We made this

By loveloveohboybl

374K 14.9K 1K

Will he recognise his love? Or he'll be so out of it to realise he's right in front him while he's looking fo... More

Not an update
35 🔞
not an update
End note


5.9K 213 21
By loveloveohboybl

Sky was looking at the text Pai just send him. Again? Now when he thinks about it carefully it seems like since last year after Sky recovered Pai was leaving for a business meeting too often...like every three months. And that time being neither he texts nor he calls for once. He couldn't figure out what was happening. He asked Pai a lot of time about the meeting but never did he said anything about that. That was so weird as Pai blabber about everything to him. He acts like he's not listening but he does and collects all information from everything Pai says like that's the most important jewel of his life. He looked at the promise ring that P'Pai gave him in front of the whole college campus.

While he was playing with the ring and thinking about Pai absent mindedly there was a knock on the door. He said a faint come in and Rain popped his head into Sky's room.

Though there was an individual Major and Minor family house as well as Pai and Venice's secret wings, Rain and Sky still insisted on making a house to stay all four of them under the same roof after their wedding. When asked why, they reasoned that being under the same roof will be helpful for all of them and they won't be so lonely when Venice and Pai have to go for work or even when they have kids they'll get company and also if their rut or heat comes they can trust their kids to others and spend their time in their secret wings peacefully. Lots of future thoughts of omegas whew.

But everyone liked what they thought and supported their desire. Now they are making it with all four of their plans combined and here again Rain is at PrapaiSky's place with his lots of thoughts. But before he could start shooting his thoughts at Sky, he saw his frowning face and stopped from doing that. He came and sat beside Sky while placing his hand on his shoulder with concern.

Rain: Sky what's wrong?

He saw Sky still was playing with the ring so he sat in front of him and asked again.

Rain: Come on tell me.

Sky sighed heavily and said: I don't know what's wrong either. I don't even know if it's a concerning thing but still I'm getting a bad feeling from this.

Rain: What is it making you feel that way?

Sky: After the fight you know how P'Pai suffered from not spending his rut properly. And after that I had a really bad situation that I almost didn't meet up with him like 2 months or even more. In that time he was so concerned about me and maybe just because of that time he is still afraid to tell me to spend his rut with me. Every 3 months he tells me that he is going to a business meeting. Do you think I am a fool Rain? I know he is spending his rut somewhere alone and suffering and I don't want him to suffer anymore. I waited for him to tell me on his own but looks like that idiot is not going to tell me and I have to do this on my own too! I am his mate and I should help him out with everything don't you think?

Rain listened everything with much attention. He was concerned for his Phi too. He knew from P'Phayu how P'Pai was spending this time so painfully but he didn't say to Sky anything as he waited for him to be okay with this. Then he say.

Rain: I know where he is wanna go?

Sky's eye widened. He knew! Why didn't he tell him before! Wait that's not the concern. He can enquiry him later. He immediately took the location where Pai was and went there.

Sky sped his car to the hotel Pai was staying for his rut and knocked on the door. After third knock Pai opened the door but his eyes widened when he saw Sky there.

Pai: What're you doing here!

Sky: What are You doing here? Do you think I don't know why you're here? How could you keep your rut secret from me?

Pai: I... I don't want to scare Sky.

Sky: Who the hell said I'm afraid?

Pai: But...

Sky: No buts I'm staying with you and that's final.

Pai groaned and said.

Pai: Do you know what you're going to do?

Sky nodded and said a yes.

Pai looked at Sky intensely that made Sky whimper for his mate. Pai couldn't take it anymore and pulled Sky into the room.

Pai: Don't regret later cause I gave you the time to back ...

Sky didn't let him finish his sentence and kissed Pai. When he pulled away he looked into Pai's eyes and says.

Sky: Never gonna regret us Pai.

After hearing that Pai stopped holding his rut and the sensual pheromones burst into the room making Sky dizzy in desire for his mate.

(After two months)

Blerghhh......Uhhhhhh I hate this!!!!!! Sky screamed when he was done throwing up. Pai was patting his back while the Omega stood up with teary eyes from the toilet after throwing up for like 10th time since morning.

Sky: You!!! It's your fault!!!!

Pai looked at Sky innocently and said : But you said you won't regret.

Sky: That doesn't mean you'll do it raw and make me Pregnant!!!

Yes heard right. Sky's two months pregnant now. During rut knotting was normal and as they were spending their rut  first time together it went out of control making Sky hehe 🌚.

In the middle of their argument  Rain burst into the room with a house model while Phayu following him behind.

Rain(screaming): Skyyyyy.... P'Paiiiiii....look at the model P'Phayu made for our new home.

Phayu: Not me alone Rain you helped too.

Rain: Still you did almost everything.

Phayu: Okay okay what Rain says is right. What do you think about the house Pai,Sky.

Sky's eyes glistened with happiness when he saw the model long forgotten with the planning of beating Pai .

Sky: Beautiful. Isn't it P'Pai?

Pai said 'Mn' while looking at Sky with heart eyes.

Sky rubbed his tummy with affection and said: We're gonna make new stories in the house....All together.

Rain: Yesssss.

They looked at the house's model when Phayu hugged Rain from behind while resting his head on his shoulder. Pai came forward and placed his hand on Sky's that was still on his tummy.

Pai(Whispered): We're gonna make new memories.

Phayu: Just like We Made This....


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