Masquerade (BTS x Reader One...

By FireTiger8

28.4K 1.6K 682

A charming stranger behind a mask... but who is he? After sneaking into a masquerade ball, a mysterious and a... More

Final Ending


1K 62 32
By FireTiger8

"No," you whispered gently. "I think perhaps it's best to remain fond memories."

"Do you really believe that?"

You turned to look at him, unable to answer the question. Was it better to live in memories? You had done it for so long... you were just simply more comfortable in it.

After some time of silence, the man stood, and your heart sank with disappointment, assuming he was getting up to leave. Instead, he stepped in front of you, holding out his hand to you. You looked up.

"Then allow me to create a few more fond memories for you" he said. "I can't leave until you've had your fill."

His eyes were warm as he said it, something inviting you to take his hand.

So you did.

He helped you to your feet, then instantly took you into an intimate dance stance. You stepped back, surprised.

"Here?" you asked. "Like this?"

He nodded. "Here. With no one watching."

"But there's no music."

"Then I will teach you, milady," he said. "Let it be one more memory for you to keep."

You stared at him curiously and he smiled warmly, leading you in a new dance under the stars, the crickets and rustling leaves your only melody.


"More hot water in the pitchers and slice up the bread!"

"Got it!" you yelled back over the clanking dishes and silverware.

The party outside was going smoothly – much smoother than the chaos in the kitchen, anyways. You had been working all day to prepare for the Kim's business party, the release of their new jewelry line now official. As always, it was a massive success, as evident by the amount of people now in the Kim household.

Guest after guest poured in, most of them fashionably late in order to make a grand entrance. It reminded you of the grand entrance you experienced the night of the ball, nearly three months ago now. But you could still taste the champagne, you could still feel the cool air on your shoulders, and you still remember the scent of the man you had danced with... the one that you had decided should stay a memory.

You regretted turning that stranger down more and more as time passed on. Perhaps he was only a flirt, but at the very least, he would have been a great distraction.

But the only distraction you had now was your job. Unfortunately, that job was working for Namjoon Kim – the man you were in love with, the one who was engaged to someone else.

You took two of the hot water pitchers by their handles and made your way out to the main hall, towards the tables of food and drink. Your eyes scanned the room on their own accord, naturally zeroing in on Namjoon.

He was standing with his beautiful fiancee on the side of the room, both of them the picture of graceful business and wealth as they talked with their associates. Even at a party, it was clear that Namjoon was still focused on his work, shaking the hands of those in front of him and wording "Thank you" and "I appreciate" from what you could see. He was always good to his staff and gracious to his business partners. That was one of the things you noticed first about him. But it was useless to notice, however, since now it was impossible not to notice the woman next to him.

"The man too admirable, I assume?"

You spun to the voice next to your ear. When the face registered, you dropped both pitchers of water, their contents spilling all over the floor as one of them shattered. Before you could speak, you were yanked out of the way of the boiling water, vaguely registering it as it splashed the tips of your toes. It was no competition for your racing heart, however, that was overwhelming your chest as you looked into a pair of eyes you hadn't seen in years. A pair of eyes you thought you'd never see again.

Hoseok Jung smiled back at you.

"Did I startle you too much, milady?" he whispered.

"Is everything alright?"

The sound of Namjoon's voice cut through your shock and you stepped out of Hoseok's hold on your shoulders. You suddenly realized what a mess you had truly made with the water pitchers, and grabbed the towel off your shoulder to wipe up the mess.

"Forgive me, Mr. Kim," you said. "I didn't mean–"

"The fault was mine," Hoseok interrupted. "I ran straight into the poor lady. Do allow me to replace the pitcher that broke."

You didn't hear Namjoon's response, or any other words after that, for that matter. Your heart was pounding in your ears, blood rushing through your head as you ran between the kitchen and main hall to clean up the mess. But your stomach was in so many knots that you thought you would be sick all over the floor and have another mess to clean up.

Hoseok was your previous love. Your first love. The one you had planned to marry when you were teenagers, barely brushing seventeen. But at eighteen, he broke off your relationship and moved out of the city. You hadn't heard a word from him since then. It took you at least two years to move on from him, and pursue cooking as a way to add value to your life.

And now, there he was, standing in the middle of the room, with the same smile as he always had, as if he had never left you at all. His clothes were of upper class, the fabric vibrant and not a wrinkle in them, his jacket adorned with gold buttons and cufflinks.

And – worse – he looked incredibly well. As if breaking your heart had been the best decision he had ever made.

You looked down at your cook's uniform, embarrassment weighing down your chest. After all this time, you were nothing but an assistant cook.

"This is Hoseok Jung," you heard Namjoon tell his fiancee. "He's the head metal worker at the company we hired for this particular release. Hoseok, this is my fiancee, Emma."

Hoseok gave a playful bow at the waist, then took Emma's hand in his with a quick nod. He looked at you, and then her, and chuckled with white teeth.

"Ah, your fiancee," Hoseok said. "That makes everything clear now, yes."

"What do you mean?" Emma asked sweetly.

There was a glitter in his eyes as he looked at you while you stooped down to sweep up the shattered pieces of the pitcher. You looked away.

"It makes sense as to why Namjoon's designs were so romantic this year," Hoseok said above you. "I can see that it is clearly because he was inspired by such a rose."

"You're strong in your compliments," Namjoon said, his voice a bit on edge.

"Pay no worries to it, Namjoon. I have my heart elsewhere."

Suddenly, you couldn't breathe. You swept the pieces frantically into the dustpan, rushing to the kitchen and clumsily dropping the shattered pitcher pieces into the bin.

"I need to step outside," you told the kitchen staff. "I'll be a moment."

You nearly fell out the door, the cool summer air rushing over your face. It was well past sunset, but you weren't even concerned about the darkness around you, happy to have something to hide in.

Only, you were seen right away.

There was a tug on your arm, and you were suddenly enveloped in a strong, masculine scent, arms holding you tight.

"No running," Hoseok said above you. "You'll regret it. Trust me."

You looked up, his wide smile greeting you. You shoved him away, creating space between you.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" you asked.

He put one hand in his pocket. "Better than someone I once was."

"You disappear for years, then just come strolling back into my workplace –"

"Technically, I work with Namjoon too," he corrected. "It's my workplace as well. But I assure you, I was caught off guard myself. I hadn't realized you were his employee."

"So, in your panic, you decided not to consider me even an acquaintance in front of your employer?"

He sharply shook his head. "You're not an acquaintance."

You swallowed the lump in your throat. "It only proves my point."

"Then how should I have introduced us?" he asked. "Should I have said that you were my first great love? That you were the woman who held my heart and soul for my entire youth? Would that have been better?"

His tone was light, but the sincerity in his eyes gave him away. You huffed.

"Your words have gotten more expensive," you muttered.

"I can afford them now."

He smiled proudly. You rolled your eyes.

"Should I be impressed?" you asked.

"No," he said. He pursed his lips for a brief moment as he looked up at the sky. "I didn't become successful to impress you. I became successful to prove myself. To myself."

When he looked at you again, his eyes were gentle. They were always gentle; that's what made you trust them so easily.

But you didn't have the heart for that kind of faith today.

"Don't allow me to stand in your way then," you said bitterly.

"Y/N, you were never —"

The door of the kitchen flew open, and your coworker, Jimin, yelled out your name.

"Y/N? Y/N! Oh, there you are! We need help with the —"

He stopped, his eyes darting between you and Hoseok.

"Forgive me," he said. "Have I interrupted something?"

You gripped your apron in your fist.

"No, of course not," you said. "I'll be in right away."

Jimin nodded, disappearing behind the door as he shut it. You started to walk past Hoseok, wanting to pretend that the conversation had never happened.

"I won't end this conversation here," Hoseok said behind you. "I still have so much more to say. About everything."

You turned your head over your shoulder.

"When I had so much to say, I couldn't find you." Your heart broke as you looked at him, seeing the teenage boy you had been so in love with. "It's only fair I extend the same courtesy."

You went back into the kitchen, holding back every urge to turn around and run back to him.

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