King and My Queen๐Ÿ‘‘


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Warnings: In my stories Tae is very feminine and Tae breasts and pussy, Then some feminine words will be use... More

Chapter 1 The Proposal
Chapter 2 Preparations
Introduction The Parents and The Couples
Chapter 3 ๐Ÿ‘‘ROYAL ๐Ÿ’WEDDING๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter 4 ๐Ÿ’HoneyMoon๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒš๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 5 Sassy๐Ÿ”ฅQueen๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter 6 "Drop the Bouquet" ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 8 Cristal ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐Ÿ”ž
Not a Chapter
Chapter 9 Mood Swings๐Ÿ˜Ž
Chapter 10 Fun
Chapter 11 The Commoners
Chapter 12 Bam is here ๐Ÿ”ž

Chapter 7 ๐ŸŽ… Christmas in the Dark Kingdom ๐Ÿ”ž

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I was in my office taking care of Head Alpha matters. It had been a busy week... I was feeling a little suffocated and needy because when I got home Taehyung was already asleep, So there was a week where we didn't do anything intimate😏...If we were working on Kingdom matters it would be easier for us to do some intimate activity🔥. I wanted to take him and pick him up from work on the plantation, But I leave very early in morning and he is still sleeping...And I come back very late and there was no time to pick him up, so he would go home with the driver and security... But that was going to change now because Christmas was coming so we were going to have some days off and I could spend more time with him. My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said without much interest in knowing who it was...Then Yoongi Hyung walked through the door and walked over to me sitting on a chair "Hello Kook" He said smirk "Hmm...What do you want??" I asked turning my back to him and putting my hands in my pockets while looking at the Kingdom landscape "I came to work... Do you think I'm some idler??" Yoongi said still smirk "What the hell of work did you come to do here in my Kingdom?" I asked with my back still turned "Important work...I don't need to go into details, Just know that I came to bring my cousin to perform his duties...He should have already started working alone" Yoongi said...I quickly turned to face him glaring at him "Your... Cousin????" I asked surprised and with a controlled anger... Yoongi looked at me studying and let out a sigh "Kook... Please... Stop it and be professional... My cousin has the right to do his job without you want to kill him..." "Then why the fuck doesn't he carry out his work miles away from my Kingdom????" I interrupted him in a low but furious voice...Yoongi rolled his eyes and continued "You know very well that our Kingdoms have matters to deal with...together...He's been married for a few months and needs to get more acquainted with all 7 Kingdoms...Besides there's no reason for you to be mad at him, He's not a threat anymore...He's already married and yet it's not his fault that he was Taehyung's first Fiance and first kiss..." When Yoongi finished speaking I felt my world come crashing down... My body started to heat up from confusion, surprise and pure HATE... I felt my heart falter and my head spin...I swayed and held on to my desk, My face was sweating and I saw everything red, I taste bitter that made in my mouth... I gripped the table tighter and looked at Yoongi over my eye... He had stood up from the chair and had an expression of extreme surprise in his face "What...Did...You...Say...????" I asked slowly gritting my teeth "Yo...u...Did...n't...Know??..." He asked in surprise stuttering "What did you say...About MY WIFE and your bloody cousin??????" I asked hoarsely...My throat was dry and burning with anger and betrayal "ANSWER DAMN..." I screamed enraged punching the table who breaking it in two... Yoongi pulled away scared and looked at me with wide eyes "Jungkook...Calm down...I'll explain but calm down first..." He said and I burst out loud and bitter laughing "Calm me down?????? Why should i?????? All I want right now is to rip out your cousin's throat..."
I said threateningly and headed towards the office door... Yoongi was faster and sneaked in front of the door not to let me out... "Get the hell out of the way" I said trying to control myself "Jungkook stop...First let me explain" He said nervously "I don't want to hear anything else... Get out of my way"
I said moving forward "Nooooo... I don't will leave... If you want to be right you should at least know everything that happened..." He said still leaning against the door...I was going to pull him out of there but what he said made sense...If I wanted to be totally right then I should know everything first...
I got over it heavily and walked away grabbing my hair... I turned to Yoongi and looked at him still angrily "Okay...So tell" Yoongi let out a sigh and relaxed a bit but still didn't let his guard down. "Hm...Jackson and Taehyung..." "Don't say their names together" I cut him off with an angry huff "Okay...Okay...Sorry" Yoongi said raising his hands "So...Jackson had the Arranged marriage with...Hmm...Your wife since childhood. Then after they grew up everything was set for the marriage to happen when Tae turned 18..." "Don't call him Tae..." I warned him once more clenching my fists "God...Okay...Taehyung" He said rolling his eyes "The wedding would happen when Taehyung turned 18..."
Just thinking about that made my stomach churn and I felt like setting fire to the whole world..."But my uncles didn't want to wait for your wife to turn 18 because they wanted Jackson to be quickly crowned as a prince... But Jackson didn't want to marry someone else he wanted to wait for your wife to turn 18..." I was going to kill that bastard... How dare he wish my wife???? "But his wish wasn't done and his marriage was arranged with Princess Jiwoo...Your ex-fiancée" Yoongi said and I looked at him in surprise... "Jiwoo???" I asked frowning "Yes... She was always in love with Jackson... Until she managed to marry him" Now I understood... She wanted to marry a prince from the Kingdom of the Sun but I didn't remember that it was Yoongi's son of a bitch cousin "What the hell did she see in your bloody cousin???" I asked glaring at Yoongi...He just shrugged and didn't answer
"Taehyung lied to me...He lied...I said I couldn't stand lies but he still lied..."
I said sadly and shaking with anger "Must there be an explanation..." Yoongi said trying to defend his wife's friend "Ah yes...There is an explanation yes...And the explanation is that he was dishonest with me..." I said and went to the door to to be able to go home and demand that he explain to me what the fuck had happened. "Jungkook calm down first... You can't go home upset like that..." Yoongi said trying to stop me but I didn't listen to him and walked out the door... During the whole way to home my anger only increased by imagining my Tigress in that bastard's arms...I got out of the car slamming the door and went to our room...I looked around and remembered his innocent eyes telling me there was nothing between him and Jackson, Suddenly a Anger overcame me and I started throwing everything that had in the room into the air... I punched the mirror several times after see my reflection and remember how stupid I was for trusting him...

Taehyung Pov*

I had finished my work on the plantation and it was time for me to go home. I confess that I wasn't that excited to go home because I knew that Jungkook wouldn't be there... He would only arrive when I was sleeping.
I finished what was left of work and said good night to everyone and went home with securitys in another car and the driver driving for me.
Upon arriving home I saw Jungkook's car in front of the castle and I smiled happily when I realized that he had gone home early...Maybe because Christmas was coming. I said good night to the driver and security and went straight to our room... I went upstairs and past the fireplace room and got to our room... I opened the door to the room smiling but immediately my smile was gone...The room was destroyed...With everything thrown in the air...glasses were broken, The bed was in a mess and the pillows were torn and the feathers were all over the floor... The chair at the little table where I always get ready was broken into 4 pieces ... The mirror in the room that had almost two meters long was broken into shards on the floor...
The wardrobe drawers were scattered and the clothes were on the floor in a pile... I looked at the corner of the room by the window and I noticed my husband looking out the window standing like a statue "Jung...kook...What is all this???? What happened here???" I asked in surprise and not understanding as I walked carefully into the room... Jungkook let out a low chuckle and turned to look at me "Isn't that supposed to be the kind of question I should be asking???? What happened Taehyung?? ?? What exactly happened????" Jungkook said looking at me with his eyes on fire... I looked at him without understanding and opened my mouth to answer but my eyes looked at his hand and I widened my eyes... His hand had a cut and it was bleeding...I immediately ran up to him and grabbed his hands "You're hurt....How did that happen???" I asked worriedly as I grabbed his hand and wrapped it with the scarf I was wearing around my neck... I wrapped his hand with the scarf and looked up to face him... His eyes had a mix of hurt and anger... He pulled his hand away from my hands and gave me a hard look "I'm going to be straight to the point and I want you to be honest...Even though I doubt you can be..." He said and I frowned " What are you talking about...." "Who is Jackson to you?????" He cut me off in a hard voice. I took a deep breath and understood the situation, If he was asking me that it's because he knew something, And this reaction he had showed that he knew a lot... I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again looking him
"He was my fiancé...Before I married you" I replied sincerely... He let out a not so happy laugh and rubbed his hands over his face so hard that his face turned red... "I asked you...I asked you that in our wedding day...WHY DID YOU LIE??????? WHY TAEHYUNG" He screamed punching the window and I got scared and walked away "I didn't lie..." "YOU LIED...YOU LIED TO ME...THAT MOTHERFUKER...HE WAS YOUR FIRST Fiancé... And he was..." He paused as he spoke "He was your first liar...I trusted you...I did and you lied...You practically betrayed me" He directed his angry words at me...
I understood that he was angry but he was already crossing the line
"I admit I didn't answer when you asked about who he was to me... But I didn't lie...I just didn't say who he was because you would probably have created a scene right in the middle of our wedding... And cheat??? Where did I cheat on you???? When I got engaged to Jackson I was a child...How could I imagine that in the future I would marry you???? Nothing was in my control... You're being unfair" I said, also getting upset... He looked at me with angry tears... "Unfair???? You hid something from me and I'm being unfair???? How can i just not react to know that I'm not your first fiance??? and Your first kiss???" He said approaching with a furious look on his face "You ARE my first...I had my first time with you...Jackson was just my fiancé but you're my husband Damnt, What do you want me to do??? That I change the past???" I asked also angrily "I can't just think that he touched you...That he kissed you...This is driving me crazy...It should be ME...I should be the first for you in everything...I don't want that...I don't want to imagine that...I don't want to know that someone else touched you, I DON'T WANT..." He said madly "And what about me ????
I accept you even knowing that you already slept with a whore...Even though you already had your first times with other person...I'm charging you something??" I said very hurt... He stopped and looked at me in silence
"It's different... I was obliged... This is part of the tradition and it only happened once and o didn't enjoy...
I never had anyone else after that"
He said explaining himself still angry "And i didn't have a choice either...
I wasn't the one who chose to be engaged with him..." "What about the kiss hum?? Are you also going to tell me that you didn't have a choice??" He interrupted me and asked sarcastically "It was a surprise kiss...I almost drowned him because of that...Look honestly I don't know why I'm still explaining this to you... None of this makes sense... Because I didn't question whether with you kiss Jiwoo when you got engaged to her" I said looking at him defiantly... He looked at me in surprise and didn't seem to have anything to say "Do you really think I didn't know?? But I knew, My father told me... But I never questioned you because I wanted to trust you, Because I think trust is the foundation of marriage " I said feeling hurt by him. He looked at me with a wry smile and replied sarcastically "Trust is the foundation of marriage???? And what do you know about that?? your senseless child????" He asked with a bitter laugh... I felt my heart freeze at his words... He looked surprised at my reaction and I realized that he immediately regretted what he had said... But I wasn't going to regret what I was going to say to him "Senseless child??...It's funny that you think that way now...Because when you wanted to get in my pants you didn't mind me being a 'senseless child'... With was about your damn pleasure you never see me as a child" I said bitterly and he widened his eyes in anger and looked me speechless "Since I'm all that bad to you, Since I'm a liar, A child, And that I betray you... And since I'm no good for you...Then return me to my family..."
I said and he immediately panicked... His face changed into an expression startled and he was very red, His eyes widened even more and he immediately came over to me and grabbed my arm "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? ARE YOU CRAZY??" He yelled squeezing my arm unintentionally, I let out a low moan with discomfort "You're hurting me"
I said looking into his eyes...He immediately released my arm and looked at me scared "I'm sorry... It hurted to much?? Let me see??" He said desperately as he held my arm gently to see if it had hurt. In fact he hadn't hurt me... Is just that i was used to him being always careful with me that when he held my arm with just a little of firmness I felt strange...But it hadn't hurt and wasn't red too "I'm fine...Now think about what you want and let me know..." I said and was about to leave the room but at the speed of light he held it my waist and brought me closer "Don't even think about it...I'm not going to return you to your parents NEVER... EVEN IF I'M DEAD"
He yelled in despair "Then why do you want me if you don't trust me?? It doesn't make sense" I said trying to get out of his arms "Trust is something I don't have in anyone...and know that I will never leave you... Never" He said looking at my face and I stared at him in surprise... Suddenly he approached my face to kiss me but I turned my face away... "No... No like that... I don't want to" I said and I could feel his heart racing next to mine...I turned my face again to look at him and he had a hurt expression on his face. I walked away from him and went to the wardrobe and got an outfit for myself... He hadn't messed with my part of the wardrobe, He had just messed up his clothes.
I took the clothes and went towards
The door but he held my hand gently "Where are you going???" He asked looking at me in despair "To the other room... There is no conditions or climate for me to sleep here..." I said letting go of his hand without looking
At him and going to the guest room to sleep. I took a long shower while crying... After finished i put on warm pajamas because I knew I would be cold at night from sleeping without him... I sighed and lay down on the bed exhausted... I could feel my eyes burning and swollen from crying...
The night passed slowly but I couldn't sleep... I had already gotten used to sleeping in his warm arms... Even when he came home late from work... But I felt the presence and comfort of him even sleeping... But that night he wouldn't come... I was feeling sad and alone without his warmth...When I finally i fall asleep it was more than 4 am. I woke up the other day very tired and with a headache... Maria helped me to shower and get dressed... I didn't want to eat anything but she brought food to my room and made me eat.
I was glad I didn't have to work because Christmas was in two days... So I was going to take a few days off work... But Jungkook was also going too and that meant I had to face him... I wasn't angry at him anymore... But I was sad and embarrassed... So there was no way
I could face him now. The day passed quickly and I spent the whole day in the room... I heard noises in the other room and I realized that Jungkook had called someone to fix the damage to my room and his. The day passed and night came... He didn't come to the room that I was in... But I heard the sound of his boots in the hall of the guest room.

Jungkook pov*

I had woken up early after staying up all night... I couldn't sleep without having my wife in my arms, I was feeling betrayed that he wasn't sincere with me but I was also regretful of many things that i said... I needed to control better my nerves especially in relation to him. When I got up I went to the guest room to see if he was still sleeping... I entered the room carefully and saw him sleeping hugging a pillow... I smiled lightly and I approached him crouching down beside the bed... I stroked his soft hair that every day that passed seemed to be more red...

(It's Mixed)

I looked at his perfect face and immediately regretted the rude words I said to him "I'm sorry " I whispered and gave him a kiss on the forehead and then left the room closing the door.
The day passed and he didn't come back to our room... I called some servants to clean up the room for when he felt comfortable to coming back... I walked down the hall to the guest room and saw his maid who I don't know the name enter the room with food...
I sighed satisfied to know that the maid was taking care of him. I went to my office in the castle since I wasn't going to work outside the castle. I enter in my office and grabbed a cigar to smoke and get over the stress... As usual I couldn't finish the whole cigar so i off it and put the other half in the ashtray... I tried to distract myself by working a little... And few minutes later my Mom called me talking about Christmas and that we were going to spend Christmas together... So my parents and Taehyung's were also coming along with my brother and Taehyung's brother and Yoongi and his wife... My mom said that Namjoon had stayed close to the guy named Hoseok and that he was also invited... I didn't like the idea but I didn't want to interfere in my brother's stuffs... My mother sent servants over here to decorate for Christmas... They finished the decoration and the night had arrived... Taehyung hadn't left the room and that was making me uneasy... I hadn't eaten much and I didn't feel like it either.
I decided to go out to buy him a Christmas present... Even without talking to me I hope he accepts and like the present.

Taehyung Pov*

I decided to leave the room and went to check if my husband was eating right and if the room was already completely tidy... I could be young but I wasn't the type of person who was resentful.
I went to our room to look for Jungkook but he wasn't there... I went to the fireplace room but he wasn't there either... But I was glad to go the fireplace room because it had beautiful Christmas decorations... I smiled and left the room looking for my husband... The whole castle was decorated and warmed by the fireplaces that were spread on it... I went to his office and he wasn't there too... I looked at the table and saw a half smoked cigar in the ashtray... I already knew he smoked because I knew the smell of cigars because my father smoked too and I felt the same smell on Jungkook sometimes. I didn't feel like smoking but I didn't mind that he smoked either...
The combination of his perfume and the smell of cigars was even sexy.
I sighed for not being able to to meet my husband so I left his office and went to the library to read a bit... I wanted to watch a movie but I didn't want to watch it alone so I preferred to read... After reading for a few hours and pretty much done the whole book I decided to go to sleep... I went to my and Jungkook's room but he still wasn't there... I bit my lip nervously and decided to go back to the guest room
"I wonder where he is?? Is he still upset??" I asked myself and went to bed to sleep so as not to think. The next day I woke up late and tired... I slept all I could not sleep in the day before... My body was limp so I couldn't leave the room... Maria again came to me and helped me and brought me food.
I adored her... She was like a sister to me although she just wanted me to treat her like a maid. I wanted Maria to spend Christmas with me so I was going to communicate this to Jungkook later.

(Tae's maid... Maria... She is 26 years old...) (I like Jenna😉)

Jungkook pov*

I came home very late after having arranged my Tigress's gift... I really hoped he would accept it and I hoped he wasn't angry anymore... He was feline but I knew he wasn't spiteful and to held a grudge because he was very kind... I missed having him close to me, Even if it was just to hold his hand or to look at him. I went to our room and took a long hot shower... Funny that whenever he was next to me I felt like
I was on fire... So I always took a cold shower and slept half naked... But now without his heat I felt like I was going to freeze. After the shower I put on a coat and some pants and went to sleep thinking about his smell. The other day I left early so I could buy the things my mother asked me for Christmas... She was always the one who buy those things but this year she made me go saying that it would be my first Christmas with my Queen so it would be more special and significant if I bought everything myself. After doing the shopping I came home late and I went to the guest room and slowly entered to watch him sleeping... He was sleeping peacefully like the beautiful angel he was... I caressed his porcelain face and my body automatically warmed up... I kissed his cheek and left the guess room and went to the other bedroom to sleep... But this time without clothes because a mere touch of his skin ignited my whole body.

Christmas Day had finally arrived and I had woken up early to welcome everyone who had come to spend Christmas at the castle. Taehyung was still sleeping in the guess room so his mom and his friend went to the guest room to see him... They thought it was weird that he was sleeping there but they didn't ask me anything and I didn't say anything either... But my parents came to me to find out what happened "Why is your Queen sleeping in the guest room??" My father asked me while he, me and my mother were on the balcony... But before I could answer anything my mother interrupted me "What did you do to that child hum?? To get him frustrated to the point of sleeping in another room??" She asked in an mad voice while giving me an suspicious look... I closed and opened my eyes and sighed "We just had a disagreement...Nothing you need to worry about" I said in a bad mood not wanting to get too into the topic
"Son, tell the truth... What exactly happened??" My father asked seriously... I took a deep breath and turned to him "We disagree because I got jealous when I found out that he already had a fiancé before he married me... And by the way... Why didn't you two tell me that he already had a fiancé before??" I said looking at my dad defiantly "I didn't tell you because I didn't think it would be relevant as you also had a fiancée before and his family didn't seem to mind about it" My dad said calmly "I knew this would happen... You and your uncontrolled jealousy... Who did you take that?" Asked my mother innocently which made me laugh because that I had inherited from her..."Well son... It doesn't matter the reason or who is right... But please... Talk to him and make peace... Today is Christmas and it won't be nice for everyone to have a bad mood here... Especially with his parents present" Said my father in a serious tone... I didn't answer and just turned to look at the Kingdom landscape.

Taehyung Pov*

I was in the guest room being bombarded with questions by my mom and Jimin while I combed my hair "Holy crap Tae... Yoongi came home scared along with Jackson telling me what had happened... For a moment he was really with afraid of your husband killing his cousin" Jimin said dramatically and I just smiled as I ran the comb through my hair...
"The important thing is that he didn't hurt you... I'm glad to know that he treats you with care" Said my worried mother and I turned to her and Jimin stopped to combing my hair
"Actually he was the one who got hurt... He cut himself on the glass and I took care of his wound... There was a moment when he held my arm and
I pretended that hurt... But I immediately regretted it when I saw how desperate he got when he think that he had hurt me" I told them and they both had teasing smiles on their faces "Hum... You seem to be important to him" Said Jimin Smirk "It's not that... He just has the protective instinct that every Alpha has with Omegas... Although some are not Gentlemans"
I said blushing "Well... I am happy to know that he is kind to you as young Yoongi is to Jimin and young Namjoon is to Jin" Said my mother smiling
"Yes Mother you are right... They are three Gentlemans" Said Jimin with hearts in his eyes "Mom?? Why is Jin not here yet" I asked remembering my brother "Oh dear he and Namjon went to get Hoseok boy so they could come together... Jin told me that Namjoon and him became good friends" My mother replied smiling... That reminded me of something "Oh yes... Mother I want Maria to spend Christmas with us...
I want her to eat supper with us"
I said hopefully "Fine with me dear... But knowing Maria as we all do, I don't know if she'll accept it" Said my mother, raising her hands "About that, it's okay... I already talked to her and I managed to convince her" I said smiling
"Oh... That's a Christmas miracle" Jimin said and we chuckled. After I finished getting ready, my mother and Jimin went to meet the others... Jin Namjoon and Hoseok had already arrived... We were all gathered and talking while Christmas movies were showing on television but no one was paying attention everyone was eating and they were talking... Jungkook was in a corner talking to Namjoon Yoongi and Hoseok who also joined them and in another corner were our parents and in another corner I was with Jimin, Jin and Maria. Sometimes Jungkook and I looked at each other but didn't speak,
I wanted to go to him and talk but I was feeling awkward. After a while night arrived and everyone decided to get ready to decorate the Christmas tree together and then eat supper. I go to my room with Jungkook to take a shower... The room was already decorated with beautiful Christmas lights and a tree...

I took a shower and put on a red dress and a coat to not feel too cold... It was predicted that the snow would be heavy today... During those days it hadn't snowed... There had only been one frost... But on Christmas Eve it was predicted to snow... I got ready and went back to the main room of the Kingdom

(How Tae is looking)

The Kingdom hall was full and well decorated... I wanted to play in the snow after midnight... Jin, Jimin and I used to do this a lot when we spent Christmas together. Everyone was already ready and I watched a little distance Jungkook looking at me... I also looked at him and he was so Handsome... For the first time since
I saw him dressed in red and not in black...

He smiled to me raise the glass of wine that he was holding... In my direction... He looked at me with a penetrating look as if he was admiring me... I smiled at him a little and nodded... That's when Jimin and Jin pulled me outside to play in the snow but before we went I pulled Maria to go with us...

The four of us took off our shoes and went to make snow mans... We laughed, ran had a snowball fight and make some snow mand... Later we looked at the hall door and realized that our husbands and Hoseok were watching us play smiling... That's when Jimin had the brilliant idea of ​​throwing snow at them "What the hell baby... Why did you do that?" Yoongi shouted when Jimin threw a ball in his face... Jimin just laughed and run... Namjoon and Jungkook laughed too because Yoongi's face was covered with snow... I joined in the fun and made a big snowball and threw it at Jungkook and it hit in his pants ... "What the Fuck..." He cursed in confusion and looked at us to see who threw the ball "Sorry Hubby" I said smiling and Jungkook looked at me surprised but soon after he smirk and came towards me... I Immediately stopped smiling and started running but he ran after me while playing ball of snow in others and tried to reach me... Soon Yoongi and Namjoon were also playing with us... But Hoseok and Maria didn't want to participate and the two were standing side by side laughing at us playing. After the snow fight the midnight was approaching and we put on our shoes and entered the main hall to decorated the tree and eat the supper. We were all a little wet and flushed from the exercise but we were happy... "I see you all had fun" Said my father looking at us and smiling with his eyes "Yes Dad I haven't had a snow fight as fun as this one in years" Jimin said to my Dad smiling wide. My father smiled at Jimin and then he turned to look at me and smiled at me... I also smiled widely at him "Are we going to finish decorating the tree now?? It's time to eat the supper" My father said and we all went up to the decorarte the tree... We all put the ornaments on the tree... But the lowest ones only put them on the bottom part because the tree was too tall... I tried to put an ornament on a branch a little higher but I couldn't...

I exclaimed in surprise when I felt hands around my waist and someone lifted me off the ground... I looked down and Jungkook lifted me up without any difficulty... "You can put on the ornament" He told me his face was very close to mine... I looked away from him blushing and put the ornament on the tree "There... You can put me down now" I said without looking at him...
He laughed lightly and put me down slowly as if he didn't want to let me go. After putting me on the ground I turned to him and we both stared at each other... We were suddenly interrupted when Jin shouted that he wanted to put the star on the tree... We turned our attention to everyone and watched everyone finish decorating ... Jin climbed a ladder and placed the star on the tree...

Everything was already decorated and ready... It was one minute to midnight so we all went to the table to eat the Supper... Everyone took their wine bowls 🍷 and raised it It was Midnight "Merry Christmas" Everyone said and we sat down to eat... The food was great and everyone chatted happily while eating the typical food...

I noticed Jimin exaggerating to drink the wine and I ran to him preventing him from drinking more... It was then that I saw near the tree Hoseok and Maria talking while drinking wine "Oh...did you watch them too?? They look close don't they??" Said Jimin smiling to me... When I was going to reinder Jin interrupted me "Who looks close??" He asked me and Jimin

"Maria and Hoseok" I said smiling and pointing at Hoseok and Maria who were now talking laughing "Wow... Will we have a new couple??" Said Jin looking at them and smiling "It seems so... Apparently it's the magic of Christmas night" I said laughing as
I watched the new "Couple ". Maria looked shy and blushed a lot without being able to look Hoseok in the eyes... But Hoseok looked at her intensely and smiled at her the whole time. After a few minutes everyone started hugging and exchanging gifts while wishing merry Christmas... I hugged everyone giving gifts while everyone hugged me and gave me gifts too... I didn't have much time to buy gifts so Maria offered to buy them for me... I also advanced her salary so she could buy gifts for whoever wanted. Maria wanted to practically work for free for me... Saying that it was an honor to take care of me and that she didn't need payment for it... But I always complained about it and always paid her what she deserved... When I went to exchange gifts with Hoseok I noticed Jungkook next to me watching us with attentive eyes... But Hoseok just handed me the gift and gave me a light handshake...
I reciprocated and gave him the gift... He was already well aware of my husband's fame... I turned to look at him but he wasn't angry but he didn't seem happy that I shook Hoseok's hand... I chuckled to myself because his unique way... I opened a few gifts and they were all beautiful.. But I didn't have the patience to open them all so I left the others to open later... Jungkook came to me and handed me his present... I took the box from him and he smiled at me "Your gifts" He said and I smiled and handed my gift to him too "And this is yours" I said and he took the box "Let's open it now together??"
I asked him "Let's go" He said looking at me seductively... I bit my lip and looked down at the gift opening it... When I opened the present I was enchanted...

It was a beautiful glass globe... I always wanted to get one and I knew it had a very good and deep meaning... I looked up at my husband in wonder "Thank you...It's perfect...I love it" I said smiling.. "You're welcome" He said smiling at me and turned his eyes to the gift I gave him...

"It's an insignia amulet for warriors... It's forged as a shield to show protection... Cut into an emblem what which represents archangels as well as warriors... I bought it because it reminded me of you" I told him shyly while biting my lips... I bought this pendant for him one day as I was coming home from work and I decided buy me a strawberry cake and I passed by a jewelry store and the pendant caught my attention. He looked at me deeply as if he were looking into my soul "It's so Magnificent... The best gift I've ever received from anyone...
I really loved it...Thank you" He said to me with an extremely sincere expression... "You're...wel...come.."
I smiled stuttering as I sewed the back of my head... I looked up and watched as he put the pendant on... Which was at the height of his chest... "How is looking??" He asked me smiling seductively "Charming" I said smiling and blushing... He let out a laugh because of my red face... "Stop" I said again blushing and then walking off to drink more wine and yet I heard him still chuckle. Afterwards in a few minutes everyone was already half drunk and each of the couples went to a room to sleep... Except Hoseok and Maria... Maria slept in one room and Hoseok in another. Now was just me and Jungkook because we knew we need to talk. I went to the fireplace room and sat by the fire to warm up...

Suddenly I felt Jungkook's presence next to me... He crouched down next to me and kept warming himself too
"Very cold?" He asked me softly "A little" I replied looking at the flames and a silence fell in the room... "Hmm would you like to watch a movie??" I asked him... I really wanted to watch a movie first to sleep... "Sure" He said calmly...
I got up in front of the fireplace and went to the TV in the living room and turned it on... I put it on Netflix (😎) and put on the classic movie "Home Alone "

I sat on the couch and he sat next to me "Do you like this movie??" He asked me looking at the screen "Yes... I watch it every Christmas" I replied to him looking at the screen "Hmm..." He replied simply "You don't like this movie??" I asked looking at him "It's not that... I only watched this movie once because Namjoon made me... I didn't have a lot of time to watch movies"
He said calmly still looking at the TV "Ah...Okay" I replied turning my attention to the movie... I noticed that Jungkook looked restless... He had his legs crossed and he was moving his
feet and rubbed his hands on his legs as if something was bothering him... "Jungkook?? Is everything ok??" I asked looking at him but he didn't answer...
I turned my attention to the movie feeling apprehensive... That's when all of a sudden he grabbed my neck and pulled me close to him and kissed me like someone who is in a lot of thirst for years... "I missed you" He whispered during the kiss... I didn't return the kiss because I was too surprised and when he realized that he pulled away "Sorry" He whispered without looking at me
"No need to apologize... I didn't react because I was surprised" I commented and he shook his head "Not for the kiss... I'm sorry for being rude and unfair to you... I even physically hurt you when I told you myself that I would never hurt you" He said with a bitter smile... He had his legs spread and his hands between his legs "No... You didn't hurt me... I was just surprised when you grabbed my arm... But you didn't hurt me I swear" I said and he turned his face to me and looked me in the eyes "About the other things I forgave you... And I'm also sorry for saying unfair things to you too" I said and he smiled "It's okay... Some words I deserved" He said still smiling and i smiling too "Tae... I want you to know that it's really hard for me to control my anger... And I'm very possessive... And it's not something that will change... I'm just like that... And everyone already knows and is used to who I am... I'm sorry if this is complicated for you... But this is who I really am and I can't be any other way" He said seriously and sincere "Hmm... It's ok... I understand... I'm not going to ask you to change... But I just sincerely wanted you to trust me" I said also sincerely to him "Well... I can trust you... But I can't trust others it's impossible for me..." He told me looking at me "Me too... And I'm fine... Really"
I whispered and also looked at him.
He approached me and hold my face with one hand "Please come back to our room and don't leave me there alone anymore... Everything froze without your warmth" He said whispering and caressing my face "I'll come back" I also whispered and sighed, closing and opening my eyes when I felt him caress in my face...He looked at me with a piercing gaze as if he wanted to devour me... He looked at my mouth and ran his thumb across my lips. "Kiss me already Jungkook" I whispered and he smirk and grabbed me and put me on his lap carrying me and immediately kissed me...

He attacked my lips hungrily and started sucking and biting my mouth.... Our mouths danced on each other while kissing desperately... He bit hard my lips and I moaned in pain... He took advantage and stuck his tongue in my mouth exploring everything... His tongue played in the roof of my mouth and he explored everywhere with mastery and precision... I stuck my tongue in his mouth too and our tongues started a war together while fighting and dancing connected... He suddenly left my lips that were swollen and sore and attacked my neck... He bit down hard and then started sucking my skin... I held his expected black hair while I felt the pleasure of having him stick to my skin... He sucked my neck like a Vampire (😏) and marked every corner in a delicious and graceful way... Suddenly he got up from the couch still carrying me... "Bedroom??" I asked breathlessly "No...Right here" He said and knelt down in front of the fireplace and laid me on the rug on the floor...

This part contains SMUT🔞🔞🔞🔞💚💜

He laid on top of me and returned to mark my neck.. Suddenly he found my sensitive spot and started sucking like a hungry wolf "Aahh...Kook..." I moaned as I grabbed his hair and rubbed myself on his covered member "Ah... Shit" He groaned cursing when I rubbed myself on him... He lifted his body from mine and took off his shirt and then his pants and stay only in his underwear... I watched him take off his clothes biting my lips while looking at his body seductively... He grabbed my waist and pulled me hard onto his lap... He took his hands behind my back and took off my coat throwing it on the room floor and then took his hands to the zipper of my dress and opened it taking it from my body

"This time you didn't tear it"
I said smirk to him as I moved in his lap putting my breasts in his face
"Hmm No... He was looking so beautiful in your perfect body... I want to see you wear it more often" He said with his eyes glued to my breasts that were in his face... "I love red on you" He said analyzing my body and looking at the red lingerie that I wore while caressing my chest...

Suddenly he buried his face in my breasts and started kissing... He quickly unfastened my bra and threw it on the floor and grabbed my breast biting the nipple "Ohhh..." I moaned throwing my head back as he bit and sucked on my breasts... He started swirling the lines on my left nipple as he bit and with his hand he caressed the other one... He sucked so hard it looked like he wanted to rip off "Oooown..." I cried with pleasure as he abused my sensitive breasts... Then he left my right breast and went to the left... He took a bite on my nipple and stretched it with his teeth "AAAAAA Jungkook ..." I screamed in pleasure and pulled his hair very hard..."Hum baby..." He moaned still with his mouth on my nipple... He sucked like a hungry child and bit a lot and sucked with his tongue desperately "Oooh Hubby" I moaned moving in his lap and feeling in his covered member... "Aaa Damn" He cursed and let go of my chest making a noise and went back to kissing me hungrily while grabbing my hair.
"Blow me" He said between the kiss and I smirk and I pulled away from his mouth... I got off his lap and pushed him on the rug... I took his underwear and took off... Then I sat on his legs...
I quickly bent down and put his huge member in my mouth and started sucking hungrily "Humm Baby" He groaned and grabbed my head...
I sucked with hungry but unfortunately he didn't fit all in my mouth... I ran my tongue over the soft head of his cock and he moaned louder and louder... He grabbed my head and started moving it hard on his dick... I moaned with his wonderful member in my mouth... That was incredible... He started to move his hips fucking my mouth I gasped but I was loving it... The feeling of having my mouth filled by his cock was so good... He stopped moving when he realized That I was out of breath... I took his dick of my mouth to breathe but I didn't stop... I wanted more... I put it back in my mouth and started sucking harder again "SHIT TIGRESS...Stop or I'm going to explode" He warned me but i didn't stopped i kept sucking and when he started to cum he tried to take it out of my mouth but i didn't let him and he cum in my mouth... his cum had a strong tast but i didn't care and i swallowed it... and I kept sucking while looking at him... He had his hands on his face and looked weak with the pleasure "Stop... You're going to kill me" He said breathing heavily... I smiled and took his member out of my mouth smiling victoriously for making him so madly "I just reciprocate what you always do when you suck me" I said laughing and he quickly grabbed me and pulled me in front of him make my pussy be in front of his face... "Let's see if you can reciprocate that" He said and pulled my panties at the speed of the lightning and then sat my pussy on his face "AAAAAA..." I screamed when his tongue entered fully in my cunt... He started sucking hard and his tongue swirled all over my sensitive region
"Ahh Kook..." I moaned putting my hands on his shoulders "Shhh let me enjoy" He spoke with his tongue stuck inside me and that gave my clitoris a wonderful vibration "Ownt..Don't stop" I said while rolling my eyes in pleasure... He started sucking and suck my clitoris and caught it between his teeth "Oooh...You are so...good at this"
I said with a weak voice and he chuckle in my cunt drive me insane with the sensation... Then he trapped my clitoris between his teeth and pulled... "Aaaaaaaa..." I moaned uncontrollably and I started to move in his face... He left his tongue erect and entered in my sensitive channel "Aaaaaaaaaahh..."
I cried weakly in pleasure as I scratched his shoulders... He grabbed my hips and started pushing me against his tongue... He fucked me with his tongue and I started screaming more in pleasure "Oh Jesus..." I moaned with eyes closed and mouth open... He sat my pussy on his tongue more and more and his tongue entered deeper in me... He started to rotate his tongue inside me while biting and sucking my clitoris... "Aaaa... Please continue..."
I moaned grabbing his hair as I rubbed my pussy on his tongue... I started to sit on his face while his tongue fucked me and I screamed more and more "Aaa ohhhhooo...I'm close" I moaned grabbing his hair... He started to sucking harder and biting my sensitive area... His hot and wet tongue gave incredible sensations in my cunt "Aaaaahhh..." I keep moaned desperately but he didn't stop... He held my hips and held me in his mouth... "AaaaAaaaaaaaAAAA... I'm coming..."
I screamed and came violently into his mouth... He sucked everything and continued sucking my sensitive area... After about two minutes he took his mouth from my cunt. "Hmm...You're so sweet" He said licking his lips and putting me on his lap and kissing me madly... "That...was...amazing" I said breathing heavily during the kiss... "Good to know" He said smik... suddenly he lifted me up a bit and sat me down hard on his erect and hard member... "AaaaaaaaaaUuuu SHIT..." He groaned and I screamed "Aaaaa... Do you want to break me in two?? That hurt" I said slapping his chest... "Sorry Love" He said kissing my eyes. "Hmm..." I said pushing him off and making a pout... He chuckled and kissed my cheek "Can I move??" He asked holding both sides of my waist "Yes..." I replied still pouting... He laughed again and approached my face and pecked my pout undoing it... He grabbed both sides of my waist tight and started moving me on his cock "Hmmmmmm..." I moaned at the feel of his erect cock inside me "Ohhhh...How Good" He groaned too pushing me harder into his cock... I put my arms around his neck and started to ride him hard "Ohhhh Yes...Ride me love..." He said groaning with a smik on his face "Hummm Kook...." I said riding faster and faster "Hmmmm Baby??" He asked holding my hips tightly "That's so good...." I moaned pushing myself into him more "I know baby...Don't stop... Keeping going... More fast..." He saind groaning and kissing my neck. The feeling of his member in that position was just amazing... He could reach all my spots and I was in control too... And being able to sit on him while his hard thick member entered in me was just heaven... My sensitive walls would thank this... I kept riding while throwing my head back in pleasure... "Oooohh... AAAaaaa..." I moaned as I sat with all my strength on his dick
"Oh love...My Tigress..." He groaned and grabbed my waist firm and started to sit me more harder on his cock "OHHHHHHHHHHH GOD..." I screamed as his wonderful member hit my sensitive spot "Hmm So Fuck Good... Ride baby... Ride him... This dick is all yours..." He groaned as he helped me to control my rides. My hands dug into his neck and he pulled me by the hair kissing me hungrily as he continued to sit me on his member...

"Hummm...Ohhh..." We both moaned into each other's mouths while I continued to ride and he helped me...
I slowed down a little just so I could kiss him better... The kiss suddenly became romantic and he put his arms around me hugging me... It was very cold because it was snowing outside but... As we were in front of the fireplace our bodies were warm and also our skins together were burning in the fire of our union... He hugged me and caressed my face while kissing me gently as if didn't have tomorrow... I continued to move in his member and he moved his hips thrusting himself into me... We continued kissing as if our lips don't want never to be apart "Hmmm..hummm....humm" We kept moaning into each other's mouths while I was still riding and he was thrusting inside me... The room was filled with the loud noise of our bodies meeting and hitting each other... He went deeper and deeper and I ride faster and faster without losing the rhythm while we kissed desperately... He hugged me tight and ran his hands all over my body and pulled my hair while his tongue fucked my mouth... His tongue worked magic during our kiss and I sucked in his mouth moaning in pleasure as I ride him romantically and madly... I suddenly ran out of breath and squeezed his shoulder and he let go of my mouth and our tongues made a loud noise because of the our salivas... We comeback to move again and i got surprise "OOOOOOOOWNNN Daddy..."
I screamed when his cock practically reached my womb and I threw my head back while rolling my eyes "Damn love...Said again..." He asked me as he hugged me tight and ran his tongue over my collarbone "Daddy...Daddy...Daddy" I said as I continued to ride tirelessly "Fuck... You drive me crazy" He said still sucking my collarbone.. He grabbed my neck and pulled me back to his mouth and went back to kissing me clumsily... Suddenly I felt my walls getting weak and I knew I was about to come and that it would come hard "Own Alpha... I'm going to come" I said still between the kiss "Come for Daddy baby doll... Come deep on his cock" He said moving his hips and piercing me harder while grabbing my waist and pushing me deeper and deeper on his needy dick... I started to shiver as the orgasm approached and I realized he was shivering too... I immediately smiled as I realized we were going to come together for the first time... He held my face and my hair and looked into my eyes while I was still riding... He gave my lips a long peck and... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA..." We both screamed into each other's mouths and we came violently at the same time... And I could feel his strong jet enter in me... My eyes rolled back and i continued to tremble while my mouth remained open from the fright of the immense orgasm that we had.
My husband was amazing and definitely knew how to fuck... After the orgasm he hugged me tighter and went back to kissing me to calm me down because I was still shaking hard because of the immersed pleasure that our bodies had reached... He was also shaking but he tried to control himself... He licked my lips and his kiss felt more like a caress than a kiss... He star to kiss my whole face softly until I calmed down. After calming me down he buried his face in my neck smelling my scent and hugged me tightly... We both closed our eyes while hugged and felt each other's warmth "Hmm...So warm and smelling... You smell wonderful"
He said sniffing my neck...
I found my voice again and replied "Yours too... It's strong and sexy like you" I said and he laughed "Yours is soft and hot like you" He said kissing my hair... I laughed too and hugged him tighter... After a few minutes we pulled away from the hug and looked at each other's faces... He brought his hand to my face and brushed away the hair that was falling into my eyes "Did I ever tell you that you look so beautiful when you cum?" He asked smirk at me... I blushed and smacked him in the chest
"Stop... You already said that" I said blushing awkwardly... He chuckled and caressed my face "How can you look so cute right after we made love like that hmm??" He asked running his thumb over my lips... I took advantage and bit his finger "Ouch...Tigress... This hurt... I was about to give you another gift but I don't think you deserve it anymore" He said pretending being angry... "What gift?? You already gave me one" I said curious "No... The glass globe was a Christmas gift... The other present is for a late birthday and for our marriage" He said caressing my face with the back of his right hand... I looked him curious and the flames of the fireplace cast shadows on his face as the wood crackled in the flames "Hmm... I didn't buy you a wedding gift... It would be unfair for you give it to me one now"
I said biting my lip and he smiled shaking his head "You don't have to give me any gift... Just the fact that you talk to me normally again was a great gift and the gift you gave me for Christmas is gone more than enough... I really loved the pendant" He said squeezing my cheek... I smiled contentedly and got off from his lap... I lying on the rug on his side and covering myself with his coat that was on the floor... The fire in the fireplace was quite warm and the room wasn't cold but I covered myself only by reflex and I didn't want to risk my husband having another erection... His member was still something I couldn't face several times in the same night and the two of us had already made love practically all night... I didn't want to have to walk on crutches later...
"I'm glad that you liked it..." I said holding the pendant that was on his bare chest and reading the phrase "Archangel Saint Michael protect us"
I read it and Jungkook looked at me with serene eyes while he stroked my hair "It's a very beautiful phrase" He said threading his fingers through my strands "Yes... I know that all Alphas like archangels because they are warriors like you all... And you definitely suit with Michael" I said caressing his soft chest... He pulled me closer and hugged me around the waist... We were even closer to the hearth fire that the flames hissed with a comfortable and welcoming noise "Hum... I confess that that among the Archangels Michael is my favorite"
He said looking at me serenely while one hand caressed my hair and the other my waist "Hm... I knew it" I said smiling and playing with the pendant in my fingers... "Can I ask you something??" He asked me looking into my eyes "Actually you already asked"
I said laughing ironically and he rolled his eyes and also laughed
"Just kidding... You can ask" I said passing my hand over his face that was shadowing because of the hot flames from the fireplace "Well... May I know the meaning of the tattoo you have on your beautiful back?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow... It's obvious he had seen the tattoo... He had already seen me without clothes somy times
"Well... It means 'As fire tests the gold... The Suffering tests the omega'... I made it in Hebrew..." (I Author adapted this sentence, I hope you like it🤭)
I told him biting my lips... I looked at his face and he looked at me in wonder
"It's very meaningful and beautiful... Like you" He said caressing my face with the back of his right hand...
I smiled at him blushing...
"And your tattoos?? What do they represent?" I asked running my hand over his arms... He smiled and looked into my eyes "They have several meanings... Some are related to convicts.. Others are about my family and my Kingdom... Others are about my scars and strength" He said rubbing his thumb in my eye "Um... That 7 behind your ear?? What does it mean??" I asked caressing behind his ear because i really wanting to know about that particular tattoo because I had a similar one between my fingers "That 7 means the 7 Kingdoms of our country"

He replied playing with my hair and I looked at him in surprise "Really?? I also have a 7 and it represents the same thing" I said smiling... He looked at me also surprised and raising his eyebrow "Really?? Where is yours??" He asked running his eyes over my body trying to find out where the tattoo was
"Is here..." I said opening the fingers of my right hand and showing the 7 tattooed between my fingers...

(Pretend that it is a 7)

He lifted his big hand and held gently my hand and looked at the tattoo... He smiled lightly and looked at me "It's your face... Cute and delicate" He said running his thumb over my cheek... I smiled and nodded "We should do one together one day" I said laughing and he nodded in agreement "Who made yours??" He asked me curious and I immediately noticed the jealous tone in his question I smiled shaking my head and replied "Hwasa... She's a female tattoo artist... She works professionally in all Kingdoms" I said and soon noticed his expression soften "And yours?? who did it??" I asked biting my lip "One guy named Mark... He also works for all Kingdoms" He replied calmly "Oh okay" I said stroking the spiky strands of his black hair... He still held me by the waist... He pulled me closer and laid me on his chest and went back to stroking my hair "May I know what gift you're going to give me??" I asked biting my lips and looking him in the eyes "Hum no... It's a surprise so you won't know until we wake up" He said still caressing my hair and my waist "Oh... I want to knew now" I said with a pout as I ran my hands over his bare chest... He laughed and gave my pout a peck "Don't worry... It's only a few hours before dawn and you'll soon know what it is... And I really hope you like it" He said tucking a lock of hair behind my ear "Okay ... I'll be patient" I said and looked at the television and saw that it was off... Jungkook noticed my look and laughed answering me... "I turned it off when we were still kissing on the couch... You were so lost in me that you didn't even notice" He said smirking... "Convinced" I said hitting his chest "You also was lost in me" I said looking at him turning my nose up "Yes... I always get lost in you and I don't mind in admitting it... You make me lose myself in you... Without even trying" He said caressing my butt covered by the coat "Um..." I replied blushing with embarrassment and he laughed with my reaction "Shall we sleep?? I want to wake up with strength to see my gift" I said biting my lips and rubbing my neck "Okay let's go... Sleep well Petal" He said hugging my waist and cundle with me "Thank you... And you also Hubby" I said bashfully and he laughed kissing my hair and putting his face in my neck to sleep.

Sorry for the delay... I was busy because of Christmas... By the way... Merry Christmas for you guys and Happy Birthday to our Taetae (Today is also my cousin's birthday) I hope you all liked the chapter... And...
What will it be Tae's gift?? Comment if you know 😉 See you in the next one💚💜

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