Story of Our Love

By Molangisthebomb

1K 24 2

~Q~ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

128 4 0
By Molangisthebomb

Sorry for any grammatical errors.



"My dear, I do not need your insolence right now" Kver said to her husband who only has a disapproving look on his face.

"What do you mean?! You cannot think of working while in this state" Baki said as he pointed at his wife who was sitting in the chair.

"Well I do need to work, you don't work and our child doesn't so who will? I'll admit I've weaker these past few days but I'll manage" Kver said, trying to calm down her husband who appeared to be stressed.

"No you will not, one of these days you'll drop dead from the amount of the work you're receiving and-"

Kver stood up, she walked towards her husband and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss which was full of love stopped him dead in his words. Baki soon accepted his wife's intruding lips, the kiss was purely blissful.

Kver broke the kiss and looked at her husband, she was almost sure that Baki had hearts in his eyes. Kver flashed her husband a small smile before she gave him a light pat on the chest.

"I know you are worried but I will be fine, I will be back home before you know it dear. Although I do not want to leave, I have to go. I'll only be in Germany for a week, nothing more" Kver said in a reassuring manner.

While she didn't want to admit it, Kver herself was nervous. She didn't want to leave her family alone but she was the only one who brought in money. Baki changed jobs like he changed underwear so he was better off taking care of Dia. Sadly, Kver would have to leave Japan for Germany tomorrow. She had broken the news to her husband a couple of hours ago and he had been ranting.

"If you need anything then-" Before Baki could say more, Kver cut him off with another kiss on the lips, this one was merely a light kiss on the cheek.

"I will call, we should go to sleep, I can see how tired you are" Kver suggested as she walked away from her husband. Kver laid down on the soft bed which her husband soon accompanied her.

The two who were lying on the bed stayed silent, they didn't know what to say to one another. They were in love with each other, they couldn't stand to leave each other. Kver couldn't stand to leave Baki but just about everyday she had to.

Kver let out a silent gasp as she felt an arm wrap around her, she was pulled into a chest. Kver smiled, she could feel her husband's heart beating. The mere sound of his heart beating calmed her down. Kver wanted to stay in her husband's arms all day.

Baki let out a sigh once he felt the soft and slow breathing of his wife, indicating that she was sleeping. Baki didn't want his wife to leave him, he wasn't used to her leaving him. He spent all day caring for their child and he was so happy when Kver returned home from work.


Kver gave her husband one last kiss on the cheek, she couldn't contain her tears and let them dribble onto his shirt as she cried into his shoulder. Baki could barely give his wife comfort, he was a mess just like her, both were crying onto each other.

Kver's colleagues looked at the pair with disappointed looks on their faces, many people stopped to watch the two cry into each other's arms. Dia only played on her father's phone, not caring about the dramatic people crying right beside her.

The two hated leaving each other, Kver would lie in bed fully dressed and cuddled Baki until she had to leave for work. Elijah, a friend of Kver's called out to her, he was embarrassed and annoyed by the two who were crying their eyes out.

Kver finally got the strength to let her husband go, she gave him a peck on the lips before giving a light smile. Then her sights were set on her daughter who didn't seem to care about anything other than some game.

Dia was a little shocked when her mother picked her up, the young girl only laughed in response when her mother spun her around. Kver soon stopped spinning the young girl and placed her down on her feet.

"Promise mommy that you'll be good and you won't put stress on your father, because I think I can see some gray hair" Kver mumbled the last part thinking her husband didn't hear what she said.

"You are older than me!" Baki said, he crossed his arms and huffed. The two girls laughed at his childish antics before Dia nodded.

"I promise" Kver smiled at the words, she gave Dia a light pat on the cheek before she walked off to join the rest of her colleagues who were waiting for the woman to finally join them.

Kver turned to look at her family, her husband was crying while her daughter was only smiling. Kver waved at them one last time before she turned back around, walking off.


"Mother is going you" Kver said as she stared down at the bump, she hoped her future son could hear her.

The main reason Kver didn't want to leave, was because she was pregnant, five months pregnant to be exact. She wanted to work from the comfort of her home, Kver hated getting up for work. Her feet were swelled, her back ached and she couldn't eat anything without it coming back up.

Her boss, who she hated the most, was giving her more work than usual. Ever since Kver announced the pregnancy, it's like the woman wanted Kver to work more than she should. Kver had tried her best to not strangle her boss. Now, her boss was sending her to Germany for some business meeting.

The only good thing about this whole trip was seeing the country, Kver had every intention to enjoy herself for this week without any stress. Kver glanced at the balcony doors which were slightly open.

Kver groaned as she got up from the chair she sat on, she walked over to the balcony. She pushed the door wide open, Kver got a good smell of fresh air. She admired the city of Berlin, it was beautiful. Kver watched as the people walked around the streets, cars honking their horns trying to get through tough traffic.

"Hm" Was all Kver said before she walked back into the room, the sound of her phone ringing brought her back inside. Kver grabbed her phone off the bed and answered, she was surprised to hear her daughter on the other end of the line.

"Mummy! Please come back soon, daddy is burning the ribs" Dia said to her mother as she watched her father fail at making dinner.

"It should be at least ten for you, why is your father making dinner so late? You should be sleeping" Kver asked her daughter who laughed.

"Daddy let me have some coffee before bed" Dia said. Kver demanded that Dia put Baki on the phone.

"Order food" Kver said to her husband.

Kver hung up the phone before throwing it on the bed, she sighed as she was back on the leather chair in the corner of the room. She was worried about leaving those two alone, she knew something would go wrong.

Before getting off the couch, Kver looked down at her baby bump again. She was so happy to be pregnant once again. Most people think that childbirth isn't worth it, but when you hold that child in your arms. Seeing that child cry when there are no tears to produce, when they stop crying and look up at you.

While Kver did have her fears, her first time giving birth was painful and scary. She feared for her life and the child, the risks of one of them or both of them dying was high. Kver only prayed things went well, hopefully her prayers had been answered.

Kver got up off the chair, her feet were swollen and the clothes she wore were nothing but uncomfortable. All Kver wanted was to soak in a bubbly bathtub and watch some cliche movies until she fell asleep. Kver also wanted almonds, which she was craving.

Kver walked to the bathtub and turned on the bathwater, she grabbed a bottle and let the soapy substance fall into the hot water. She watched as the tub filled up with blue bubbles, Kver stripped down and slowly got into the tub.

"...Why are you doing that?" Kver suddenly asked, she didn't get a response as the room stayed silent.

"Don't stop now little one" Kver said, the woman winced once she felt her son kick her stomach once again.

"Such a devious little child, you aren't out of the womb yet" Kver said as she lightly poked the belly that was submerged under the water.

"Are you bored, wanna hear a little story? I could down memory lane to when I first announced that I was pregnant with you"...


6 Months Ago

"Baki, I would appreciate it if you didn't put your boxers on the floor." Kver said to her husband who ignored her, she smacked the phone he was holding out of his hands.

"What?!" Baki asked slightly annoyed, Kver huffed as she threw his red boxers at him, the boxers landed on his face.

"You're upset over that" Baki said as he threw the boxers right back onto the floor, Kver groaned as she picked them back up. She thumped her husband on the forehead, Baki rubbed the little red spot on his head before he grabbed his wife.

Kver lightly gasped as her husband pulled her down onto the couch, she fell right onto her husband's muscular chest. She tried to get off until a strong arm held her down, Kver merely groaned.

"Why are you running so soon? How about we just chill here" Baki said as he closed his eyes, ignoring his wife who wanted to be let go. Kver stopped trying to break free and just relaxed in her husband's arms.

Both of them laid comfortably on the couch, Kver was trying to clean the house but her husband only wanted to relax. It wouldn't be so bad to just relax for a little while.

Kver's blue and green eyes shut, she was growing tired by the second. She cleaned most of the house, she only had to clean the bedroom. While she didn't want to, she had to get up.

"Alright, let me clean our bedroom and then we can relax as much as you want" Kver said to her husband who didn't reply.

"Baki stop ignoring me" Kver said as she slapped Baki's chest.

She knew he wasn't sleeping, she glared at her husband who was merely ignoring her. She grabbed his nipple, giving it a good twist which caused him to jolt up. Out of instinct, Baki smacked away Kver's hand.

With Baki removing his arm, Kver got off him. She stood up and glanced at her husband who was rubbing his nipple which was aching, she giggled lightly before walking away to clean their bedroom.

While Kver cleaned the room, moving old things that weren't needed to the side, Baki was marching up the stairs. One thing about Baki, he couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it. He just happened to tell his darling wife about how sensitive his nipples were, he regrets ever telling her.

Kver finally moved the last piece of junk, she sighed as she dusted herself off. Kver jumped as she felt two hands on her shoulders. Kver turned quickly to see her husband who had a dark look on his face.

"Is there something you need? Actually, you could do me a favor and throw out that dresser, the color is hideous" Kver ordered her husband who didn't answer.

"Hello? Come on, I'm sorry for pinching your nips, you pretty nips" Kver said as she flicked her husband on the nipple.

"Please use your strong hot muscles to carry this to trash" Kver said, she wanted her husband to stop ignoring her and do as she asked, even if it meant complimenting him.

Before Kver could nag, she was lifted off the ground. Kver gasped as her husband picked her up like she was nothing but a light feather. Baki threw Kver on the bed, Kver looked confused as she bounced from the throw. Baki got on top of her, pressing her onto the mattress. He kissed her neck while Kver only whined about it.

"Agh...don't start this, at least let me finish getting everything out" Kver said as she tried to push Baki off but failed miserably.

"Shh..just relax" Baki said.


1 Month Later

Cries and light sniffles filled the room, as two women were both sitting on the couch. One woman cried as the other provided comfort.

"I cannot believe this" The woman said as she stroked the hair of the other woman.

"I shouldn't be in this situation, it's all his fault!" A woman named Kver said, she huffed as she wiped her tears.

Kver was pregnant, again. She knew the signs of pregnancy, while she had doubts, the test she took no less than 30 minutes ago confirmed her suspicions. Kver was happy that she was pregnant, she was stable enough to have another kid. The problem was Baki, Kver was angry with her husband.

While she didn't want to believe it, she was almost sure her husband purposely got her pregnant. Baki wanted many kids for some odd reason, while Kver wanted just a few. After Baki told Kver that he wanted 6 kids or more, Kver stopped having sex as often as she usually would. Both Baki and Kver were pent up, so when Baki came at her, she didn't reject, she gave into the pleasure.

Now, here Kver was, pregnant and angry. Kver really didn't know why she was crying, she was upset yes, but not so upset to start crying. The pregnancy caused her to cry, she knew it. Kver was with her best friend.

Greta Schneider was a beautiful German woman with pale skin and bright blue eyes. Greta was tall, fierce and unbelievably intelligent. Greta and Kver went to college together, with Greta being a foreign girl who knew little to no English, Kver was always helping her, which led to their friendship.

The first thing Kver did was call Greta after came back positive, she wanted someone to comfort her. The two have been sitting in the living room for about 20 minutes, Kver started off happy but she got sad as time went on.

"I just need to wait for Baki and Dia to come back, when they do I'll tell them." Kver said as she took in a deep breath.

The sound of a phone went off, Greta picked up her phone and looked at it. She turned off her phone and looked at her best friend with sympathetic eyes.

"I have to get back to work, do you think you can manage dear?" Greta asked.

"Yeah, sorry I called you." Kver said as she shook her head.

"Oh don't bullshit with me, you were right to call me. I'm like the best person to call for these types of situations" Greta said with confidence as she flicked her hair.

"If you say so" Kver said as she laughed, Greta huffed as she left the house. Greta had three kids, when she first got pregnant right after college graduation, she cried into Kver's arms for nearly an hour. Kver had it together better than Greta did.

Kver sighed as she waited for her two kids, heh, to come on home. She wondered what Dia's reaction would be to having a little sibling. Kver already guessed what reaction Baki would have.

Kver grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, she watched two of her favorite characters. As a child, Kver adored the show Spongebob Squarepants. Gary and Spongebob had to be her favorite characters on the whole show.

Soon, a loud grumble came from Kver's stomach, she got up from the couch and went to the kitchen for something. Kver saw no food in the kitchen, she sighed as she grabbed some almonds. She walked back to the couch and grabbed her phone, she gave Baki a quick text to tell him to get some groceries.

Kver fell asleep to the sounds of Spongebob playing, she was cuddled up to some random pillow. She didn't get to sleep long before the sound of someone calling her name soon woke her up.

She opened her eyes to see a pregnancy test right in her face, she fully opened her eyes. She looked up to see an angry looking Baki staring at her while holding the test.

"What is this and why was it in the trash?" Baki asked calmly but you could hear the anger laced in.

"Well clearly I'm pregnant doofus" Kver said as she rubbed her eyes, annoyed she was disturbed from her sleep.

"And how long have you been pregnant?" Baki asked again, Kver only shrugged.

"I don't know, probably two weeks or so. You're the one who got me pregnant, I should be angry" Kver said as she pointed a finger at her husband who laughed.

Baki placed the test on the table before he scooped his wife into his arms, he laughed again as he planted kisses all over her face before spinning her around. Kver had to reaction to it, he did this the first time she was pregnant.

"Now, we have to have four more kids before we can have all six" Baki said, Kver only raised an eyebrow.

"And who is gonna give birth to all those kids? It's not gonna be me love, let's just be happy about our second" Kver said as she kissed Baki on the head.

"Mama, I don't want a brother" Dia said with crossed arms.

"How do you know it's a boy?" Kver asked curiously

"Because I had a dream, the baby is a boy" Dia said before she walked away to eat the new snacks her father bought.

"I think it's a girl" Baki said as he placed Kver down.

"Hopefully not" Kver mumbled.


"You know I really didn't think your big sister was right" Kver said as she laughed.

"Oh and how I remember how I announced I was pregnant with Dia..."

"I was in my second year of college and when I found out, I was sad but your father was over the moon happy. I also remember giving birth to her, but you wouldn't wanna hear about that" Kver said as she laughed, she rubbed her tummy.

Kver stopped laughing once she heard knocking at the door, she sighed as she got back up. Perhaps it was room service bringing her the food she asked for an hour ago. She opened the door expecting to see a worker.

"What are you doing here?!" Kver asked shocked.

"I'm here to bring you food of course, now let me in." The man demanded as he held the tray of random foods.

"Hm...just give me the food" Kver said as she reached for the tray but the man only held it up. She knew she couldn't reach the tray because of the man's scary height.

"You ain't getting anything until you let me in" The man said and Kver sighed as she moved to the side.

The huge man walked into her room with a tray of food, he placed the tray down before sitting on the bed. Kver looked at him with crossed arms, while Kver stared at him, he stared at her baby bump.

The man who was sitting on her bed was none other than Yujiro Hanma, Kver didn't exactly like him. If Kver was being honest, he was a scary, lowdown, deadbeat, womanizer. Yujiro was just a prick, a prick she couldn't stand to be around.

"So my son has succeeded in getting you pregnant, again? Or maybe it belongs to another man" Yujiro said with a smirk.

Kver only smiled in response, she was clearly annoyed by his rather childish behavior. She's known Yujiro for about three years and she grows to hate him even more every time she sees him.

"You're the one who has more kids than I have hairs on my head and you question me? You are hilarious" Kver said to the man as she laughed. She sat down on the leather chair, not wanting to be around Yujiro.

"You still have such a bad attitude. After all I have done for you, you still treat me like this. I'm offended love" Yujiro said as he placed a hand over his heart.

"You come into my room, sit on my bed, and accuse me of being unfaithful to my husband. If anything, you are the one who has a bad attitude, love" Kver said mockingly only to receive a smirk from Yujiro.

"I have always liked you. You have spunk and you're fierce, you aren't anything like that last little thing Baki was with." Yujiro said as he referred the woman named Kozue who broke Baki's heart.

"I've always disliked you. You're childish, immature, and a womanizer. I feel bad for the women who have been with you. Especially Baki's mother, poor thing" Kver said.

"Hm, wanna be like her?" Yujiro asked as he stood up.

Kver gripped the chair tightly, she was starting to get stressed out. Kver was a smoker, she smoked weed when she could. Yujiro's threats only caused her to be more stressed than she already was.

"No thank you, I have a family waiting for me, unlike you" Kver said as she laughed.

"You know, you could always give me a family" Yujiro said as he got closer to Kver. Yujiro was quite the weird man, who hits on their child's spouse? Only Yujiro.

"Stay away from you std infected beast" Kver said to Yujiro who continued walked closer to her, ignoring what she said.

"You know, I always keep something with me just in case I need it" Kver said as she grabbed something off the table beside her, it was her hunting knife.

"I love to see you act so tough, turns me on" Yujiro admitted, Kver glanced at the bulge in his pants.

"Hm, seems like a weird fetish to me" Kver said.

"Probably is" Yujiro replied back.

"Alright, enough joking. Get out of my room, I want to relax and your energy makes me and the baby uncomfortable" Kver said as she placed down the knife and walked to the tray of food.

Kver ate the blackberries that were in the mini bowl, she silently moaned as she ate the delicious food. She felt two hands on her belly, she didn't react to Yujiro touching her.

"A bump looks nice on you, perhaps I can help like last time" Yujiro said, Kver laughed at his words.

"As if, I'll make sure that I'll be far away from you this time" Kver said.

"Why can't you just be a good woman and submit? You seem so invested in my son when he wasn't even there for you when you were giving birth, it was me who you held onto for dear life" Yujiro said to Kver who stayed silent.

"First of all, I was in pain. Secondly, he didn't know about it, thirdly, you aren't the one who raised my kid, your son did. You aren't the father of this child, your son is. You aren't the one who I married, I married your son" Kver said as she went back to eating the fruit.

"So you think you're so great, your son does what you could never. You should thank him, he can teach you how to be a father" Kver said while lightly laughing.

Then, Kver felt a hand wrapped around her throat. She tensed from the grab, she stopped eating and placed one hand on Yujiro's arm.

"What? Are you scared of me?" Yujiro asked as he lightly tightened his grip, making Kver breath hard.

"I do fear you, but I know you won't kill me." Kver said to the man.

"You're right, but I have the advantage so I can do this" Yujiro said as his other hand went in between Kver's legs.

Kver immediately used her naturally sharp nails, she pierced Yujiro's skin. The sound of blood dripping down onto the floor filled the room.

Yujiro spun the woman around, leaving her shocked. Before she knew it, Yujiro has kissed her. Kver gave into the kiss, soon she bit down onto Yujiro's tongue. She could taste his blood, she pulled away from him.

Yujiro merely laughed at the bite, usually, Yujiro would have taken Kver's biting and scratching as a fight but he only found it amusing.

"Hm, I didn't think you'd bite me. Guess I'll get going now, you've given me satisfaction. Keep in mind that I'll be coming around when your nine months" Yujiro said before he walked out of the room.

"Prick" Kver said as she walked to the bathroom to wash Yujiro's spilled blood off her.

Kver felt disgusted and sad that she kissed Yujiro, but she did it just to bite that prick Yujiro. Kver saw that she had a red bruise on her neck, she bruised way too easily.

Kver left the bathroom and went to the table which held her food. She placed the tray of food on the bed.

"I already hate Germany" Kver said as she ate the food.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I took a little break but now I'm back.🩷



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