Shining Stars

By Shizuosqueen

2.6K 32 190

Hello!! I'm back with a sequel!! This is a sequel to my fic "Don't Ignore Me" it can be found here and in AO3... More

Shining Stars

2.6K 32 190
By Shizuosqueen

Warning: Some parts may include Mild Language & Light smut. That's all



Everybody shouted and the two monkeys sitting at the booth sweat dropped. Macaque winced at the shout and Wukong reach a hand towards his ears to soothingly massaged them which made Macaque purr. Wukong turned his head towards them and laughed when she saw their faces. She stopped massaging his husband's ears to fully faced the gang, Macaque pouted when he did.

Wukong looked down at her stomach and smiled affectionately has he placed a hand on her lower abdomen. Macaque smiled at the action and embraced his partner and placed a hand on top of hers. Wukong smiled then gave him a light peck on his cheek and nuzzled him has she purred.

Mk watched the married duo with a content smile. He was so happy for them. Lately, he was getting worried about Monkey King since he always seems to be tired and sleeps a lot, not to mention he was eating some pretty weird food and stuff that isn't even food! He shudders, remembering having to stop Monkey King multiple times whenever she does that! Heck, he even stopped her from eating his used up art supplies and Mei and Red Son had to prevent her from digesting jewels and gemstones from the Bull family's private vault! That's when his worry escalated, he was going to ask Macaque if he knew anything about it and was going to recruit Mei, Red Son & Bai He to help him get to the bottom of Monkey King's strange behavior but that was until the news of his pregnancy came up and now everything that happened made sense. Well, mostly.

He watched has they interacted with the others; Sandy, Mei & Bai He asking questions about the baby, Pigsy came out of the kitchen and gave Monkey King a big bowl of noodles with extra toppings and even a huge plate of steamed peach buns and told him to eat then Tang started accusing him of favoritism and Pigsy retorted back with the fact that Monkey King was eating for two now and that he needs the nutrients so him and the baby can stay healthy then he directed that lecture towards Macaque, who grumpily and reluctantly listened has Monkey King laughed at his misfortune and fed him some of his noodles. He was really happy for them; after all the things they went through, both the good and the bad, they deserve to be happy and to have a family together.

As happy as he was for them and he is, he couldn't help the feeling of being replaced somehow. I mean with Monkey King having a kid, a biological one, would that mean that he wants them to be his successor instead of him? It makes sense, they're gonna be the next Monkey King, or Queen, after all so becoming his successor makes complete sense, and not to mention, both Macaque and Monkey King would be too busy getting everything ready for the new baby that they won't have time for him anymore and they will be even busier when the baby is born. But it's okay! He can handle it, he's not some little kid that gets tantrums whenever their parents don't pay attention to them anymore. Parents are overrated! He doesn't need to be coddled or anything! Heck, he's not even their kid and yet, he still couldn't help the feeling of being forsaken and shunned to the side.

He stared down at his clenched fists on his lap has he tried to get rid of the foolish and self-deprecating thoughts swarming his head then he felt a hand on his shoulders. He startled and looked up then relaxed when he saw who it was. Red Son gazed down at him with a blank face but her eyes had a softness to them.

"Whatever you are thinking in that noodle-filled brain of yours, stop it. You look depressing and it makes you ugly."

He commented bluntly has she crossed her arms over his chest. Mk sweat dropped has he nervously laugh and scratched the back of his head. "Oh come on Red, don't be like that," Then he registered the last sentence and turned to him with a glowering expression.

"Hey, I'm not ugly!!"

Red Son snorted then shrugged and Mk scowled at him. "I stand by what I said. Whatever it is that's occupying that monkey brain of yours, forget it. Don't waste your time thinking on something that could or will never happen, just focus on the now." Mk's eyes widen has he stared at the fire demon in disbelief.

"How did you-"

"I would be an inadequate lover if I didn't care to notice that my dimwitted partner is being self-deprecating, so stop it."

Mk smiled at her softly and went in for a hug which made Red Son blushed and hugged him back. "Thanks Red." He kissed her on the cheek making Red Son's hair flare up and the blush on his face darken. "Tsk!" He then gazed at the immortal monkeys which Mk turned his head to also look at them with a cheerless expression. Red Son sighed has he stepped out of the hug then grabbed his hand to drag him towards the couple.

Wukong saw the two walking towards them and beamed has his tail wagged.

"Mk! Red Son!"

Mk smiled has he jogged the rest of the way to them. "Monkey King!" He let go of Red Son's hand then dived in to hug Wukong, carefully avoiding his abdomen. "I'm so happy for you and Macaque! I can't wait to meet the baby!" Wukong grinned and happily hugged back has she purred.

"Aww, thanks bud! And we're counting on you to being the kid's big brother, if you want to that is." Mk let go then stared at the king with wide eyes. "Really?!" Wukong nodded then he turned to the warrior who winked with a smile. Mk grinned gleefully has he pumped his fist. "You can count on me! I'll be best big brother that ever big brothered!" He declared with determination has Mei and Bai He cheered.

Red Son sighed and shook his head with a small smile has she turned towards the monkey couple. "Congratulations, on your pregnancy, Uncle. If there's anything you need all you have to do is, ask and it shall be given." Wukong smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you Red Son, we appreciate it." The golden furred monkey then giggled has she leaned against her husband.

"I can imagine DBK and PIF's faces when you told them we're having a baby!" He giggled again imagining the look of his brother's face. Macaque let out a nervous chuckle and sweat dropped has his ears flicked nervously and smoothed his hair back.

"Well, about that Peaches..."

"You didn't tell them, did you?"

Macaque turned away sheepishly at the accusation the bull prince directed at him. Wukong sighed amused then giggled when an idea came to mind, she stood up and prompted Macaque to stand up as well. "Well, we can't just leave them in the dark or let Red Son tell them. So, how about we go there and tell them ourselves!" Wukong suggested and Red Son nodded in approval with a smirk. They turned to Macaque waiting for his answer, Macaque felt disconcerted has he glanced back and forth between them, he anxiously laughs.


'It can't be that bad... right?'



Macaque ran has he keeps dodging huge hands that can crushed him into a pile of guts and blood. Demon Bull King chased the dark furred monkey has he tried to grab him with his bare hands and plumes of smoke coming out his nose.


DBK brought his fist down and Macaque dodged it has he runs away from the protective and clearly enraged older brother of his mate. "I didn't do anything!" He yelped has he nearly dodged an axe to the head.


"I don't think Peaches would like that!"

DBK roared then charged at him with fire spewing from his mouth and axe swinging. Mk and Mei cheered has Macaque keeps dodging the enraged demon king while the rest watched, sitting by the table drinking tea and eating snacks. Princess Iron Fan made a disapproving sound has she sips her tea, she watches her husband and Macaque fight each other and running around the room, basically destroying things then turns to her brother-in-law with a neutral expression.

"I am quite disappointed that we weren't inform of your pregnancy sooner."

Wukong sweat dropped and chuckles sheepishly. "Sorry about that." PIF then warmly smiles has she took a sip of her cup. "But we're happy for you and your husband, and like what Red Son said; if you ever need anything, just ask and we'll be there." PIF then set her cup down has she remembered something.

"Oh, and if you want, I can set up an appointment for you with a private demon doctor. I always go to her for my check-ups." Wukong smiled at his sister-in-law has he nodded gratefully. "I appreciate that PIF, thank you." PIF smiled at him then he turned to see their husbands still fighting each other. "Shouldn't we go and stop them?" PIF glanced at them briefly then waved a hand dismissively. "Let them get it out of their system, and besides you shouldn't be fighting, it's dangerous for you and most certainly towards your child." PIF advised and Wukong nodded has they continued to chat and drank their tea. DBK roared has he proceeds to throw his axe at the shadow wielder's head but missed and it got stuck on the wall.


"I pretty much like to live to see the birth of my child and besides, you wouldn't want Wukong to be widowed so soon and be snatched up by someone else because she's too cute, gorgeous and sexy to be single forever!!"

A boot was sent flying towards his head and hit him dead on then he face-planted to the floor twitching. Wukong stood there has he was the one who threw the boot, blushed madly and growled.


Everyone laughed.

"Wait, does Nezha know about this?"




"So, let me see if I got this right."

Nezha sat across from the couple at the table while the others watched from the sidelines. They were still at the Bull family's home when they called Nezha to inform him of the news. Nezha took a deep breath then exhaled then turned to Wukong.

"You are with child."

Macaque and Wukong glanced at the each other then nodded. Nezha then turned to Macaque.

"And you are the father."

"I think that's obvious, Lotus Prince. I am his husband and mate." Macaque gave a casual smirk and Wukong laughed.

Nezha gazed back and forth between them.

"I see."

Nezha smiled through his cup has he took a sip of his tea. "Congratulations to the both of you." The couple smiled and Macaque relaxed. "Thanks little brother!" Wukong smiled with his tail wagging and Nezha smiled at him then turn to Macaque.

"Oh, and Liu Er Mihou?"

Macaque tilted his head with a lazy smile. "Yeah?" He startled and jumped when the tip of the prince's spear pointed directly at his face and a threatening and violent aura engulfed the prince's frame has he glared down at the demon monkey.


"Do anything to hurt my older brother and I'll make sure you never see the light of the sun ever again. Do we understand each other, brother-in-law?"

The very tip of the spear poked his nose that made it twitch and Macaque gulped as he nervously laughs and subtly scoots closer to Wukong seeking protection from his mate's overprotective and mad little brother. He can hear the others laughing at his expense but ignored it has he gave Nezha a shaky thumbs up.



The two monkeys slept peacefully has sunlight came through the window from the rising sun. Macaque was spooning Wukong and sighed blissfully has he nuzzled his face at the back of Wukong's head and Wukong purred at the action has she went back to sleep.

But the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted when Wukong snapped awake feeling completely nauseous has he covered his mouth then sprung out of the bed and zoomed into their bathroom and hunched over the toilet to empty the contents of her stomach. Ugly wrenching sounds can be heard throughout the room has she vomited. Macaque was right there with her, holding his hair away from his face and rubbing soothing circles on his back. When Wukong was finished, he heaved heavily has small tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and occasionally slide down.

He tiredly leaned against Macaque, still trying to catch his breath. Macaque kept rubbing soothing circles on his back has he used his tail to flushed the vomit and summoned a clone to grab a cup of water and some crackers has he carried his wife to their bed. He gently placed her on the pillows then wiped away the vomit and tears off her face with a wet cloth. The clones arrived with the items and disappeared. Macaque cooed and Wukong responded with a tired and hoarse chirp, without opening his eyes, he drank the cool water and nibbled on the cracker has Macaque tried to distract him from the discomfort. After that, Wukong kissed her husband then heaved a deep sigh.

"I hate morning sickness."

He softly complained then looked down at his bloated stomach with a mock glare. "This is all your fault." Macaque laughed amusingly has he rubbed his wife's stomach. "Now, now don't hold it against the kid, Peaches." Wukong pouted has his tail swayed then huffed. "Our little star better be worth all this crap." Macaque looked down at his treasure with an affectionate smile has he embraced her and intertwined their tails together.

"They will be, and I'll love them as much as I love you."

Wukong sighed has he flushed pink and leaned into the embrace with a smile.

"And I love you too, so much."

They sat their cuddling the morning away.


Everybody was hanging out on the beach on Flower Fruit Mountain. Wukong was wearing a two pieced swimsuit and was sitting on a chair underneath the shade of a large umbrella with two shadow clones and monkeys, sulking.

He managed to carry some coolers and beach chairs off the boat before Pigsy and PIF caught him and scolded him because he shouldn't do so much work and that he shouldn't stay in the sun for too long or else he might have a heat stroke then PIF proceeded to scold Macaque for not paying attention and she was then condemned to staying under a large umbrella after Mk set it up and there she was now, sitting on a chair underneath said umbrella sulking has one of Macaque's clones fan him and the other giving him ice cold water to drink and the little monkeys from the troop either groomed him or cuddling her.

His ears twitched when he heard someone coming towards him, she looked up to see Mk and Bai He walking towards him carrying a basket with a cloth covering it. When they arrived, they both had smiles on their faces which also made him smile.

"Hey, you two, what's up?" Bai He giggled has she adjusted the basket in her hands. Her nose twitched smelling a familiar scent but couldn't pinpoint what it was for the life of him. "We know you're feeling a bit annoyed since Pigsy and PIF basically banned you from doing anything, so Bai He and I thought we could cheer you up by giving you, your favorite!" Mk then removed the cloth and lo and behold, peaches; big, shiny and juicy peaches laid inside the basket.

Wukong stared at them for a while before bursting into tears. Both Mk and Bai He were caught by surprise by the sudden onslaught of tears but their surprise turned into worry when the crying didn't seem to stop and the two clones and the little monkeys tried their best to console her but failing.

"Monkey King!"

They rushed towards her, the basket of peaches lay forgotten on the sand has the kids tried to comfort the distraught king. Their shout got the attention of everybody on the beach and they rushed towards them and saw the kids, clones and monkeys trying to calm down the upset god.

"What happened?"

Macaque caught sight of the fallen basket of peaches and sighed, knowing what's going on. He walked towards them, making the clones disappear in the process and the monkeys got off the king and took the initiative to gather the fallen peaches back into the basket and took it away, bringing it to their kings' home. He lifted Wukong off the chair and sat down himself and placed her on his lap which Wukong took advantage and bury her face in the crook of his husband's neck and proceeded to cry her heart out has he rubbed his back soothingly.

Mk stared at Wukong concerned and worry then turned Macaque. Macaque caught the kid's eye and sighed. "We found out that there are days that Wukong would crave peaches like he normally does but there are other days when even the scent, taste and thought of peaches make him want to vomit, and it doesn't help that every time she sees one, she starts crying." Wukong cries anew to get the point across.

Nezha raises a judgmental brow and points it at Macaque. "And you didn't think to try to give him something else?" Macaque glared at the lotus prince. "You think I haven't tried?! Every time I gave him something he either takes small bites of it before she ignores it or throws it at my face!" DBK snorts and smugly smirks. "Or maybe he thinks you're ugly as shit and that's why he throws the food at you to conceal your ugliness." Nezha subtly smirked at the jab has Macaque's eye twitched in annoyance has he growled.

The kids felt guilty making her so upset when she already was, all they were trying to do is to cheer her up by giving her something that makes her happy and they thought peaches would do the trick so they got a basket and filled it with the best peaches they could find but the plan backfired on them, horribly. Bai He then smiled ecstatically when an idea popped in her head then turned to Mk.

"How about we try looking for something else? I mean, there's got to be something else he can eat besides peaches?"

Mk smiles has he jumps to his feet.

"Yeah, I bet we can find something Monkey King can eat without getting sick! We're on an island filled with all kinds of food, you and I working together we'll find the right one for sure!"

Mk and Bai He cheered has they high-fived each other. Mei then placed her arm around Mk's shoulders has she dragged Red Son with the other. "And we'll help!"

"I suppose."

The kids then got to work and managed to gather plenty of fruits and berries. They presented each one to the celestial monkey but got the same results; either he nibbles on it then completely ignores it or throws it at their faces which they managed to dodged some but not all of it. But that didn't stop them and after multiple trials and errors, they managed to find the right one and the golden furred monkey was happily chewing on the sweet fruit.

They all sighed in relief.

"At least when he isn't feeling up to peaches, strawberries can be the next best thing!"


"Hmmm, well this is interesting."

The demon doctor, that PIF recommended, stated intrigued has she looks at the monitor of the ultrasound. PIF kept her promise and set up an appointment for them. They followed her into a nice house within a forest filled with plum blossom trees and introduced them to the demon doctor. She was a huli jing with pink and white fur, has five tails and her name was Annchi. PIF and Macaque were surprised when she hugged Wukong and even more surprised when the king hugged back. Macaque, jealous and protective, separated them and asked, demanded really, how they knew each other.

Turns out they knew each other months after Wukong sealed DBK. She was a traveling healer at the time and accidentally stumbled upon Flower Fruit Mountain looking for a specific herb when she met her. She asked what she was doing here and agreed to help her. Soon Annchi came back and they started talking to each other, much to Wukong's reluctance, she kept coming back again and again until eventually they became friends. Annchi would visit the mountain to gather herbs and check on him and the monkeys and Wukong would come to her home whenever the mountain felt too much and was getting a bit lonely.

They told Annchi the news of his pregnancy and she was excited to help out her dear old friend. She lectured them about the do's and don'ts during the pregnancy and she even threaten Macaque to take good care of Wukong which made PIF laugh, Wukong shaking his head in amusement and Macaque grumbling and scowling about overprotective foxes. After the first appointment, Annchi gave the monkeys her number and told them to call her to ask anything then gave them the schedule for their next appointment and rest was ancient history. Right now, Wukong was with Annchi getting an ultrasound to see the baby's progress.

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong?"

Wukong asked concerned for the welfare of his unborn child. 'I wish Liu Er was here!' He thought sadly wanted to smell the comforting scent of plums and mangoes and feel those strong arms embrace her but he was at the theater doing a show. And as much as she loves seeing him do something he passionately loves, she really wanted him here to comfort and reassure her that everything is going to be fine, that their baby is going to be fine.

The fox spirit must have felt his worry and anxiety when he felt a comforting hand on top of his hand. She smiled and sheepishly thank her with a nod which she returned with a comforting smile before letting go.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about and more importantly, nothing is wrong with the children."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Buddha, I thought-" He paused then snapped his head towards her.

"I'm sorry I think misheard you, did you just say 'children'?!"

She spoke that last word in a high-pitched tone. Annchi blinked then giggled. She nodded and smiled at her has her tails wagged happily.

"Yes, and congratulations Wukong! You're a mother of twins!"

The door opened and Wukong walked out looking pale with Annchi right behind, smiling nervously has her tails swayed behind her. Mei and Bai He stood up when they saw him and rushed towards them.

"So, how did it go?"

Silence answered them has Wukong stood there rigid, shadows obscuring her eyes. Bai He and Mei glanced at each other then at Annchi, who just shook her head and anxiously eyed the silent god.

"Um, Mr. Sun,"

Bai He called out. "Are you okay?"

A menacing aura surrounded the king and the two girls flinched then hugged each other in fear when Wukong faced them with a serene yet terrifying smile, Annchi ran and went inside the nearest closet and hid, leaving the two terrified girls in fate's hands. "Everything is fine girls." He said in such a sweet tone that it reminded them of someone causing the two girls to shiver and hugged each other tighter. He still had the same smile has he walked right by them. "Let's head back to the shop, no doubt everyone is waiting for us." His smile widen has he sweetly giggled then he exited the house. The two girls still hugging each other shaking in fear.



"Shouldn't we warn Mr. Macaque?"

"Oh no, whatever that hot topic wannabe did, he's on his own! I ain't getting myself between a pregnant person and their intended target, no way!"




"Mr. Macaque is going to die, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah."




Wukong threw a stoplight at him which Macaque narrowingly avoided. Wukong seethed has he growled showing her fangs, his eyes glowed a brilliant gold and her hair floated around him.


He then threw a dumpster at him which he also avoided has he kept running away from his enraged mate.



This time she ripped out a street light from the ground and tossed it towards Macaque who dodged it when it nearly collided with him.



The sounds of metal creaking, heavy objects crashing against concrete, enraged yells and shouting apologies can be heard across the destroyed street has the gang watched Macaque plead his case to his clearly furious and pregnant mate while running away from said mate. Mk looked at the destroyed street in dismay then he turned to the others.

"Shouldn't we try to stop Monkey King before he destroys this side of the city?!"

Tang adjusted his glasses has he addressed Mk.

"Mk, are you really going to try to go against an enraged, hormone-induced overpowered deity,"

Then Pigsy chimed in.

"Who just found out that he has twins,"

And lastly, Sandy finished the sentence.

"And that he's pregnant with said twins?"


Mk slowly blinked once, then twice, then thrice then he slowly turns back to the destroyed street has enraged yells and loud apologies slowly faded away the further they go down the street.



"Yeah, Macaque's on his own."



Wukong was waiting for Macaque in his dressing room with the kids. Wukong sat comfortably on the love seat with Mk leaning against him when suddenly, she felt a kick. She squeaked has she sat up and looked down at her swollen stomach. He stared at it then cautiously places a hand on top of it and then jumped slightly when he felt it again, a kick, a strong one. He smiled widely, tears pricked at the edges of his eyes and his tail wagging happily has he rubbed his stomach.

"Hello to you as well my little darlings."

He giggled when he felt another kick. She heard a gasp beside her and saw Mk looking at his stomach with sparkles in his eyes filled with astonishment and wonder. His successor looked at him pleadingly and he chuckled then nodded. He grinned and slowly placed his hand on his stomach, he jumped in surprise when he felt one of the twins' kick. He squealed and grinned happily.

"Hello little guys, I'm Mk your soon-to-be awesome big brother!" Mk declared has he hug Wukong's pregnant belly which prompt Wukong to laugh happily and pet Mk's hair causing the kid to melt against his womb.

Mei, Bai He and Red Son also were excited has they also gathered around Wukong to say hello to the unborn babes. When Macaque arrived, Mei and Bai He grabbed him by both arms and dragged him towards Wukong and made him kneel in front of her. Macaque stared up at him confused, when Wukong only smiled and placed his hands and leaned his head on his stomach. Macaque opened his mouth to ask, when he felt two kicks and heard two tiny but strong heartbeats, he inhaled sharply and leaned further, he felt it again, the tiny kicks and heard the sound of tiny hearts beating.

Macaque choked out a wet laugh has tears starting to fall down his face, he rested his forehead on his love's swollen stomach that carries their treasure inside. "Hello my little stars, I'm your Baba." He grinned and his tail wagged when he felt those tiny wonderful kicks. Macaque got up then kissed Wukong pouring all the love he held for her in the kiss which Wukong was happy to reciprocate just as much. They broke away and leaned their foreheads together.

"I love you, Sunbeam"

"I love you too, Moonlight."


"Monkey King, look at this one! It's so cute!"

Wukong turned around to see Mei holding up a cute panda onesie. He looked at it with sparkles in his eyes. "Aww, it's so cute!"

"I know right!"

"Look at this one Monkey King!"

Mk popped in with a bunny onesie and it made Wukong squeal has her tail wagged joyfully then turned to her husband. "Can we get that one? Please, please, please, please!" Macaque laughed at how his mate was acting so cutely and nodded. Wukong cheered and Mk placed the onesie on the cart.

"Let's find some more!"

The three of them nodded and giggled has they made their way around the store.

Macaque, along with Red Son, pushed the cart as they walked slowly behind them and carefully kept a close eye on Wukong. They were in a baby store looking for clothes, toys and stuff for the twins, Wukong and Macaque were using glamor to disguise themselves as to not be recognized by mortals has they shopped.

Macaque smiled at his mate has she and Mei looked at more clothes for the twins while Mk dragged Red Son to go find some baby toys. He couldn't really believe that this was his life now, couldn't believe that he was finally married to the love of his life, that he was going to start a family with him. Sometimes, he believes that he would wake up and be back in that hellhole thinking all of it was just a dream, a fantasy that his mind made up to torture him of what could've been. He exhaled deeply and shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Liu Er, come on! Mk and Red Son found where the cribs are!"

At the sound of Wukong's voice, he looked up and saw her smile the most beautiful smile he had ever seen has his entire being seemed to glow. He smiled has he walked up to her and kissed her at the top of his head and placed a gentle hand on her womb, the result of their love.

Wukong looked at him with admiration and devotion in her eyes and linked their arms together has they walked. Macaque doesn't know what will happen in the future but he was going to enjoy every single moment of it with the people that he loves.



Wukong whimpered has Macaque grope his chest.

"Be-be gentle, they're sensitive."

She cried out when Macaque started to suck on a nipple and softly thrusted up. He whimpered has he threw his head back and tighten his arms around his head to draw him closer has she rocks against him, straddling him.

Six months into his pregnancy, his body started to change and he didn't know how to feel with said changes but luckily he had Macaque to help him out but she was still shy when it came to her chest.

His chest was already big but because of the pregnancy they gotten even bigger, they became softer, plumper and began to heavy with milk, and whenever he moved they would give a slight jiggle and it made her feel embarrassed every time that he started to wear nursing tops to try to regulate it.

Macaque found it mesmerizing and was sadden that his mate was still insecure with it even though it just makes him more beautiful. Macaque was already fond of his mate's chest and loved to tease it every chance he gets, but ever since she became pregnant, they grew bigger and plumper as they get ready to be filled with milk. He was loving the change and was trying to show Wukong that he shouldn't feel insecure of a body as beautiful as his.

Macaque let go of his nipple then stared up at him. Wukong felt eyes on him and looked down to see Macaque staring up at him so lovingly that it made him blush has he let out soft moans. Macaque kept thrusting up softly then moved in to kissed him. The kiss was soft, gentle and filled with so much love that it brought tears to Wukong's eyes and when they broke apart, Macaque leaned his forehead against his sun.

"You're beautiful,"

Macaque whispered lovingly has he stared into golden sparkling eyes. "I mean, look at you, you're gorgeous." Wukong blushed and mewled has he feels his mate gripped his thighs and speed up his thrusts.

Wukong let out soft moans and whimpers has he feels himself getting close. Macaque pants and draws Wukong closer has he feels himself coming as well. They came together and panted has they came down from their high. Wukong caressed his face and kissed him.

"I love you so much, my warrior."

"And I love you too, my king."


Wukong woke up with a gasp. He laid on his side has he heaved heavily, he sighed then gasp. He darts a hand towards his stomach then looked down using his golden eyes of truth and sighed in pure relief when he sees twin spheres of light inside her stomach.

Her lips quivered has tears streamed down from her eyes and fell onto her pillow, she tried to muffle the sounds but she couldn't as she kept crying and hugged her stomach has she curled into a ball as if to protect the two bundles living inside him, still crying her heart out.

He was so surprised when a hand grabbed her shoulder that he flinched. She turns around then lashed out, punching whoever it was to the wall so hard that there was a cracking sound has she backs away towards the headboard, using her tail and other arm to cover his womb from their line of sight and snarled at them showcasing her fangs and her eyes turning to glowing red slits as he glared at them.


The sound of her mate's voice snapped her out of his trance has he shook his head and blinked a couple times. When he opened them, they were his golden eyes, he swiveled his head around until his eyes caught Macaque leaning against the wall, a hand on his chest with a look of pain plastered on his face. He was confused at first before he saw the small crack on the wall and remembered what happened then tensed up has he stared at Macaque with guilt and a linger of fear in his eyes.

He was shaking like a leaf and whimpered has fresh tears fell down his face. He immediately curled up again and using the blankets to hide herself has she sniffles and hiccupping cries.

Macaque stared at the curled up form of his mate with a crestfallen expression has guilt and sadness ate at him. He woke up when he heard Wukong sniffling and when he turned to check if she was alright, he saw her crying and curled up hiding her stomach. He became worried and accidentally grabbed her shoulder and the next thing he knew; he was punched at the chest sending him flying towards the wall which created a small crack on impact.

The impact took the breath out of his lungs has he breathed heavily and clutched at his chest has pain bloomed across his chest has he slowly stands up and leaned against the cracked wall. He saw the looked of fear and guilt in his gem's eyes and he gritted his teeth has he gets off the wall and slowly walks towards the bed.

He quietly sat down at the edge of the bed as to not agitate his stressed-out mate further has she sniffles and whimpers. "Wukong?" He softly whispered and the golden monkey tensed. "Peaches, Sunbeam, Gem," He slightly scooted towards him and seeing that he relaxed a bit kept going has he slowly approached her.

"My King, my lovely mate, my beautiful wife, my darling husband, the light to my darkness, my heart, my everything."

He kept calling her nicknames until he was sitting right next to her, resting his back against the headboard has she finally seemed to relaxed has she finally uncurled himself then stared at Macaque with puffy and red-rimmed eyes and a tear stained face. Macaque stared with woeful eyes and he can feel his heart heavy with sorrow has he opened his arms to him.

Wukong immediately leaped into his arms then hugged him and hid his face on the crook of his neck has he hugged him tighter as if her life depended on their proximity. He rubbed his back and petted her head soothingly as they stayed in that position for a while.

"It was LBD's thrall," Wukong spoke softly that it was inaudible but Macaque heard it has his ears flickered.

"He was out for revenge after what happened to LBD, the twins were already born at the time and he managed to capture the three us. He sealed my powers and chained us to the wall and floor away from each other, he... he said..." He took a shaky breath. "He was going to take everything I hold dear since we took LBD away from him, then... then he..."

Macaque nuzzled head against Wukong's, encouraging him to continue. Wukong whispered has his voice broke.

"He killed them."

Macaque tensed up and he engulfed her in a tight embrace then placed their hands on her stomach. He didn't know if he was trying to reassure his severely distraught mate or himself of the revelation of his children's death, perhaps both. Wukong hugged her womb has he cried and pressed himself closer to his husband.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I- I tried to stop him... I begged, pleaded, telling him to take me instead but all could hear was their screams and then nothing..."

He looked up at the warrior in misery with tears in his eyes and it breaks Macaque's heart seeing him like this. "I'm sorry." Macaque shook his head and held the king's cheek has he kissed away the remaining tears and nuzzled his other cheek. "Shhh, it's alright, it was just a dream." He quietly reassured him has he continues to softly kiss him. "It was only a dream, nothing more, mothing less."


"But nothing," He immediately cut her off. "I know you would do everything in your power to keep them safe. As will I and everybody will be there to protect them as well."

He stares into his eyes with grim determination and a feeling of protectiveness washed over him has he stares at his love. "I would do anything to protect you and our family." He smiled at her. "I would destroy anyone who dare tries to harm either of you, especially from that bastard." He snarled at the last part.

Wukong stared at him before smiling. He felt so much love, joy and admiration for this man that it felt overwhelming, so overwhelming that he started crying again and it didn't help that his hormones were acting up.

The black monkey was startled when he saw tears and he frantically wiped them away has he tried to ask what was wrong but Wukong laughed and hugged him then proceeded to shower her mate with kisses. Macaque confused went along with it and intertwined their tails together.

Wukong retreated which made Macaque pout but that didn't last long when Wukong pulled him in for a kiss to the lips which he happily complied. Few minutes later, Wukong broke away and rested his head on his shoulder has he hugged him.

"I love you."

Macaque hugged back and rested his chin on top of Wukong's head.

"I love you too, Sunbeam."

They stayed in that position until they fell asleep


Wukong frantically searched around the house which landed him in the twins' nursing room. He let out distressed chirps and thrills repeatedly has he searched around the room.

Macaque came running into the room, panting when he heard Wukong's distressed calls. He looked at his mate concerned and worry filled him has he watched her running around the room in a panic.

"Peaches, what's wrong?!"

Wukong turned to him with an upset expression and her tail curled around her has she whimpered.

"Plum, I can't find the twins and I searched the entire house but I can't find them anywhere and their not responding to my calls and why are you laughing?!"

Macaque laughed and clutched his stomach has he held the doorframe to keep himself upright. Wukong's eye twitched irritatingly and he growled has his tail lashed behind him and placed his hands on his hips.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Liu Er! Our cubs are missing!"

Wukong scolded him and Macaque stopped laughing has he smirked at him which irritated the god further. "Heheheh they're not missing, gem." He said has he walked towards him. Wukong huffed and crossed his arms. "Then where are they?"

Macaque's smirk grew wider has he looked down and patted his swollen belly. "There still in here, snug as a bug in a rug in their wonderful Bama's belly." Wukong looked down and slowly blinked, then twice, and thrice before a huge blush decorated his face and turned around covering her face with her hands has he groaned, embarrassed.

Macaque snickered and he was assaulted by swinging tail to his face which made him laugh harder.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!"

Macaque laughed has he avoided the swinging tail and hugged his mate from behind. "Oh come on it's a bit funny, with you having pregnancy brain and all, how many times is this? Sixth? Seventh?" Macaque was enjoying teasing Wukong about this a bit too much which earned him a huff has Wukong turned his head away.

"Keep teasing me like this, and you'll be sleeping on the couch for the rest of my pregnancy."



"I'm sorry, what did you call me?"

Wukong smiled serenely has a terrifying aura engulfed his frame.

Jin and Yin started to sweat has they chuckled and grinned nervously.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Right Yin?"

"Absolutely, we didn't call you a 'fat elephant'- I MEAN!!"

The gold and silver demons hugged each other has the Monkey King's serene smile grew wider and her aura more menacing when he, out of nowhere, took out a huge war axe and started to walk closer to them.

The twin demons were rooted on the spot has they shook in fear has the king drew closer.

"'Fat elephant', huh?"

He stood right in front of them then his expression changed; he was glaring at them with glowing red eyes, his hair floated up around and he gave them a dangerous smirk.







Macaque, Mk and Red Son were holding Wukong back while Mei and Bai He were shielding the demon twins has they cower behind them, and Sandy and Tang were trying to calm Wukong down. Pigsy was watching this from the sidelines with PIF and DBK, who seems to be smirking.

"Did you give her your axe, love?"

"Yes, yes I did."


"She asked."

Screams, enraged yells as well as shouts of protests can be heard throughout the entire afternoon.


Wukong was sitting underneath a tree, relaxing with his monkey subjects. Ever since they found out about the pregnancy, they were excited for the arrival of the prince or princess and they made it their task to aid him whatever they can. Either it is cuddling him, grooming him, supporting him, helping him with small chores or giving him fruits to eat.

Wukong was very happy and touched of how supportive they are, that he embarrassingly remembers that he cried at one point, stupid hormones!

Wukong was trying to take a nap but his abdomen and lower back were giving him problems due to the fact that he was due any day now and that was when Macaque became paranoid, always hovering over him, asking him if he was okay or if he needed anything, constantly staying by her side, never leaving her. She didn't mind it at first, thinking it was sweet and he loved the way her mate would give him massages whenever she asked but lately it became overbearing.

She huffed has she tried to get comfortable but all of a sudden she felt a searing pain in her pelvis and he gasped has he hugged his stomach and took deep breaths to help calm him down and to relieve the pain. His monkeys gathered around him, trying to soothe their king which he appreciated. He didn't know what was happening until he felt his water broke and now knew that he was in labor.

He was excited at the same time terrified. He was about to call out to Macaque when all of a sudden he heard explosions and used his golden vision to see that the gang and Macaque were fighting a demon at the beach.

Well, this was incredibly poor timing.

But nonetheless, he was going there anyway. He managed to summon his cloud and flew to where the fight was which luckily isn't far away from where he was so he stayed floating in the sky on his cloud. He can see Macaque swing his staff at the demon, sending him flying across the beach then using a shadow portal to teleport himself towards the demon and delivering a punch to the gut and the impact made a sizeable crater.

Usually he would be impressed and find it extremely hot whenever he sees his husband fight but a contraction rudely snapped him out of his dazed and reminding him of his current problem.

How was she going to tell him without alerting the demon what was going on?!

She wracked her brain for an answer until she remembered what Mk said even though it was a silly comment at the time, might just do the trick. She moved her hands to her face like a megaphone and yelled.

"Liu Er!"

Macaque's ears twitched when he heard Wukong call for him. He looked around worried that his mate was so close to the battle but when he didn't saw her, he became curious until he looked up. He saw a speck of color in the sky at the distance, he squinted a bit before noticing that it was Wukong on her cloud. He sighed in relief when he noticed that she was safe and far away from the fight and from the demon.

"Is that Monkey King?"

Mk squinted when he saw an oddly shaped cloud. Mei also looked at the direction, squinted a bit then nodded. "Yep, that's her alright."

"What's that monkey doing up there?!"

Everyone shrugged and they heard another shout coming from the king.

"Liu Er, Clouds!"


The intruding demon asked confused as to why the legendary Monkey King was yelling about clouds.

"None of your fucking business!"

Macaque then sent out multiple clones to distract the demon.




Everyone was confused at this point has they turned to each other trying to decipher what was being said.

"What the fuck is she on about?"

"Do you guys think there might be a problem?"

"Buddha, I hope not."

Macaque was staring at Wukong's direction with a concerned and worried expression has he felt something wasn't right. Meanwhile, Wukong was wracking her brain trying to remember the exact word Mk said.

"Come on, think!"

It was really hard for him to think when he was in pain and the fact that he was in labor didn't help!

Tears were starting to form in his eyes but then he gasped when finally remembered, he didn't waste any more time and scream it at the top of his lungs.


Macaque raised an eyebrow at that. "Starlight?" He looked to the side contemplating. "Starlight..." A memory came to mind and his eyes widen has he gasped panicky.

"Starlight! The twins?! W-w-what now?!"


Macaque started pacing frantically mumbling panicky as he does.

"This. Not good."

Mei commented. Mk was also panicking has well but was also angry because this demon just had to annoy them today of all days.

"The twins are coming! You guys heard that right? Sometimes I imagined it in my head-"

Macaque kept pacing around frantically and Pigsy yelled out towards the king.

"Can't you try to, I don't know, hold it in?!"

A vein popped in Wukong's head.

"Can someone slap him for me?"

Tang slapped his idiotic husband at the back of his head.

"OW, Tang!"

"That's what you get for asking stupid questions, sweetie."

Macaque managed to stop pacing and yelled out. "Just sit tight, we're coming!"

Mk clenched his hands around his staff determinedly. "Alright, here's what we're going to do; Mei, Red Son and I will take care of the demon while you guys take care of Monkey King."

"But kid-"

"We have no time for arguments, Monkey King needs us right now! Go! The three of us can handle this."

Macaque gave a grateful nod to Mk and squeezed his shoulder before teleporting himself to Wukong.

The others look conflicted but with an encouraging nod from the three young adults, they agreed and left towards the direction where Wukong was.


Wukong took deep breaths has he tried to calm down has he waited for the others to come. The monkeys brushed his hair away from his face and nuzzled him trying to soothe him which made him smile despite the pain.

"Thank you, little ones."

Then cried out when another contraction hit him. It was getting stronger as time passed and that was when Macaque arrived, looking frazzled and panicked. He ran towards Wukong, kneeled down and held his cheek. "I'm right here, Peaches. I'm right here." Macaque spoke trying to comfort her has he proceeded to lift him up slowly and carry him in his arms. Wukong blinked up towards his mate with unfocused eyes and shakily smiled. "What took you so long?" He panted out has he breathed heavily. Macaque smiled guilty at him. "I'm sorry. I should've been here."

"It's not – Shit!!"

He yelped then groaned has he felt another wave of pain in his abdomen. Macaque winced at the sound and looked at him with extreme worry.


He turned around to see Pigsy, Tang and Sandy running towards them. They gathered around them, Tang gazed worriedly at the distressed king in his arms. "Is he okay?"

Before Macaque can get a word out, Wukong suddenly yelled, voice laced with pain and anger.

"What are you all doing just standing around for?! GET ME BACK TO THE HOUSE AND GET ANNCHI!!"


They all scrambled into a portal and when they entered the house, Macaque opened another portal. "Tang, you and Pigsy get Annchi and tell her Wukong's in labor!" He ordered has he dashed towards their room with Sandy following behind.

They entered the room and Macaque gently placed Wukong on the sheets while Sandy arranged the pillows and gave him a thin blanket to at the very least, give him a bit of comfort. Wukong cried out again and gripped the sheets hard enough that she ripped them.

Macaque cooed has he took her hand with both hands in a reassuring hold while Sandy took the other hand and Mo meowed and rubbed his face against her cheek, trying to comfort her has she yelled in pain and gripped their hands in a crushing hold.

They both winced at the pain but endured it. Wukong narrowed his eyes at Macaque has her eyes glowed red in anger. "You bastard, I can't believe I let you do this to me!!" Wukong spat out has he panted heavily.

"Deep breaths, Wukong. In and out, in and-"

"Sandy, I appreciate it big guy but not now!!"

"You need to calm down, Peaches-"


"I don't think that's possible..."

Wukong sobbed has he felt another contraction hit him and threw his head back on the pillows then turn to Macaque with tears in his eyes.

"I fucking hate you right now, how could you do this to me?!"

Macaque felt utterly useless that he couldn't do more to alleviate his sun's pain, all he could do is tighten his hold on his hand, wipe her tears, kissed him on the forehead and petted his head. Then waited for the others to arrive.

It was going to be a long day.


All of them were waiting outside the house since getting kicked out by the doctor. After waiting for half an hour, Pigsy and Tang arrived with Annchi along with PIF and DBK and when asked, they were in the middle of an appointment when the chef and scholar came and told them that Wukong's was in labor and rushed to get here.

The fox spirit didn't waste any more time and immediately kicked everyone out of the house except for PIF since she needs the assistance. Macaque protested but was shut down by a door slamming at his face and during that time, Mk arrived after defeating the intruder, then Red Son and Mei along with Bai He and Nezha came.

Now everyone, along with the monkeys, were playing the waiting game and they winced every time they heard a loud scream or shout coming from the house.

Macaque had it worst thanks to his ears, they kept twitching and flickering every time he listened in to everything that's going on inside the house has he paced around back and forth. He can hear the sounds of Wukong's heart beating erratically and his heavy breathing, he can hear Annchi calmly addressing him and barking orders has PIF did what she was told, he can hear the sounds of pain coming from his mate since right now she's fighting for her life and the life of their children.

Right there and then, he felt completely and utterly useless has he keeps listening and pacing around. He wanted to be in there, comforting his mate and reassuring her that everything is going to fine, he wanted to help his gem but couldn't.

Right now, he wished that they could switched places so that he would be the one in pain and not him but most of all, he felt terrified. He hasn't felt this much fear even before and after Wukong killed him in the past or even after the events with Lady Bone Demon, he didn't feel that much afraid, until now.

He panted heavily and felt his heart beating so fast that he thought it was going to jumped out of his chest, his eyes became distant and unfocused has thoughts of worst case scenarios filled his head.

'What if something happens and I wasn't there? What if something went wrong? What if something happened to the twins? What if something happened to Wukong? What if-"

He was cut off of his train of thought when a large hand laid on his shoulder. He startled and whirled around to see DBK looking at him with worry and what appears to be understanding.

"I know that you and I haven't always get along but I know what you're going through since I went through same thing with Iron Fan."

DBK stared down at him with a soft and compassionate look and sighs then squeezed his shoulder a bit in reassurance. "Wukong is strong, he faced many adversaries and difficult obstacles and even though she stumbles, he always managed to get right back up and come out on top,"

He lets go of his shoulder and crossed his arms. "The both of us know this, we lived through it, we both tasted defeat at her hands and saw her strength. So there isn't any need to worry about him and if the twins are just as resilient as their mother then they'll be just fine and it seems you had forgotten that fact, so I thought you needed a quick reminder."

DBK's voice was laced with smugness has he smirked at him. Macaque blinked has he stares at the bull king dumbfounded then chuckled has he closes his eyes with a smile, feeling calm and relaxed.

"You're right, I did forget. Thanks."

DBK nodded then the door suddenly opened and a frazzled but happy looking princess appeared with an ecstatic smile gracing her lips has she turns to Macaque.

"You can go see them now."

Macaque glanced at DBK then to the others before walking up to the front door. PIF stopped him has she grabbed his shoulder and whispered. "Congratulations." He smiled has he nodded in thanks then she let go and he went walked inside.


He stood in front of the door and took a deep breath then carefully opened the door.


He called out softly. His ears fluttered and his heart was beating loudly when he heard tiny and soft chirps. He turned his gaze towards the bed and saw his mate; frazzled and tired but happy looking has she gently holds twin bundles in both arms.

Wukong caught his eye and looks at him, his breath hitched when Wukong smiled at him with a tired but broad smile has tiny tears pricked at the corner of his eyes has he laughs.

"What are you doing standing around there? Come in here and meet the cubs?"

Macaque walks in, stumbling a bit has he cautiously comes near prompting a giggle from his mate. His heart was beating loudly against his chest has he sits down on a chair next to the bed. He can hear the chirps and coos from the small bundles has he stares at them.

Wukong giggled at his mate's expression has he adjusts his arms. "Do you want to meet your son?" He asked softly and smiled when he heard Macaque inhaled sharply.


He spoke in a timid voice and Wukong nodded then laughed when he saw the warrior's tail wagged and the eager nod of his head. Macaque opened his arms and carefully took hold of the cub, following Wukong's commands, has he adjusted his arms to comfortably cradle the newborn in his arms.

The cub had golden fur like Wukong's but had a single black streak on the front left and the same face colored marking has him and the cub had two pairs of ears on each side of his tiny head. He was mesmerized has he gazed down at the newborn, then directed his gaze to the other.

Wukong smiled knowingly, scooted closer to him and revealed the tiny cub in his arms. "Liu Er, this is our daughter." Macaque's heart skipped a beat has he looks at the other sleeping cub. She had black fur like him but had a golden streak on front right and the same marking as Wukong and she also had four ears like her twin.

Macaque looked back and forth between the cubs and caressed their tiny faces. Then the cubs simultaneously opened their eyes and Macaque gasped. The golden cub had amethyst eyes with a ring of gold in them while the other had golden eyes with a ring of purple. They stared at him for a while and felt nervous has he stood still then they chirped and cooed has his son reached out a tiny paw to grab his finger.

He looked down and watched his son play with his finger then looked up at him with a gummy smile. He was silent for a while before he felt tears welling up in his eyes and smiled broadly.

He chokes out a wet laugh has he happily nuzzled his nose gently on his son's forehead and kissed him and did the same with his daughter when she chirped at him. Wukong grinned has small tears of pure joy fell down his eyes at the scene. He was so happy, he felt like his heart could burst with how happy he was as he laughs.

Macaque slightly got up and kissed Wukong square on the lips and when they eventually broke away, the black monkey showered her with kisses has Wukong wetly laughs. After that, he sat on the bed and leaned their foreheads together then pulled her into a side hug with the cubs nestled between them.

"Thank you, Peaches."

He said with so much love in his voice that it brought tears to Wukong's eyes has she nuzzled him.

"No, thank you Plums."

Macaque smiled has he nuzzled her back.

"I love you, so, so much."

"I love you too."

The cubs chirped and the new parents gazed down lovingly at their twin bundles of joy.

"We love you too, our little stars."

"Welcome to the world, our little darlings."


"They're so cute!"

"Aww, looked at their wittle tiny ears."


Mei, Mk and Bai He stared at the twins in awe has they chirped and cooed happily at them. It was late in the evening when the twins were born so everyone either went home or stayed on Sandy's boat and on the next day, Wukong and the twins gotten the all clear from Annchi for visits.

First, it was the bull family and Nezha due to familial relations they had with Wukong.

They congratulated the new parents and brought gifts for Wukong and twins which they gratefully accepted then Wukong allowed them to carry and hold the twins even though Macaque was reluctant at first but he knew that the children will be safest and protected with them.

Their visit lasted throughout the rest of the morning till noon due to the fact that; DBK cried, even if he won't admit it, ("What happens in this room, stays in this room!"), when he held the twins, PIF was so enamored with their daughter that they fear she might run away with her, and Nezha and Red Son looked unaffected and calm but the moment Macaque had to take the twins so Wukong could feed them, they angrily hissed and attempted to hide them away from him prompting Wukong to cackle and Macaque to pry, gently, the twins away from them which resulted with him chasing the two princes around the house, who still had the twins in their arms.

Then it was Monkie Kid Crew's turn has they came in, and that's how they ended with Mei, Mk and Bai He cooing at the twins in awe.

The adults watched with amusement has the kids take pictures with Wukong, Macaque and the twins. Mk gazed at the twins with a big wondrous smile across his face has he sat on the chair then he squeaked in surprise when Monkey King caught him staring and blushed a bright pink has his mentor chuckled and warmly smiled at him.

"Want to hold the twins, kiddo?"

He looked at Wukong in disbelief and shock that he wanted him to hold her two precious bundles of joy, and he must've took too long to answer because he jolted in surprise when Monkey King carefully placed the twins on his lap. He stood still like a statue has the golden monkey navigated his arms and before he knew it, he was holding the twins in his arms.

They chirped and he looked down at them. They stared at him and the female twin pulled out her tiny paw towards him. He leaned his face down and she smacked the palm of her hand on his nose which made him slightly winced and close his left eye. She chirped and cooed at him then her brother followed her lead and smacked his cheek repeatedly which prompt him to coo at chirp much quietly.

Wukong smiled warmly at the scene has he watched all three of her kids interacting with each other even if Mk knows it or not, she sees him as his cub and already talked to Pigsy and Tang about adopting him even though he was legally an adult in mortal terms. Wukong laughed at the kid's predicament same goes the others.

"Hahahaha, the twins seem to like you Mk!"

Mk smiled at the comment and his smile grew wider has the twins are now tugging at the ends of his bandanna. He feels tears in his eyes has he laughs then looks down at the twins and they both gave him gummy smiles.

Right there and then, he made them a promise that he'll always be there for them and protect them from anyone that wants to harm them. He said he was going to be the best big brother and by the Buddha, he's going to keep that promise!

Soon after that, Mei and Bai He also got their turn holding the twins respectively and Mei was absolutely delighted when she noticed that the twins were wearing the panda and bunny onesies.

Sandy also held them and let the twins play with his beard, they whined every time Macaque lightly scold them for tugging on the poor giant's beard and gently tugging their hands off said beard even though Sandy reassured him that it was okay.

Then lastly, it was Tang and Pigsy's turn with the twins. Tang cooed at the baby girl has she tried to grab his glasses while Pigsy gently held the little boy in his arms with a soft snort then turned to Wukong and Macaque.

"So, what are their names?"

Everyone stared at the chef.

"I mean, are we really going to spend the rest of the visit just calling them, 'the twins' or 'the babies'?"

Tang managed to stopped the little girl from reaching his glasses has he adjusted his hold on her and his glasses. "Pigsy's right," He turned to the new parents with a questioning eyebrow. "What are you going to name them?"

The king and warrior glanced at each other and nodded. They already decided on the names a long time ago, before they even found out they were having twins. They turn to the others and saw them looking at them with expecting faces.

Wukong reached out to Tang and Pigsy and the mortal couple gave her the twins. She smiled at them with affectionately has she purred and Macaque smiled warmly has he petted their heads has they chirped, happy to be back with their mother and father.

Everyone smiled at them has they seemed to be in their own little world before turning to them with smiles on their faces.

"Our son's name is Sun Liu Er Chengguang,"

"And our little princess is Sun Liu Er Hanyue."

"Our Little Shining Stars."

The End.

Or is it?

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