Taming the Psycho/Sociopath F...

By raven121_u

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==== I DON'T OWN THE TRANSFORMERS MOVIES OR THE CHARACTERS, I OWN MYSELF. If you enjoy the story, please... More

™» Intro «™
Part 1: Alleyways & meeting the Witwicky's.
Part 2: The classroom scene is LOL!
Part 3: Buy the "Bumblebee"!🐝
Part 4: Lake parties & embarrassing songs.
Part 5: Having a private conversation with the Bee🐝
Part 6: Car stolen, car stolen once more & transforms!
Part 7: The Autobots have arrived on Earth, I repeat!
A/N: What's going to change in the story?
Part 8: Search party of the AllSpark.
Part 9: Camping outside for the night.
Part 10 (Original): Breakfast & Arcades!
Part 10: To save them or Not save them.
Part 11: Mission City/Battle City.
™» Intro 2 (Before the second movie)«™
Part 0 #1: Summer Vacation.
Part 0 #2: Campfires with a little music.
Part 0 #3: Date, a Dance Battle & what else?
Part 0 #4: Sunsets & ?????
Part 1: Mission: Permission Mearing
Part 1 (2): Saving a Golden Mech & songs of choice.
Part 2: Being threatened isn't an option
Part 3: A 'normal' conversation with a psychopath.
Part 4: Brothers reunited.
Part 5: Karaoke night for drunken secrets
Part 6: The overcomplicated wolf who slaughtered humans
Part 7: What do you mean you don't have one?
Part 8: Amelia's first mission on the field
Part 9: Seriously why?
Preview..Swore the truth but nothing but the truth
A/N: A break from writing until January.
Part 10: Swore the truth but nothing but the truth
Part 12: Dancing with the stars💫
Part 13: Bad habits
Part 14: Bad boy end up at a party
Part 15: The Autobot Mark discussion with Optimus Prime?
Part 16-0: Scolded by the CMO
18.K reads!!!

Part 11: Karma comes when it wants to

167 7 0
By raven121_u

Location: Montalcino, Tuscany (Italy)🗺️

(Nobody's P.O.V.):

Mirage & Amelia were on a mission in Italy, where he can get close to the Italian Mafia's daughter to give us information on the cargo of drugs shipping to Miami in less than 3 months and in order to find a way to connect us to those cargos is by joining the City of Thieves, the organization that wants to benefit from those drugs. But for that to happen, he has to find the person who holds the last key to release the truth of his father's death, the plane flying an unknown route going to the Middle East. After the meeting with the Mafia's daughter, the group is doing some research on the shipment of drugs and its connection to a rich Arab sheik. At the same time, we have to prepare the cargo of some human trafficking rings, which we did not know about, which are using a strange scientist's research in their kidnapping and sexual abuse business.

To find the plane route, she hired Mirage's Ghost Navigator, that apparently has the ability to find something in the place that it's not they (Mirage & Amelia) needed to make a great impression in order to catch up to the Deadly scorpion mafia's attention; In order to reach the destination, they traveled to Montalcino, Tuscany, where they stayed at Hotel Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, a medieval-style town, owned by the Italian actress Tina Arena, where many celebs also stay at to escape to their private villas. At the same time, they spied on those who are dealing with the consequences of their biggest operation ever, with an Egyptian billionaire who bought a painting for $1.2 billion, that, unfortunately, was stolen by not only the mafia but by a person who wants to sell it for a billion dollars. After having an internal problem, the boss of the Deadly Scorpion Mafia managed to find the plane's route and eventually, met up with the group and offered them a solution for a salary, to sign a contract with them, and to do a photo shoot that will take care of the samples for an experiment they're doing on.

After the initial photos, the group has to work on one of the trafficking ring's consignments to provide them with more time, which will make the drug samples, which will be known as a big success. The owner of the video of the scene told the secret spies that he was hired by a mysterious stranger who came to his house to show him a video that captured a boy being offered to the mafia for the smuggling of illegal firearms; After the initial photos, the group has to work on one of the trafficking ring's consignments to provide them with more time, which will make the drug samples, which will be known as a big success. The owner of the video of the scene told the secret spies that he was hired by a mysterious stranger who came to his house to show him a video that captured a boy being offered to the mafia for the smuggling of illegal firearms; Thanks to Amelia, she recorded his words by pretending to be an undercover cop while Mirage decided to go onto the blind date with Izabela who happens to be the only daughter of the Deadly Scorpions Mafia boss.

Surprisingly, Amelia was taken the day off to explore Tuscany by herself so Mirage can handle the rest as she listens to "S&M by Rihanna." on the streets of an afternoon party; After walking the streets of Italy, Amelia headed back to the hotel on foot, to catch the 7 pm edition of the Tudors show, 24 Hours to Live until a text message came popping in:

/Where are you?/ 💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /And the good night over in Washington, Sunshine😑/

/DON'T CALL ME THAT, WOMAN! or I'll make your death so painful that you won't survive the night🔪/💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /And?🥱I don't have ANY doubts that you'll have the balls to kill me, plus I kept my word keep my mouth shut about your kills which I deserve a thank you! And because I am busy with an engaged mission. Anyways, what's up?/

/What engaged mission? And are you by yourself?/💛💫 GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /Wow, aren't you the curious type?🤭👀/

/You said that you didn't want to tell me, and the fact that you are mine and mine alone to no one else./💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /That's not what I said and you know better that I will never lie to you on anything so, listen carefully to my words than listen to those trash-talking humans. Do you think that I like being human? Sure, I am one but that doesn't give you the right to just call and talk back to me as if I was like those f*cking bastards at work, besides your point of view for being a selfish and egotistical mech who has been beaten, experimented and tortured alive and you were blessed to be saved by a mere human femme like me. Would you rather be saved or tortured and never meet your twinspark brother? Hm?/

/.../💛💫 GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️:/I rest my case. Now, why did you 'suddenly' show up texting me? I thought you didn't want to text me. Do you miss me or some shit?/

/Don't even push my limit. Now, tell me the truth about what mission have you been assigned to?/ 💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /First, ask nicely. Then I can consider replying to your message./

/😑😑😑😤Fine...What are you doing on this 'fine'~ mission of yours, sweet spark?/💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /🤣🤣🤣OMP That's veryyyy sarcastic but funny at the same time. Okay, okay you got me well, anyways Lennox & Optimus have assigned me and Dino to work on a spy mission to get closer to the Deadly Scorpion mafia's daughter and get their attention on letting us join their ranks. So yeah, I wasn't allowed to tell you./

/Oh yeah, who told you not to? You're my charge, meaning I own you as my property. You don't go around looking to be the next front liner. Still don't trust you btw./💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY, Sunstreaker! Let me get it real here, I trust you more than your own energon brother, I am from another dimension that you can't understand the fact why I save you, and because I know the real you and know your entire past. Doesn't mean I'm going to tell the world about you as a serial killer, so don't say you own me because that's stupid. And FYI We are both asking each other for bad karma in this conversation and I am not liking it one bit of it./

/Yeah, but karma comes when it wants to, sweet spark. You should have just told them that we are in a relationship./ 💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Raven121☪️: /Were not in a romantic relationship, Sunny. Plus we agreed to never date since which you quote, "I do not have the same feelings for you, fleshy"😏/

/That is different and you know it.😑💢/ 💛💫GoldenMorningstar

Earning herself a smile at his words, reminded her of an action movie, which turned to a frown when he said:

/Either way, just come back this instant or I'll kill you!💢🔪/💛💫GoldenMorningstar

"Damn, Sunstreaker's text is more of a dialogue than an actual threat. Amelia laughs out loud to herself before reading it again, and said, "Maybe a bit of a push can make him join in the fun." Smirking to herself of the actual idea of Sunstreaker flying all the way to Italy would be priceless and dangerous at the same time, brought shivers to her spine so, with no hesitation, Amelia texted back with confidence:

Raven121☪️: /What about no.😊Because uno, I'm on a mission with Mirage in Tuscany, dos, we both are in a shared separated room so it's easy for me to have my space & tres, I would like to see you try to kill me. GTG I need to rest up for the Mafia gala tonight./

Ending the texting conversation, Amelia took off her clothes and change into her pajamas when she instantly took out her laptop to 'rest' and do my fanfic writing on Wattpad: "Things just got better than ever, hehe."

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