Revenge or Love, which will w...

By nandhu26

58.2K 7.9K 1.3K

Both of them wanted only one thing in their life.... She wanted revenge and He wanted love..... What if the r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you

Chapter 24

785 137 11
By nandhu26

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Author's note...

Dear readers...

If u are a fan of BxB stories..please go and search for those stories and enjoy...just because i write well and u like my writing style i cant compel myself into a uncomfort zone to write BxB stories...that too in this fandom....i started to read and write stories as ABHINAVI and SIDNEET i can't even imagine the male idols in that way....

I do read BxB stories...but i can't write like that on them...but if u want u can search for it...even i came across one or two book in that genre with siddharth as one lead...but what i am telling is i cant write like please stop asking me to write a BxB story...

And about someone asking me for a supernatural story like werewolf or vampires...i would like to....but currently i am not having any plot for it...if i guys have any plot feel free to dm me...and i will try to write on it once the ongoing books are completed...

Happy reading...


Neet slept off her tiredness over that
bench and her sleep was disturbed by
loud voices of some kids. She got up and looked around to find many children playing at a distance. She grabbed the water bottle from the plastic bag that Arth gave her and washed her face with that.

Time passed to the evening as she
munched on the snacks which he gave her. She was truly grateful for the boys
act but at the same time, she was feeling a bit nervous.

Neet: What if he don't come back?.....only this thought was keeping her sad for whole time.

She watched as few parents came along with their kids in evening. Smiling, cheering and playing with their little ones. She sadly smiled on the view missing her own family.

Arth: NEET... she quickly looked back to found the smiling boy, skipping
towards her happily... again with a
plastic bag...

Neet: you are here....she said with a smile of satisfaction and he nodded
his head, his fluffy hairs bouncing

Arth: I..i brought these.....he handed the bag to her again....

Neet: Toothbrush and paste...soap..
sanitizer....towel...and clothes....she named out the things in plastic
bag with a surprised look while he nodded his head with a content smile.

Arth:There is another bag inside.....he
gestured and she found other box... definitely filled with food.

Arth: Do you have enough water...i  forgot to take some bottles...he pouted and she just watched him with so much emotions.

Arth: I really want to take you home....he said again to which she  shook her head as she patted his hair l gently.

Neet: You are doing so much for me already Sweetie.....she literally saw a glint of  happiness in those warm brown hazel eyes.

Arth: Sweetie....

Neet: are so sweet...she
replied...still playing with soft locks.

During this, her fingers slightly brushed past the earshell of other and she literally heard a purr like sound from those plump lips.

She stopped her hand for a moment,
eyes widened in surprise as she saw
Arth with closed eyes and with so calm

Neet: He liked that....she thought
and did the thing again....this time on
purpose and was so satisfied by the he  slightly tilted his
head and again let out a cute purr like

Neet smiled and did that for few
more minutes before pulling back her

Arth: Why you stopped.....he pouted and  whined.

Neet: Does it happen before...she asked
in curiosity... curious to know about the effect.

Arth: first time...and i like it...he replied with a shy smile to which she cooed.

Neet: Then i will do it again...whenever
you want....she and he  happily clapped on hearing that.

Arth: Oh the food... You must be hungry...he pointed to box that was filled with aloo puris, fried chicken
pieces and some sweets...

Arth: I am sorry.....if they got mixed....he smiled sheepishly.

Neet just ruffled his hairs in response, taking a chicken piece. She took a bite and then placed the piece infront of his lips.

Neet: Let's eat together....

Neet: All these things....did your dad bought for you...she asked from him...
pointing to the previous stuff.

Arth:Nope...That pillow... Mom bought that for me before i born... and that blanket...bade papa and dada send that from America last year on my birthday...Snacks.... um...kaka usualy go to grocery shopping and he
bought that for me as dad is always
busy with work....he said with sad
smile and she felt the hidden pain
in his voice. But she wanted to feel the
happiness as he had given her.. his treasure.

They spend the time like that and both
felt happiness. Finally at the time
of sunset, he went back with a
promise to come again.

Next day,...he came again and found her waiting for him. He made her listen to the song that his mother recorded for him. He sang that song with his mother's voice and she could see the sparkling galaxies in his innocent eyes.

For some time, Neet felt a sense of
insecurity. She definitely don't want to be a beggar on streets. She needed some place to live as one night a drunk man was roaming on the road with glass bottle. She got scared and hid herself behind the huge tree...with the all stuff.

She wanted to go from there but at the
same time... She doesn't. She wanted to be with the small fluff ball of her happiness in the darkest days. The boy was giving her a new life in new way... She couldn't just left him like that.

Next day, she went to a public bathroom and at that moment Arth came to the park. When he couldn't found the her.., he burst into tears.. crying loudly for his Neet... When she was back, her heart clenched on the sight and that day she decided to keep the boy happy and to be with him..

She was feeling good with his presence,....the way his box smile always makes her heart flutter.... when he talk and eat with a cute pout... the way he giggle...everything was unique about him.

One day...Arth came with teary eyes
but a smile. That day she snapped on
the boy to know the reason of the hand
print on his cheek... but she quickly
regretted that when he sobbed on
his voice.

When he told her the cause of his
tears and hand print...her blood
boiled. His father actualy got to know
about that he was sneaking out of
house every day to park. That's why he
slapped the boy and threatened him to
stay at home. But Arth couldn't, he
came as soon as his dad was gone for
some business.

They continued to meet at park as
Arth continued to bring food and
necessities for her... If it wasn't for him,
she could've died somewhere.. as she

It's been almost a week as they both
meet for every day till the evening... the
dreadful time.

Neet was waiting for Arth...evening turned into dark shadows of
night. and dark shadows turned back
into light. Two days passed away but
he never came back.

Neet was so worried about him but deep down she thought that maybe
he isn't interested in keeping her
close. But definitely she shrugged off the thought...the innocent boy can't do that.

She used the remaining snacks and food but it eventually ended up but he
wasn't back. She thought to come up
with some idea and decided to go out of park in search of some food. She kept the stuff with her....

She found nothing for herself as sense of insecurity was keeping her away from all men. Finaly, deciding to go back to the park with hope to see her Arth again, she stepped forward to leave the alley she was in....But she halted in way when she realised that she was lost.

She ran here and there but found no
way to go back to the park. When the
darkness spread again on the sky, she
slumped down near a wall.. and started crying silently for her loss.

That's the time when a man in his mid
30s found her....

Man: I will give you everything but in have to follow my words...he offered her and for some reasons, a 10 years old girl accepted the offer to change her life completely.


Avneet ended the words.. still sitting
in front of Sid's legs. She was
looking at her hands, recalling the
words of the man who adopted her.
He did used her for many wrong
things, but still she felt grateful for him for giving her a place to live... and most important... he gave her POWER.

She didn't mentioned that part ofcourse as she wasn't ready to spill out the bitter truth of hurting the fragile soul...while being the one to search for him since years.

She came out of her trance when she
heard sniffles. She whipped her head
up and saw him silently crying
while looking at her face with so much emotions.

Sid: w..wanna know.... what happened
to Arth that said in
his shaky voice and Avneet slowly nodded her head....her hands twitching to wipe those tears.. but she stopped herself.


Arth was skipping through the
stairs.. excited to see the only friend.
He called for his favourite kaka
to pack the food for Neet..... right when the main door opened and his father entered the house with an angry face.

The sight was so scary for boy that he
tripped on the stairs and fell down. His head was injured and was bleeding from side but he didn't cried from pain....he cried when he heard words of his father.

Amir: You were trying to escape again?...Serves you right.. now listen to me....YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR WHOLE WEEK...NO SCHOOL...NO PARK...he said and left the sobbing boy near stairs. Once he was gone,..kaka came and treated his wound with a sad look.

Arth: Why is always a..angry on me....he asked from the older who just sighed in response.

Kaka: His heart is like a barren land Arth.....because the fertility is gone with your mother. But i am sure that you can make him happy some day and that day he will definitely love you back. hm....he said and Arth nodded his head... deciding to
impress his father to earn his love but
deep down he was extremely saddened on the thought of his friend.

Arth: N..Neet.....

To his dismay...week was the slowest one. He impatiently waited to end the week and once it was ended, he ran to the park but his heart shattered into pieces when he found the empty bench

Arth: Where are you Neet...i..i am sorry....i am late.....Neet...N.neet...he
searched for her everywhere in
the park but found no one.. he waited
till dark....even his kaka had to come to pick him up.

He was met with another slap once he
was back to his house. He still went to
the park next day and so forth... but his Neet never showed up. And his last hopes died when his father announced that they are shifting to other city.....


Avu: I..i thought...her words lumped
in his throat when she felt two soft
hands over her neck.

Sid: Neet....

Tears were flowing non stop from
those hazel brown eyes. Avneet felt
her heart swelled up with proud on
hearing the word my Neet...

She slowly nodded her head and in next moment she felt her body jerked back when two arms engulfed her in a
strong embrace.

Siddharth fell off the couch and more
like fell over Avneet. He cried over her shoulder as Avneet was
smiling while patting his back. It felt
like kind of deja vu.. the first day when they met.

Siddharth finally pulled back after
a while and looked directly in his
Neets eyes.

Sid: T..That's why your eyes felt so
familiar....he smiled through his teary
eyes and Avneet finally brought
her hand up.. and gently... very gently
wiped the tears from those soft cheeks.

Sid: I am sorry.....he again said as new stream of tears flowed and Avneet  quickly wiped that off...ruffling his hairs afterwards.

Avu: Don't be.. it was our fate. We should feel happy that we found each other...I literally felt so dumb for not asking your real name.. it could be much easier that way....she mumbled
out last part.

Sid: Fate is cruel sometimes...he
chuckled bitterly, recalling his last

Avu:You grown up so well.....she
muttered while caressing his hair and other leaned in her touch.

Sid: t..thank you....he mumbled
and then suddenly he brought up his
hand to remove the mask of other..
now being impatient to see his Neets

Avneet panicked when he tugged
on the mask... ready to yank it off..
She quickly grabbed his wrist genty.
Siddharth frowned on the action
but before he could say anything....she spoke up.

Avu: I..i am having c..cold....

Sid: it's ok.. i just want to see your face...With that he again moved his
hand but this time Avneet slightly
slapped away his hand in panick and
got up from floor.

Avu: Not now...please...she wasn't ready for this... not at all.

Siddharth felt his heart hurt on that but he quickly composed his posture and got up from floor...dusting his attire before wearing a fake smile over his face.

Sid: i..i am sorry...for forcing you. I
just got carried away by my stupid
emotions....he said while playing with
his fingers and Avneet turned back
to face him..she felt bundles of ropes
suffocating her... Siddharth's hands
were shaking while he was trying his
best not to cry....

Sid:umm...i...thanks for telling me the truth...saying that he stormed out of the room without even glancing a look at her...

Avneet ran behind him...but he was really fast this time..she felt broken on the sight...she did it again..she again hurted him.....

Avu: I am really sorry for this sweetie....i am afraid u will go away from me again....
To be continued.... was the chap guys....

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