The Wallflower and the Pranks...

By MakeMeSwoon

1.6M 54.5K 7K

It started with a prank and a kiss. Alazne 'Alana' Martina is a self-proclaimed wallflower. So it surprises h... More

Author's Note
Extra: The Unofficial Soundtrack
Chapter One: How It All Began
Chapter Two: Snow Shoveling Job and Snowboarding
Chapter Three: Another Guest, Sara
Chapter Four: Sleep Over
Chapter Five: Wake Up, Darling! It's Time to Shovel
Chapter Six: Candy Grams
Chapter Seven: The Dance
Chapter Eight: Caught Between a Gun and a Girl
Chapter Nine: The Plan
Chapter Ten: Hidden
Chapter Eleven: Transfer
Chapter Twelve: Nutella Popcorn and Tears
Chapter Thirteen: Broken Telephone
Chapter Fourteen: The Difference Between Right and Being Josh
Chapter Fifteen: Awkward Interactions with Emotions
Chapter Sixteen: The Birthday Girl's Fool | Part 1
Chapter Seventeen: The Birthday Girl's Fool | Part 2
A/N : The Other Chick and the Wingman ((coming soon))
Chapter Nineteen: Resolution Between Like and Love
Chapter Twenty: Back to Day Zero | Part 1
Chapter Twenty-One: Back to Day Zero | Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Two: Aces Up | Part 1
Chapter Twenty-Three | Aces Up | Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kisses and Jaw Breakers
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Prankster's Confession
Chapter Twenty-Six: the Wallflower's Problem
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Scared, Rejected, and Dejected
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pushing and Pulling
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Broken but not Gone
Chapter Thirty: Love Diagnoses and to be a Man
Chapter Thirty-One: a Reason to Love
Chapter Thirty-Two: Connecting Futures
Chapter Thirty-Three: the Boy with the Smile
Epilogue: Future Promises

Chapter Eighteen: Movies, Baits and Confusion

33.7K 1.1K 30
By MakeMeSwoon


I chewed at the bottom of my lip, wary about being with Carter. I should be home by now. If Beatrice finds out I went out, she’d be upset.

        “You okay?” Carter asked me, putting a hand over my shoulder and pulling me closer.  The smell of bubble gum tickled my nostrils.

        “Yeah,” I nodded, trying to get my attention on the big screen. Some random action movie was on but I couldn’t focus enough to figure out what it was about.

        I looked down at my wrist, wishing I had a watch. How long is this movie?

        Carter shifted around, and his hair brushed against my forehead. “Carter,” I said.

        He made a noise.”Hm?” Unlike me, he was captivated with the movie. His eyes would widen at every scene with a gun, and lower at every conversation scene, like he was trying to figure out what they were saying.

        I kind of was glad he didn’t notice me at this point. Guns, violence, crime—they all made me nervous.

        I fidgeted as I tried to get a better look at Carter. He was a nice guy. Josh was also nice. They weren’t bad.  But it wasn't like they never broke rules. They both broke rules. Josh especially. Actually, Josh was something else entirely. He was mischievous and a little too wild. Not to mention impulsive.   

        Unlike Carter, who was like most guys…guy-ish. He didn’t make me feel super happy or make my senses tingle. I think it was safe to say I had no romantic feelings for Carter. 

        I had (Okay I was trying to have) no feelings for Josh as well. He made it pretty clear at how unrequited my feelings were when he walked out on me.

        Ernie sought me out after at the café, when I was with Carter. But instead of dragging me back home, he gave me change and told me to use the payphone and call when I wanted to go home or it was an emergency. Though I couldn’t deny that a part of me wished, he brought me home on the spot.

        I just wanted to be by myself in my room, with a blanket wrapped around me and just let go of my feelings. But that’d require seeing Josh, and I wasn’t ready for that either.

     Carter leaned towards my ear, and whispered: “the movie is awesome. Isn’t it?”

        I nodded, wanting to pull away from him. That was just weird. If it was Josh, he’d whisper something funny that’d make me laugh or something…strangely romantic.

        I still remember the Nutella popcorn kiss he implanted on me when we were watching a movie.

        Josh was really oblivious sometimes.

      “What’s so funny?” Carter asked me.  My cheeks hurt from grinning, but I couldn’t stop it.

        “I was just thinking about something,” I told him. “It’s not important.”

        Carter frowned but his attention went back to the movie. I followed his eyes on the movie as well.

        A scene was playing. It wasn’t an action one either. I heard Carter groan at the scene.

        It was a sort-of romantic scene. I could definitely see the tension between the lead roles.

        “I just…” the girl broke away from their hug. Her heels clicked on the pavement, but it was mostly covered by the helicopter from behind her.  “Stop it! You’re suffocating me!” She had her ears coverered.

        “Jen—“ The guy took a step forward. He was wearing a simple suit, and his hair was gelled backwards.

        “No,” she cut him off. Her hair blew everywhere, as she crossed her arm over her chest. The flaps to her trench coat were flapping with one another. “Stop it. Just stop it! You are so confusing. Why can’t you just be you?”

        The guy raised his brow. 

        The girl explained herself. “One moment you are an egotistical jerk…the next you are the most romantic fool in the world!”

        (Okay, I don’t remember the lines exactly or even what movie it was. Those dialogues sounded way better in the movie. )

        I blinked as I leaned closer. By this point, the actors started to look like me and Josh. Though it didn’t last long before shots started flaring in the scene.

        Carter wooted out loud, along with some other guys in various spots in the movie theater. They obviously hated that scene and were glad that it was over. 

   The next thing I know, in the movie the girl got shot, but the main guy was too busy in the action scene to notice.

        I stood up. Well that basically sums up my time with Josh. The movie basically summed everything up: I was going to get hurt if I stayed in this state.

        Enough about Josh!

        “What’s wrong?” Carter asked.    

        “Nothing. I just need to go home.”

        “Oh,” Carter looked at the screen, then back at me. He looked torn. I exhaled, plopping back on my seat.

        “After this movie is done.”       

        Carter gave me a smile, and turned back to watching the movie.

            I tried not to be bothered by it too much, as I propped my head on my hand and looked at the ground.

        It was obvious that this movie was going to be very long.




“You can you use my phone,” Carter offered, pulling his phone out. I muttered thanks, and began dialing. “Listen, Alana…I want to talk to you about…”

        My heart thumped in my chest. Oh gosh, was he going to ask me?

        Sympathy immediately took hold of me.  Carter rubbed his head. “I wanted to know if you want to go out with me? He said the last bit quickly.

        Is this how Josh felt when I nearly confessed my feelings? Anxious? Unsure of how to answer.

        “Um…I’m not interested in going out with anyone.” Lame answer. I know. I mentally kick myself every time I think about it. “Besides you are a really good friend. It’d be awkward.”

        Carter scoffed. “You like that guy, huh?”

        I blinked.

        “You know the guy who was with you at the café?”

        I didn’t know how to answer. If I said yes, all my emotions I was trying to bury would explode, and if I said no…”Yeah…I’m not interested in him. It’s just a lot of things have been happening. I’m in a new area…being hosted. Long distance never works out, you know.”

        “Oh,” Carter said. He didn’t say anything else. It was just a long awkward silence.

        I pressed the phone to my ear and Ernie’s voice came through. “Yeah?”

        “Ernie, it’s me. I think it’s time for me to go home.”

        Every birthday is a milestone. Becoming twelve invites the title: pre-teen or a ‘tween’. Becoming thirteen means being a teen, sixteen is a welcoming to the adult life. Becoming seventeen, something changed in me that day. I just didn’t realize what it was until later. It seemed as if something switched inside me and I found the answer to everything. Or at least on what to do.


        Great. Just great. An irky feeling was at the pit of my stomach, and was growing larger every second I stare at the door. I had brought a chair from the dining room, and propped it infront of the door, so when Alana pops in, I could…

        What could I do? She had Carter? I shook my head. I shouldn’t have left her outside. She should be here…with me.

        I popped popcorn in my mouth, trying to ignore my trail of thoughts. It was working for a while too. My mind was literally filled with nothingness…or I dozed off.

        I suppose it’s all rational that I’d be thinking of Alana, I mean…I should’ve questioned my motive the second time I kissed her. Was that a way of being close to her or was it just me...being me? My actions were always impulsive back when I was Josh, and Reynard never existed. When I wanted to do something, I’d do it without question. I guess I didn’t have it under control as I thought.

        I licked my bottom lip. I should have brought a drink with me since popcorns were dry. However I didn’t get up at the thought. I just stared at the door…thinking.

        After all what happened with Alana was strange…no, exhilarating? I couldn’t quite phase what happened. Was I always attracted to her? Or did it start when she stayed over the night and joked around with me, or maybe when she saved Sara’s life. It could’ve also been at the plan ride, when Alana didn’t tease me about my fear—or maybe when she saved me?

        I rubbed my temple with my fingers. My thoughts were all over the place now, as I tried to pick the moment where my interest properly sparked.

        Maybe it was just a spur of the moment. I mean, it is April fool’s day. The tension was there for anything to happen and I was caught up in the moment. I mean, it probably was part of the prank like I said.

        Maybe that’s all it was: a spur of the moment.

        Rationalizing on that thought, I threw a couple of popcorn in the air, and caught them in my mouth.

        When Carter came in, I realised what a joke it was for our ‘attraction’. I was probably caught up in the moment being Reynard. He was supposed to be interested in Alana—I mean, I really get into a role.

        Even these thoughts didn’t stop me from scowling at myself at the facts. I should’ve brought Alana back with me and that I really screwed up. I always screw up at everything. It’s funny how far from perfect I am too.

        And now I am waiting for Ernie to drop her off.

        The door clicked open, and I jerked upward, a couple of popcorn fell onto the floor.

        “Josh?” Beatrice asked, entering the house. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed? Where’s Alana?

        I cringed at the questions, and I plopped myself back on my chair. If Beatrice caught on to my master plan, she’d kill me.

        Beatrice shrugged off her spring jacket, and eased it on the coat rack along with her hat.  Shades were fixed up her hair, drawing back a few strands of her hair like a headband. “Alana?” she called.

        “It turns out she got a fever. Not me.”

        Beatrice raised her brow. “A fever? She was fine on her way to…”

        “She’s in the washroom.”

        Beatrice scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. “I don’t hear the shower running.”

        “She’s using the toilet.”

       That got Beatrice quiet. Awkward moments were best for distracting.

         Proud of myself, I awarded myself with popcorn.   “Did you bring back cake for her birthday?” I asked.

        Beatrice gave me a look, which meant I had to lower my voice.  “No. There wasn’t enough time. It seems we lost Them.”

        Them were criminals that kidnapped me Alana. I suppose she thought it was best not to say them by their real names just for my mental health.

        “Was there a chase?” I asked, curious.

        “No. It was more private.  We found one of their hideouts.”

        Her phone buzzed in her coat pocket. Beatrice exhaled, before getting it out of there.

        She pressed it on her ear. “Speaking. No…” She rubbed her forward. “I don’t think it’s safe for them.” She exhaled again. “Why? Alazne is sick.” She eyed me and waved at me to leave.

        I obviously didn’t move.  Use us?

        “Yes. I’m sure. I am their guardian right now.” Pause. “I’m not going to use them as bait to catch…” She lowered her voice, covering her mouth with her free hand.

        I flexed my jaws.


        If it meant catching them faster, I wouldn’t mind being bait. I mean…I owe that much to Alana for saving my life.

        For a second, I could feel her glare the night at the police office where we were told of their plan.  She really hated me.

        “I don’t mind doing it,” I interjected on her talk on the phone. “Being bait. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.” I flashed her one of my adoring smiles.

        Beatrice chewed her bottom lip, and whispered something on the phone before hanging up. “Josh.”

        “Yes?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t going to be one of her lectures.

        “You really don’t know your limit, do you?”

        “To the moon and back,” I told her, laughing. “I’m not aiming for no damn stars.”

        Beatrice rolled her eyes again. “You have no idea, how much your family has been waiting for you to say that about work.”  Then she quickly added. “But, not a chance, Josh. There is no way I’m letting you be bait.”

        “Why not? I’m awesome bait.”

        “Josh, be serious.”

        “I am,” I said, in a mono-tone voice. “Dead serious. Come on! Just let me be bait and let this…” I gestured around. “Be over. I’m tired of being Reynard! I want to be me: Joshua Grey.”

        Beatrice thinned her lips. “Josh, you do realise how dangerous it is, right?”

        “Of course.”

By that point, Beatrice called back to her ‘friend’ before telling me the plan. I don’t exactly remember what the plan was or what happened. Everything was a blur for me.

 Beatrice said it was too confidential to tell me, and the records for the report held nothing useful either.

Alana didn’t say much when she got home. She didn’t talk about her time with Carter, she barely looked at me.

Beatrice (of course) lectured us, but it wasn’t hefty like before. It was over in half an hour and ended with her telling us to pack our bags.

I was lost in everything, confused actually. All I knew was They were caught and Alana and I were heading home.



(This chapter is really unedited.)

I know I didn't go into the whole epic they-catch-the-bad-guy scene but I had writer's block. Believe me I tried! I have the drafts to prove it. I'll proably add that in when I edit the story.

But if you want to know what happens. PM me. I'll let you know how I wanted things to happen.

So Alana and Josh are finally heading home! yay!

Well not quite yet. The next chapter will be a conclusion for their time there.

So I hope you enjoy it! XD

Let me know what you think!

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