My Sisters Boyfriends

By PurpleOcean17

282K 5.8K 1K

Dash has five sisters...yeah he is the only boy that his parents had. His sisters are all older then him, he... More

Found Love In A Werid Way

Twelve. Christmas Special

19K 367 95
By PurpleOcean17

Hello! Merry Christmas! Since this is my most read book I thought I would make a Christmas chapter! I know it's a few days early but I can't publish this on Christmas because I will be spending time with family. Enjoy! <3
Imagine sitting in a living room, your boyfriends all around you while your family sits around you as well. Now imagine your family hasn't see you in awhile and all of your sisters boyfriends are now with you... Yeah this is my nightmare. Mom and Dad invited me over for Christmas dinner because it tradition for all of us to eat together. She even said I could being my boyfriends. Believe me when I tell you how hard it took me to convince them to come with me.

Now Mom and Dad are in the kitchen cooking while we sit in the living room in silence. Micah is to my left and Elliot is to my right then others sitting then to them. My sisters are staring them then at me making it way worse. Cora hasn't removed the glare from her face since I got here.

"You look great Dash" Alison breaks the silence with a small smile on her face. God how I have missed her and our talks. "You too" I give her a smile back. "Are we really going to ignore the fact you have all of our ex's?" Cora blurts out making me tense. Chloe placed a hand on Cora's arm probably to calm her. "We talked about this" She whispered glancing quickly at Keith who won't even look back at her. Cora stands up and stomps up the stairs probably to her room.

"I knew we should've come" I hear Miles whisper under his breath. Maddox turns to him whispering in his ear making Miles blush. I have noticed that the boys have been getting flirty with one other which makes me happy. I don't want to be the only one they flirt with in out relationship. "Okay, I can't stand the silence any more!" Serenity says making all of us look at her. She stands placing her hands on her hips. "I know we ended off on bad terms or whatever but I have moved on and I am very happy Dash has five amazing guys to care and love him" She says. Serenity looks straight at Micah with a glare on her face, he moves closer to me making me giggle.

"You hurt him I will personally burn every piece of clothing you have" She growls then sits back down with a smile. "Wow she is scary" Micah mumbles resting his head on my shoulder. "I guess we are making amens so I will go next" Willow says standing up next. I glance at Elliot who balls his fits. I place one of my hands on his squeezing softly. "I uhm- I won't lie. I miss you like crazy Elliot b-but to see you happy with my brother that's all that matters" She quickly wipers her face before glaring at him and I have to hold back a laugh. Elliot looks so scared. "Don't hurt him or you'll regret it" She says quickly then sits down.

I look at Alison who slowly stands up shifting from foot to foot. Maddox leans forward resting his elbows on his knees waiting for her to start talking. "First I just want to say sorry for not stepping in when you came out to us. I was shocked and at a loss of words and when I saw Maddox hug you tightly when you bolted out of the house I- I knew something was there. I didn't want to believe it because Maddox said he loved me" I look at Maddox who doesn't move, he just stares at her listening. "I'm happy my baby brother found five guys to make him happy and no I won't threaten you Maddox, you know I'm not like that" Alison chuckle which makes Maddox smile.

"Really? No 'hurt him and I'll kill you'?" Maddox chuckled leaning back. Alison shakes her head sitting back down then Chloe stands up. Keith keeps his eyes on the wooden floor not looking at her. "Keith please, please look at me" Chloe says softly. I can see her eyes watering tears threatening to fall. "I have no reason to look at you Chloe" Keith mutters keeping his head down.

"I accepted you Keith because I love you and you have every reason to be mad at me for not saying something to my parents when Dash came out. But when he said it everyone went quiet and I didn't want to be the only one to say that I accept him. I accept all LGBTQ+ people. I- I even...I am talking to a g-girl right now" My eyes widen as I look at her. The tears have fallen and everyone stares at her wide eyed. Even Keith looks at her with wide eyes. "I messed up and I know that! I'm sorry! Okay! I'm sorry I panicked and kept my mouth shut" I watch as Chloe rushes up stairs and door slamming shut behind her.

Keith stands up walking over to me, he kisses my lips softly before going after her. I look at my sisters giving them a smile. "Thank you, you guys" I says standing up. They stand and we have a group hug which feels so good. I'm happy to have my sisters back...well I have all but one back. I pull away from them looking over at the stairs. I have to talk to her, make things right. The only reason she is like this is because she is hurting. "I'll be back" I say looking at the guys who all give me a nod.

I walk up the stairs to the second floor stopping at Cora's door which is across from mine. I nod lightly but I don't hear anything. I knock again and a thud sound comes from the room. I crack a smile knowing she threw a pillow at the door. I open the door quickly stepping in then shutting the door. Cora sits on her bed, phone in her hands and tears running down her face. I grab the pillow she threw walking over to her bed sitting across from her. "You are not supposed to be in here" She mumbles sniffing. I hug the pillow to my chest glancing at her. "Remember when we were kids, when Christmas came around we were so excited because we got to make a gingerbread house together" I say. Cora nods her head so I keep going. "We got icing everywhere yet our house looked like it came out of a movie" I chuckle.

I see Cora crack a smile rolling her eyes. "We were a team where we were younger" She mumbles looking up at me. I nod my head all the memories of us pulling pranks and doing things together coming back. "Want happened to us Dash?" She asked honestly. I shrug my shoulder not knowing the answers. "I don't know"

Cora scooted closer to me resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about all the times I yelled at you" She mumbles. I chuckle, "Me too" I say back making her giggle.

It was silent for awhile until Cora as me a question, "Miles is happy right?" She said softly almost to where I couldn't hear. "He is" I say nodding my head. "And you're happy?" She asked. I continue nodding my head. "The only thing I'm not happy about is not seeing it talking with my sisters" I admit. Cora wraps her arms around me squeezing tightly making me loose my breath. "I'm sorry. I will be there from now on and I will try and be nice" That last part made me burst out laughing. Cora soon joins me in laughing.

A knock at the door startles us, "Guys it's time to eat" I hear Mom say behind the door. "Coming mom" Me and Cora say at the same time.

When we get down stairs to the dining room I take my seat between Maddox and Keith with a smile on my face. I love, Maddox, Micah, Keith, Elliot and Miles so much. I love my sisters and parents as well. Best. Christmas. Ever.
Word Count: 1399

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