Wednesday's Child Is Full Of...

By BaguetteManOfficial

470K 19.8K 7.8K

New cover is courtesy of the wonderful @Aikon_MJ5 Apparently this story has been"Hand picked by Wattpad amba... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Making Friends
The Semester Begins
M Is For Murder
Classes Resume
The Investigation
The Rave'N
The Week Of Despair
I Wrote This Late At Night. I Love It.
The Addams Family
The Family
I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title
Thing's Mission
Another Sleepover
Making Friends
Very Productive Writing Time
Date Night
A Day Out
Wednesday's Birthday
Wednesday's Conundrum
The Better Birthday Chapter
Baby's First Torture
Waffle Aftermath
Swap Part 2
The Thinning Of The Herd
Abyssinia Enid
Muffin Of Death
Courtney's Home
Video Chats
The Blood
Wednesday Returns (Is This Clickbait? Read And Find Out)
Enid Returns
Last Day Of Freedom
March; School Starts Up Again
May; Plans
Puppy Love
"The End"
Winds From Another World Pt. 1
Winds From Another World Pt. 2


8.3K 388 158
By BaguetteManOfficial

(For whatever reason this app no longer notifies me when I get comments on stories. This is just cruel of wattpad. They say they're trying to fix it but for now it may take me a while to see any new comments)

Murder was all anyone seemed to be talking about even a week after the incident. The obvious subjects were the vampires, and as any police officer will tell you, although movies say otherwise the correct suspect is usually the first one you suspect. The reasons for them being the suspects were of course the complete draining of blood and the two teeth-like marks on the victims necks.

The vampires of course were rightfully outraged at this gossip going around. They claimed that the marks on the body's were nothing like vampire bites, and of course since the police had taken both bodies nobody was able to confirm or deny this.

The only person who in any way benefited from this was (y/n) (l/n), who much to his own surprise had found himself with less teasing and bullying from the werewolves since they had diverted their attention to the aforementioned blood suckers.

"Space" (y/n) was pulled from his thoughts as his science teacher began to write on the board. "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space"

"Is- is he quoting the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?" (Y/n) whispered to himself. This was unfortunately one of the classes he didn't know anyone in.

He shook his head before looking back down at the table. The boys sketchbook was sitting there closed so he opened it and picked up his freshly sharpened pencil. The boy wasn't great at drawing but he was decent enough.

Of course the boys thoughts drifted towards the dance that would be in a few weeks, he was a teenage boy after all, what better to have on his mind than girls?

He started scribbling a quick doodle on the open page as he watched it grow. Wednesday Addams, the girl he was doodling, had already said no to going to the dance with him before he could even ask, so she was out of the question. There was only one other choice, Enid Sinclair, the boys oldest friend. A bit disappointing but what else could he do? It wasn't like he could force Wednesday to go.

But then there was the issue that Enid may want to go with someone else, no, (y/n) would have heard by now if she had anyone in mind.

He'd ask her tonight. That was the decision he decided to stick with. She'd have to say yes... right?


"(Y/n)!" The multicolor haired girl could be seen almost as soon as the boy exited his last class.

"Think of the devil and she shall come" (y/n) smiled as he quickly ran up to the girl. "What's up pup?"

"Wednesday wants to see you, something about her books"

"Oh! Right" (y/n) nodded in agreement. "I'm supposed to be giving her the paperwork she needs to fill out in order to assure they get published"

"Ah" Enid nodded with a bit of concern. "Have you thought about how this goes once you no longer have anything to make her keep being your friend?"

"Better than how this'll go if I go back on my word" (y/n) shrugged as he started walking. "See you later!"


"Come in" Wednesday spoke after hearing the knock on her door. It opened and she didn't have to turn to tell it was (y/n) coming in. He walked up behind her and placed the papers on the desk ahead of her.

"This is it miss Addams. Once you sign and I send these papers that's it. I'll no longer have anything to ensure you remain my friend" Wednesday was glad the boy couldn't see her face as she found herself forming a small frown on her face.

"All things must come to an end" Wednesday spoke as she grabbed her pen and began reading the first of the multiple papers.

"End?" (Y/n) frowned. "You aren't referring to our friendship right?" He was met with silence as Wednesday continued reading. "Wednesday?"

"I don't need you any more" Wednesday responded after a moment as she signed the first paper. "You are needy, childish, and yet somehow like me" (y/n)'s frown grew as Wednesday kept talking. "Yet you refuse to accept how alike we are. You are welcome to continue to be in my presence if that is what you wish"

"Does that- are we still friends then?" (Y/n) asked with a confused and sad look, almost like a kicked kitten.

Wednesday sighed before nodding her head as she signed the second paper. "I would not be opposed to saying that"

"Oh I love you too bestie!" (Y/n) quickly pulled Wednesday out of her seat and into a hug. She tried to hit him but with her arms forced still by the hug she found it difficult.

"Let me go" Wednesday growled as she tried to force her way out of the hug. "I am not your bestie. Enid is your bestie"

"I can have two!" (y/n) spoke as he continued to hold Wednesday in a hug.

"Okay this is enough" Wednesday quickly head butted the boy in the face causing him to fall back and land on his ass.

"Ow! What the hell?" He growled as Wednesday turned once again and sat back down in her seat before getting back to the papers.

"Learn to behave. I no longer have to put up with your impromptu displays of affection or your denial of who you truly are. Maybe one day you'll be tolerable but for now you have quite the ways to go"

(Y/n) rubbed his face where Wednesday had hit as he stood up slowly. "Now I'm just going to hug you harder"

"I'm going to hit you harder"

"I don't care"

Wednesday rolled her eyes before reading and signing the rest of the papers.

Word count: 1070

(Almost forgot but to the people who DM'd me asking, the answer is no. Wednesday will not be called Mommy at any moment in this book)

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