back to Mu Li Zei's office.

"Can you tell me about it now, father?"

They already inside Mu Li Zei's office. Mu Yian sat on the chair waiting for her father to explain.

"You know that your grandmother is the second wife of your grandfather, right?" Mu Li Zei asked.

"Yes, mother did inform me about this back then." Mu Yian nodded.

"Have you ever seen the face of the first wife of your grandfather?" Mu Li Zei asked again.

Mu Yian's eyes became bigger. She seemed to know what her father wanted to say. "You mean... That Tang Yu Qi's face is similar to grandfather's first wife? Is she somehow related to us?"

"I don't think so." Mu Li Zei shook his head.

"But did I have another uncle? The eldest uncle. She is probably the daughter of the eldest uncle. Eldest Uncle was born from grandfather's first wife." Mu Yian made the assumption.

"I don't think so. Your eldest uncle had long gone." Mu Li Zei explained.

"Long gone? I thought that he had just gone missing because grandfather did not approve his wife." Mu Yian heard from his mother.

"The matter that I am about to tell you, you should not tell anyone including your mother." Mu Li Zei stressed her tone.

"Yes. I will." Mu Yian nodded.

"Your eldest uncle has already died a long time ago." Mu Li Zei told the secret. He knew his daughter was smart and would keep this secret to herself.

"Die? You mean..." Mu Yian was shocked.

"I have sent some assassins to kill him and his wife. So there is no way that they would give birth to someone." Mu Li Zei explained.

"You... Killed... Him..." Mu Yian's heartbeat had started to get fast.

"Yeah. Your grandfather favoured him so much. He wanted to give all of his wealth to your eldest uncle." Mu Li Zei grinded his teeth when he remembered about that time.

"But Tang Yu Qi is an orphan before she had been adopted. She probably was born after you killed the eldest uncle." Mu Yian said.

"That is not possible." Mu Li Zei rejected that.


"Because Tang Yu Qi is proven to be born two years after your eldest uncle has died. So, it is basically impossible for her to be his daughter." Mu Li Zei explained.

"Then, she must be related to grandfather's first wife."

"That is also not possible."

"Why again?"

"She was also an orphan. Her parents had died in the fire and she did not have any siblings and relatives." Mu Li Zei had already investigated that possibility. Turned out Tang Yu Qi was indeed unrelated with them.

"Then, grandfather has just sold the land to her because she has that face?" Mu Yian also became angry.

"Yeah. Probably." Mu Li Zei nodded.

C500 - 500: You Are Really My Granddaughter.

"Yu Qi, I felt someone was following us." Ming Xuehai said after they entered the hotel.

"It was not just a feeling. Someone did follow us." Yu Qi had already noticed that someone was lurking around them.

Sometimes, it was one of them. And sometimes it was more than that. She did not know who they were. Well, she did not want to take action since they did not try to do something to her yet. The moment they tried to lay their hands on her, she would respond to them accordingly.

"What should we do?" Ming Xuehai became worried. He did not care about himself. The one he was worried about was Yu Qi. After all, she was a girl.

"Just ignore them for now. If they try to do something, we will retaliate." Yu Qi smiled to Ming Xuehai.

Ming Xuehai looked at Yu Qi's face. It seemed that things like this had happened before. Yu Qi seemed to understand and know what she should do next. So, for now, he would follow Yu Qi's instruction and ignore those people who had followed them.

"As for tonight, you don't need to follow me. I'm going to a private meeting." Yu Qi suddenly said.

"Private meeting?" Ming Xuehai frowned. It was dangerous for Yu Qi to be alone at Fanghai Nation.

"Don't worry. That person would come to this hotel to meet me. I will be completely okay inside the hotel, right?" Yu Qi knew Ming Xuehai was worried about her.

"Really?" Ming Xuehai still did not completely believe Yu Qi.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded.

"Okay." Ming Xuehai finally believed in Yu Qi.

Actually, Yu Qi was going to meet Grandpa Mu. Grandpa Mu seemed to know that his granddaughter was currently here, at Fanghai Nation.

Yu Qi was about to give a call to Grandpa Mu, suddenly got the call from Grandpa Mu himself. Grandpa Mu wanted to meet her since she was here. Yu Qi agreed with that.

Yu Qi decided to meet him at the hotel where she was currently staying, in the private room at the hotel restaurant. It was convenient and safe.

When Grandpa Mu asked why Yu Qi did not hide anything. She directly told the truth to Grandpa Mu saying that there were some people who had followed her around and she did not know their motives of following her.

Listening to his granddaughter, Grandpa Mu was worried and agreed to meet his granddaughter at the hotel.

When the time had approached the meeting time, Yu Qi slowly came out from her room and walked towards the restaurant. The room was booked by Grandpa Mu. Grandpa Mu told her that she needed to tell the waitress that she was meeting with him.

So, she went to the counter and told the person in charge. When they heard about this, they bowed ninety degrees to Yu Qi.

"Let me lead the way, miss." The waitress said respectfully to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi followed the waitress to a private room.

"Here, Miss. Please enter the room." The waitress opened the door and gave way to Yu Qi.

"Thank you." Yu Qi responded.

"We have been informed by Master Mu that he is going to be here in 15 minutes. You can order first." The waitress said while handing out the menu book.

"Okay." Yu Qi took the book.

Yu Qi felt that it was better if she ordered for two people directly. When her grandfather arrived, he would not need to order anymore and he could enjoy the food faster.

Yu Qi pointed to several items on the menu. She chose the food after considering his grandfather's health. She remembered her grandfather's favourite foods and the foods that she chose were also her favourites. She requested the waitress to tell the chef to put less sugar and salt into the food.

"Please wait for a moment, miss. We will deliver the food as soon as possible." The waitress left.

Yu Qi was humming a tone. After a while, the door was opened. Entering the room was a group of men in black. Then an elderly man appeared between them.

"Yu Qi." Grandpa Mu called Yu Qi.

"Grandpa." Yu Qi stood up and hugged her grandfather.

"You can stay outside." Grandpa Mu ordered his men to stand outside.

The pair of grandfather and granddaughter sat.

"What are you doing here?" Grandpa Mu asked his granddaughter.

"Well, I come to see the progress of my greenhouse's construction. It is going on the schedule." Yu Qi smiled.

"Why don't you tell me about it? I also can help you." Grandpa Mu wanted to spoil this granddaughter but he did not have any chance.

"Grandpa, you don't need to worry about me. I can handle it myself." Yu Qi assured Grandpa Mu.

"Good child, good child." Grandpa Mu smiled.

"Have you told your family about Mu Family?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"Not yet. But I will after this trip." Yu Qi already made that decision.

"Can I meet your current family?" Grandpa Mu wanted to thank Tang Family.

"Of course. But let me explain to them first." Yu Qi said.

"Okay." Grandpa Mu nodded.

The conversation was stopped for a moment because the waitresses came in to deliver the food. Grandpa Mu's eyes lifted up when he saw the food which had been put onto the table. Almost everything was his favourite.

"You have ordered this?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"Yeah." Yu Qi knew Grandpa Mu would like the food since they were his favourites if his taste had not changed.

"All of these are my favourites." Grandpa Mu said happily.

"These are my favourites too." Yu Qi said.

"You are really my granddaughter."

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