The Heroic Jester: Dimentio

By NightmareWasTaken7

62.7K 549 517

Izuku Midoriya aspires to be hero. He was told constantly that he couldn't be one, but he won't listen to the... More

Before the Show
It's Showtime!
The History of Dimentio
U.A Entrance Exam......
A Million Dreams
First Day: Joint Tests!
This is getting a HUGE rewrite
The Humiliation of a Tormentor
Goodbye Wattpad. Hello AO3

Results, New Friends and Moving In

3.3K 52 23
By NightmareWasTaken7

Me: Well then, chapter six. Ready for this guys?

D. Izuku: Of course we are! We want to see how much better my book will be with the rewrites!

Kyoka: Let's hurry this up. We have a lot to rewrite!

Me: Alright. Enjoy the chapter guys!




Izuku seemed more....giddy today. I mean, who could blame him? He just confessed his feelings to the girl he loved who is now his girlfriend. They might've been together for only a week, but they already felt so attached with one another. Hitoshi received the news the next day and during the week, he felt like the third wheel a lot.

However, whenever the two were like that, he'll just hang out with Uraraka. He slightly sweatdropped when he discovered his friends betting if he'll get more friends or not though. Right now, he was in a coffee shop with Uraraka drinking a nice hot cup of espresso, or as Izuku liked to call it, depresso.

Hitoshi: So how've you been?

Ochako: Pretty good. Still not sure if I passed though. Somebody had to destroy a lot of the bots instantly.

Ochako narrowed her eyes at Hitoshi as he nervously chuckled.

Hitoshi: Hey, me and the other two already said that we have to do an instant exam. Well, Izuku decided it and was so adamant about it.

Ochako: Not a good reason!

Hitoshi: If I didn't do it, I would have to spend the entire week with Yellow!

Ochako: Who's yellow?

Hitoshi shuddered at the thought of his name. Why did he get the worst one of the two clones...

Hitoshi: I don't want to talk about it.... Anyways, heard their sending the results soon.

Ochako nodded as she stirred her coffee. She gave a look that he was very familiar with. The famous "Nervous not sure if I passed" face as he put it. He sighed as he sipped his coffee.

Hitoshi: Hey, no need to worry. I'm sure you got in.

Ochako: Speak for yourself, instant entree number two. There were barely any bots left so I'm not sure if I pa-

Hitoshi: Did you do your best?

Ochako: Huh?

Hitoshi: Did you do your best?

Ochako: Uh.... Yeah, I did.

Hitoshi smiled as Ochako looked at him confused. He chuckled as he saw her face.

Hitoshi: Don't you worry then. You did your best, and that's good enough. 

The Gravity Girl stared at him for a few seconds before smiling.

Ochako: Thank you. You know, the way you encourage me is kind of like how my girlfriend does it.

Hitoshi: Oh? You're dating someone?

Ochako: Mhm. Her name is Tsuyu Asui. We've been dating for two years now. 

Hitoshi smiles and felt a little envious. Why was he the only one without a partner? He shook those thoughts off immediately. 

Hitoshi: I see, I wish you both a happy future.

Ochako:Hehe, thanks. In fact, here she comes right now.

Hitoshi turned and saw a greenette girl who's hair was tied like a bow ahd had a frog-like face. Ochako waved towards her and the frog girl went towards them.

Ochako: Tsu! I'm glad you made it!

Tsuyu: Of course I'd make it, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to hang out with my girlfriend, kero.

Hitoshi stood up and smiled as he offered a handshake to Tsuyu.

Hitoshi: Asui-San correct? It's nice to meet you, I'm Hitoshi Shinsou.

The Frog Girl accepted the handshake. Hitoshi felt her hands were a bit slippery, yet firm at the same time.

Tsuyu: Kero, nice to meet you. Ochako told me that you were one of the instant entrees that made her have a harder time.

The Controller of Minds chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

Hitoshi: Sorry about that.

Tsuyu: Meh, it's fine. You did what you did to pass. Besides, she told me you helped her capm down in a panic attack. Usually I'd do it, but since they didn't allow friends to be together, I appreciate your help.

Hitoshi: It's fine. I have a friend who used to go through panic attacks a lot. I have a lot of experience. Always nervous on things that they could easily do, panicking when they are in a lot of pressure, can't think straight without someone snapping them out of it.

Tsuyu: Kero, reminds me of my Mochi.

Ochako: Hey!

The Purplette chuckled and then felt his phone vibrate. He took it out from his pocket and saw that he had received a message from Izuku.

PleaserOfCrowds74: Hey, just received the results on our exam. Head to beach ASAP!

                                                Ok, be there in a bit. :IhaveInsomniaIneedCaffeine

The Controller of Minds pocketed the phone again before sighing.

Hitoshi: Sorry about this, but I got to go. Izuku just called and he said he just got the results.

Ochako: Oh... I see, 

Tsuyu: Kero, it was nice meeting you, Shinsou-Kun. See you at U.A, kero.

Hitoshi smiled as he dimentional flipped out of there. Tsuyu then stared at where he was before turning to Ochako.

Tsuyu: So, he can teleport, kero?

Ochako: From what he tells me, both of his friends can too.

Tsuyu: Huh, interesting, kero.


The Master of Dimensions and Dutchess of Melodies were waiting for the mind controller on the beach. Izuku currently held three envelopes in his hand and was patiently waiting.

Kyoka: So, we're a guaranteed, yeah?

Izuku: Of course! The letters are only here to verify. And besides, I met up with Principal Nezu after the exam and he already welcomed me to U.A. These are just a formality.

They then see a flipping of a piece of space happen in front of them with Hitoshi finally appearing from it.

Izuku: At last, the Controller of Minds has appeared. Now then...

The jester telekinetically handed the letters to the two. 

Izuku: Alright, Hitoshi, you open yours first, Kyo will be second, and I'll be last.

The male purplette nodded as he ripped open his letter. A small disc was all that was inside. He pressed the button and a hologram of the underground hero, Erazerhead appeared.

Erazerhead: Hitoshi Shinsou, I am Shota Aizawa, also known as, Erazerhead. I shall be the one to give you your scores.

Hitoshi sweatdropped at his rather bored tone. He then saw him yawn, signal to someone off screen, and was handed a entire container of coffee.

Aizawa: Fuck, I needed this. Oh right, the results. In the written exam you scored the third highest. Good job on that, a score of ninety eight percent isn't something to sneeze at. For your practical....Well, being one of the instant entrees means you don't have to hear your score, but I suppose I should just reveal it. An outstanding one hundred and fourteen. 

Izuku proudly smirked at the score and Kyoka gave a thumbs up.

That puts you third in the leaderboard. Now, you'll actually be the only instant examinee going to my class. The other two are in 1B in order to balance the classes.

Hitoshi: Damn. Looks like we won't be in then same class then.

Izuku: Meh, that's fine. We'll see eachother after it though.

Aizawa: Oh, yeah. I have to inform you that U.A. has a dorm system that was implemented a year ago. So better start packing because your gonna have to move in the school for three semesters. Anyways, welcome to your hero academia.

The hologram dissipated. Hitoshi sighed and summoned a notepad and pencil.

Hitoshi: Gotta start listing the things I'll need to pack.

Izuku snickered before turning to Kyoka. She nodded and opened her letter. The hero being the one announcing her scores is none other than the voice hero, Present Mic.

Present Mic: Hi there instant examinee! How are ya? You're doing fine I hope! Anyways, I'll be the one giving you your results. Now, for the written, you got an amazing ninety nine! That puts you at the second highest score. Quite an astonishing feat little listener. For the practical meanwhile.....Well, you are an instant entree! You got an superb two hundred and seven! You got second once more! 

The Dutchess of Melodies smiled and the Master of Dimensions had a wide grin that showed how proud he was of her. He gave a hug behind her and she blushed lightly.

Present Mic: Anyways, welcome to your hero academia, Kyoka Jiro! Be sure to pack up your things, because U.A. has a newly implemented dorm system! Also, by request of your boyfriend, we have given you two a shared dorm room. Anyways, ciao!

Kyoka was astonished at the last thing Present Mic said. She slowly turned to Izuku who was blushing looking away.

Kyoka: Izu did you-

Izuku: Anyways, my turn!

To dodge the question, he somehow got the disc out without ripping the envelope. Hitoshi and Kyoka sweatdropped as he does this and see the hologram of none other than the number one hero, All Might.

All Might: Hello young Midoriya!

Kyoka and Hitoshi: All Might?!

The Dutchess of Melodies and the Controller of Minds shouted in shock. The Master of Dimensions, meanwhile, hummed in acknowledgement.

Izuku: So you're teaching this year, huh? This'll be interesting.

All Might: No yes, it might be confusing on why I'm here. After all, I'm not a teacher of U.A. Well to answer that question, I've been hired as the new teacher of heroics!

Kyoka: Since when did he get a teaching licence?!

All Might: Anyways, I am here to announce your scores! Now I have to say, these are just magnificent scores young one! A perfect one hundred percent on the written test to start it off. And they say you finished it within a few minutes. That is all very impressive! You're U.A.'s fastest examinee to get a perfect score!

Izuku: Expected.

Kyoka and Hitoshi nodded. They all expected that.

All Might: Now for the practical.... Well, you made your entire block do their exams in another mock city due to you destroying the bots. The exact score of your exam..... We actually have no idea. The scoring glitched after you used that gigantic sphere on the city. We decided to put your score as "highest score". 

Izuku: Kind of unexpected, but still expected.

The two purplettes nodded in agreement once more. The fact that his score glitched was unexpected, but he still had the highest score.

All Might: Needless to say, welcome to your hero academia! Pack your things, because your gonna have to live in the dorms of U.A. for three whole years! See you until then young one!

The transmission ended and the three stared at each other with a smirk. They made it in to the most prestigious school of Japan. Their new hero academia awaits them.


Dimentio: Got everything you need? 

The original Pleaser of Crowds was floating around watching his protégé telekinetically grab all his items and pack them into a small pocket dimension. As he was watching, he grabbed a bag of doritos. They recently discovered that Dimentio is slowly, but surely gaining a physical form. He can now grab and interact with items, but still can't be touched or seen. 

Izuku: Almost. Have to pack up my analysis books, USBs with saved analysis, and all my hero merch.

Dimentio: So about eighty percent of your belongings?

Izuku just glared at Dimentio who was smirking. He rolled his eyes and continued packing up. After his room was empty, he snapped his fingers and was in his monochrome hoodie with dark purple pants. 

Izuku: Well Dimentio, I now bid you adieu. 

He bowed to his predecessor before dimensional flipping out of the door. He went close to prod downstairs and saw his mother waiting for him in front of the door with her eyes swelling with tears. Izuku sighed as he widened his arms, signalling to his mother for an embrace. Inko immediately hugged her son and cried. He rubbed her back and let her cry her heart out.

Inko: I still can't believe that you'll be moving out.... This place will feel so empty without you. My baby's gonna be by himself...

Izuku: Mom, you have no reason to worry. I'll be back every time I get the chance. Besides, I heard they let the parents visit their kids every weekend or vice versa.

Inko: I know, but this place just wouldn't be the same without my baby...

Izuku sighs before getting an idea. He summoned a clone of himself, signal her mother to the clone and saw her face with shock and confusion seeing a second Izuku.

Izuku: Since you'll be so upset with me leaving, my clone will be here to keep you company. I'll make sure to visit too. 

Inko looked at the clone who just smiled and widened his arms.

C.Izuku: I'll make sure you won't be here alone, mom. Now come and embrace your child.

Inko slowly walked towards the clone before embracing him. He looks, sounds, and acts exactly like Izuku. She then turned back to the real Izuku only to see that he's gone. She turned back to the clone who smiled at her.

Izuku: Come on, mom. I'll make you some nice curry for lunch.

The clone and Inko then went to the kitchen. The real Izuku who went invisible smiled. He then dimensional flipped away, content with the clone taking care of his mother.


Kyoka waited at the gates of U.A for Hitoshi and Izuku. She could get why Hitoshi would be late. He sleeps in for a lot of their planned events so they have to go to his house to wake him up. What she didn't get was Izuku being late because he was always the one waiting for them. Either he is currently held up on something, or was planning a big surprise. She then sees Hitoshi walking with two girls.

Kyoka: Well, seems that you made some friends.

The Controller of Minds rubs the back of his head sheepishly before introducing the three to each other.

Hitoshi: Tsuyu, Ochako, this is my friend Kyoka Jirou. Kyoka, these are Ochako Uraraka, and Tsuyu Asui.

Ochako: Nice to meet you! 

The bubbly girl took her hand out to the Dutchess of Melo. Kyoka nods before shaking her hand.

Kyoka: The feeling is mutual. It's great that our little Hitoshi's finally getting friends other than us.

Hitoshi groaned while the three girls snickered. He then noticed that their most important member is not here.

Hitoshi: Hey, where's Izuku?

Kyoka: I have no idea. Strange isn't it? He's the one who usually waits for us.

Tsuyu: Kero, is this Izuku the guy who eliminated the entire mock city robots?

Kyoka and Hitoshi nodded which left Ochako shocked.

Ochako: Wait, he eliminated ALL OF THEM?!

Tsuyu: I heard a few examinees say that there was a guy who took out all the robots before when the test just started. When I learnt that you two were two of the three instant entrees, I knew the third would be the one that eliminated all of them.

The four of them heard clapping and turned to see the source of it was a familiar masked jester.

Izuku: Bravo, you have some decent analytical skills. Nice to finally meet the two people that Hitoshi has been acquainted to.

Hitoshi: Well aren't you talking fancier.

The Pleaser of Crowds chuckles before bowing to the two girls.

Izuku: Let me introduce myself, I am the Master of Dimensions, Pleaser of Crowds. I am....Dimentio! Remember the name well.

Tsuyu: I thought they said your name is Izuku.

Izuku: That is my name. Dimentio is just a stage name. Or future hero name within time.

Kyoka: Alright, what made you late?

The Master of Dimensions just grinned and dimension flipped some flowers with a small box tied by a ribbon.

Izuku: For you, my lovely dutchess.

Kyoka blushed lightly as she accepted the gift. Ochako awed at the gesture while Tsuyu looked at them with a neutral expression. Hitoshi groaned as he saw the two being lovey dovey again.

Kyoka: Thank you... What's in the box?

Izuku: Open it later. For now, to the dorms!

The four walked in to U.A. before going to their respective dorm buildings. Hitoshi and the two girls went to dorm A, while Izuku and Kyoka went for Dorm B. There, the couple saw the upperhalf of a greenhaired woman being chased by a orange haired ponytailed girl while a silver haired boy, and a girl with blonde hair and horns were watching them confused.

Big Sister of 1B: Setsuna! Come back here! Reattach yourself with your legs!

Setsuna: Leave me alone Itsuka! I want to surprise people when they see me!

Itsuka: You can't keep doing this! You're making a bad first impression to our classmates!

The Master of Dimensions chuckles at the sight while the Dutchess of Melodies looked amused.

Izuku: Not what I expected as the first thing we see in this class, but it's very entertaining.

The orange haired girl - now known as Itsuka - stopped chasing Setsuna and began running towards them. She gave a sheepish chuckle before introducing herself.

Itsuka: Sorry about what you saw. Setsuna's just being a bit....chaotic. My name's Itsuka Kendo. I'm guessing you're also apart of our class?

Izuku: You are correct Kendo-San. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is Kyoka Jirou.

Said purplette gave a slight wave as Izuku mentioned her name.

Kyoka: So this is how this class acts? I think we'll like it.

Itsuka: Don't worry, it's only Setsuna acting weird. The others haven't arrived yet so you can go unpack and talk to the rest that are here. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lizard girl to chase.

Itsuka went back to chasing Setsuna who went somewhere else in the dorms. Izuku chuckled before snapping his fingers. Nezu already filled him in on where his and Kyoka's room was. The moment his fingers snapped, a noise was heard from the room across the hall. 

Kyoka: You unpacked everything?

Izuku: The room should be filled with our items now. The clones are now arranging them all.

Kyoka hummed in acknowledgement. The two then walked towards the couch before sitting on it. Well, Kyoka sat on it. Izuku was just floating above it. The silver haired guy then suddenly tried to spark a conversation with them.

SilverShark: Hey there! You guys look cool,You guys are our classmates right?

Kyoka: That is correct. Kyoka Jirou, and you are?

Tetsutetsu: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! You guys both look so manly!

Izuku: Wait, did you just say your name twice?

Tetsutetsu: Yep! My given and surname are both the same! And I think it's manly.

Izuku just stared at him before laughing foolheartedly. Tetsutetsu just looke dat him confused, clearly not getting what was so funny.

Izuku: Such unfortunate naming. Greetings Tetsutetsu-Kun, I am Izuku Midoriya. A pleasure to meet you.

The horned girl suddenly popped in from behind them.

American: I hear talking! Me want to talk too!

Kyoka fell from the chair from surprise while Izuku just laughed at her falling. She summoned a portal for her hand to go through and slap Izuku in the face.

Izuku: Alright, I might've deserved that.

American: S-sorry! Me no mean to....(what's the japanese word for scare again?)

Izuku noticed her foreign vocabulary and started to speak in her native tongue.

Izuku: No harm done. Just a little surprised. You gave me a little entertainment actually.

The girl beamed as she heard someone talking in the language she knows. English.

Pony: You speak english?! Finally, I have someone to talk to without stumbling due to my lack of japanese vocabulary! My name is Pony Tsutonori, what's yours?

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya. Pleasure to meet you Ms. Tsutonori. 

Pony: Please, call me Pony!

Tetsutetsu looked confused as he saw the two speak in a language he doesn't know. He turned to Kyoka with a confused look.

Tetsutetsu: Do you know what they're saying?

Kyoka: They're speaking in english. Izuku made me go through lessons with my trainer. Along with a number of different languages.

Tetsutetsu: You can speak multiple languages? That's so god damn manly!

Kyoka: You keep saying manly a lot. Why is that?

Tetsutetsu: Just something that I say when I'm excited.

Suddenly they saw a dust cloud with a bunch of limbs being caught by gigantic fists. Izuku then summoned popcorn for him and Pony who had developed a quick friendship. He also passed some to Kyoka who just stared at him with a "are you serious right now?" face before sighing and taking the popcorn. When all was said and done, Itsuka emerged victorious with Setsuna in her giant fists. 

Itsuka: Finally got you! Now stop deattaching! 

Setsuna: Damn it! I won't admit defeat!

Suddenly the rest of 1B entered the dorm and just saw Itsuka holding Setsuna with her two giant hands while the four on the couch just watches.

BlondeInferiorComplex: Huh, not what I expected entering this class.

Spookygirl: So this is what U.A is like...

SilentOne: ....

Izuku chuckles as he saw Itsuka immediately let go of Setsuna to try and explain to the rest of 1B that this isn't how U.A. students actually behave like. When she did however, Setsuna was free and deattached herself once more. She immediately floated away. Itsuka groaned as she chased her once more. These three school years will be fun.




Me: FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS ONE! Writer's block did not prevail this time!

Dimentio Izuku: So I'm in 1B now.... interesting.

Kyoka: You also made me tag along with you.

Chilly: Yep, that's the chaos that happens in 1B. I pity Itsuka for taking the burden of being the big sister.

Kirby Izuku: Pony-Chan!!!

Me: Alright, let's end this chapter off now. Hope you all enjoyed!

All: We are signing out!

3479 words in this chapter!

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