Blue Ridge Lake [Completed]

By prayersimeon

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In life, you don't have a lot of directions or other people who are there to guide you through the process of... More

Author note/Disclaimer
Characters aesthetic
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter eight -Part two
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteeen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirty one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
bonus chapter
Extended bonus chapter
Engagement bonus chapter
Author note

Chapter four

38 3 0
By prayersimeon

In less than twenty-four hours she would be here back from her flight to the England landing at Heathrow Airport so I was doing as much as possible to get everything done by handing out jobs roles to everyone else making sure that the finishing touches on the decorations were the only stuff on my agenda list to do today, but I was hoping for her sister does not to mention her surprise party to her whilst she was driving her back towards their house in any minute now and I was almost done setting up the house where they lived in on the right side near my house.

All of my friends who were here waiting for her to arrive at the car park garage door when I saw him walking towards the snacks bowls I gently smacked his hand away from it as I heard a car parking outside their home was when I realized that Lola and her older sister Lana the guest of honor was here, pushing her house keys into the door locks to open up the front door also I run-up to her to give my best friend a huge hug even though my brother and his friends were taken her luggage upstairs to her bedroom before meeting her down the stairs and outside standing on the patio area because we are all greeting her or asking how did her flight back home from New Zealand went too.

"Omg, I missed you so much Rose!" I exclaimed excitedly to my best friend Lana.

Her middle name was Rose and my middle name was Sage so we used to call each other our middle names all the time up until now that we have stopped using saying our middle names because I didn't want to confuse her after everything that she had gone through to come out of the other side unhinged by it was a little bit worrying to me, especially when I read about people who had been in similar situations where they had almost died in an accident will be having nightmares about every single time they closed their eyes, Post-traumatic stress or anxiety disorder, therefore, I was all going to be there for her to make sure that I do not lose my best friend ever again, and what best friend would I be to her if I didn't stay by her side to check up on her daily basis a week.

Furthermore, I think it was time to introduce her to everyone else in the house to show her that we are all here for her no matter what we were going to have her back as well as stick with her side every minute of the days, she was like a sister to me since we were both born on the same month as she was born two weeks before me in the same hospital and we turned out to be neighbors who lived next door to each other.

"I missed you too, Penelope because everything else in my life has been a little crazy or some people have been letting me down," said Lana trying not to cry.

As we were both standing there talking together as we were walking inside the house whilst holding back our tears to make it seem like everything was okay when in reality we were just tired, exhausted and sad all the time from missing each other, however, we were drinking lemonade without alcohol being inside our cup for obvious reason I wouldn't even want to say anything about it because it would remind me of how she had gotten in the accident in the first place not knowing how her accident happened or if it was okay to ask her if she was alright. There was one thing that I was definitely certain to do next which was getting on a flight from here to New Zealand to hurt her cheating, lying jerks of an ex-boyfriend jay or whatever his name was.

The doorbell rang as I walked towards the door to opened it and yet, he had already beating me to it so I was waiting patiently to see who was there when I heard Alex introduced himself to Greenwood by the entrance of the doorway then I heard him saying stuff about me like how I was crazy or how Alex should be running for the hill right now as he constantly continues to spread more lies to my plus one person who I invited to this party even though I was a lot stronger emotionally than what he thinks about me, though it still does hurts me a tiny bit more than that and on the contrary, I walked towards them with my head held high taking Alex's hand to lead him to where the majority of all my friends and family were in the house was to get to know each of them more.

"Don't listen to him, okay because everything that he told you is irrelevant and a lie too" I told Alex.

He turned around to look at me, and then he winked at me with the most annoying smirk on his face knowing what he has done royally peeves me off as I was starting to think of a better way to get paid back on him for what he was trying to Sabotage the beginning of my relationship with someone who I actually like also sooner than later I will finish what he has started which was this war because nobody messed up my relationship for no reason why and get away with it.

On the other hand, I was in a amazing relationship being in the talking stages of it whereas he was completely using every single girl in a five minute radius of him except for my friends and I who were repulsive by what he was doing to the population of girls in blue ridge university was so disgustingly sad that he didn't care about anyone of them feelings about how it might affect their confidence even if people say my brother was just like him but only worse because he was a heartbreakers. I always know deep down inside of me why he was acting like he didn't want any of those girls since none of them were my best friend Lana Rose Carter who had stolen his heart all those years ago.

"Don't worry, babe I know everything that he says about you was a lie too" said Alex reassuringly.

Introducing my best friend to all of my friends and my sorts of boyfriend at the time who seem genuinely interested to get to know everybody else here at the small gathering where he was getting along with everyone else in this house which was great I suppose they were just pleased with the way how he was treating me, in the meantime, I was talking to my friends about Lana going to the same university with us in a couple of weeks so it will be if she can have our support everyday life to make sure that she will always be okay because she has been through a lot more than some of has been in New Zealand too.

The karaoke machine was in the living room and then suddenly I got an idea to sing a song with my best friend Lana used to always love singing songs that will help cheers one of us up also we choose to sing living on prayer by Bon jovi as all of our friends joining singing together while dancing around the room when I got picked up by Alex as he spins me in circles as I was laughing out loud having the time of my life before Isaac started Djing to all of the latest tracks on his sets additionally, I felt the most happiest in my life to have my friends, my bestfriend back, potentially boyfriend and my brother here along with me to celebrate the homecoming of Lana return to London.

"I know that you won't believe him but I just don't know why he was saying all of that stuff to you" I said questionably more to myself than to Alex.

Alex gazed into my eyes, gently caressing my face with his hand when he asked "does he mean anything to you like a -"

"Don't worry about him because me and him are literally repulsed by each other. We are enemies too,"I explained to Alex.

Convincingly nodded at me for a second time to understand what was going on with Colin and I a little bit clearer about why's he here all the time then Alex decided to pull me into a kiss when I felt someone else was watching me as we pulled apart from our kiss I glanced over Alex's shoulder to sees Greenwood stood up from his position on the couch as his eyes were on me the entire time even though he left the room with a glass of orange juice in his hands, I don't know why he was going me that looks, therefore, I was going to try to ignore any comments that he had to say about me to my face tonight to avoid causing drama at my best friend party.

In addition to this, I know that he will always come back tomorrow to make my life miserable by horrible stuff to me like do Alex finally for the hills after he had realized that you are a terrible kisser or something else along the lines of did your craziness pushed him to the edge when he had have enough of trying to control him and then I started yelling at him for him being a complete idiot with his heart being made out of stone as we ended throwing stuff at each other unless my older brother had intervened in our argument about his friend who practically lived here with us for no time at all.

"Can I ask you a question about the fact that there is this tall dark brown haired man who looks like he is two years older than us at your party?"asked Lana.

There was two dark haired man at this party such as one of them was my brother Layton whereas the other guy was a idiotic person who like raining on my parade but I certainly hope that she was talking about my brother because I will never wish for her to end up with the biggest player ever in our school to avoid all of this emotional pain greenwood would give her if she was talking about him to me and she deserves the whole world serve to her on a single sliver platter plate.

"Hopefully, you are talking about the one who I think you are talking about right now who is wearing a white vest, leather jacket and jeans with a pair of sneakers" i thought to myself with a disgust look on my face "instead of the other one who just stormed off out of here" i explained to my best friend Lana.

She made me laugh when she took a sip of her drink looking completely upset that I was sad as I explain to her what happened between my potential boyfriend, him and I was talking about earlier in this party furthermore, she hugged me to try to help cheer me up which I pointed the direction that he went to in case she wants to have a word with him to threaten him to never get me upset again or else he wouldn't want to find out what the consequences of it were himself.

"I can sense something between the two of you who claim that they only hated each other and have no romantic feeling towards each other" assumed Lana.

As much as I love my best friend her radar for these kinds of things were right even though I highly doubt that he and I have an attraction towards each other as we could barely stand to be in the same room right now since I don't know why people are saying that we might mean something to one another, but honestly, I just don't see it happening shortly or anytime soon in the nearest future even when I was trying to correct her, she wandering through the crowded people in the living room soon make a b-line straight towards the kitchen to go refill her cup for a second drink of fizzy pink lemonade.

"I think that you might be wrong about it, by the way, and no way will I ever fall in love with him" I replied to Lana.

It was a mystery to me that everyone else says that there might be some sort of chemistry or physical attractions between us when it was just pure, sheer disdain at him for being an inconsiderate toad who tried to ruin every single seed of doubt about my relationship with my ex-boyfriends and then he always has brought up that I was the problem in every aspect of my relationships extremely being so difficult to be around. if I had a penny for every time he would say it then I would be rich enough to buy a boat to sail him halfway across the country to never see his face again.

The rest of the party was a great hit besides him trying to ruin my mood every day he arrived at my house or at least open his irritating mouth full of nonsense to try and tear me down a little more and ignore his harsh words but sometimes I blurted out the words to show him that his words do not affect me at all.

I wish he would butt out of my love life and behave like a decent gentleman for a change even though I don't understand why everyone else thinks that something was going on with us too.

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