The Lout's Mirage | Songfic

By calebabvwvnn

138K 5.4K 1.8K

โ it's an exaggeration to say he has the voice of a siren, however, his voice goes beyond melodic and soulful... More

โ i'll make you stay, but not in this life. โž
โ wanna go back to being trash, i hate it here. โž
โ they call me pretty, I feel strangely happy. โž
โ i ostracize the ones who love me back.โž
โ aha, chaos is indeed my best friend. โž
โ don't want complications, that i understand. โž
โ i am alone, not lonely. โž
โ bro, stfu. i wanna be lazy, leave me alone. โž
โ a weary sigh of a tiring day. โž
โ if sanity was alive, i'd be surprised. โž
โ they say that you live and you learn. โž
โ forever ruined- damn it alberu. โž
โ i don't know anymore. โž / tboah!cale special.
โ i can't get out of bed for anyone, not for u. โž
โ you know, I'm hurting too.โž
โ am i still a child in your eyes? โž
โ i never was your ally. โž
โ the weight of your words. โž
โ always will be the lesser one. โž
โ give back the old me. โž
โ tired of trying to care when i don't. โž
โ you're as fucked up as me. โž
โ bury your little boy on the ground. โž
โ man's greatest fear is chaos. โž
โ stole your heart? damn right. โž
โ it's natural to hate someone so trashy. โž
โ Pressure-bound, I'm twenty feet deep now. โž

โ we fall like festering leaves. โž

2.4K 113 6
By calebabvwvnn

With people buzzling throughout the day - their days were stopped when the sky had suddenly turned dark and blue, lighting seemed to bolt down as it sudden moved to a sphere like motion--, Choi Han noticed as his eyes narrowed.

It's a barrier...! Choi Han pursed his lips before coming in to a realisation, Cale-nim!

The unwelcome entity appeared just before their eyes. Clad in questionable clothes that seem quite alien as purple hue of eyes glower over them, seemingly questioning their audacity to live.

Rosalyn, who was informed of the situation stepped clear as she stand in her place unwaveringly and confident with furrowed brows, "Who are you?!"

The tone in her voice was obviously defensive and protective, the aura around her picked up and everyone could feel power coursing through their veins. She had to asses the mission for now since apparently, Cale had gone missing-- or so it was mentioned by Alver.

"Hm," And just like that, the entity dropped arrogance and nonchalance. Seemingly amused with the woman who did not cower in fear unlike those citizens, "Such courage to face off a dangerous entity? How brave."

Rosalyn frowns to express her displeasure of being looked down, whether it came from bastards like nobles or Gods-- she doesn't care anymore. Not when mostly Gods messed with her family.

That entity must have noticed as they smiled, condescendingly. "Very well. The Holder of Knowlegde and pledged as a confidante of both the Gods of Dark and Light-- it'd be quite a disgrace to your Gods if you do not know such piece."

Alberu's eyes widened as he recollected such name from a strange book he found a few days ago. The Holder of Knowledge and the confidant of both opposites, this is Gnosia. As what his title suggest, she is a neutral figure in the realm of immortals and gods alike. He who holds and oversees, she is the holder of secrets and the universe's words — one of the main balances from keeping two certain characters from overpowering each other.

You can say they are kind of like a councillor in the heavenly realm. In the ancient text that Alberu read, he was sure that this deity is mostly just like Cale, if not-- then Alberu himself. This deity is either mischief or serenity itself—as what they say, one of the balances. They are also a bit petty... yeah, definitely like Cale!

He sweat dropped and smiled despite the possible circumstances. Alberu can only hope it's the latter choice instead of the other one.

Rosalyn glance back and noticed the Emperor's stance and sighed, completely understanding that this entity is a neutral one and most likely is just oozing of confidence rather than arrogance. It still ticked her to be looked down.

"What must have troubled you to appear in mere presence of mortals, your honour–, the heavenly councillor, Gnosia?" Alberu assisted the situation quickly, for some reason, he feels like this has something to do with Cale, again.

'Gnosia' blinks uncharacteristically before nodding to themselves, clearly satisfied with his formal way of asking. Thank goodness this incarnate is not as devilish as his God, sigh.

"I have been notified from one of my old benefactors, specifically Lord Death to come here," The mention of the God caused the two royals to groan along with a sword master who was still searching through the villa. Where indeed is Cale-nim!?

A certain ex-priestess chokes on her alcohol and spat out the burning sensation of bitter yet delicious liquid. Lord-, benefactor- What!?!?

(All of the people among continents were shocked and couldn't help but cower in fear.)

"Ah but besides such topic, I'll be here to showcase a viewing in regards of how your commander thinks of life back then," The entity explains while every countrymen are confused. Back then? When he was trash or younger than that?

Choi Han squints his eyes weirdly at the mention of viewing, do they mean a video? Oh,---oh no.

While in the Paerun Kingdom,


alright. nope.

Anyway, back to the main point.

"Aight. I'm exhausted of such chatter, shall we start?" Gnosia yawns, somehow elegantly but did not wait for any response and shoot out a circle of scroll-like screens. The video was already starting, not giving any time for other people to settle down.

The sound of piano playing startled people but they continued on anyway. There in the screen is Cale with his eyes closed before the music suddenly becomes intense when the snare comes in as he opened his eyes, revealing cupreous-like orbs of chestnuts then the camera panels to the sky as birds flew.

Choi Han can't believe his eyes as he stopped searching, having found the said man in his room, deep in slumber like always. He watched the screen provided for him with his lips parted. Weren't these things called music videos!? Why the fuck do Gods have these type of things—

Choi Han thought everything was recorded through books, school was a lie. Motherfucker. And if you're asking why he still knows school and those, blame Choi Jung Soo for his memories <3.

There were texts all over, saying the title of the song and all. Hated by Life itself. The title itself is sad and worrying. Everyone couldn't help but frown about the topic, a few people wondered about the children. But luckily, the music was in a foreign language and could only hope the translations on the screen is blurred for them.

"Don’t you wish for death
When you’re feeling weak!
Hardships aren’t as hard
As they seem to be!"

The screen showed multiple people all over saying their reasons and all, but among them stood a raven with a frowning face. Hearing those words seemed to upset them.

Alberu breathes in the familiar face, it was young Kim Rok Soo—about the age of fifteen. Most of the population did not know who the young man was but within the Emperor's vicinity, they understood he knows this guy. Rosalyn will have to force a thing or two from him later.

"Hm? Aren't those words true?"

"I know right? Why does that young man seem to be disagreeing?"

Sure, say that all you want
You’re not fooling me
With those words you never mean

The raven turns his head away from the crowd. An expression filled with distrust and disappointment.


"So it is..."

"My fellow people, thy have foundt darkness!"

"Brother in water, what..."

Alberu gulped down the implication of the younger's thoughts, he could not shake off the ugly feeling dwelling in his stomach. Rosalyn raises a brow as she notices the Emperor's pale complexion. Although those words are indeed concerning, why does he look so worried as if he's close with that child?

While I don’t care to die
I don’t mind a bit

A younger Cale no older than fifteen shows in the screen with an aching body as he suffers under his sheets. Just from the desk, you can see bottles of alcohol. He was in pain but he was acting like he wasn't as another scene came, and it was a scene of him causing ruckus and breaking things. It then changed again and showed him back to his room, lips thin and closed eyes.

They all gasp as they realised what this is but the implications of that kept them all frozen. He was fifteen, and he was already thinking about such thing!

A few them must've forgotten the fact that this was the start where Cale started to drink. And Ron could feel the bitter taste in his mouth.

But someone I love?
God, I think I’d wish I did
I suppose
Because I won’t like it
Is all my ego is

Cale's tear slides down and so does the scenery as it goes to their timeline where reddish brown eyes glare right at them. He was looking down at his own grave, yet there was no surprise or fear - his posture was rigid of nonchalance until they were shown Bassen in a coma, there were shouts of uncertainty and distress, likely to say, that he wasn't going to survive. You could see an evident red colour in one of the hallways, listening as despair etched into his heart.

"What the fuck. This is creepy as the gates of hell!"

"This is what you see in the scrolls!?"

".... omg, I relate though.."

A dark-haired noble teen pursed his lips and looked at the screen with confusion and fear, "That didn't happen... what..?"

Happy to gaze upon the
Pain of the haven’t-met
Cowering in our hatred
Has become a fashion trend

They see a Young Kim Rok Soo getting abused, thrown by liquor and glasses as a shadow of a man coward over his figure. It makes the crowd wince unfavourably as the parents hugged their children. Mila frowned at the disgusting action mankind has done.

Even so, we’re supposed to
Live a peaceful life?
Even though I bet it’s nice
I bet we’ve tried

Rosalyn had pulled all of the pieces together in one and knew what it was implying as she frowned. Although it is true for some people that they don't care if other's live or not, hating someone truly seems like a trend, everyone says criticism and their hateful verdict - yet when they face certain people, they say shit as if they are a saint. It's pitiful and almost nonexistent, why do people want to live a life so hateful?

Alberu agrees internally but he sighs, "while that might be true... we are getting closer." He mumbles to himself with a wry smile, his heart felt gratitude for the one who has given them that chance.

Someone succumbs behind
The closed painted doors
Deep in grief, another weeps
By singing in their honor
Hearing that song
A humming young boy wandered
Off with a knife and an offer

Eruhaben frowns as his eyes became into slits, ", don't tell me—," his gaze hardens at the thought and looked towards to his fellow dragons. "Is it implying that one of them is that boy?"

Mila and Sheritt frowned at the possibility. That... thinking about it, they don't know much of Cale except for the fact that he was one with temper when he was a kid. So to say that, most of these are his philosophies...

Everybody hated well by life itself
We’ll never know
Why they force code
And ego on the radio
Day-to-day, they’re singing out
I'll take you down
But then again
Who takes when they’re
Really being generous?

Kim Rok Soo looked so lifeless as he looked around through black and white lenses, he bites his lips as he sees others hanging themselves and others outright stabbing themselves in the most painful way possible. Some even tried to eat all of their prescriptions to overdose, you can see multiple people only standing right there in fright and horror, not even bothering to call help as they let it happen.

Everyone were horrified at all the things that were flashed through the scroll. Everyone, mostly the parents, were in panic of their children seeing such things. But even if they did, the bloody parts were blurred out - the only thing they could see were scars and lifeless bodies.

Choi Han frowns and shuffled closer to the sleeping redhead. The Indignity test... he hated to see that child, he hated to see him in that condition, he hated the people who didn't even try to take care of him, to help him. He hated... how lifeless and dull those eyes looked when everything was taken away from him.

Everybody hated well by life itself
We’ll never know
Why I want to die
Is treated like another joke
That world where we see
The worth in growing old
Anybody hated well by life itself
Will never know

Cale Henituse is seen helping other people through his aggressive approach of getting them out of their misery and making them snap out of it but somehow, it worked on those kids as they immediately thanked him and ran away to their homes. Everyone smiled until it dimmed as the next scene showed where he downed multiple bottles of alcohol again.

Why must these boys suffer?

Penniless again, through the day anew
I decide to praise the
Lazy and sing out of tune

Lost upon life’s meaning
I take in the truth
Breathe and see there isn’t
Anything I’m meant to do

Kim Rok Soo is seen with a white shirt and an apron on as he does service for people. However, the scene felt so horrible as the now older jet falls with his eyes closed. The buildings outside the window began to fall like dominoes.

Everyone screamed in horror as debris fell on him. The sheer panic rests in their heart, wondering if the unfortunate soul survived such misfortune.

Would these wounds be
Better off expressed
With the lowly illustration
I’m so lonely suggests?
Shouldering nothing
But this stubbornness
I’m nothing but alone when I go to bed

Violan frowned at the implications of the next scene. It wasn't that hard to connect the dots when the two of them are shown in the viewing, the both of them were laid down on a flower field. Cale was holding a white lily, Kim Rok Soo(as mentioned in one of subtitles of the viewing) grasped a very pretty chrysanthemum.

As someone who takes strive in arts and finding meanings to everything, Violan knows what these ones are. While they do indeed have beautiful messages, there is also an indication of death underneath. She ignores her trembling hands caused by Deruth.

Alberu remembers the time Cale told them about the note shenanigan of the God of Death and frowned.

Kids with passion
To play make-believe will
Become young adults
With a will to achieve

As we age, there comes a day
We fester like a falling leaf
Carried down without a clue
To prove we ever breathed

Everyone, mostly the human kind can agree. With life so short, there would always be an end. We fall and die, that's why we all try to make the best out of it even if it's shitty.

Breathing on for centuries
In a deathless design
Bored for eternity, the only to survive
These are the kinds of sci-fi
Dreams always on my mind

Eruhaben huffs and crossed his legs as he thought about the text. So he really does want to live-, he even though about living for centuries and boredom doesn't do anything. He wonders if Cale really thinks like that, to be another specie to live longer.

Numb to the pain
Can I die? Though I’m not afraid
All the same, I have to pay attention
To the hearts I’d break

They see the two men facing their coffins, one in white while the other is black; both men faced towards each other as their brows furrowed. The same rust eyes look so dull and nonchalant that everyone flinched: it was like the both of them were twins but in other worlds.

Lost in conflicting thoughts
I'm sure they’d have a lot to say
Yes, I can guess what they’d convey

Raon bursts into tears and weeps, he can't allow that! Human will live! Cale wouldn't die that young! He won't allow it. Even if his dumb idiot human will sacrifice himself, he'll protect him so he doesn't have to be in that dumb basket!

Ohn sighs and huddles the other two and let them cry. Cale better compensate this behaviour with cuddles later or else.

"Perfect things need to stay as
Perfect as they always were"
"If you can’t confront demise
Then live the life you don’t deserve"

The alcoholics flinched when they saw silhouettes mostly two people, one man and one kid, the other throwing bottles at the boy as the man shouted. How cruel... the kid didn't even do anything. Raon felt distaste in his mouth, knowing how his human had once felt what he went through.

Since we’re bound to end up
Sad and back to being hurt
We should laugh with the
Friends we lack forever

"Well, isn't that a harsh truth?" Bud mumbles as he grabbed another bottle. Glenn shook his head and could feel himself relate.

Everybody hated well by life itself
We’ll never know
Why we claim to get the
Happiness we haven’t shown

Kim Rok Soo looks over as he watches everyone fall apart and turn to dust. His background broke like glass as he feels himself drown. What truly was happiness? Does it save you from everything? Or is it simply just a temporary truce of the mind and heart, and the universe?

He doesn't want to know. He doesn't, if it makes these wounds of his dig deeper.

Angered by our past hands
Past, as we complain aloud
We smile while pretending
That we’re better now

Life hates us all.
Because we love to say good-bye too much 
We never know what real loss is
Anybody hated well by life itself
Will never know

Alberu's smile dims before he sighs, that was simply his old self's thoughts. Pretending to be alright and worrying about the times of threats behind his back, the unfair attention, this past of his, the distribution of love and lack of acknowledgement.

He holds the necklace on his desk with clutched fists, he's really come this far, has he? And it's all thanks to one troublesome young master.

As the instrumental hits everyone watches as their story unfolds. The monsters, the fall, the war and one's death. They watch as all of the families by each person fall and fall until they are left behind staring at nothing but the dark sky.

Contentment and exits

It shows Cale Henituse with an older look, scarred but his body was mostly lean. Many scars littered across his skin, truly giving him the face of a soldier and a warrior.

Everyone look conflicted, this did not happen... but the fact that this might've been a possibility made implications a cold bucket of water.

Affection and friendships

Here, they are shown Kim Rok Soo's family. Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo stayed rooted by his side. Choi Han looks at the screen with pursed lips, he glanced towards the bed with a sigh. It was... a good thing that Cale was asleep. Because even if one had come to terms, it did not mean it wouldn't hurt to get reminded all over again.

They’re gifts you can get for your money
Within but a whimsical fantasy

They watch as Cale Henituse says it with a smile that wasn't bright nor did it give warmth. As he looks around, the northeastern nobles-one by one, they all fall with blood and scars. The same thing happened with Roksu's companions, they were all shown how gory and cruel their deaths were.

The shown people can't help but tremble at the sight of their dead bodies.

I could be dead tomorrow
Yet I’m sure in some way
When I go, I’ll get to know
My life was such a waste

Kim Rok Soo looks up to the sky as the camera pans from his face, his eyes suddenly shine then Cale Henituse comes across him. The two looked at each other with wide, surprised eyes.

The audience watch in bathed breath as the two men stare at each other. So, the hero really knows of this scarred man?

Through daylight and stardom
Through springtime and autumn
We die everyday, and
That’s exactly why I chase

Both men looked at each other as they say the lyrics; with Cale looking downward as Kim Rok Soo stares at the redhead intensely. Then suddenly, Cale Henituse, the older version smiled and goes in for a shake.

No wishes or visions

The unsure Korean stares at his hands then smiled and brought his own hand up and shook his hand. A myriad of memories and laughter. Like a meteor, the scroll explodes as they see their current young master opening his eyes as his tears fall down. Ah... Rosalyn gripped on her wand and looked down, that day that he...

Mary holds onto her robes and recollected the memory of young master Cale crying, her lips turned downward. "I hope that he is doing better now...I'll bring a good adventure story when I go back.."

Since all I can afford
Is protecting your life, I ask
For that and nothing more

The Cale on the screen looked at his people then to his hands, his knuckles turned white as he held it in. He swallowed down his worries and tried to smile, unknowingly causing an ache in the hearts of people.

Of course
That’s surely
All I’ll ever need to sing for

Protecting oneself... that's just his want. It makes everyone feel heavy and emotional. They feel mutuality in his want and nodded, promising themselves to be better. It's his want, after all. Who are they to refuse their loveable commander?

Hated well by life itself
We’ll never know
What makes the meaning
Matter when we die alone

They watch as the scarred man, Kim Roksu with his teammates fight against monsters. Determination and precise succession of winning as they all cheered, the man could be seen smiling fondly at all of them. The black-haired boy-now-man was pulled in by a young little girl with a cute smile, pulling him towards the group with laughter.

It’ll taint you, it’ll taint two
Soon enough, the rest of us
Will sink like a leaf into

He accepts and looks toward the vast sky, silently thanking Cale as he moves ahead.

The scene was emotional, and it felt like it was now a goodbye. Like he had come to terms with all of his sadness and misery. It made the townsfolk, the people happy that he has found his salvation in that apocalyptic world.

Anywhere we know it’s not for
Naught, ‘cause we don’t stop
Going out and off, always
Giving everything we got

On the other hand, the next scene showed the heroes of the populace. It was the moment when the grey sky turned blue as they all cheered for their victory against the evil and prevailed justice. The warriors who fought war did their salute as they reminisced the memory, by shock of how far they've come and how grateful they are to have been led by such a wonderful person.

To killing, to kicking
To grinning, to gritting
Living, living, living
Living on

As the songs says, each heroe showed in what the song portrays--starting to Choi Han, the children, the prince and many more others to Mary. Everyone with the happiest smiles as they all live through, leaving no regrets behind as they all moved towards an uncertain future.

It was exhilarating and beautiful as it ends with an ethereal portrait of their commander, their Hero adorned with his family and friends around him.

author's note.
this is so long, i'm gunna cri..
n eway, merry christmas to
those who celebrate christmas
and have a lovely day to those
who don't. I'm sorry for not
updating, I've been piling lots of
ideas for the songbook but can't
put words HAHAHAH. Yeah, just
some minor writing problems lol.

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