Beats of the Heart [MxM]

By Hopestrife

149K 11.8K 3.5K

|| Wattys 2023 Shortlist || Miles grew up struggling, scorned by his father, and taking care of his ailing mo... More

1. Forward Cut
2. Slice
3. Chirp
5. Flare
6. Crescent Flare
7. Tear
8. Play
9. Long Cut
10. Lazer
11. Ex-Stab
12. 2-Click Orbit
13. Rev Ex-Stab
14. Log Stab
15. Rev. Log Stab
16. Zig Zag
17. Push
18. 2-Sound Transform
19. Rev 2 Sound Transform
20. Pullback
21. Triplet Transform
22. 2 Click Tentacles
23. Rev Triplet Transform
24. (-) Skew Rub
25. (+) Skew Rub
26. Jackhammer [M]
27. Autobahn
28. O.G. Flare
29. Ox Flare
30. Boomerang
31. Aquaman
32. Corkscrew [M]
33. Crab Flare
34. 1 Click Stewie
35. Prism Tear
36. 3 Forward 3 Back Tear
37. Unlucky 7's
38. Lucky 7's
39. Boom Flare
40. Tips [M]
41. Fractions
42. Scribble 2-Click
43. See Saw [End]
Epilogue: Missed Connections
Epilogue: A Wedding
Final Round Teaser

4. Baby Scratch

3.5K 267 43
By Hopestrife

The next morning, Miles woke early but sore.  He had helped Danny unpack everything on the top floor of the townhouse. Danny was ecstatic to have a place he could call his own. He had insisted on finding a new place soon, but Miles convinced him to relax and focus on school first. 

He walked out of his shower and wiped his hand over the fogged mirror. His hand ran over his jaw, and he considered for a moment shaving his beard but shook his head. The maintenance wasn't worth it. He examined his other features, realizing how set apart he was from Danny and the other elitists of the Anderson circle.

He ran his fingers over the tattoos on his arms. It was a cohesive mural running up his arms and across his chest. The design also wrapped around his shoulders, covered his back, and continued down his legs. He loved every line and detail.

However, when he was simply Miles Mendez, he covered up. Long-sleeved shirts were a staple in his closet. Also, he could wear a suit and tie to cover every last piece of ink and blend into society when his father deemed it fitting.

He despised Larry. There was no sugarcoating it. However, he endured the pointless dinners, stuffy parties, and snide remarks to appease Delma and to be present for Danny. Perhaps one day, he would break free—expose his tattoos, reveal his business, and unmask the DJ.

He snapped his attention to his ringing phone and sighed when he saw that it was one of the DJs he worked with on his label. There was no rest for the wicked, especially when running your own record label.

"Phase, it's real fucking early on a Sunday." His gravelly voice was even deeper than usual because of the early hour.

"I know, bossman, but I got a really sick idea for a new mix," his voice was more excited than usual.

Miles only had a handful of people who signed to his label, but they were all DJs. Trance, house, hip-hop—he would try to help anyone who had a passion for their music and worked with turntables and beats.

He knew from personal experience how hard it was to create your own music, making it uniquely yours, especially with a large conglomerate bearing down on you. Many agencies Miles tried to sign with were like that. If he did succumb to them, he would lose all concept of himself.

Dirge Records started as a simple record label, focusing on creating his albums and marketing them. However, his passion for helping the people around him grow had turned into something else entirely. He started to guide them, help them develop and began to set up performances and tours. What started as a record label had turned into a small-scale agency.

His DJs knew that he was stepping beyond the realm of his job description. More often than naught, he was out of his scope. However, his artists were grateful and loyal because of his efforts. Additionally, they all respected him and his ideas, even when they had no idea that he was Requiem. The only ones who knew that secret were those who stood by him when he started out, Eve and Desmond.

Miles smiled a little. He couldn't help himself because he understood how exciting it could be when an idea hit just right. It's like that moment when the beat drops, and the club goes fucking insane—it calls for goosebumps and chills.

"Alright, Phase, hit me." He said as he placed him on speakerphone and started to dress.

"Sweet. One sec. Pulling it up."

Miles could hear him setting up his tracks, so he carried the phone upstairs to the parlor and started some coffee.

"OK! Ready!" Phase declared excitedly and started his mix.

Miles leaned against the counter next to his coffee and tapped his fingers along with the beat. It was a strong House beat, but when he was echoing out the original song, he dropped a popular song from an old children's show. Miles had to laugh when he heard it.

Phase finished his sample, and he was practically vibrating through the phone.  "So? What do you think?"

"Definitely worth the early call in the morning. Smooth transitions. Sick beats. And fuck... good choice for your samples." Miles answered honestly. "I wish I fucking thought of it."

Phase let out an excited chuckle. "Any drawbacks?"

"I'll look into the legalities. Licenses and royalties. If it were Disney, you would have been fucked." Miles mused. "Give me some time to dig into it."

"You really liked it, bossman?"

"I do. You got something golden. Keep practicing it."

He hung up with Phase and sighed heavily. He loved that others were excited when creating music. It was something to be celebrated, but it also required him to shelve his own music and work on the business side of things.

He had been doing this job for years, but his DJs were getting more traction, and he needed help if he was going to run this as an agency rather than a record label. He needed someone knowledgeable and who respected their type of music. If he could find help, he could just be Requiem. His world could simply be about music. He could find the time to tour like he had always dreamed. Maybe with a stronger backer, he could reveal his identity.

Before, he kept Requiem a secret because he liked the mysterious appeal.  But then, he started to see the vultures trying to poach Requiem when he made a name for himself, and the calls became unbearable. It was best to make him untraceable. The only time he was visible was when he was behind the turntables.

At the same time, he didn't want his father to know he was successful.  The more of a fuck-up Miles looked like, the less likely Larry would interfere.

What was worse, Larry was part of the same circle as Brian Smith, CEO of Eclipse Entertainment. Brian was a piece of shit and was running his business into the ground. He had signed the wrong people and let them run rampant. The rumors of music plagiarism were the least of Eclipse's worries. Several people were murdered, while others were sent to prison. The talent he had acquired had deteriorated, and it was a shell of the company it once was. He had tried to pressure Miles many times, trying to steal Requiem.

On the other side of the spectrum was Shawn's company, Aura. They reached out a few times the first year Requiem surfaced. However, after his initial refusals, they started to reach out only once a year. But now, Miles was tempted to accept if they asked again.

Hell, if things continued the way they were, he would go to them instead... even if that meant facing Shawn.

Miles laughed at himself when he thought of that. He poured his coffee and stared into the cup. Shawn probably didn't remember him. He was sure that the kiss they shared only remained in his memory. He ran his fingers across his lips. Sometimes, he swore he could still feel the heat radiating off Shawn on his lips. But it was bullshit because it had been years.

Miles' feelings for Shawn Pierce were in constant turmoil. Sometimes, he saw Shawn as a savior because his kindness had changed something inside of Miles. It made him realize how many people surrounded him and actually cared. Shawn helped him realize that he wasn't as alone as he once thought. It gave him the strength to tuck away that bottle of pills he was going to swallow.

But other times, his body burned for Shawn. The raw attraction he felt when he kissed him consumed him. He felt a constant need of wanting more.

But then there was the overwhelming shame that was quick on the heels of lust. He was a broken and lost kid at that time, and Shawn had witnessed him at his weakest.

He didn't know how to face Shawn again. Especially after following Shawn in the media. Shawn was premium grade. He was from old money, but his family had never been content with just inheriting funds. The Pierces came from a long line of successful entrepreneurs and held a stake in anything worth mentioning—distilleries, hospitals, technology, anything and everything.

But Shawn stood out amongst the rest. He didn't just invest but built his enterprise by himself. Specifically Aura Entertainment. He had plucked out some of the greatest talents in the world and dominated the entertainment scene. Every artist yearned to be under the Aura banner.

Success came easy for Shawn, and Miles boiled with jealousy because he was only met with hardship.

Sometimes he wanted to hate Shawn. It would be easy to. Hate him for his good luck, tight-knit family, and being raised with a platinum spoon in his mouth.

Hate him for kissing like the devil. But there was no way he could.

"Fuck," Miles murmured to his coffee.

"Is the coffee that bad?" A voice broke him from his thoughts.

Miles snapped his head up and looked at Danny, who was in sweats. He smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"This place is amazing." Danny grinned.

"I'm going to meet with some old friends for brunch. You want to join?" Miles asked.

Danny bit his lip. "Would that be okay?"

"They have wanted to meet you for a while. They would be thrilled," Miles explained. "I'll even take the car instead of the bike."

Danny chuckled. "Ok. Sounds fun."

Soon, they were in the car in New York traffic, heading toward the address Eve sent them. Miles was humming along to the radio while Danny looked out the window.

"Did you always live in Brooklyn?" Danny asked.

Miles nodded his head. "I had the option to move when I was in college to be closer to campus but didn't have the heart to leave Brooklyn."

Danny nodded thoughtfully. "I don't think I ever asked about your college life before."

Miles chuckled. "Well, to be fair, we never had the opportunity to talk before. Larry seemed to be a little hesitant to let us truly interact." Miles hesitated and glanced at Danny for a moment. "Does he know you're with me?"

Danny shook his head. "He doesn't. He may have cut me off when I told him that I was moving out to attend Columbia. He was upset because he tried to push me to go to Dartmouth or Georgetown for business."

Miles grimaced. Danny had never really had the opportunity to be independent, but it was a shame that it came in the form of Larry kicking him out. Miles sighed and lightly squeezed Danny's shoulder. He knew Larry was a touchy subject, so he decided to shelve that conversation for now.

"Was business what you wanted to major in?"

"Hell no. I don't know what I want, but it's definitely not business." Danny said with a sigh. "I always imagined going into something with literature because that is the only thing I have been passionate about."

Danny flushed when he said this, and his shoulders hunched as if he was ashamed of what he said.  It drew a frown from Miles. This was obviously a conditioned response. Had he always had to bottle up the things he enjoyed? Was he never really allowed to express it?

Perhaps his life of poverty was better than Larry's dictatorship.

"Literature is an amazing route. Columbia has a good program too." Miles said and smiled lightly.

Danny looked at him tentatively. "You really think so?"

"I do." Miles gave him an encouraging smile.

Danny's unease lessened. "But what can I do with a literature degree?"

"Anything. Editorials. Journalism. Technical writing. Become an author. Work as a librarian. Teach others how to be passionate about it." Miles ruffled Danny's hair. "I won't lie to you, though. The world will be cruel and try to suppress your passion by feeding your insecurities. However, I will encourage you to fight back, embrace the pressure, and show the world something you love."

Danny released a slow breath. "That sounds intimidating."

"It fucking is. But I'll have your back."

Danny chuckled. "Thanks, Miles." He sat quietly for a moment and gave Miles a curious look. "What did you study in college?"

"Music—specifically composition," Miles said with a shrug.

"Seriously? That's so cool. Where did you study?"

"Columbia as well."

"What!?" Danny's eyes were wide. "How come I didn't know?"

Miles tensed a little. "No one asked during our lovely family gatherings."

"Holy shit... did you like it there?" He looked up at Miles. His eyes held some hope as if Miles could reassure him that opposing Larry was the right decision.

Miles nodded happily. "Columbia was the perfect place for me. I respected the professors and their teaching styles. Additionally, Columbia has a good relationship with Juilliard, so those in the music department could take advantage of their exchange program. It was an amazing experience."

"Juilliard? That's... wow..."

Miles coughed and changed the subject. "The people we're meeting are old friends of mine. Eve and Desmond have been my friends since Freshman year of college. They've been with me through thick and thin. You'll like Desmond, especially because he teaches at Columbia—anything Faustian related. Be warned, he will never shut up if you ask him about it, but he's a damn good professor."

Danny's eyes lit up. "That's awesome. Ever since I read The Picture of Dorian Gray, I—" He cut himself off and blushed. "Sorry. I get carried away.

Miles laughed. "It's good that there's something you're passionate about. Never be embarrassed about that."

Danny smiled. "Who else will be there?"

"Desmond's and Eve's little girl, Bree. She's seven years old now and a charmer. You will be wound around her little finger in no time. Hell, I don't even like kids, but the moment I met her, I swore to be the best godfather in the world."

Danny was surprised to hear another piece of information he never knew about. Miles had a life of his own—a family he created.

"The last one is Auntie Vivian, Eve's mom. She has a habit of taking in strays like me. You're family the moment you meet her, so there's no point in fighting it. Just be ready for bone-crushing hugs. I swear she is the smallest of the bunch, but she'll crack a rib or two."

Miles pulled over and parked. When he saw the upscale brunch restaurant, he made a face and checked his phone to confirm the address Eve had sent. His nose wrinkled a little. "I was hoping for some flapjacks and greasy bacon, but I don't think we'll get it here."

Danny looked out the window. "Oh, I know this place. It's one of Will's favorites."

"Shit. I hate it even more."

Danny laughed as they got out of the car. "I promise the food won't be that terrible."

Miles rolled his eyes and looped an arm around his little brother's shoulders. "I'm holding you to that."


Hello! Thank you for sticking with this! Things are still building, but we will get moving soon! Thank you!

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