Chaelisa One Shots (Hidden Ge...

By qazaq10

10.1K 243 11

Converted Chaelisa One Shots Some good ol' stories :) Have fun! Highest #7 - Lichaeng #33 - Chaelisa © To the... More

Not the Jealous Type
Perfect Match
I Like You
Tree House
Some Birthday Love
Rumors and Revelations

Let Me Love You

1K 27 3
By qazaq10


"Rosie, please. For once... just come with me."

My cousin, Jennie, keeps begging me to come with her on a date – me being the third wheel. Like, no.

I rolled my eyes for the nth time this day. "Oh for goodness sake, Jennie! Are you a child? You don't need a chaperone! And no, never in my life I'm allowing myself be a third wheel."

Oh my god, she's pouting at me looking like a puppy. It's not even sympathetic.


I was enjoying my Saturday off of work when I heard the doorbell going off.

And here comes my dork of a cousin again. She always visits me on weekends, mostly when she has nothing to do. I don't even have to ask why she's here because that's just like asking for the obvious – her bothering me, that's her specialty. It's kind of endearing but I don't tell her that.

"Yah Rosie, you said you don't want to be a third wheel, right?"


Her eyes light up and she hold my hands tightly, shaking it in excitement. "You don't have to be! You'll have a date!!"


"I told Jisoo I won't go on a date without you, so she talked to her friend who'll be your date!!"

I look at her as if she's grown two heads. She's so excited that she doesn't even notice it. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Oh come on..." She whines. "I really, really want to go, Rosie... Besides, Jisoo said her friend is good looking. Pleeeaaase... I'll treat you to shopping next time!"


Not far away, I watched my cousin act like a little girl in front of her date, Kim Jisoo. They're cute together but they're so sweet it's hurting my eyes.

Why do I have to be here?!

Right, I was promised a free shopping after this, who would deny that? Not me. But this double date thing is ridiculous especially when I ended up having this 'date' with another girl.

"You okay?" I heard her ask.


"But you just groaned."

I look at her annoyed for disturbing my thoughts which I regret a little seeing her concerned face. "I'm fine."

"Are you bored? Because I am." She asks looking at her watch.

"Yes, can I go home now? Seeing them comfortable enough alone."

"What about our date?"

"What date?! I'm just here to accompany Jennie."

"So am I with Jisoo. She promised me a date though." She said with a smirk. So annoying.

"Then date each other."

She laughs out loud. "Feisty. Wait a minute. I'll let Jisoo know we're leaving."

After texting, she grabs my hand and starts walking with her literally dragging me. "Yah! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Let's have dinner. My treat."

I didn't have the chance to retaliate as we entered a really nice looking restaurant. The place only has a few people in it and most of them are couples.

What did I get myself into? I thought with a frown.

She pulled a chair for me, acting like a gentleman and I saw the waiter at the side smiling at us. What the hell?

"Stop frowning and smile just a bit. You're pretty when you smile."

Ugh. I heard all of that before and not even once did I fall for that. Not here, not now.

"Are you sure you can pay for the both of us here?" Looking at her from head to toe, I don't think so.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Rosie-ssi." She smiles not even looking a bit intimidated by me which is a first. All people I met the first time were all intimidated by me! Even after they get to know me! What's wrong with her?

"Whatever. Just order me something you can pay."

"Does that mean I can order you everything on the menu? It's okay for me just make sure you'll finish them all." She said nonchalantly, not even glancing at me as she looks through the menu.

"Do you know how annoying you are?"

She laughs which annoyed me more as if I wasn't already enough. "I am not. You're just annoyed because you're on a date with me."


"Hey will you calm down? I'm just playing with you. Let's just eat dinner, like friends. Alright?" She smiles gently. She looks... never mind.


"Do you even know my name?" She asks out of nowhere.


"What is it then? You haven't called me by name yet."

"It's more fun calling you 'yah'."

"You can call me that but what's my name?"

I don't really know. I can't remember it because when Jisoo introduced her to us I'm in an internal panic. So yeah, this is embarrassing.


She grinned. "Close enough."

She's not even offended? Is she even real?


I went to the rest room in just a short while and I already find that girl flirting with another girl.

"Take me home now."

"Who is she?" The other girl asks raising her ugly brows at me. What a bitch.

"Oh she's my date." Lissy or whatever her name is said, grabbing me close to her while grinning from ear to ear.

"You said you're single." The bitch said while smirking at me. Gosh! I want to pull her hair.

"Oh yeah, we aren't at that stage yet."

Okay. I've had enough. "Stop flirting and take me home!"

"Sorry. We have to go. See you around!"

I look at the bitch over my shoulder and smirk at her. So cheap.


She grabs me AGAIN and drags me around AGAIN and I just let her. I'm so tired of bitching at her when she's not even the least affected.

"You want to go somewhere else?" She asks.

"I said take me home."

"Because you're jealous?"

I AM NOT JEALOUS. "Tsk. You're so full of yourself."

"Yeah, I get the feeling when there are girls fighting over me."

"I didn't even fight her."

She winks at me. "Just let me keep it to myself."


We ended up going to an arcade because she saw me looking at the stuff toys prizes on display.

"Want me to get that for you?"

"You don't need to. I don't have a thing for fluffy things."

She giggles. "That just makes me want to get that for you more."

"You're so annoying!"


Turns out, she's a great shooter. The game she played was that of a toy gun where she needs to knock out all the cans required to get that almost life sized white fluffy teddy bear.

And she did it. That's why here I am walking with that giant bear which is more than half my height and she finds it very amusing. Argh!

"Want to get some coffee before I take you home?"

"Do you expect me to come in a coffee shop with this giant toy? No way."

"Why? It's cute."

"I don't do cute."

"But you are cute."

"Shut up!"


Still, she ended up getting her way for the nth time this night. I'm so done with this. I usually get things my way all the time but this is ridiculous. I don't even know why I ended up letting her. Though this time, I didn't actually complain much because coffee is perfect for this cold night.

And you know what? Some girls in the cafe are envious of my teddy bear.

I'm actually... happy.


"The parking lot of this place is really scary. Even the guys who passed us looked like thugs."

"You're exaggerating. They don't even look like thugs."

"Yes they do. They have tattoos all over. Ew." I really, really hate tattoos. It looks dirty it makes me cringe.

"Just because a person has some tattoo doesn't mean he's a thug or a bad person."

"Do you have one?" I look at her suspiciously.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She's wearing a plain white shirt so I'm able to see her arms which look clean, thankfully.

She smirks stopping just in time in front of a Mercedes Benz auto. "I didn't steal this."

My eyes widen at her statement. "I didn't say you did!"

"I'm sure you're suspicious."

"I'm sorry for judging you earlier okay! Can you just- dress according to occasion?"

"Dressed like I'm on a date? I thought you said this isn't a date." She retorted teasingly.

"It's not!"


"Thanks for driving me home..."

We're in front of my apartment building. As much as I don't want to admit it, I had fun with her tonight.

"...and thanks for this stuff toy."

"You're welcome. Thanks for bearing with me." She said with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Sorry for being a-"

"Apology accepted." She interrupted, still with a smile on her face.

"Don't you not smile?" I ask annoyingly unintended.

"Don't you smile?" She asks in return.

"I do. When there's anything to smile about."

"There is. Life is beautiful. And you still living... it should be enough for you to smile about."

"Are you a poet?"

She laughs a little. "No. You should probably get inside before you catch a cold."

"Okay. Bye."

"Wait." I heard her from behind. I turn around curiously and saw her getting something from her wallet. A calling card.

"I want to see you again, Rosie. This is my contact number, you can call or text me whenever you're lonely or whatever or you want to be somewhere else, I'll take you. Just give me a call or come by at my studio, the address is there." She rambles, wiping her sweaty hands on her pants after.

I can't really say anything. Most of the time, I straightforwardly say that I'm not interested but somehow... I can't.

She smiles again even though I didn't say anything and came closer. I didn't have the time to question it as she kissed my cheeks softly.

"Good night, Rosie."

I stood there frozen just watching her back and as she drives away from my sight.

I stood there with a big teddy bear in one hand and her calling card in another.

What just happened?

"That's so romantic!!"

I met Jennie the day after for that shopping. She's gushing as I finish telling her about what happened with Lisa last night except the kiss-on-the-cheeks part. And yes I know her name now, her name's Lisa Manoban according to her business card.

"There's nothing romantic about that Jennie. And stop gushing about this."

"Yes it is! The fact that you stayed with her is something worth talking about! That's your first time going out with a girl you make me proud!" She said dramatically, patting my shoulder albeit aggressively.

"It's not like I can stop her, she dragged me inside a fancy restaurant. Do you think I'll make a scene? No way in hell."

"A fancy restaurant isn't one to stop you and we both know that. You actually like her, stop denying it."

"I don't-"

"Whatever, Chaeng. Let's go I'll treat you some clothes or bag, your choice."

I've been strolling around absentmindedly after a business meeting when I read a street sign that looks familiar. It's so familiar that it didn't take me a minute to guess where I've read it before. It's where Lisa's studio is.

I walk around and not long after I finally found her studio. It's a two-storey building that looks modern and high end. I actually didn't expect this.

Walking straight to the reception I saw a beautiful lady there, doing nothing. Its 4pm so I guess their work is almost done.

"Hi, do you know someone named Lisa Manoban?" I ask the girl.

"Yes. Do you have an appointment?"

"Not really. If she's here can you tell her Rosie Park is here?"

The girl looks at me skeptically. "Okay. Give me a moment, Ms. Park." I just watched as she dials through the telephone.

"Boss, there's someone named Rosie Park here, looking for you."


"Oh okay..." She hanged up the phone and looks at me carefully. "Second floor to your right. She said just come in."

"Thank you."


Just like the receptionist has said, I came in without knocking and saw Lisa arranging some things.


She jumped in shock and looked at me wide eyed. "H-hi... I was thinking if it was you..."

I rolled my eyes. As expected from a playgirl. "Too many Rosie on your list?"

She finishes arranging of what I can only assume are photography equipment while laughing at me. "You're the only Rosie I know so don't be jealous."

"I am not!"

She shakes her head looking too amused for my liking. "You haven't change."

"You expect me to change in a month?"

"No. But I thought you'd be nicer to me since you came here to see me." She pouts playfully. Instead of being annoyed with it, I smiled.

"You're still so annoying."

Months have passed since I came in Lisa's photography studio and we've been meeting casually ever since.

She always lets me know that she likes me and wants more than what we have but I've always been apprehensive, not just with her but to every close to relationship that I had.

"Just tell her about this, Chaeng. She might help you." Jennie said for too many times I lost count.

"I don't want her to be involved in this. She doesn't deserve this, Nini."

"Then tell her you actually like her. Stop denying yourself to be in love."

It actually comes to having problems which call for desperate measures. Having a huge problem even if I know that Lisa can help, I wouldn't want to involve her in anyway. That's how important she has become to me.

"What brought you here?" She asks curiously.


"Come on. I know you better than that. It's the first time you came here to my apartment."

After keeping things mostly to myself, this is the time that I think I might actually explode. It hurts inside.

I left home wandering where my feet would take me and where my mind thinks would help me ease the pain away. And they take me here... at Lisa's apartment in the middle of the night.

And for the first time in a long time, I cried. I cried in front of a person I met unexpectedly, the person who annoyed me to no ends and the same person who's dealt with me through my worst and best times since I met her.

"I'm getting married." I muttered almost emotionless.

I felt her flinch against me and I unconsciously hug her tight. "What do you want me to do?"

I sobbed. "I don't want you to go."


I woke up on an unfamiliar bed and room but soon, it came to my senses that I'm in Lisa's bedroom. I felt a chill as wind pass through the open doors of the balcony.

I saw Lisa staring at the scenery, her shoulders covered with a thick blanket but even through our distance, I see her shivering.

This is the first time I saw Lisa with a serene look on her face and I'm glad she doesn't always have this look because I'm sure all the girls will be head over heels in love with her. She's breathtaking.

I hugged her from behind and it took her by surprise. "You're awake."

"I got cold with the doors opened."

"Sorry. I didn't realize it." She said squeezing my arms the surround her.

"Why do you look so serious? I'm not used to it."

"Well. Let's just say I don't have something to smile about now..."

I felt a serious pang in my chest.


"I'll drive you home now. You have work."

"I don't want to."

"What? Rosie... If you don't want to get married, then don't. Stop sulking."

"You think it's that simple? My parents arranged it! I don't have a choice, it's not like I have someone..."

"You have me but it's not enough, right?" And for the first time, she let me see how hurt she is and it crippled me.


Lisa's been in her room all throughout the morning. I cooked lunch even if I don't have the skills because I'm hungry and I know she is too.

"What's that?" She asks looking suspiciously at the food I cooked for her.

"Food but I don't think it's edible."

I want her to make fun of me, like the usual, but she didn't. She just sighs and throws the food in trash before preparing to eat an instant noodle.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."


"I can always be your friend." Her voice cracked as she said so.


She looks at me for the first time this day with confusion written all over her face. "What?"

"Take me away... just for a while."


She takes me here at a village away from the city, away from work and away from our daily lives. I didn't think it would comfort me but it did, so much.

It's our last day and the day after tomorrow I'm getting married. It seems like the more that day become closer, the more distant Lisa is with me.

I actually want this getaway to be filled with memories of her... of her shielding my bitchiness with her smiles. I know it's selfish to wish so but I'm getting desperate and I want to be with her as long as I can.

I managed to get her to play with me like the usual. I'm elated to see her smile during this rare time. Now I realized how everything really has changed, how her smile that used to annoy the hell out of me became one of the things I'd like to see all the time...

"What are you thinking about?" she asks. We're sitting outside our rented unit just watching the night sky and me thinking about the 'what ifs'.

"Nothing... Lisa, thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything actually. But I'm going to say for spoiling me."

She chuckles lightly, "I guess it's time for the drama?" while pinching my cheeks.

"Aniyo." Leaning my head on her shoulder, I feel her arms go around my waist. "We don't have to be dramatic right?"

"I don't do dramatic." She said, mocking my voice.

"Yah!" I yelled playfully, pinching her sides.

We laugh even in this pre-parting moment. I wonder what she's feeling...

Me? I feel like in a dream, a dream that in two days from now will become a nightmare.

We stayed in that position until a ball almost hit me in the face if it weren't for Lisa's fast reflex.

"I'm sorry! My nephew just likes to play around at this hour." A girl our age said, looking at Lisa only. What's this? Another random admirer?

"It's okay, miss." Lisa replied, while checking if I'm okay, not even looking at the girl. Ha! See that, girl?

I wrapped my arms around her which surprised her and the girl too. "We're fine. Go away."

The girl stutters and stumbles to get away as I fixed her with my glare. Really? Flirting with Lisa in front of me? I wouldn't have any of that. Not again.

"Did you just glare at her?"

"Yes. She's shamelessly flirting with you."

She laughs, totally finding this amusing. "She's not, Rosie."

"Yes she was! Whatever, Lisa. You didn't see the way she's looking at you."


It's been a week since Rosie's wedding day. I begged her to promise me not to see each other for a while. I'm in the process of taking it all in and I told her I'm going somewhere away from this madness, to calm my heart but somehow, there's something that's keeping me here and I feel quite fine working myself to exertion.

The night before we came back to reality, we made love. She begged me to. Although it confused me, I fulfill her wishes even if it was hurting me. When else would I have the chance to make love to her? Never again. That was such a bittersweet memory, being able to hold her, touch her and kiss her yet I knew she'll never be mine. And that's the reality of it.

That night, she was so sweet, a far contrast to what she has always been with me. Although she's a hard headed girl, I know she's a good person. A good person that surrounds herself with a hard shell, I wanted to break them but I guess I'm a hopeless cause.

That night, I feel like she was claiming me. She left marks. I want them tattooed on my skin and stay there forever. But now they're gone and healed.

She doesn't even need to claim me, all this time I have always been hers.

And it's as if she memorized every inch of my skin. Tracing her nails on my tattoo that she came to loved.

I've made up my mind, this weekend I'll go far away and move on and I think that's the right thing to do. But one thing's kept playing in my mind. The day before we part, she pleaded me not to let her go. I wanted to scream how unfair she was being but she didn't let me as she left me there with so much more to say.

"Uhm boss? Good morning." My friend who's also my secretary greeted me. By looking at her I know she's hiding something from me.

"What is it?"

"What? Nothing! I'm just gonna say go on up and start working... we have so much work to do."

Rosie has a point, having a friend of a secretary sometimes isn't great. She's the one bossing me around now, huh. Ugh. I miss her.


I went to my office before going to my studio. And as soon as I came in, I dropped my things in shock. There she is looking gorgeous as usual and I hate that I know that it's her post-marriage look. She's blooming.

"What are you doing here?"

She smiles. She's freaking smiling as if she's not breaking my heart. "Don't you miss me?"

"This isn't funny! You promised we won't see each other yet, Rosie!"

Understanding washed over her face.


She didn't, instead she hugged me with a force that I stumbled backwards. "I miss you, Lisa."

"It's just a week, Chaeng. What are you doing to me?"

"I fought for you, Lisa..." I look at her confused than I've ever been before. "I didn't get married."

Then she kissed me, moving her lips against mine so softly. Unlike our first kiss, she's sure of what she's doing. And damn did I want this.


We came to Rosie's apartment after we talked with our mouths on each other at my studio. On her bed, I thought she said something I didn't think would ever come from her.

"Marry me." She mutters while doing what has been her hobby for the time being, tracing my rose tattoo on the nape of my neck and its stem down to my spine. I shivered to her teasing touch.

I turned on my back pulling the sheets to cover myself, feeling unexpectedly vulnerable. "What?"

"Marry me, Lisa."

Oh. I heard that right. "Seriously?"

"Yes. I told my mom I'm going to marry you."


She pouts uncharacteristically and I got distracted when she moves closer to me, the sheets dropping down her hips exposing her bare upper body to me. "You don't want to? I love you, Lisa. Don't you know that?"

"Need I remind you that this is the first time you said that to me? And besides you might just be caught up in a moment you know? And it's not like you!" I rambled as I run out of reasons.

"That's your problem?" I nodded and my eyes bulged as she gets out of the bed naked as the day she was born without a care in the world or without caring that my eyes are raking her over rather.

Seeking through her coat, she says "Stop drooling, you pervert! Here, I have this ring since last week mind you."

It's a simple ring with diamond cuts as expected from Miss Roseanne Park. What surprised me is when she showed me the back of the ring with letter L and R with an infinity sign in between. "Wow." I breathe almost absentmindedly. It's beautiful.

"Was that a yes, Lisa Manoban?"

"Yes, you should know that from the start. I just thought I'd be the one doing this."

She puts the ring on my finger before kissing it. What a gentle empress. "I'm expecting a proposal from you too."

I grinned. "Of course you do! Don't worry I won't be proposing while we're naked like this like some people here..."

She tackles me back on bed with her on top of me. "You love it."

"I love you, Rosie."

"You better."

End. :)

Merry Christmas :D

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