Chapter 5

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I hope you enjoy this chapter and I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.

Also, this is the final chapter so it won't be so long.


13 Years Later

"And as president of Ame Company, I will make sure that this issue is handled accordingly. Thank you" The voice of a woman said before she left from the podium, she ignored the pursing questions of press who pushed microphones in her face.

Kver watched the TV with a smile on her face, all thirty six teeth were being shown as she smiled. She looked away from the TV and at her daughter Dia, who was laid back.

"Oh my baby looked so professional on camera!" Kver said as she planted kisses on her daughter's face, Dia groaned as she lightly pushed her mother away.

"I don't see why it's so special, who cares?" Kver's son, Jin said as he walked to his bedroom upstairs. Kver simply waved him off before looking back at her daughter.

"Don't listen to him, he's just jealous. I'm so proud of you! You are 21 years old, pretty, smart, and you run some big shot company" Kver said happily.

"Well you always told me to make sure I got a good job so you can retire peacefully" Dia said as she laughed. 

"It's true. I worked for some bitch years ago and she was the devil, never let a person walk over you just because they are your boss" Kver said to her daughter.

Dia glanced at the clock on the wall, she noticed the time. Dia stood up and straightened out her suit, Kver looked confused at the actions of her daughter.

"I have to go mama" Dia said as she quickly kissed her mother on the cheek, Dia left the house leaving Kver alone.

"Hm..." Kver said, she noticed the home was more quiet than usual. Baki and Jin were noisy troublemakers, it was odd for it to be so quiet. 

Kver got off the couch and walked to the backyard,  she noticed her husband working out. She watched the sweat roll off his body as he lifted the heavy weights. Kver slowly walked behind her husband in hopes to surprise him but she failed when Baki turned around.

"Aw..." Kver said as she bit her lip, Baki was too quick for her. 

"What were you trying to do?" Baki asked with a sly smile on his face.

"Nothing, nothing at all" Kver said as she kissed her husband on the lips.


7 Years Later

Kver watched the flowers dance as the wind blew, the flowers that were of many different shapes and colors moved gracefully.

The wind had become a little strong, Kver wrapped the huge scarf around her upper body as she kept watching the flowers not knowing who was sneaking behind her.

"Kver!" She heard someone yell, she turned to see Baki standing there with a smile on his face. Kver was so used to him randomly scaring her she became used to it.

"Yes apple head?" Kver said as she turned back around, she didn't have to see the pout on his face to know it was there.

"I'm offended" Baki said as he sat next to his wife who only shook her head in response. 

The couple watched the flowers dance in the wind, they stayed in comfortable silence before Baki broke it.

"Do you like living here?" Baki suddenly asked his wife who looked over at him.

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