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By cavillevanscity

22.7K 834 482

#2 in chrisevanslove, November 27th #4 in christophetrobertevans, November 27th #7 in ryangosling, November 2... More

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470 19 13
By cavillevanscity

"Chris, I... I-I don't... I love it, thank you so, so much..." I let out, tearing up because of the gift. He knows I love this beige color on things like this, and he's looking at me with the sweetest smile in the world. "I'm glad you like it, baby. But um, look inside" he adds, nodding to the purse in my hands. I smile bright, shake my head and lean in to kiss his cheek before slowly opening the purse. There's two little boxes in here, which causes me to giggle. "You shouldn't have" I giggle, still shaking my head. "Go on, take them out" he chuckles, nodding yet again as I slowly take the first little box out. "Wait, the other one first. I'm too nervous for this one" Chris quickly adds, so I raise my eyebrows with a smile.

"You're making me nervous now too, Evans" I giggle, so he laughs with me and makes me open up the other little box. I slowly open it, and instantly tear up yet again at the sight of a beautiful, gorgeous silver bracelet with small diamonds on it. "Oh my God..." I whisper, covering my mouth with my hand very slightly as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Thank you, I... Chris, I just... I don't even have the words..." I stutter, feeling incredibly emotional right now. "It's gonna look beautiful on you, come here" he adds, kissing my cheek before taking the bracelet out of the box and taking my hand. He puts the bracelet on my wrist, and looks up at me. "See?" he silently asks, looking at my lips for a second.

"Its beautiful, Chrissy... T-thank you so, so, so much" I silently let out, slowly shaking my head and barely believing that he actually got this for me. "There's no need to thank me so much, baby. Go on, open the other one now. But, be honest about what you think, because I'm really nervous about this one" he adds, making me giggle as I wipe away the tear that left my eye. I take the other small box, open it up and completely freeze at the sight of the most beautiful, most gorgeous and most special necklace I have ever seen in my entire life; a pretty necklace with a small heart hanging on it. Not just a heart, it's a small, silver, human heart.

I look up at him, but I can barely see him. I have to blink because my eyes are completely filled up with tears, so a fear of them roll down both my cheeks when I finally do so. "Because you own mine" Chris says, looking right into my eyes. As soon as I hear those words, I burst into tears. "Happy tears?" he silently asks, sounding very nervous as he slowly places his hand on my leg. I place my own hand over my eyes as I silently cry, and nod my head. "Oh, baby..." he whispers, pulling me close and wrapping both his arms gently but strongly around me with one of his hands on the back of my head. I just let all of my happy years out, until I sit up straight and place both my hands on his cheeks.

"But... But you do know that you own mine too, right? You do know that, right?" I ask, with a shivering voice. He lets out a silent sigh, also tears up and smiles again. He nods his head, looks very relieved and pulls me back in the hug again. I rub his back, kiss his cheek and jaw hundreds of times as we giggle together and slowly let go of him again, followed by cuddling up against him. We talk about our past moments a little, and about our families. I tell him that Sierra, my sister, is pregnant and giggle at his reaction. He's so happy for her, but also for me because he knows how badly I've always wanted to become an aunt. When it's 3.30am, Chris takes me home again and kisses my cheek to say goodbye. I thank him about a thousand more times, and silently get inside to get some sleep after this perfect night.

I wake up early again the next morning, get out of bed and text Chris 'good morning' as soon as I can. I put on some comfortable clothes, make my way downstairs and hug my mom when I see her. We're gonna make breakfast for everyone this morning, I'm excited to do that. We start by making pancakes, followed by preparing some other things together. "Hey, sweetie, is that a new bracelet? Oh, and that pretty necklace too?" my mom suddenly asks, making me smile as I think back to last night. "They're both new, yeah" I silently giggle, nodding my head as she smiles back at me.

"They're gorgeous! You didn't have them on last night, did you? When did you get them?" she asks again, which makes me a little nervous now. "Um... I, uh... I-it was a-a gift" I stutter, not really knowing what to say. "Oh, that's so sweet! Who gave them to you?" she asks me again, looking right at me as if she knows I'm getting nervous. "It was... It was a friend, yeah, a friend" I reply, nodding my head again. "One of the girls? It looks like it was someone who knows you very well" she adds, also slowly nodding his head. Okay, she knows. "It wasn't, no. It was an... An old friend" I say, feeling myself blushing a little as I keep helping her prepare the breakfast. "Sounds amazing, sweetie. These are really nice gifts, you know" my mom tells, knowing damn well who gave these things to me.

"Yeah! He um, he also got me a purse, too" I silently say, as I softly smile. "He did? Wow, that's amazing! So sweet, do I know him?" she asks, pretending to be clueless. "Oh, yeah, you do" I reply, so she slowly nods her head. "I do? Who was it, then?" she asks again, making me smile. "You know that" I giggle, which causes her to laugh with me. "Hm... Was it a certain guy from Boston?" she jokingly asks, making me laugh again. "Maybe" I giggle, raising my eyebrows as she does the same thing. "How is he doing?" she asks after we both laughed about it, while I move a string of hair behind my ear. "He's... He's fine, he's with his family, I reply, smiling bright.

"I'm glad he is, and that's great! Does he know you're here too?" she asks again, rubbing my back once. "He does, yeah. He uh, he actually texted me last night. He told me to get ready because he was picking me up, so I did and he took me out for some food" I happily tell, smiling very bright again. "Oh sweetie, that's seriously amazing! So sweet, just like old times, huh? Where did he take you, after getting some food?" she asks now, also smiling bright. My mom loves Chris, she always has. She really treated him like he was a part of our family, just like the rest did. "He took me to that lake we used to go to all the time, he even took a blanket to sit on and a blanket to keep us warm" I explain, slowly nodding my head as I feel butterflies flying around in my stomach.

"And how did you feel about all of that?" she asks now, making me look at her. "I felt surprisingly good" I sigh, giving her a small smile. She tells me that she's very happy for me, and that it's good to see me 'glow like this'. We talk about the fact that Chris and I have been in contact for a while already again, and about how much she and my other family members all miss him. After my sister and her fiance left, along with my dad and his fiance Kevin, my mom and my younger brother Miles sit down on the couch to watch some more Christmas movies as we enjoy the delicious Christmas dinner leftovers. We always celebrate Christmas with the whole family, even though my parents are divorced. They have been for years and years and years, they're practically best friends now. It's amazing, I'm really glad they're good. As we're sitting on the couch, I grab my phone to text Ryan. I just have to talk to him about what happened yesterday.

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