𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗹...

Oleh Timkerk

36.3K 617 1.8K

This is a sweet, wholesome, fluffy fanfic of Damian and Anya in the future when they are around 18-19, they a... Lebih Banyak

ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ (Pre-read)
(Ch.1) -Eden Institute
(Ch.2) -Homework Help
(Ch. 4) -Part A, Permission.
(Ch. 5) -Strange man (Special/filler chapter!)
(Ch. 6) -The Pond (Special/filler chapter #2)
(Ch. 7) -Christmas Eve
(Ch. 8) -Part B, Place and Time
(Ch. 9) -Part C, The Ring.
(Ch. 10) -Shopping Trip
(Ch. 11) -New Years Eve.
(Ch. 12) -Late Night Studying (Extra Chapter!)
(Ch. 13) -Preparations {Part I}
(Ch. 14) -The Amusement Park {Part 2}
(Ch. 15) -The Proposal {Part 3, Finale}

(Ch. 3) -Wingmen and Women

2.9K 49 170
Oleh Timkerk

That night, Anya and Damian had been on a call. They were talking about random things. One second Anya was talking about Bond, the next minute she was talking about grass. Damian found this amusing.

"And how does grass even grow anyways? Do small spies tip-toe around and sprinkle millions and billions of grass-seeds and then they grow all across every inch of soil? Hmmm...."

"Why don't you just read a biology book?" Damian pulled a book from his book shelf.

"I don't wanna read boring confusing words! Just give me a simple answer." Anya was shaking her head, looking off into the ceiling. 

Damian sighed, putting the book back on the shelf.

They talked for hours. Damian being the one mostly listening to the clueless girl. Damian was shifting through thinking topics, listening to Anya while trying to figure out what to do for a proposal. Then, Anya grabbed back Damian's attention.

"So, since of the new moon, it was really hard to understand what he was trying to say-"

"Wait, what? When why- where what?" Damian directed all of his attention to his girlfriend.

"The new moon? I couldn't understand anything he was trying to get across to me! It was so frustrating-"


"Because I can't use my powers when it's a new moon! I know, it's horrible." Anya sniffed. Then she continued on, "Anyways..."

Damian's face lit up. I finally know what to do! Thanks Anya.

"Huh? What has you so happy?" Anya tilted her head and gave soft a smile. She thought it was so cute when Damian smiled. Though it was really rare.

"N-nothing. Uh.. I-I got to go... Jeeves told me that my dad told me I have to study."

"Awwww!!! Sy-on boy's leaving me to sit alone?" Anya frowned. :(

"I'm sorry. I need to finish studying. I'm sorry Anya, I need to plan this out."

Anya made her pouty face towards Damian, using her common last resort to secure her boyfriends company.

She knows that's my weakness... "Okay okay fine." He rolled his eyes to act annoyed.

"Yipeeeeeeeeee!!! Okay now let's talk about... hmm.... your smile!!"

Damian immediately flushed bright red. "N-NO IDIOT! THAT'S WEIRD." Damian put his phone down to hide his flustered face.

"Tehehe... Why nottt?" Anya teased. "You have such a sweet smile! You look so hot when you do tha-" Anya was cut off by a screaming noise from Damian.

"STOP! STOP STOP STOP." Damian was becoming more embarrassed than when Anya was being mocked by the kids in first grade for lying about her cruise ship trip.

Anya made the troll face again and giggled. "You are so adorable! Hehe.."

"I swear Anya-"

(Sparing the whole blush festival from Damian, skipping forward)

The next morning, Damian came early. Very early. Earlier than the teachers. When Damian arrived, he knocked on the 30 foot tall door and waited. Then, Mr. Henderson opened the door.

"Mr. Desmond? Why have you come to school so early?" Mr. Henderson wiped his eyes as he himself was tired.

"Uhm.. I would like to study extra early in the library if that is possible." Damian replied, lying.

Mr. Henderson raised his eyebrows a tad bit. Then he lowered them and smiled, expected from a Desmond. I should have known. Nontheless, very elegant indeed, Mr. Desmond.

Damian stood there, waiting for Mr. Henderson to respond.

Mr. Henderson noticed the boy patiently standing and apologized, moving out of the way to allow Damian to enter.

Damian entered the huge library. No, huge is an understatement, it was enormous. Books laid, resting on shelves probably taller than the Eiffel Tower. Thousands of books--billions. Damian always went to the library so it was no longer a surprise to him, though he could still compliment the gloriousness of the chamber.

Damian sat down at a nearby table and took out his laptop. He took out a spare notebook--the finest of qualities of course--and began writing down his notes.

- The new moon happens roughly every month

- The new moon lasts a few days

- Next new moon is January, 4th (i̶n̶s̶e̶r̶t̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶)

Damian was glad he could escape the loud dorms. Everyone was always screaming and yelling so he could rarely do any work in his dorm, only during the studying hours (a time where almost every student was studying) did he ever get any work done. Anya also lived in the dorms but lived on the far side of the dormitory, meaning it would take a good 5 minutes to walk from the other's dorm each time. Sometimes, when they were lazy, which was very rare, (ehem, last night) they would just call. (Damian didn't want to come face-to-face with Anya, allowing her to read his mind with ease, so that's why he insisted on calling)

Today was December 16th, meaning he had about a month and 4 days until the new moon started, plus another few days.

That wasn't a lot of time, though it was still durable. Damian then got to the hard part,

How was he going to propose?

Damian sat and pondered for about 30 minutes, then, Emile and Ewen bursted in.

"Damian-sama! Where were you, sir?!" Emile screamed out loud, a worried expression plastered over his face.

"Yeah Master! We busted into your room and thought you were kidnapped!" Ewen added, just as worried.

"What? You morons.. how would I get kidnapped?" Damian rolled his eyes and then quickly closed his computer. Then, Damian turned towards the front librarian desk, no one was there. Was it still too early? "You guys are lucky the librarian isn't here. She would scream at the tops of her lungs for this." Damian gestured towards the front desk and then pointed to his mouth, portraying loud voices.

"Oh! Sorry Damian-sama." They both apologized.

Then, they both noticed Damian quickly closing his notebook and nervously putting his Lap-top back in his bag, as though he was trying to hide something.

"OOoo~ Damian what's that?" Emile asked, slightly curious.

"None of your business." Damian countered.

Emile and Ewen gave each other a look and then they both charged towards Damian. Damian calmly picked up his bag and stepped to the side. Then, Damian quickly grabbed the table and chairs and swiftly pushed them away. This caused the two to run into the wall, causing a small dent in the brick.

"OOOOUUCHHH!!! Damian! That was rude!" Ewen yelped, tears running down his bruised face.

"What was I supposed to do? Sit there and let you stampede on top of me? And then steal my notebook?"

"Why did you move the table?!- Oh. that makes sense." Emile said, also crying from the giant pink bump that had sprouted from his head.

(It was because if Emile and Ewen had run into the furniture, they would have guaranteedly broken the items and could have gotten a Senior Tonitrus Bolt, a bolt for students in the Eden Institute.)

"You guys can go to the nurse, you'll be fine." Damian said.

"Damian-sama, come with us!" Emile insisted.

"Why?" Damian asked, scooting the table and chairs back to its original spot.

"You made us get hurt in the first place!" Ewen replied.

"You both decided to run into me. I just protected myself." Damian said, having a fair point.

"Hm.. He's right." Ewen said, sadly.

Damian sighed. "Okay fine, i'll come with you." He rolled his eyes.

"Master Damian!" Ewen said, eves full of happiness and thankfulness.

Damian blushed a bit. "Don't mention it. It's not that big of a deal anyways. Now c'mon. I don't have all day."

The two boys followed him, thanking and praising him along the way, to which made Damian more annoyed than flustered.

(20 minutes before class)

Damian and his friends were the first ones there of course. Emile and Ewen were talking while Damian kept on pondering about the proposal.

"Whacha thinking about, Damian-sama? Is it Anyaaaa?" Emile teased, elbowing Damian's shoulder.

"Shut up Emile." Damian said bluntly, starting to blush a little.

"Wait... *loud gasp* so you ARE thinking about Anya huh?" Ewen mocked.

"N-no.." Damian insisted.

"Master, you really need to work on your lying skills. Everyone can see right through you." Emile said, again teasing Damian while also trying to help him. He seriously, actually needs to work on his lying skills.

"Sh-shut up. I'm great at lying." Damian tries to cover himself up, but sadly, it backfired.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ SO YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT ANYA HUH? MUAHAHAHA Damian you just exposed yourself! Admit it! We all know." Emile yells, proud of what he made Damian say.

Ewen fist bumped Emile in a "bro you are so awesome dude" type of way.

Damian realized that he had no way of escaping now. "*Sigh*, and so what If I am? She's my girlfriend and I have to look out for her. Plus... nevermind." (He was going to say that she was adorable and rant on about the infinite reasons why he loved her but that would just give the two blackmail against him, not a good idea.)

The two gasped at the confession and then smiled. They patted Damian's shoulder and said things like, "Wow dude. Is this really love? I wish I could experience this." and "You finally admitted it, Damian-sama!"

Damian felt like the two's dog and flicked them off. He then blushed and told them to shut up. Usual Damian.

(4 minutes before class)

Students were rushing in. Damian took out his textbook and continued to study page 358 from where he left of last night. (He barely got any done due to a certain pink-haired girl)

Then, Becky came in, pulling Anya's hand towards their shared desk.

"Anya-chan! Wake up! How much have you slept last night?" Becky said, concerned. She was pulling a rag-doll of an Anya inside the classroom.

"Anya-cha-*grunts*-aannnnn!! Are you *grunts* okay?" Becky was getting tired.



This whole scene caused the class that was already there to stare. What on earth are they doing?

"Damian. Come here and get your girlfriend." Becky said, smirking but also seriously actually needing help.

"You'll be fine. She's not that heavy anyways." Damian said. "Or are you too weak?"

"I will make Anya punch your face later."

Damian got flashbacks on the first day when they first met. His face turned a shade of grey.

"3..2..1-" Becky said, getting annoyed and impatient.

"Okay okay. Fine." Damian got up from his seat and walked towards Becky and the dead fish. He picked her up with ease while Becky stood there, shocked. Then, she fangirled. Damian picked the dead girl in bridal style and walked up the steps towards Anya's desk. He gently placed her down on the seat and kissed her forehead (no one saw).

Becky stood, hearts in her eyes as she covered her blushing face with her hands. They are so cute AHHH!

The two henchmen sat at their desks, jaws hitting the velvet floor. He's smooth! Gotta take notes from him.

Then, Becky looked outside the room and ran towards her shared desk. The professor came in and welcomed the students.

"Everyone, take out your English textbooks and turn to page 358, I hope you studied this yesterday! We have a test today."

Anya jolted up, eyes wide open. WHAT?!

Damian stared at the nervous girl and smirked. Good thing he got a little bit of studying before class.

Anya whirled her head around towards Damian and made a face. Pleeeeaaassseeee let me read your mind!

Damian rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head.

Anya dropped her jaw and made a pleading face.

Fine.. You will keep pleading with me and you could just read my mind whenever you want anyways.

Anya smiled and did a quiet, "Yipee!"


During the test, Damian was speeding through it, knowing everything. Though, he took some time to think and explain every problem in his head so that Anya would be able to catch up and understand as much as possible while she read his mind.

Then, in the middle of his explanation on question 64, Anya turned her head and crossed her fingers.

Huh? Oh, restroom?

Anya nodded her head. Then she looked at his paper and took both of her fingers to make an "X", telling him to stop and wait for her.

Damian nodded and looked at the ceiling to act normal, like he was thinking (not to draw attention from the professor).

The professor looked towards Anya and let her go to the restroom. While she was gone, Damian immediately started planning out his proposal. He wrote ideas on his paper (very lightly so he could erase it later):


Proposal notes.

□ - Morning

□ - Evening

□ - Night


□ - Amusement park

□ - Restaurant

□ - Beach

□ - Park


Damian was thinking of where to propose. Should I act like it's a date and then propose? Is that too cliche? Oh, I should also tell her parents beforehand... This is fine, we have a month to plan. Hmm..

Then, the professor (Mrs. Lokun) announced that she would have to leave. She warned everyone not to cheat or do anything while she was gone. Then, she left, closing the door. 

Ewen looked over at Damian and raised his eyebrow. Is Damian confused? He looks deep in thought. That's rare; he usually flies through these tests. Ewen took a glance at his test, then he paused. He read his list and was even more confused.

"Psstt.. Damian, what's that for?" Ewen whispered as quietly as possible. 

"AH-" Damian jumped so hard he almost hit the ceiling; instead, he hit the floor. Ewen jumped and hushed him. 

"There's cameras here! Calm down, Boss!" Ewen said.

Damian was rubbing his head. "Damn that hurt..." Damian said. Then, his eyebrows rose up and he quickly jumped up and sat back in his seat. He began to blush. What did I just do?- Ouch. *Rubs back of head* 

People began to look and stare. Then they turned their attention back to their test. It was 78 questions and they only had 45 minutes. They had no time for this.

Ewen took this opportunity and took a closer look at what Damian wrote. He leaned in closer and read the words. 

Damian immediately lifted up his test. Not in time though. 

"DAMIAN? A PROPO-" Ewen was shocked, eyes wider than the walls of a hotel.

"SHUT IT." Damian said, punching Ewen's face.

Ewen fell down harder than Damian had just a few seconds ago.

"Geez.. you learned from Anya well." (Talking about Anya's punch in first year) Ewen complimented. 

"S-shut up." Damian said. That was not a fond memory he wanted to remember.

Becky turned her head towards Ewen. "A propo?-....." At this moment, Becky realized what the word was. Her face turned completely red and her eyes morphed into hearts. She placed her hands over her mouth, hiding her sneekish grin. 

"Damian... Y-you.. are proposing? To Anya?" She whispered, only for the three boys to hear. Her heart filled with utter joy. Her favorite couple of all time was getting serious! The man is planning to make a move that would change their relationship forever! This is so exciting! This is just like that episode on Berlin In Love where Marie was on the beach with her beloved Samuel and he got down on one knee-

Damian's face blushed like a tomato; a tomato on fire; a tomato on fire in a pit of lava. 

Then, Ewen looked up at Damian from the floor with a utterly shocked face. Not that shocked since he knew this day would come (along with Becky and Emile) but still shocked. Then he got up and winced in pain as he patted Damian's shoulder. "Finally making the big move Damian-sama? I knew you could do it!" Ewen whispered, shedding a tear. 

Damian was still trying to deny the obvious; whisper-yelling at the two for "thinking such things". Then, Emile looked up and saw Damian steaming with blush, Becky fangirling, blushing aswell, and Ewen patting Damian's shoulder, congratulating him.

Emile took his earbuds out. "What's going on?" He looked back and forth from all three people. 

"Damian is gonna propose to Anya!" Ewen whispered.

Emile's eyebrows jolted up while his jaw fell down. He started to clap, silently of course.

Damian waved his hands around, cursing everyone every time they made a noise. His head was steaming from the scalp from the heavy dose of embarrassment. "Everyone j-just shut up!..... Okay... fine.. I am." Damian knew he couldn't save himself now. It was better to just admit it.

"Damian is being honest? Wow." Becky said, teasingly rolling her eyes.

"Shut it, Blackbell." Damian shot back.

"*Sigh* I don't know how Anya loves you. She has weird taste." Becky said, her hand on her hip.

Damian rolled his eyes. Honestly, I don't know why she loves me.

"Master let me help you!" Ewen said. The other two nodded in agreement. 

"No. Why would I need your help?" Damian said bluntly.

"C'mon Boss man! We can help prep everything!" Emile said.

"Or else we tell Anya the whole secret." Becky said, crossing her arms. That sure should have him accept us.

Damian shot a glare at Becky. "Okay fine. Don't let anyone else know, or I will kill you." It would be quite beneficial to have some help anyways. Damian thought.

"Understood. EEEE! Anya's gonna get married!" Becky said, fangirling again. 

"Wow. Shes good!" Ewen said, raising both eyebrows.

Becky smiled at the comment. "Thank you!" They're being nice for once! That's new (and good).

"Shut up. You're gonna draw more attention to us." Damian hushed.

"Aww c'mon Damian-sam-" Emile began.

Just then, the door handle turned. Everyone sprinted to their seats and immediately started working.

"Was there any sort of cheating or anything today? No talking?"

No one talked. Everyone was too busy trying to finish all of the questions they didn't care. 

"I'm just going to assume nobody did anything. That's great!" Mrs. Lokun smiled. 

Then, the door opened again to meet Anya. While she walked to her desk and sat on her seat, she was met by Becky who was looking at Anya with a grin. Then she looked behind her and saw Emile and Ewen pretending to whistle at nothing. Then, she saw Damian. He was blushing red and was erasing something off his sheet.

What happened while I was gone?


𝙸 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙾𝙷𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾!!! 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛! 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝, 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙺 𝚈𝙾𝚄! 𝙸𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚜! 𝚆𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘. 𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚝𝚜! 𝙷𝚎𝚑𝚎. 𝙾𝚔𝚊𝚢, 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠! (*𝚟*)


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