So I'm The first ever True Dr...

By AikoGray9

21.8K 420 147

Celeste Nova is everyone's normal high school girl. She is a socially awkward person to be around. She is ver... More

Part 1: The Creation of the Second True Dragon and My First Subordinate!
Part 3: Star King vs World Destroying Dragon
Part 4: Date and The Twins
Part 5: The Eclipse Twins and The Creation of the Cardinal World
Part 6: The Third True Dragon
Part 7: The Space Queen Dragon!
Part 8: Meeting You Once Again

Part 2: The newly awakened Time God!

1.8K 45 13
By AikoGray9

<> = Manas when communicating with their master/partners
{ } = Master/partners when communicating with their Manas
[ ] = Skill
^^ = Magic
《》= Thought Communication
() = Thinking


3rd Person POV

Aaron's who was now emitting a powerful aura and is standing infront of an unmoving, powerful beam

"A-aaron t-that's you?!" Norman asked so shocked looking at his son

Aaron look at his father and smirked, "Of course I am! I just got an upgrade that's all!"

(By upgrade I mean that I received Nova-sama's blessings and that greatly made me stronger) He thought

Xavier has already explained everything to Aaron about Celeste's blessing the ^Nova of Light^ and his newly acquired powers

(But seriously though, I'm way too overpowered now in my world) He thought as he look at the dragon as the beam suddenly redirects and shot the dragon instead of Aaron's family making him roar in pain.

Aaron look at his family that are injured. He walk towards them and kneels infront of them

"Wait what are you doing Aaron? Get your dad and sister away from here!" Mary said but Aaron ignore what her mom said and instead he puts his palm infront of them and a magic circle that looks like a clock appeared below them

"What the-?!" Norman said shocked

"Don't worry dad, I'm just gonna heal you" Aaron said as the magic circle clock then started to move hands and after that Aaron's family was healed in just matter of seconds leaving them stunned and shocked at the same time. Not only did Aaron healed them but he was also able to heal Mary, who's illness was nearly impossible to cure

"H-h-how d-did you d-do that son?" Norman asked barely able to comprehend what was happening

This was one of Aaron's newly acquired skill, [Ultimate Skill: Lord of Time, Xavier]. Aaron also found out that Xavier is a skill not a spirit that took a form of a sword but when he ask why he lied to him, Xavier replied it was just to troll you and Aaron was dumbfounded by his answer

"I'll explain later but for now, get away from here and let me fight this dragon!" Aaron said

"What we can't let you fight that dragon?! He's way too powerful for you! What if you die?!" Mary said as she grabbed her son's shoulders

"Mom.." Aaron gently grabbed her mother's arms and smiled gently at her, "Do not worry because I'm no longer weak, I'm capable of defeating him and besides I have a bone to pick with him" Aaron said

"Huh? What do you mean?" She ask

"Like I said I'll explain everything to you later! But for now, please just this once, let me protect you guys" Aaron said

After awhile Aaron's family let him go and they escape from the area

"Now that there gone its just you and me now" Aaron said as he look at the dragon who was really pissed looking at him with hatred in his eyes as he thought that he was already dead

"Heh, don't think that will stop me from saving my family, I won't let you destroy my village!" Aaron said as he unsheathed his trusted partner, Xavier.

"This time I'm not going to lose to you pal!" He grinned as a powerful, blue, aura started appear around Aaron

"Let's dance!" He charged at the dragon but thanks to his newly acquired strength and powers it look like he just teleport infront of the dragon when in reality, he just used raw speed. This surprised and shocked the dragon a lot

"Take this!" Xavier got covered into a blue aura, "^Aura Slash^!" Aaron swing his sword at the dragon making a big cut in his chest, the dragon tried to slash Aaron using both claws but Aaron quickly jump above him and he yet again tries to stab the dragon in the head but the dragon already saw this coming as he roars and summons a blazing tornado around him

"Woah! Now this is hot!" Aaron said as he is still in the air floating, he lands on the ground as the dragon shot the blazing, hot, tornado towards Aaron as he simply points his sword at it and said, "[Reversion]!"

A blue, small beam came out of the tip of Xavier and when it collides with the tornado, it dissappeared like it was not there in the first place

[Reversion] = It allows the user to rewind something/someone. He can rewind everything anyone to the point they dissappeared from existence
[A/n: This works like Eri's from Mha but a lot more stronger and in control]. It is limited though as he can only use this for five times a day.

The dragon was already infront of Aaron as he took the chance to charge at him while he's busy with his attack. He swing his claw at him and Aaron block it using Xavier

"Haaaa!!" Aaron pushed the dragon back and he swiftly cuts his arm making blood splatter everywhere as the dragon roared in pain

"Raaagh!!" The dragon tries to use his other claw but Aaron quickly puts his hand infront of him as a magic circle appeared on his palm

"^Frost Blast^" He said as a powerful ice blast, came out of the magic circle, freezing half of the dragon

He quickly jump back to gain distance as he saw the dragon's hand starting to grow back as he tries to break the ice on him

<Looks like now he's having a hard time against you> Xavier said in their minds

{Yeah, but I think I will end it here now, I can't let him cause more damage than he already did to the village} Aaron thought to his partner

<Yes, that's a wise choice to make right now, seeing that the dragon doesn't seem like to go down anytime soon> Xavier said

"Alright then! Let's do this partner!" Aaron shouted as he and Xavier started to get covered in a blue aura

The dragon who saw this quickly uses a powerful skill that makes the rocks go towards him and covered him until he was fully covered with rocks. Suddenly, it starts to crack and soon, it broke and it revealed the dragon. The dragon has magma in his wings, claws, tail, and head. There was also flame coming out of his mouth. The dragon also grown taller and bigger now this was a magma dragon

(He went from a fire dragon to a magma dragon?!) Aaron thought as look surprised but quickly regained composure

"Seems like you had an upgrade huh? Let's see how good it is against me now!" Aaron said as both of them charged at each other with an intent to kill

As they clash in the middle, it created shockwaves that blown away houses and destroyed buildings

Aaron uses Xavier to try and cut the dragon but the dragon quickly use his tail and slammed it into Aaron, unfortunately, though Aaron was quick enough to block it as the dragon uses this chance and strike Aaron with his claws

"Oh no you don't!" Aaron said as his aura suddenly turns into a blue, dragon's head and he use it to block the dragon's claws, the dragon tried to hit Aaron with his tail but Aaron front lips over it

"Woah! That was close!" Aaron said as he landed on the ground and he charged at the dragon again but the dragon quickly spin around causing a powerful, heat storm to appear

Aaron quickly stop as a magic circle appeared infront of Aaron and he said, "^Storm Surge^!!" A huge blast of wave came out of the magic circle as it hits the heat storm making a lot of smoke

Aaron sensed something coming as he gets Xavier ready, as multiple magma boulders came out of the smoke and tries to hit Aaron, he got surprised but he quickly slice all of the magma boulders that was coming their way. The dragon had flew above Aaron to get a good view from him as he creates a very big magma boulder and launched it at Aaron who was busy slicing the magma boulders

<Aaron above you!> Xavier said as Aaron looked up and saw a big magma boulder going towards him, he uses Xavier and sent five, very powerful slashes towards the magma boulder and it completely destroyed the boulder into tiny pieces. Aaron smirked as he sheathed Xavier, crouch down a bit and said, "[Time Break]"

For a moment the world turns white and everything stop moving but after a millisecond it returned back and Aaron was already behind the dragon and Xavier, unsheathed. The dragon got confused but seconds later multiple big cuts appeared in his body as blood splattered on the ground. Aaron who also used the skill for the first time felt a little bit of pain but quickly shook it off

The dragon hit the ground hard creating a crater, it growled in pain as it tries to stand up but...

"I won't let you!! [Aura Titan]!!" Aaron shouted as a burst of aura came out of him and it started to form into a samurai with a sword. Everyone in the village who had escaped earlier, saw the samurai and some were amazed, terrified, awe and shocked.

Meanwhile, Celeste and Alina are watching Aaron through a TV in Celeste's [Imaginary Space] when they saw Aaron's aura samurai

"Wow!! It's just like Susanoo from Naruto!!" Celeste said while her eyes are sparkling and Alina just giggled at her

Back to the fight the dragon tried to stand up and get away but chains came out of the ground, restraining the dragon as he tries to break the chains as the skies quickly began to get darker and darker

"This is where you die!!" Aaron shouted he raise Xavier high as his aura titan follow his movement

"Take this!! [All Mighty Sword]!!" Aaron shouted as he swings Xavier downwards towards the dragon as it release very powerful shockwaves that it blown away the clouds, creating a powerful gusts of winds and smoke

Everyone in the village that had escape had to cover or shelter themselves from the strong force of the shockwaves and gust of winds. After it settled down the dragon was nowhere to be seen as it got obliterated by the attack. The villagers look up and saw Aaron's aura titan still in the air with the sun shining above him. As his aura titan stand proud, Aaron smiled

<This is the beginning of a Legend> Xavier thought proudly

Everyone was happy, relieved, awe, shock and great full that it was all over

As Aaron sheathed Xavier, the aura titan started to glow and it exploded into white and blue particles as it slowly rain over the village. When it hits the ground the village slowly started to return back to normal, destroyed and fallen building and houses started to go back to normal, people who died or wounded seriously had started to heal and revived and not only it return the whole village back to normal, grass, trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables started growing in the village's farm. It just matter of minutes the village had become brand new and repaired like nothing it was not even destroyed

As everyone are shocked they were all happy and they all started to cheer and some are even crying and hugging

Aaron's family were relieved that Aaron was okay and fine

"Heh, that kid has a lot of explaining to do, he's literally giving me a headache" Norman said

"I'm happy that our boy has become a hero in our village" Mary said while smiling as she stares at the beautiful sun as one tear fell from her eye, "And I'm also happy that I can be able to walk again"

As the sun shines down on the village, Aaron who had already landed some time ago look at the skies while smiling as the wind blew gently making his hair and cape flew along with the wind

(I promise I will meet your expectations Nova-sama) Aaron thought, determination running through his veins as he hears people cheering and shouting his name

As he look at the direction of the cheers he found the villagers and guards that was killed by the dragon earlier had been revived, they were chanting his name over and over again and as some were crying out of happiness and gratitude

<Heh, looks like someone's famous now> Xavier said

{Oh shut up!} Aaron said as he heard Xavier laugh

Aaron sighed but smiled as he look at everyone, he grinned as he raise his fist high in the air, "We won everyone!! From now on I will be protecting this village from harm, I hope you all trust me!!" He shouted as everyone's cheers only became louder and he grinned even wider

(This is the start of my adventure) He thought


Meanwhile, Celeste and Alina had watched everything through the the TV and Celeste was very proud

"Fufu~ he's going to be a great hero for everyone" Celeste said

"At this rate he will become stronger and wiser as time goes by" Alina said

"Yeah and if the times come I will start to give him some missions for him to accomplish to improve him, though it is only in his world for now" Celeste said

Celeste then look around the room and noticed that Veldanava was nowhere to be seen

"Hey Alina have you seen Velda? I haven't seen him in a while" Celeste said as Alina uses her powers to locate Veldanava thought the multiverses

After awhile she found him but...

Hope you enjoy the chapter

Published = Dec. 23, 2022

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