The Heroic Jester: Dimentio

By NightmareWasTaken7

62.6K 549 508

Izuku Midoriya aspires to be hero. He was told constantly that he couldn't be one, but he won't listen to the... More

Before the Show
The History of Dimentio
U.A Entrance Exam......
A Million Dreams
Results, New Friends and Moving In
First Day: Joint Tests!
This is getting a HUGE rewrite
The Humiliation of a Tormentor
Goodbye Wattpad. Hello AO3

It's Showtime!

4.9K 81 79
By NightmareWasTaken7

Me: Here's the rewrite of the second chapter. This one was nearly perfect, but has some improvements. So there are little rewritten and some added. Enjoy!




Izuku was confused, where was this place? Who is the jester in front of him?

Izuku: Uhmm who are you? Where are we?

???: Pardon my manners! I am the master of dimensions, the pleaser of crowds! I am....

Dimentio: Dimentio! Remember the name well...

Dimentio gave a small bow. He stood back up again. He isn't that tall, but Izuku feels a lot of power resonating from him.

Dimentio: You are in your own mind. This dark void is just for us to have a chat.

Izuku: A chat? Why would you want to chat with me? What is even going on?! How do you even know who I am?!

Dimentio does a small laugh before explaining.

Dimentio: Ahahaha, when you put the mask on, my powers and abilities are now yours. I was able to look through your mind. Oh, and don't worry. I'm not really here. A fact that is most fortunate for you, as I probably would have just killed you outright.

Izuku gulps at how he said that so casually and the fact he could actually feel the power he has. He could have actually killed him if he was there. He takes a step back, very cautious of Dimentio who shook his head.

Dimentio: But, I suppose it's that attitude that got me into this mess in the first place. Oh, and don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. I can't and I don't want to. What you see before you is nothing more than a ghost, an afterimage.

Izuku still very cautious stays a few feet away from Dimentio.

Izuku: Alright... So why do you want to talk to me?

Dimentio: Simply put, I'm looking for an heir. Someone who will take on my power, and take over my work.

Dimentio's mask suddenly shifted to a frown. 

Dimentio: Let me explain. A long time ago in a world far, far away, a race of beings now known only as "The Ancients" began experiments with forces they should have left alone. The Ancients developed entities known as "Pixls", and made them serve the Ancients. At some point, the slaves rose up against their masters, a Queen rose up to lead the rebellion, and things rapidly degraded into full-on war.

Dimentio's mask shifted again into a soft smile.

Dimentio: I still remember the Queen dearly. Sometimes I would dress as a jester to make her laugh. I loved her laughter....

Dimentio shifted to a frown once more.

Dimentio: The war was long, and ultimately pointless, so I won't bore you with the details. In the end, nobody won. The queen was slain, as were most of the Ancients. The vast majority of pixls were either destroyed or damaged beyond repair. Those that were still functioning and in good condition were locked away.

He paused shaking his head.

Dimentio: There were no winners, just survivors.

Izuku could not help but feel pity and was also wondering what he got himself into. 

Dimentio: Centuries later, I saw an opportunity. A man from the darkness met, and fell in love with a woman from the light. Others did not approve of this union, and they cut short the relationship. In his grief, the man vowed revenge. Any world in which he could not be with the woman he loved did not deserve to exist. And so he set out, intent on destroying not only his own world, but all worlds. And he nearly succeeded too!

Izuku flinched a little when the jester said that so excitedly.

Izuku: Why were you so excited when you said that last part? Did you stop him or...

Dimentio bursted out laughing when Izuku said that. Why was he laughing? Nothing of what he said was funny.

Dimentio: Ahahaha! Stop him? Just the opposite! I was helping him to achieve his plans! At least, up until he stopped being useful to me. No, he was stopped by two plumbers, a pink princess, and a lizard prone to bouts of arm-flailing. That's when I stepped in.

Izuku glanced around nervously. He didn't care if this Dimentio guy was just a ghost. This talk just kept getting more and more unsettling, and Izuku wanted out. He desperately wanted out.

Dimentio: The Count had been lying to us, his minions, the entire time... He claimed he was going to destroy all worlds and make new ones in their places. Truthfully, he was only going to destroy them. That worked just fine with my plans - I really was going to make new worlds. So I let the heroes and the Count duke it out, wearing each other down and exhausting their resources. Then, when the dust was settling, I swooped in to steal the show!

His mask once again shifted to a neutral expression.

Dimentio: The heroes were strong, but I was stronger, however I held back and that's what caused my downfall... Well that and the pure hearts, but who the hell cares! That story is now nothing but history! Let's focus on the here, the now, the offer I have for you!

Izuku was confused. An offer? What sort of offer? This guy is clearly evil. What sort of offer he is gonna give him is definitely not good. However, he was curious. So he wanted to see what it was.

Izuku: What?

Dimentio: It's simple; I give you my powers, and you carry on my legacy. However, you must be better than I was in life.

Dimentio's voice began to have a more somber tone.

Dimentio: I was arrogant. I tried to force change onto the worlds. That was a mistake! Change must be small, careful, and must come from within. I've seen inside you mind; you know that the world needs changes. But how will you change it? Will you save the world, or crumble it down?

Izuku thought about this. It was certainly true that various changes to the current system were necessary. People without quirks were referred to as sub-humans, people who had villainous quirks were shunned, and people treat the undesirables like they were nothing. An increasing trend amongst current heroes was that they were more interested in being popular than actually saving lives. The hero system itself needed a change. And with the power he was being offered, he could be the one to change it.

Izuku: I won't make this world crumble... But I might let it crack a bit a bit before saving it.

Dimentio just stared at him for a few seconds before laughing.

Dimentio: Ahahaha! That...was a good answer. And now, young Midoriya, it's time to wake up.

Izuku: What do you me-

Izuku then jolted up with the ringing of his alarm clock and then he noticed. He was different. He changed. Suddenly more details and instructions comes in on how he can use his powers. He grins and gets off his bed. 

Izuku: It's Showtime! 

Izuku then opens the door and walks out to the kitchen.

Izuku: Remember, act scared and confused. This needs to be convincing.

He then makes his way to the dining room with a nervous expression. His mother was making breakfast.

Izuku: Mom? 

Inko: Yes Izu- 

Inko then stops all that she is doing and looks at Izuku. She noticed that his eyes became black on the right side and yellow on the left. His skin got paler and his hair became light greyish colour.

Izuku: Something happened.


It was a normal day in aldera. The students were bored and the teacher was doing roll call. 

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: Midoriya?

Silence was what met him.

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: Midoriya?

No one answered. He wasn't there.

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: That's.....odd.

The students then started to notice and agree. Izuku was rarely late, and NEVER absent. So, no one was entirely sure how to react. And when class was already began for half an hour, Izuku still wasn't there! What was going on? The students were full of speculation, but no one had any definite answers.

There was a knock at the door, and the teacher went to answer it. While it may not have been very professional, he secretly welcomed the break in this day's lecturing. It's not like any of the students were paying any attention anyway. They were too focused on where Midoriya was. He opened the door, and gasped at what he saw. Several papers were handed to him. He began to read through them.

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: W-Well, isn't this surprising....

The teacher was sweating a bit. The class didn't know why. What got him so scared?

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: C-Class, it seems there has been a mix-up, of sorts. Your classmate, Izuku Midoriya, has long been thought to be quirkless. 

The class was curious. What happened to the quirkless nobody? And what's gotten into their teacher?

Mr. Idontgiveafuckonwhatyournameis: I-It turns out M-M-Midoriya is an extremely late bloomer and he does in fact have a q-q-quirk. Midoriya come inside.

Then, a huge exertion of power started fill the class. Now they see why their teacher was afraid. The pressure was intense. It got all of them sweating, even Bakugo. They then saw the change on Midoriya. The class stares in shock and fear at the change of their classmate. Izuku's mask shifted into a grin. The unsettling appearance of the mask made them fear him more.

Izuku: Salutations classmates.

He then gives a small bow. While the pressure in the room sky-rockets as he laughs slowly at their reactions.

Izuku: Guess who?


The day went on with Izuku earning some stares ever since his change. The power he exerts is overwhelming. No one dared to get close to him. Bakugo glared at him and was angrily watching him. On lunch break the asshole decided it was a good idea to assault our protagonist.

Bakago: Oi, Deku!

Bakugo slams his hand on the table where Izuku was eating. Izuku took a sip of his soup before replying to him.

Izuku: Ah, Bakugo. As usual, you're as warm and friendly as a thrown grenade without the pin.

Bakugo then threw the soup away and the bowl broke on the floor.

Izuku: .... You're gonna have to clean that, you know.

Bakago: Shut the fuck up! You're still nothing, Deku! It doesn't matter what kind of lame quirk you get, you'll always be a loser that can't surpass me!

Izuku gave a bored look, and sighed. He then began to exert his power once more. Bakugo flinched and began to sweat a bit.

Izuku: Still as egomaniacal as ever I see.

He stood up and placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. 

Izuku: Don't be upset. I don't want you to leave angry...

Izuku snapped his fingers. A semi-transparent box formed around Bakugo, then the box and Bakugo both rotated out of existence.

Izuku: I just want you to leave!

Izuku said that excitedly before he looked around, noting the shocked and horrified stares he was getting. He snickers to himself before waving his hand.

Izuku: Oh, don't worry, he's fine! I just put Bakugo into a pocket dimension to get him out of my face. He's perfectly safe.

Izuku then summons another semi-transparent box outside the window. This time, Bakugo rotated into existence.....

By the windows.....

On the outside of the building.

He dropped downward, and judging by the loud splash, landed in the fish pond. Izuku then walked towards the window to be amused by a soaking wet Bakugo.

Izuku: How's the water? Does it feel nice?

Bakago: Deku! You're a dead man! You fucking hear me?! You're fucking dead! You motherfucker!

Izuku just snickers. Before whispering to himself.

Izuku: Sure, as if anyone in this world has enough power to stop me.

He then went to lunch lady and asked for another bowl of soup. Terrified, they immediately got him a bowl. He then sat back down. He then turned towards his peers and grinned.

Izuku: So, anyone of you want to go through the same thing Bakugo did?

They all shook their heads and made several comments of denial. Izuku's mask shifted into a smirk before continuing to eat.


Kyoka and Hitoshi were confused on why Izuku called them both to meet up in a coffee shop. He didn't really elaborate too, he just said "Meet me at this location. There's been a surprising turn of events that happened." And never specified why. They then entered and were immediately greeted by a waiter. She guided the two to a table with the best view of the stage. They took their seats and waited for Izuku.

Kyoka: Do you know what's going on?

Hitoshi shook his head. Izuku really didn't tell them what this was for.

Hitoshi: Beats me, but I'm getting a coffee.

Kyoka and Hitoshi both ordered a blueberry milkshake and black coffee with extra strength respectively.

The lights begin to dim down and a spotlight shined on the stage. Suddenly, a purple and yellow jester just popped out of nowhere. He grabbed the mic and started to introduce himself.

Dimentio: Hello patrons of this fine establishment! I am the pleaser of crowds! I am.... Dimentio! Remember the mame well. Today we'll be performing for you. We hope that you all enjoy. 

Dimentio snaps his fingers and five clones of himself appeared and started to grab on to instruments.

Dimentio starts to countdown with his fingers signalling to the clones to start on his signal. They then began to play as Dimeontio sings. His voice suddenly changed to a more jazzy and slightly deeper tone. 

Dimentio: 🎶We're waiting every night to finally roam and invite

Newcomers to play with us

For many years we've been all alone

We're forced to be still

And play the same songs we've known since that day

An imposter took our life away

Now we're stuck here to decay

Please let us get in

Don't lock us away

We're not like what you're thinking

We are poor little souls

Who have lost all control

And we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone

Stuck in our little zone since 1987

Join us, be our friend

Or just be stuck and defend

After all you only got

Five Nights at Freddy's

Is this where you wanna be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five Nights at Freddy's

Is this where you wanna be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five Nights at Freddy's

We're really quite surprised

That we get to see you another night

You should have looked for another job

You should have said to this place good-bye

It's like there's so much more

Maybe you've been in this place before

We remember a face like yours

You seem acquainted with those doors

Please let us get in

Don't lock us away

We're not like what you're thinking

We are poor little souls

Who have lost all control

And we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone

Stuck in our little zone since 1987

Join us, be our friend

Or just be stuck and defend

After all you only got

Five Nights at Freddy's

Is this where you wanna be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five Nights at Freddy's

Is this where you wanna be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's

Is this where you wanna be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five Nights at Freddy's🎶

The crowd clapped and were impressed with the show. Kyoka has to admit, Dimentio had good vocals. Dimentio then snapped his fingers and the instruments and clones were gone. The light starts to light up the entire shop once more.

Dimentio: Thank you for watching the show. We hope that you were entertained. Now, I bid you all adieu.

He bows and disappeared. Kyoka and Hitoshi were impressed, but still wondered where Izuku was. And then they were startled by a familiar voice.

Dimentio: Did you enjoy the show?

Dimentio suddenly appeared on the third seat and made them jump a bit.

Kyoka: What the fuck! What is wrong with you?!

Dimentio quietly laughs. 

Dimentio: Sorry about that. Wanted to suprise you both. 

Hitoshi: Uhm, why? Sorry Mr. Dimentio, but we never even met.

Dimentio's mask then made a face that looks it he just realised something.

Dimentio: Silly me, forgot to change my voice back to normal.

Dimentio the snapped his fingers and had a sigh of relief with a voice all too familiar to them.

Dimentio: Is that better?

Kyoka: ....Izuku?

Izuku's mask grinned as he turned to Kyoka.

Izuku: You got that right. 

Hitoshi: Wait wait wait wait. How the fuck?! How were you able to do all that shit and what's with the look?!

Hitoshi then gestures to Izuku's appearance which made him snicker.

Izuku: Well, earlier today, I woke up like this. Well, not in this clothing, but my skin tone and hair had changed along with my eyes. Suddenly information came into my mind and I suddenly knew how to use the abilities of my new quirk effectively.

Kyoka: Wait, new quirk?

Izuku smirked as he showed the two his manipulation of dimensions, reality and space-time.

Izuku: I call it Dimensional Jester. Had it just this morning and boy, am I loving it! Just this earlier I sent Bakugo out the window and he came splashing in the fountain!

Izuku laughs at the memory while the two were dumbfounded that their friend - who they've known for as quirkless their entire lives - suddenly has a overpowered quirk overnight. And they also notice the slight change of personality. He was happier, more snarky and had a much more entertaining aura. Yet, they also notice the sheer force of his power. They sweat a bit as they felt the pressure coming from him. Izuku noticed and the pressure disappeared.

Izuku: Sorry about that, forgot that my power intimidates people. Well then, why don't we all have some desserts! My treat.

Izuku ordered the two some blueberry cheese cakes and cramberry parfaits. Izuku then began talking to them about how awesome his abilities were and the two just realised that their friend has become a god-like being. 

Izuku: By the way, I can give people these powers too. So, I'm here to offer them. I'd like you guys to join my court!

Kyoka: Uh, your court? And what do you mean you can give people powers? 

Izuku: I can share my abilities with anyone and I shall suffer no drawbacks. And by court, I mean my group! I want the three of us to form our own hero group!

Kyoka then thought about it. While it was strange that Izuku can just give these powers all willy nilly, it was a very tempting offer. While she was thinking of her answer, Hitoshi told his first.

Hitoshi: I'm in.

Kyoka: That was quick.

Hitoshi shrugged.

Hitoshi: Hey, we're getting powers from a god who is also our best friend. We can trust him.

Kyoka contemplated before sighing. She agreed that Izuku could be trusted, but still... She then made her decision.

Kyoka: I'm in.

Izuku: Wonderful! 

Izuku then took out two masquerade masks. One was a purple one that had a music notes underneath the eye holes and the other a black one that had a purple swirl that covered it. it. He the purple one to Kyoka while he gave Hitoshi the black one.

Izuku: Go to bed with these masks on. You'll be in for quite the surprise!

The two just stared at their masks. What was even going on?


Kyoka was on her bed. Today was a weird day. Her best friend became a god, he offered her to have the same powers he does and join his group. He then gave her a masquerade mask and told her to put it on when she sleeps. She contemplated putting it on before sighing.

Kyoka: Fuck it. 

Kyoka put on the mask and immediately, power surges into her. She gains an overwhelming power boost with multiple abilities that came with instructions on how to use them. However, it was all overwhelming her and she passed out. When she awoke, she saw Hitoshi passed out next to her and heard a laughter. She turned to the source and saw Izuku and....a miniature version of him?

Dimentio: Greetings Kyoka Jirou. I am Dimentio, the previous bearer of the power Izuku Midoriya holds.

Kyoka: Previous bearer?

Izuku: Dimentio here made me his successor when I found his mask. And now, I shall change the system of this world. Or should I say, we? After all, you're now part of my court. Me and Dimentio gift you our power. Use it wisely.

Kyoka: I'm confused. Who even is Dimentio?

Dimentio: Izuku?

Izuku: On it sir, information transfer has started.

Izuku snapped his fingers and Kyoka received the information of Dimentio's abilities and history. Needless to say, she was terrified.

Izuku: No need to fear him, he can't kill anyone nor can he hurt you. He's simply an afterimage now.

Dimentio: Yes yes. Now then Kyoka Jirou, it's time for you to wake up. Assist Izuku with the task he aims to complete.

Kyoka: ...I shall do my best.

She then woke up and felt amazing. She felt more alive! 

Kyoka: Holy shit is this what Izuku felt?

Izuku looked at herself in the mirror and saw that she didn't go through the major makeover Izuku went, but did see that her sclera was black and her pupils became purple making it look like her eyes were a dark void with purple lights shining in them. She smiles to herself and was excited to try out her new powers.

Kyoka: It's Showtime!





Me: Second chapter rewrite, done.

Izuku: Well, seems like you got your powers earlier than before, Kyoka.

Kyoka: Seems like it. 

Me: Anyways, that marks the end of this one. I'll rewrite the next one soon. See you guys soon there!

All: We are signing out!

3519 words in this chapter!

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