So I'm The first ever True Dr...

By AikoGray9

21.8K 420 147

Celeste Nova is everyone's normal high school girl. She is a socially awkward person to be around. She is ver... More

Part 1: The Creation of the Second True Dragon and My First Subordinate!
Part 2: The newly awakened Time God!
Part 4: Date and The Twins
Part 5: The Eclipse Twins and The Creation of the Cardinal World
Part 6: The Third True Dragon
Part 7: The Space Queen Dragon!
Part 8: Meeting You Once Again

Part 3: Star King vs World Destroying Dragon

1.7K 38 22
By AikoGray9

<> = Manas when communicating with their master/partner in mind
{ } = Master/partners when communicating with their Manas mind
[ ] = Skill
^^ = Magic
》= Thought Communication/Telepathy
() = Thinking
There will be spoilers from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime here, so if you don't want spoilers then you may leave

3rd Person POV:

Celeste looked at Alina confuse, she has been quite for awhile now

"Ne~ ne~ Alina-chan~ did something happen to Veldanava or did he got into trouble?" Celeste ask as Alina finally snapped out of her thoughts

"Huh? Oh, it seems like Veldanava is pissed that someone is destroying his creations" Alina said

During these past few years Veldanava had mastered most of his skills and one day, he watch Celeste create a new Omniverse and he got so fascinated and amazed that he too, wanted to create his own omniverse and be a Deity in that said omniverse. So Celeste and Alina taught him how to use <Turn Null<, >Stardust<,>Celestial Energy<, etc. Once he learned how to create omniverse he began to create hundreds of thousands of omniverse.

Back to Celeste and Alina

"Hm? And who might that be? To have guts to mess with the Star King and my little brother, interesting where is Veldanava now?" Celeste ask

"He seems to be going after the one who destroyed his creations" Alina answered

"Who is this destroyer anyways?" Celeste said, (But I have a feeling its-)

"Like what you think master its-"


Veldanava's POV:

I'm the Star King Dragon, Veldanava Nova and I'm trying to find who is destroying my creations!

I'm really pissed that my creations are getting destroyed, I have worked so hard to create them yet someone is just going on a rampage killing and destroying everything

I was currently in my dragon form, awhile of searching I sensed a very powerful aura near an multiverse and I immediately teleported to where the aura came from and when I arrive, my face was that of sadness, shocked and angry

Sad that the multiverse infront of me was completely annihilated, all of those poor souls that were completely destroyed and this multiverse was also one of my first creations when Celeste née-chan and Alina-san were teaching me how to create multiverses

Shocked that one being was able to completely destroy this whole multiverse in just seconds, I know high-tier Gods are very strong and one alone can destroy a whole multiverse but it will atleast take them few minutes to actually destroy the multiverse but it won't be completely destroyed

And angry that my creations were destroyed as I see a huge, black dragon infront of me with big, black wings, scales that looks unbreakable and glowing, red eyes. He was laughing at the destroyed universe and I can tell he was absorbing the magicules around him. He had his back facing me and he hasn't notice my presence yet

I got really angry at this but managed to control my anger since Celeste-née told me to always control myself better. I look at the black dragon and slowly leak my aura out, he stop laughing and turned around and saw me

His red eyes glowed even brighter and he release his own aura making the nearby universes near us turns to dust immediately and I just stare at him unfazed of his aura even though I'm a bit surprised

"Are you the one who is destroying my creations? Not only mine but onèe-chan's too" I said as he flaps his wings and launch several wind blades at me as I raise my hand and I swing my claws towards the blades easily destroying them

I look at the dragon's eyes and saw no emotions at all

(His ego less? Or emotionless? So does that mean he's just a rampaging dragon without any control of his body?) I thought as I dodge a fire breath that he fired towards me

(Can I name him? If I did maybe he will get an ego and emotions but that if it fails then it will only make it stronger if he evolves. Hmm..I shouldn't put too much magicules into naming him then) I saw him charged at me with his claws ready and I spin around and slamming my tail against him sending him far away from me

I quickly flew infront of him and I raised my left hand, "Alright from now on your name will be "Ivaraj!" I said as I feel my magicules depleted but was quickly recovered as I have a skill that made me have infinite amount of magicules

As the dragon got covered in my magicules in formed into a cocoon and soon enough it broke and it revealed the dragon's appearance hasn't changed a bit but his power has increased exponentially

Now for the moment of truth did he gained an ego or not? As he starts to open his eyes, I was shocked that his eyes hasn't changed one bit! There was no single emotions and he didn't even gained an ego!!

He looked at me with anger as he starts charging a very powerful beam, I quickly created I barrier around me as he fired it towards me, creating a lot of smoke and the shockwaves were even strong enough to destroy the stars nearby

As the smoke clears, I flew out of the smoke and look at him with dissapointment as I sighed

"Haa, it seems like it didn't work well now I have a much bigger problem"

Ivaraj growled at me and spread his wings out as smoke came out of his mouth and he look at me with bright, glowing, red eyes as he starts to release a powerful red aura

"Well then, since this you didn't gained an ego even after I name you I intend to stop you from destroying my and Celeste-née's creations" I said as I too, spread my wings as far as I can with my eyes glowing, bright, golden and I start to release a powerful golden aura

"I am the Star King Dragon, Veldanava! And I will stop you here once and for all Ivaraj!"

Veldanava POV ends

3rd Person POV:

As the space starts shaking because of the force of the aura from the two dragons

As they look each other in the eyes, they made no movement nor sound until they suddenly dissappeared and reappeared in the middle of the space they were in and clashed using their claws, destroying the nearby universes near them because of the force of the shockwaves

Ivaraj quickly use his other hand and tries to slash Veldanava with it but Veldanava quickly covered his other hand with >Turn Null< blocking Ivaraj's slash

He quickly fires a fire breath at him and Ivaraj got hit with it and was sent back flying a little but managed to recover quickly as he roars towards Veldanava angrily

Veldanava had use the chance and rush towards Ivaraj all while coating his fist with >Turn Null<. He punch Ivaraj straight into his face and Ivaraj got sent back very far as he crash into multiple universes

Ivaraj manage to stop himself and fires a powerful beam at Veldanava. Veldanava saw this and also fired his own beam that has loads of amounts of magicules

The beams collided making a huge explosion and shockwaves that destroyed everything around them, the explosion also caused a lot of smoke. Veldanava flies up and dodge a slash attack from Ivaraj that was aimed for him. He quickly use his tail that is now coated with >Stardust< and slammed it into Ivaraj but he was quick enough and dodge as the force of the slam was very strong that it created multiple shockwaves

Veldanava quickly use Ivaraj's surprised state to his advantage, his wings glowed before unleashing hundreds of thousands of bright, glowing, golden star-shaped blades at Ivaraj, "^Star Magic: Star Nova^". The attack is hot like the stars and is traveling at a very fast speed towards Ivaraj

Ivaraj had sensed the attack and he put his hands close to his chest as he starts charging a powerful, red orb in his hands and he sends it in the middle of the Nova attack, the orb then glowed even brighter and it exploded into a red black hole, swallowing the Nova attack however, it didn't swallowed everything as a result some stars hit Ivaraj directly leaving a bit of burn marks on his skin

Ivaraj roared in pain as Veldanava then rushes towards Ivaraj while his wings glowed purple because it was coated with >Turn Null< and he slammed into Ivaraj using his wings

Ivaraj was able to grab onto one of Veldanava's wings surprising him but Ivaraj quickly opens his mouth and fired a black orb right at Veldanava's face making him fly back and shook his head to shake off the dust

Ivaraj quickly dash at Veldanava while his hand and claw was envelop in a black smoke with sparks of red coming out of it and he punched Veldanava in the chest

"Gaahk!" Veldanava spit out saliva from hus mouth as he was sent back as the force of the punch was so strong that it break multiple multiverses behind Veldanava

Veldanava mange to stop himself from being blown away further as he rub his head and looks at Ivaraj with annoyance

(This is getting nowhere his so strong that he was able to grab my wings and hit me with a direct hit) Veldanava thought as he kept looking Ivaraj

Ivaraj look at Veldanava back, "Grrrrr..." He growled at Veldanava

Both look at each other again but slowly Veldanava starts to...
Smile..he was smiling?...

He didn't know why but he was sure that it was from excitement that someone was actually able to go up against him and hit him. The anger and sadness he was feeling earlier had vanished and instead was replaced by excitement. He hasn't battled a strong opponent like Ivaraj before (excluding Celeste and Alina of course 😉)

He started grinning and before they clashed again, he coated his whole body with a very thin layer of >Celestial Energy<

Celestial Energy is an energy that is one of the strongest energies in history alongside, Turn Null, Time, Space, Abyss, Stardust and Void Energy. A very tiny portion of this energy can destroy a whole universe

Celeste and Alina taught Veldanava how to use all of this energies but did not help him master it, Celeste wants her little brother to figure out how to master the most powerful energies without her help so that he could grow and become even stronger than the Veldanava in Ttigraas

Back to the fight, when Ivaraj saw the >Celestial Energy< He became shock, he sensed the super strong aura and power it contains and he had wanted all that power for himself

Before and after being named he is a mindless, rampaging beast that will do anything to get stronger and now he had found another source of power...

Ivaraj eyes began glowing bright red and his whole body starts to get covered in black aura with little sparks of red lightning coming from the black aura

Veldanava eyes too, started to glow bright gold and his whole body is now shining like the stars because of the >Celestial Energy< and aura, it fits perfectly for him and his title Star King

Both look at each other again and dissappeared leaving a blur of their aura from their spot and appeared in the middle again as their fist collided with one another, sending massive shockwaves and explosions all throughout the omniverse making it shake but both of them completely ignored it and instead continued to clash

With Celeste and Alina who were watching the fight from afar

Alina whistled, "Wow, that dragon was sure able to hit Veldanava directly"

Celeste nodded, "Yeah...but it's kinda hard to believe he still had some hope for Ivaraj to gain sime ego or emotions even after knowing he is just a mindless monster"

"It's a natural thing master for Creators as they still had some hope for their creations even if they are mindless, ego less, emotionless and evil, they still cling onto a bit of hope for them and will try to change them if they can" Alina explained as Celeste smile

"Yeah, I had a feeling I'm going to do the same in the near future" Celeste said

"Fufu~ you surely will master, actu-" Alina was cut off by Celeste

"Please don't spoil the fun" Celeste said, deadpan

After Alina had evolved into the [Origin Skill: Manas of Omniscience and Light] she had all knowledge of everything like what will happen in the future so when Celeste knows about this she told Alina to limit her knowledge and to not spoil the fun for her in the future

Alina pouted, "Fine..I just can't help it"

Celeste patted her head and smiled at her gently, "It's okay"

Alina closed her eyes feeling the soft and warm hands of Celeste as it goes through her hair

Back to the fight

Veldanava and Ivaraj doesn't seem to stop as they continously attack each other. The whole Omniverse itself is actually starting to crack because of the many shockwaves and explosions that happens every time the two dragons clashed it has each other

Veldanava spread his four wings as far as he can as the tip of his wings started glowing and multiple golden beams of light came out on every wing, "^Star Magic: Star Beam^

The beams went towards Ivaraj but he poured some magicules into his wings and he skillfully dodge all of them while heading towards Veldanava. Veldanava then open his mouth when he saw Ivaraj at the spot he wanted and he fired a blazing, hot golden snake dragon towards Ivaraj from his mouth. The snake dragon was so fast it broke through millions of sound barriers

Ivaraj knew he didn't have time to dodge so he immediately put up hundreds of barriers around him to hopefully weaken the attack when it collided with Veldanava's attack his barrier was able to slow down the attack and he managed to dodge before he got incinerated by the attack

Just when Ivaraj was about to look up, a tail slammed from above him, sending him downwards, Veldanava uses this and fired a fire breath at him causing a lot of shockwaves and smoke

Ivaraj was able to get out of the thick smoke as his body starts to glow and he unleashed a darker version of him towards Veldanava

Veldanava's eyes glowed golden and the attack dissappeared but Ivaraj was already infront of Veldanava with his fist covered in red aura this time, Veldanava blocked it with his hands but Ivaraj uses his super sharp tail and tries to stab Veldanava from behind with it but Veldanava quickly put a barrier around him blocking the attack

He pushed Ivaraj back and slash him with his claws covered in >Turn Null<
dealing huge damage to Ivaraj as his scales was destroyed when it came contact with Veldanava's claws Ivarajroared in0

Ivaraj roared in pain and he tried to punch Veldanava in the face but he was quick enough to block it with his other hand

Veldanava then blows Ivaraj away by flapping his wings and he gets sent back far away. Veldanava concluded that it was time to end it here before Veldanava could move to seal Ivaraj in he suddenly sense someone appeared beside him and he immediately knows who it is

"Seems like your having fun Velda" A gentle and soft voice ran through Veldanava's ears as he looks at the figure that arrived at the scene

"Ah! Celeste-née! H-how are y-you?" Veldanava stuttered not knowing how Celeste will react if he told her that he named a mindless, rampaging and emotionless monster just so he can gain a bit of emotions and ego but failed and resulted into destroying thousands of multiverses and damaging the Omnivese

"I'm doing fine but you don't have to be scared I already know what you did and I just can restore the omniverse easily, so don't be scared" Celeste replied while smiling and she pats Veldanava's head gently. Alina had gone back inside Celeste's soul where she reside

"Now about Ivaraj..." Celeste averted her attention to Ivaraj who was panting and growling at them

"You have caused a lot of troubles you know, rampaging and destroying multiverses and damage the Omniverse itself, so I, as the Original Creator will stop you from doing any more damage to the Omnivese" Celeste said as her eyes glow and she raised her right hand and showed a small magic circle in her palm as huge, golden, pillars of light surround Ivaraj as golden chains came out of the pillars and chained down Ivaraj and a huge magic circle appeared below Ivaraj

Ivaraj tried to break free but the chains was unbreakable and it was also draining his power rapidly

"It's futile to resist, you won't escape from your punishment" Celeste said and the pillars along with the chains started to glow in different variants of colors as the magic circle glowed

"^Supreme Sealing Magic: Seal of Eternity^" Celeste said as she closed her palm then the pillars and chains glowed even brighter and the magic circle glowed as a barrier appeared surrounding the pillars with Ivaraj in it

Ivaraj was unable to do anything but roar in anger as the barrier started to get smaller and smaller with Ivaraj in it, Ivaraj tried to move or break free but it was futile as most of his powers were drained. He roared in anger as he look at Veldanava and Celeste with extreme anger in his eyes

(I WON'T FORGET YOU TWO!! I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE ONCE I GOT OUT OF HERE!!) That was the last thought of Ivaraj before he can no longer be seen through the barriers as it turns black

The barrier keeps getting smaller until it was a size of small meteor and now it just floats in space, now it was a dragon black cube with a dark, red gem in the middle

Celeste sighed, "How troublesome this is..."

Veldanava shyly scratch the back of his head, "Haha..sorry if I cause trouble Celeste-née.."

Celeste smiled at him and she hug his dragon form, "You didn't do cause trouble Veldanava, what I meant is that there is many arrogant and power-hungry beings that it starts to irritate me that they sometimes destroy our creations"

"O-oh I see.." Veldanava said as he gently hug Celeste back, careful to not accidently scratch her with his claws

"Well how about Ivaraj then?" Veldanava asked as Celeste breaks the hug

She then looks at the cube, "Just leave it here" that surpised Veldanava but he knew that Celeste had a reason for that but he can't help but ask

"Aren't you worried that someone will try to break the seal?" He ask

Celeste giggled making Veldanava flinch for a moment, "Don't worry about that Veldanava, the seal won't ever be broken but it weaken as time goes by but I doubt someone will break it. Even if someone as strong as the current you, they will never be able to break the seal no matter what and besides if someone did manage to do that then it will be quite an interesting event" She explained

"Your so terrifying..." Veldanava mumbled but Celeste heard him because of Supreme senses and she giggled and pats Veldanava's head yet again

"You heard me...didn't you?" Veldanava said with a blush visible on his face

"Yep! Yes, I did!" She said

Veldanava just sighed and continued to enjoy Celeste's head pat

Hope you all enjoy this book!

Also thanks for 500+ reads in just a short time! Thank you so much!

{Published: Dec. 27, 2022}

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