The Pirate and The Prince

By insanepurplelove

4.1K 153 24

MagicKingdom!AU ScotEng ~ Long ago, in a magical world, there was a kingdom known as Gaia that flourished u... More

x Chapter One x
x Chapter Three x
x Chapter Four x
x Chapter Five x

x Chapter Two x

614 27 1
By insanepurplelove

But as he twisted the knob of the door, he was blown away from the loud screams in his bedroom and the five people sitting or standing there, one of which was a complete stranger with an icy glare on his face and an intimidating stance.

Blinking a few time, Allistor stared at everyone. His mind trying to reel in why these people were in his room, especially since the rest of the crew was up on deck, preparing for the day, he already accidentally bumped into one of them.

He already knew the trio that was in his room, Gilbert, Francis and Antonio, he also already kind of met the Italian that stumbled into his room recently, the one that wore a blind cloth.

But the man with the blond hair and blue eyes was a complete mystery. His voice was deep and it was obvious that he built up a lot of muscle, and therefore was probably very strong. He looked as if he was one of those brutes that would have easily won a fight without even trying, but a scar on his arm told Allistor that he probably had a few loses as well.

Shaking his head, Allistor tried to stop himself from giving himself a headache. Honestly, all these thoughts were getting a bit annoying. Snapping out of his daze, he looked at Francis who proudly held up a crimson box of clothing with a proud smile plastered on his face as Gilbert tapped his foot on the ground impatiently in a strange little tune.

"Je designed these mon self!" The Frenchman exclaimed as the Italian suddenly began viciously nodding his head with a smile.

"Ve~ His clothes are so pretty!" Grinned the Italian as the other man with blue eyes muttered, "Feli..."

Reaching out and taking the box slowly, Allistor looked at the clothing with curiosity. From what he could see, was that there was a blue coat with white ruffles, as well as a pair of black trousers. There was probably a top hidden somewhere in there as well.

"Je always wanted un fils," smiled Francis fondly as he stood up and left the room with a sighing Gilbert in tow, who was muttering something along the way, probably how much of a slob Francis was sounding.

Smiling, the Spanish-man just went up and hugged the frozen boy as Allistor's eyes became wide. "Bienvenido a la familia," grinned Antonio as he stopped the hug and began walking towards the door in the small room. "Ludwig y Feli will take you to the dining hall for breakfast. Hasta pronto~" He said before walking through the door, probably going to try catch up with Francis and Gilbert.

As soon as he left, it was as if Allistor began a staring match with the man that had the icy glare. They were both scanning each other, judging each other, and both of them knew that. Feli just sat there, not really noticing the tension until a few minutes, that was when he decided to introduce himself properly.

"Ve~ I'm Feliciano e this is Ludwig! He's really nice! Though he can be scary. His cooking is scary as well! He likes to cook wurst, but isn't pasta better! Ve~ I met you before! We can have pasta today! Certo!" Cheered Feliciano as Allistor just blinked a few times, thinking in his mind that the Italian talks way too much and way too quickly.

"Feli," began Ludwig as he startled the Italian suddenly, "we should allow him to get changed. We have to go to breakfast afterwards," he said - though it sounded more like he ordered the Italian.

Nevertheless, Feliciano just smiled and nodded his head. "We'll be outside waiting, ve~" He said before skipping out the door. Sighing, Ludwig just followed him and they both disappeared through the door, closing it with a quiet slam.

These people that Allistor has met on the ship so far were just so... Not pirate-y... At all. They should have been dead within a week, most of them barely looked able fight. Wasn't that the point of being pirates though? Being able to fight and steal, earning themselves a reputation for them to be feared all around the seas?

Taking out the coat and trousers that were in the box, Allistor spotted a frilly white top and polished black boots as well. Honestly, were pirates supposed to design clothes for children as well? Getting changed in them was surprising easy though, and they were quite easy to move around. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, Allistor still wondered how come people were scared of these pirates back in Gaia...

Shoving his old clothes into one of the boxes by his bed, Allistor opened his bedroom door to find Feliciano chatting to Ludwig with a carefree smile on his face. But as he heard the door open and close, his smile brightened even more as he petted Allistor on his head, causing the young boy to swat away his hand, all while Ludwig was just watching with suspicious eyes.

"Let's go!" Beamed Feliciano as he led the way with Ludwig and Allistor following.

The whole walk was silent, with the occasional remarks that Feliciano would make about some of the paintings on the walls. Apparently he had a twin called Romano and they two were the cooks and painters of the ship, as well as the special defense, though that part puzzled Allistor. Those two defending the ship? From what he heard, Romano may as well be like the same as Feliciano, an airhead.

Ludwig was the master gunner on the ship, as well as the one who trained most of the crew. It wasn't a surprise when Feliciano said that he was one of the best fighters and one of the smartest people on the ship, but what did surprise him was that Ludwig was the younger brother of Gilbert. Speaking of Gilbert, apparently he was the first mate of the ship whereas Antonio was the quartermaster, and that left Francis as the captain of the ship.

The crew of this ship sure seemed more complicated than all the other pirate crews that Allistor has ever heard of. Or at least so far, just voicing his opinion, Ludwig was the only one he was... Nervous around, if anything.

"E we're here!" Smiled Feliciano as he made a bee-line towards one of the tables in the far north of the massive hall, leaving Allistor with Ludwig.

The place was crowded, with the mass of people cheering and joking around. All of them were eating though, none of them were attacking each other. There was some yelling here and there, sure, but if anything, they were just trying to get each other's attention.

"Du are a smart child, ja?" Asked Ludwig as Allistor tilted his head up so that he could see Ludwig's face.

Shrugging his shoulders, Allistor leaned against the wall, trying to blend away from this scene. "I doubt it. I'm a street rat, that's what they'd call me back in Gaia," he muttered bitterly, a small frown on his youthful face.

Shaking his head, Ludwig replied, "ja, but you're also smart. How else were you able to survive the world without gaining some wisdom?" He asked before walking away towards the waving Feliciano.

It was just as he left did Allistor feel someone grab his arm, dragging him away. The man had a stern grip and was laughing along the way, the laugh indicating that it was Gilbert that kidnapped him, again.

"Guys! Meet Iain, the newest member of the crew!" Laughed Gilbert as he threw Allistor down on a seat next to the smiling Francis.

"My name is Allisto-" He began before he was interrupted by the man sitting next to him.

"Tu are so cute in those clothing! They fit tu perfectly!" Cooed Francis as Antonio smiled and agreed while munching on a piece of bread.

"Mi Romano still beats him though, but he comes pretty close," offered Antonio as Francis sat outraged.

"Mon ami! Iain here is adorable!" Yelled Francis, horrified that Antonio would think such a thing.

"Actually my name is Allist-" Began Allistor before he was completely interrupted again.

"Nein! When Ludwig was younger, he beats all of 'em!" Objected Gilbert as he slammed the table several times.

"Iain is adorable and so cute! Don't deny it!" Threatened Francis as he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he pouted.

"My name is Allistor!" Yelled out the young boy as the pirates finally looked at the panting child who was red in the face with annoyance.

"He is cute~" Smiled Antonio as Francis smiled proudly with a face that totally said- 'told-you-so'.

The rest of the meal was mainly spent with the trio chatting about Lord knows what, though Allistor did hear them say the word wine and mermaids a few times in their conversation. Munching on his own piece of bread, Allistor allowed his thoughts to wonder.

It was a secret that he kept so far, only Arthur knew, and that secret was starting to have its effects. Maybe he should have told them that he can't swim and that he feels really nervous on a ship that may get attacked or may just suddenly sink...

Keeping his eyes on the wooded table, he tried to shake away those thoughts away. His mind was like a swarm of bees recently, it was like a horrid curse.

But then distant yelling and gunfire startled everyone in the dining hall as a man that looked like a carbon copy of Feliciano ran into the room with frantic amber eyes, yelling out, "armada!" Gaining everyone's attention.

"Take Iain to the cabin," ordered Francis urgently as Antonio grabbed Iain and threw him over his shoulders before rushing out of the hall as the ship began to wobble a bit.

Allistor could feel his heart beating insanely quick as Antonio made sharp turns up the stairs and past the deck, quietly stepping over knocked out bodies and avoided the fighting people. Already, Allistor could see that they were from the Gaia Royal Navy; the ones that were attacking the pirates as they wore their signature green frilly naval coats and their hair tied up.

But before Allistor was shoved into a room, away from the fight, he caught a glimpse of a red glow from Feliciano's hands as the young man shoved his hand into the stomach of a person from the GRN ( Gaia Royal Navy) before yelling out something along the lines of; "you can't destroy my pasta~!"

It was after that, when Allistor was trapped in a dark room, stuck hearing the clashing of weapons, the guns ringing and the magic exploding, that he felt so small. He tried to see what was going on, looking through the tiny cracks of the door. But when he felt something smash against the door, he flinched back and scurried to the furthest corner of the room.

But as he did so, he felt something being knocked over and just as he looked towards his right, he felt a sharp pain stab his right hand. Tears sprung from his eyes as he screamed in fear and pain, this was a true nightmare for him. No one came though, they were still fighting.

Allistor was terrified, he wanted to go back on land, and this wasn't fair. He wanted a family, he wanted his friend, and he wanted Arthur with him to tell him that it's okay. But when he heard the door slowly creek, the sounds becoming painful, he curled himself up into a ball, trying to disappear from the world.

All of a sudden, a soft gentle whisper began singing for him;

"Little lamb that is scared here," its voice was soothing, as if trying to distract him.

"The pain that you will have to bare," Allistor felt as though someone was holding him closely, as if someone was comforting him.

"Lights that seem to fade away," the words weren't making any sense any more.

"Won't stay with you for another day," nevertheless, he just allowed himself to sink into the tune.

"Hearts that clash and lights that flash," but he opened his eyes as he felt the cold metal object that stabbed his hand land gently onto his lap.

"When morning doesn't seem to come," he still felt his blood pouring out from the massive gash, and he felt more light headed than ever.

"Little lamb that is scared here," the voice was becoming distant now, fading away, just like he felt his strength fading away as well.

"Will never know what he'll become," holding the object in his bleeding hand, his blood began fusing with the object. Standing up, he staggered towards the door before placing his left hand on it, and just like that, the door swung open, causing all the people on deck to look at him.

Francis quickly knocked the person that he was fighting out, his eyes becoming horrified as he saw the sword in Allistor's bleeding hand. The child looked dead, so pale and so tired, but nevertheless, he pointed the sword forward before swiping it towards the right, as if cutting the air.

Cursing his own stupidity, Francis watched with narrowed eyes as the ropes of the ship came to life like snakes, all of them trapping people from the GRN and thrusting them up into the air before they came landing into the sea.

Even though the ropes managed to help the pirates win the battle, they continued hissing, slithering around the pirate's legs and arms, trapping them in a tangled embrace. Most of the pirates slashed the ropes, breaking them in progress, but that didn't seem to slow the ropes down.

"Get off my ship!" Screeched a female voice hauntingly as it echoed around the deck, causing all the pirates to either jump in fright, such as Feliciano, or for them to put up even more of a fight, such as Gilbert.

Allistor still stood by the cabin, his eyes droopy and his body swaying, as if he was going to fall any minute. He didn't take notice of the ship turning on its men, already throwing some of the crew off the deck.

But his eyes snapped open when the sword clattered to the ground as he looked to his left to see a panting Francis. All the ropes instantly flopped back to the ground as well, losing all life they possessed one second ago.

"Désolé pour vous y envoyer," apologized Francis before Allistor's world became pitch black.

Waking up, Allistor felt more light headed than ever, his eye sight was blurry and his head was throbbing. But the first thing he saw was an impatiently worried Francis, pacing across the room in rapid speed. When Allistor began coughing, Francis instantly rushed to his side with a smile of joy and tears in his eyes, whispering the words, "you're alive!" Over and over again in Allistor's ear.

"What happened?" Grumbled Allistor tiredly as Francis' smile faulted, remembering the earlier events.

But nevertheless, Francis just hesitantly stood up and walked by the door, yelling out, "Antonio! Gilbert! Ill est awake!" Ignoring Allistor's question.

As the two other pirates scurried in through the wooden door and into the plain, small room that was given to Allistor, the little boy clutched his hand. A scar marred his flesh, but it wasn't bleeding or anything. His eyes looked at it with curiosity, the scar was a dark black colour though, different from all and any other scars he has seen in his life.

"Where is the sword?" Asked Allistor aloud as he recalled being trapped in that dark room the last time he was awake while the pirates looked at him, all wearing a different expression on their faces.

"Mi amigo, you should get some more rest," advised Antonio as he tried to get Allistor to rest down.

"Ja, du must be-" Began Gilbert before he was interrupted as Ludwig charged into the room with a worried, panicked gaze.

"Da ist eine andere Flotte draussen!" Yelled out Ludwig loudly as he held onto his empty riffle in his hands tightly.

The glinting golden bell that was placed in the middle of the ship rang loudly, alerting everyone that the second wave was going to be flooding in soon.


I own nothing


Bienvenido a la familia ~ Spanish ~ Welcome to the family

Y ~ Spanish ~ And

Hasta pronto ~ Spanish ~ See you soon

Un fils ~ French ~ A son

E ~ Italian ~ And

Désolé pour vous y envoyer ~ Frensh ~ Sorry for sending you there.

Ill est ~ French ~ He is

Ja ~ German ~ Yes

Du ~ German ~ You

Da ist eine andere Flotte draussen ~ German ~ There's another fleet out there

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