Stiles goes to Chicago

By slushpuppy_2

7.7K 294 76

Stiles was having a good day...until he was hit in the back of his head. I suck at descriptions. Cross postin... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

1.9K 59 28
By slushpuppy_2

Stiles' POV

Stiles opens the door to his apartment after a long day at college. Hearing his stomach rumble he sets out to make himself a quick dinner, not wanting to be on his feet longer than necessary.

After preparing the food, he leaves it to cook on the stove and heads towards his mini workstation in the living room. Once there he turns on his computer so that he can check his emails and see if he has any queries that he needs to get to.

Stiles found out about the supernatural after Kate Argent tried to burn down the Hales, who only made it out alive because Stiles own father had noticed an older woman acting far too friendly with a very underage Derek Hale.

Afterwards, Stiles quickly found out about werewolves, and he went digging. Looking to find absolutely anything and everything about them, which led to Stiles learning about other supernatural creature. This led to him finding out about how many different species there were, in just Beacon Hills alone.

Apparently, the whole beacon part of Beacon Hills was surprisingly accurate. Not that Stiles ever got to see the nemeton, damn Hales.

Stiles quickly became friends with a large majority of the supernatural community in Beacon Hills, not including the Hale's, however. After the fire the Hale's became very insular and stopped interacting with humans outside of their jobs.

Then sometime after Stiles' 16th birthday Scott got bit by a rouge alpha werewolf whose pack was decimated by one Gerard Argent.

The hales quietly dealt with the rouge alpha and Gerard Argent went missing soon after, most believing one Peter Hale having something to do with it. But once the Hales discovered that Scott had been bitten, they descended on him and wouldn't allow anyone to see him, only letting his mother see him when she threatened to go to the police for kidnapping.

The Hales finally explained what was going on and Scott along with Scott's mother became part of the Hale pack. Stiles also learned that his father had become part of the Hale pack after the whole Kate fiasco.

As a result, Stiles ended up losing both his father, brother, and mother figure soon after. Despite allowing all of Stiles' family join the Hale pack, Talia wouldn't allow him to join as Deaton didn't believe him to be trustworthy. In truth Deaton was just jealous that the majority of the Beacon hills supernatural world now went to Stiles instead when they needed information or research on something.

The worst part was that they didn't even fight for him. They just took the words of two people that had never actually met Stiles.

Stiles stopped staying at his house most nights as his father was never there. Too busy over at the McCall residence to remember his own son. Instead, Stiles started staying over at Danny's and Lydia's houses. They became his family after the last one abandoned him.

Shortly after Stiles' 17th birthday, Stiles decided to create a website to place information he found on the different supernatural creatures to help people. He had already created his own beastiary and was actively helping those in his surrounding environment, why not help more people?

Although Stiles originally made the website to help those new to the supernatural, he's mainly helped those already in the community dealing with other species.

Danny helped make the website after hearing what Stiles was trying to create. He specially coded it with rune work so that any not-in-the-know humans, code defiling hunters or any supernatural people with bad intentions won't be able to see anything but a blank page.

Once his computer is booted up, Stiles opens his website and his emails.

The website is made of detailed and accurate information about many species, and it is laid out beautifully, if Stiles says so. The main page has a quick welcome message for new people with a description about how the website works so that people can feel safe using it, as well as his work email address.

The website has tabs and sub-tabs that help with labelling and organisation. There are 4 main tabs; 'magic users', 'weres', 'sentient being', and then the 'true monsters' then each tab has sub-tabs; witches and druids for the magic users, werewolves and werelions for the weres, kitsunes and fae for the sentient beings and red-caps and wendigos for the true monsters tab just to name a few.

Lydia thought that the fae should have their own tab and at the time Stiles thought that was stupid, I mean how many different types of fae could there be? Now he was older and had a better idea on the amount of fae there actually are, he can understand Lydia's idea better. He will change it...maybe in the summer.

Stiles didn't originally put his email on the welcome page but shortly after his page gained traction people were using the messages tab to ask him some very specific questions that made him want the answers to them himself. He was originally going to just do the research and answer them, but Lydia and Danny called him an idiot and explained that he had found his niche and they were sure that he could get people to pay for his research skills.

So that's what he did. It was lucky that he did too, because it meant that when he turned 18 and his father decided to kick him out of the house that he grew up in, the house that had all the memories of his mum in, so he could sell it. Stiles was able to buy himself an apartment near his college.

Stiles looks at his emails and notices several from the contacts that he's made in the magic community and an email from a recent user of his website who he has been emailing back and forth with and receiving lots of money from.

Thinking that it might be a supernatural emergency that the website may need information on, he decides to open the emails from the magic community first. Doing so he learns that an old curse has been lifted, reading some more he learns it was a binding curse, and all the magically focused creatures have felt it. Which isn't surprising if it's as old and dark as some of these emails are suggesting. Something like that would have a lot of kick back.

Stiles emails back to all of them wondering if they know what binding curse has been lifted so he can research it, while debating if he should ask Danny if he felt it at MIT. He decides against it as it seems he most likely would have considering that only his east coast contacts emailed him about it but none of his west coast contacts have even mentioned it.

So, wherever this binding spell was released it must have happened on the east coast somewhere...good to know.

Stiles hears the beep telling him his food is ready, which he grabs and brings back to his workstation with him. He opens the email from the recent user. Stiles is convinced that this user has to be a vampire and a fairly young one at that considering the emails that he's received from them.

The emails started off with obvious answers that were very obviously on his website, if they would just read the damn thing.

Are werewolves real?

No Stiles just added that subsection for kicks and giggles.

How sure is he that there are different types of werewolves?

If it wasn't for the money, he was getting answering these questions he wouldn't have even bothered answering them, honestly.

What are doppelgangers and how are they created?

That...that was actually a good question that sent Stiles through a 6-hour research binge on everything doppelganger related and he's fairly certain that doppelgangers are real, if the one he was speaking to wasn't lying which he is unsure about seeing as one miss KP didn't give him much information. But how they were real stumped him a bit so he could only charge the user half as it was just a theory, but Stiles is certain that the only way doppelgangers are real is if its nature's way of trying to balance itself out. How or what it was balancing Stiles couldn't be sure.

Did he know of a way to save a vampire that had been bitten by a werewolf?

Stiles looked. He had been looking for a while, but he still couldn't find what he was looking for. Which meant that sadly the vampire who was bitten died according to the user. Stiles didn't make them pay for that line of questioning, it just felt like kicking a person when they were already down.

Has he ever heard of the Sun and the Moon curse and if so, what information does he have?

Stiles had absolutely heard of that curse before. Hello, a curse about two different waring species, that had Stiles' name written all over it. So, you can imagine his feelings when he realised that there was no way for it to be real. That type of werewolf had been alive and cursed way before vampires were made. After telling the user that though he didn't get another email, but he did still get paid, so he didn't care.

Then 2 days ago he got an email about how the user's girlfriend was stuck in a bad situation and if Stiles knew any spell, for a witch, that would bring her back from the dead?

Stiles made the user pay him double for that information as Stiles has never and will never be a fan of necromancy.

The email Stiles got this time though was just to say thank you for the revival spell and that the girlfriend was fine. Her uncle who was actually her father acted as the proxy needed for the spell to work. Which...ya know...whatever Stiles wasn't going to judge someone else's family while his was...well ya know.

The rest of the email asked if he had found a way to save a vampire from a werewolf bite. Apparently, this time the users brother got bit. Which really cemented to Stiles that the user was definitely a vampire.

Unfortunately, Stiles still hadn't found a way, but he did mention his theory this time, that the only way a cure could truly come about was if a supernatural being was made of both vampire and werewolf DNA, a hybrid.

Stiles sent the email just as he was finishing eating his dinner, he did a quick check to see if any of his contacts had emailed him about the binding curse, but he had received nothing. So, Stiles decided to shut down his computer and go to bed.

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