The Unwanted Bond

By LeslyAmbreth27

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Running away from His demons, Beta, Parker Mathison, is trying to avoid the inevitable.. His Alpha Mate. Rya... More

Chapter one- An untimely meeting
I just want....
I'm not
Why are you doing this?
Do you think I'm stupid?
I'm not your little bitch
Oh, Paisley
Five Days On Fire
You were warned, Bro.
I'm Sorry. I'm So Sorry.
You have got to stop acting like nothing affects you.
If you die, I am back to being alone.
Wait, You can...
I could do that, but I don't think you want me to.
this makes so much sense now.
I want to go with him.
I win.
Drugs and Self-harm?.....
Just Breathe.
You Lied To Me.
Moon Goddess.... Please...
Are You Fucking Kidding Me Right Now?
A Little What?
Frog Pose...
Is it really my fault?
Bag of Dicks
"Did you just?"
Authors note
Don't Percy.
Stained and Ruined.
Think we should try...
Let it happen.
Don't Play Stupid.
I don't.. Get it
Hey Now.
How do you feel about that?
This is all your fault.
That Urge
I swear!


303 12 1
By LeslyAmbreth27

TW: Blood, graphic/violent depictions.

Parker's POV:

I opened my eyes to a dark room, a cast free arm, and unbearable heat. My stomach clenched in pain and an involuntary groan left my mouth. I quickly looked around me and noticed I was alone. Based on the amount of sweat coating my body, I would say I was on at least day 3 of my heat, meaning I had been out for a while. I forced myself up and off the bed. I went to head for the bathroom when a sharp pain rang through my abdomen.

I let out a shout of pain and collapsed to my knees. I quietly gasped for air as I tried to make my body loosen up from where it had tensed with pain. I laid down on my side and curled up into a ball. Percy forced himself forward when the door to the room opened. I looked up, trying to keep my body movement to a minimum. Ryan walked into the room and allowed Ryker to come forwards as soon as he saw my eyes.

"You're awake."

I blinked and pulled Percy back even though he grumbled a bit. "Make it stop." I whispered.

"Okay..." He stepped closer and shut the door behind him. "Not gonna attack me again?"

"Again?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Percy attacked me yesterday."

"D-Did he hurt you?"

"I'm healed... mostly."

"I'm... I'm sorry." I gasped.

"It's not your fault that he copied Derek's Aura. We knew it was a possibility that you could pass as an Alpha. Just didn't expect to be mauled by him."

"Wha-... What did he do?" My voice shook with emotion and pain.

"You were out for a while, suddenly he had taken over your body and he tried to boss me and Ryker around. I refused and Percy lashed out. Full on attack mode. Like when you almost went feral. This time he actually fully attacked and didn't stop until Derek and your Dad managed to pull you off me."

Ryan turned the lamp in the room on and I took in a sharp breath as I noticed the scarring on his arm and throat. It was already light pink and would probably be gone by morning but my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god. I almost killed you."

"I'm fine. I'm actually an Alpha, I heal better than most. If I wasn't... that'd be a different story."

"Y-you have to leave." Tears filled my eyes.

"You're in heat? Already on day three. Why would I leave?" He looked confused.

I grunted in pain as I pushed myself off the floor. I could barely stand up straight. "I almost killed you. I can't.. I don't even remember it. I can't mate with you when I can see what I did." I shook my head. The panic was already bubbling up in my chest.

"Hey, Hey, I'm okay." He stepped towards me and carefully placed his hands on my bare arms.

I sighed in relief as the pain reduced. "I tried to kill you."

"No. Percy did." He shook his head.

With how close he was I could easily see each individual claw mark on his arms and that Percy had attempted to make him submit by piercing his throat with his claws. Like most Alpha's do. Percy had dragged his claws over Ryan's throat though, to the point it looked like he tried to rip his throat out.

"Wh... Why would he do that? He knows you're our mate." My bottom lip wobbled as I stared transfixed at the scars on his neck.

"He wanted total control over everything and he didn't get it so he lashed out. It's no different to when I first became an Alpha and lashed out at people. I may not have hurt them the way he did but Percy seems to think that being an Alpha entails making people fear you. Which is why he's not really an Alpha. I am okay. I promise."

"I'm sorry, P."

"You almost killed him, Percy."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Please... Leave." I ripped my arms out of his hold and made my way to the bathroom.

"I'm not leaving. You almost died during your last heat. Let me take care of you." Ryan pleaded.

I could feel the tension in the room from him holding himself back from just taking me. He knew I would freak out if he tried so I appreciated him stopping himself.

"At least let me shower first."


"Because... I've been in here sweating and gross for who knows how long. I doubt I showered after we attacked you so I'm guessing the only reason I don't have blood on me is Derek wiped it off. Just... I need a minute."

"Okay." Ryan held his hands up. "I'm gonna go downstairs, I'll try to find something for you to eat."

My stomach turned at the thought of food and my face screwed up. "Not hungry."

"You aren't now, but after we mate your food aversion should settle enough that you can stomach something small and some water. Okay?"


He nodded and slowly made his way around me. Once he was out of the room and the door was shut, I locked myself in the bathroom and lost it. I turned the shower on, leaving it cold and quickly shed my clothes before sinking to the floor of he shower and letting sobs rack through my body.

"I didn't mean to hurt him or you."

"You still did, Percy. You almost tore his throat out. What happened?"

"I don't know. I can show you."



Percy's POV:

I dragged myself down the stairs and into the kitchen where Ryan was currently cooking something on the stove. He turned when I entered the kitchen. Ryker flashed in his eyes as he caught sight of my own shining instead of Parker's.

"Hi, Percy." He said.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking some food. Are you hungry?"

"No. I'm going for a run." I said.

"No. You're not." He said.

I froze and faced him with a glare. "Excuse me?"

"You already forced Parker's arm to heal quicker than it should have, you're also in heat. You aren't leaving this house."

"You really think you can tell me what to do?" I snapped.

"Hey! I am the Alpha, here. Not you. Don't speak to me that way." His eyes flashed again as Ryker tried to push through.

I gave out a maniacal laugh. "Aww.. that's cute. Need I remind you, I'm an Alpha too?"

"No, you're not. You're an Omega and you copied Derek's Alpha Aura. In case you haven't noticed I am stronger than Derek. My pack is stronger than Derek's. You are not meant to dominate me. You won't."

I felt my anger grow and suddenly attacked. I launched myself at him, scratching the crap out of his arm as he quickly side-stepped my attack. My eyes locked on to his very bloody arm the same time he looked down at it. He slowly backed up and made his way out of the back of the house. I quickly followed.

"You are going to submit to me, Ryan. I will be better than you." I growled.

"I will never submit to you. Ever. Hurting me is only going to hurt Parker, Percy. Stand down."

I smirked. "You won't hurt me." I chuckled. "You're supposedly an Alpha but when you have someone challenging you, you back down."

"You aren't just someone randomly challenging me. You're my mate. If I hurt you, I hurt Parker and he will be scared of me again. I won't take that risk. I suggest you don't hurt him by hurting me."

Ryan continued to try to match me step for step as I circled, trying to get behind him. Blood continued to pour from his arm, meaning I had gotten him good, even his Alpha healing was struggling to stop the flow. He stumbled a bit as I quickly stepped forward. I took that as my chance and once again launched myself at him. This time he was a step too slow and I was able to knock him off his feet. I drove my claws into the front of his neck on either side of his windpipe. His eyes widened and he tried to place his arms between us to keep me from fully getting leverage over him.

"S-s-stop." He ground out.

I dug my claws in deeper. "Then submit." I growled.

Blood started to pool in the corners of his mouth. Some escaping and dripping down his cheek.  He pushed against me with his arm and I snapped, driving my claws into his arm again. He let out a strangled shout of pain. All of a sudden a hand landed on my scent gland and an arm wrapped around me and grabbed my right wrist, trying to make me release his throat.

"Let go. If you kill him, Parker will never forgive you." Derek whispered gruffly into my ear.

I growled angrily, I released him enough that when I pulled my arm away I didn't rip his throat out but I cut it pretty good. Being an Alpha he would survive easily. Derek ripped me away from him, as Ryan tried to grab his throat and coughed, sending blood flying into the air. His fathers and Margo quickly went to his aid. I growled and tried to get back to him. My Dad quickly stepped in front of me.

"If he's an Alpha, let him heal alone." I ordered.

"That's enough, Percy." My Dad growled into my face.

I growled back and snapped my teeth in his face. Next thing I knew I was being flipped into the pool. I came up coughing and hacking as I swallowed a ton of water out of surprise. I dragged myself out of the pool and looked up. I noticed Margo pushing against Ryan's throat with gauze and blood pooling everywhere around him. His Dad held his hand tightly while his father pressed against the wound on his arm. I quickly stood up. I took a step closer before Derek growled and stepped in my way. I quickly bared my neck in submission and Derek relaxed slightly.

"Is... is he okay?" I whispered.

"You almost ripped his throat out." Derek snapped at me.

Both of Ryan's Dad's looked over to me, no judgment was on their faces but I knew that they must hate me.

"I'm sorry. Derek... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"He knows."

I pushed around Derek and stepped closer. Ryan's father immediately bared his teeth and a low growl rocked through his chest. I froze.

"D..Dad. S-stop." Ryan managed to get out.

"Stop talking." He snapped at him.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

Ryan held his free hand out towards me. I went to step closer when my head spun and I stumbled. My eyes rolled back into my head and I felt my body hit the hard ground alarmingly fast. Pain blossomed through my head before I allowed the darkness to take over.

End Flashback:

Parker's POV:

"Oh my god.... They all hate me."

"They don't hate you, Parker. They hate me. It was my fault."


"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize what happened until Derek threw me into the pool."

"Stop... Just stop.." I begged.

"I'm so sorry, P."

"Sorry doesn't change what you did."

I cut off the link between Percy and I and while still crying, especially having the image of Ryan bleeding out from my own hands, burned into my mind, I quickly washed myself. Once rinsed I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off before going into the closet and yanking a pair of shorts on. My arm wrapped around my torso and I steadied myself as pain ransacked my body again. I heard the bedroom door open again as I tried to steady my breathing and control the pain. My head rested on top of my dresser with my left arm and I stayed hunched over. I moaned as two hands gently ran up my back and the pain dissipated.

"Please... Let me help you." Ryan whispered.

"Okay." I answered, voice shaking.

I was carefully led into the bedroom and to the bed. Ryan quickly stripped before gently pulling my shorts down my body. I swallowed hard as I could clearly see all of the marks I left on him.

"Just... Keep your hands and teeth away from my throat.. Okay?" He asked as he crawled over me.

Tears started again and I nodded. "Okay."

"I'm okay." He whispered, pressing his forehead to mine.

"No.. You're not." I shook my head. "You just asked me to stay away from your throat. You... you must be so scared of me doing it again."

"I'm not scared of you. I'm not. Just... the very center still hurts a bit." He admitted.

"You... everyone must hate me."

He shook his head and leaned down connecting our lips. "No one hates you. Least of all me. I should have protected myself. I know how to do it without hurting you. I just... was shocked at how much anger was radiating off of Percy and from how quickly he attacked that I didn't. I just called for help and that gave him the chance to grab the upper hand. I'm not mad, I'm not scared, I don't hate you. No one does."

My eyes rolled back as he slowly sunk a finger into me.

"Besides... when Percy saw what he did... his Aura went back to Omega. That's why he passed out."

I opened my eyes as he gently added a second finger. My hands fisted the sheets and I gasped when Ryan's free hand landed around my throat.

"Stay still for me." He ordered, watching my face as he crooked his fingers. A moan ripped through my chest and my body tensed as he hit my prostate. He added another finger. "There you go."

His hand squeezed my throat gently as he pressed against my prostate again. My hand flashed up to his wrist.

"Please, don't hurt me." I rushed out.

He paused and pulled his fingers free before releasing my throat. "Why.... Why did you say that? Did you really think I was going to hurt you?"

"Well... Percy... hurt your throat and you grabbed mine."

He let out a breath and looked away from me. "I would never do that. I would never hurt you. You know that. I love you and I was just cutting off some blood flow, like I did the last time I "Dominated" you."


"Yeah." He sighed. "Okay, this isn't working.... Turn over. I'm gonna make the pain go away and then I think we need to take a break for a bit."

I turned and got on all fours. I let my head hang low and chewed on my bottom lip. My breath hitched when he lined himself up. He carefully and slowly pushed into me. I let out a sigh at the feeling of being filled. I fisted my hands in the sheets and bit my lip hard as he moved. I tried to keep quiet as I didn't want him to know I was crying. I leaned down and placed my forearms and face on the bed as he started moving even faster. The change in angle brought every thrust to hit my prostate head on.

I could taste blood in my mouth from how hard I was biting my lip and my hands were starting to hurt from tightly holding the sheets. I grunted as my orgasm suddenly washed over me, Ryan quickly pulled out before following me. I could feel his sperm hit my lower back. My mind blanked out as I realized what just happened. He didn't... finish inside me... nor did he knot me. Ryan squeezed my hip once before releasing me and moving to get off the bed.

"I'm gonna grab you a cloth and then I am going to go to the pack house and do some paperwork. When the next round of heat comes, mind link me."

I nodded in response before shifting so my back faced the bathroom. Ryan returned and gently wiped me clean. I hadn't released my lip because the blood going into my mouth was the only reason why Ryan hadn't scented it yet. I honestly felt used. Which is saying a lot since the last time I felt this way was with the rogues. I know I shouldn't feel used because he got me off and was helping me with my heat but the fact that he didn't finish and he did the bare minimum had left me spiraling.

"Alright. I'm gonna leave now. There's food on the coffee table... please eat it. If you need me... at all... let me know. I love you, okay?"

I released my lip and took in a shaky breath. "Okay." I whispered.

I could hear Ryan freeze at the door. Suddenly his footsteps were rushing back to the bed and I was gently moved to where he could turn my face towards him.

"What the fuck did you do?" His eyes widened as he noticed my bloody swollen lip.

I pulled my face away. "Nothing. Just leave."

"No. Why'd you bite your lip?"

"Just leave." I stared at the window.

"Parker..." He sighed. "Did I hurt you?"

"No." I swallowed hard.

I could feel him staring at me before I could feel him force his way into the bond that I have had closed since waking up. His hand quickly pulled away from my arm and he backed up a step.

"I.. I made you feel used? I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry."

"Please... Please leave me alone." I whispered, my eyes stung and my eyesight was blurry with unshed tears.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry."

Ryan quickly left the room and a few minutes later I could hear his Jeep start. I covered my face with shaking hands and let out loud ugly sobs as I finally lost it. After a while of crying, my lip was killing me and my nose was so stuffed I could barely breathe. I crawled off the bed and headed into the bathroom. My eyes were red and puffy and bloodshot, my nose and cheeks were red, but my bottom lip looked a bloody mess. It was still seeping blood and already bruised and swollen. I carefully washed it before washing my face with cold water trying to relieve the redness and puffiness from crying. I blew my nose before going into our closet and searching for clothes.

I quickly decided upon soft bright blue pajamas from the Lee dresser. Wanting to feel comfortable. I was looking for socks when my hand bumped something hard in the drawer. I cautiously grabbed it and pulled it out, blushing when I noticed it was a binky. I quickly shoved it back where it was and forgoed the socks, fleeing the room. I went down the hall and into my toy room. I grabbed a stuffed animal and sunk down onto the bean bag chair in the corner. It faced the door so I could see if someone came in the room. I quickly got lost in rubbing my scarred wrist and staring at the wall. A knock on the door drew my attention. I looked up as Derek walked in.


I just stared at him. He walked over and crouched in front of me, taking in my mouth and my constant rubbing of my scar.

"Hi, Lee Lee. Can I take a look at your lip?"

I slowly nodded and he carefully kneeled on the floor around my legs, leaning in to gently tilt my head. He made a wounded noise.

"This doesn't look too good. Can I bring you to Margo?"

I quickly shook my head.

"Okay. Okay." He held his hands up to calm me. "Why not?"

"Everyone hates me." I mumbled.

"No. No one hates you." Derek's eyes were a little glassy. "I promise."

"You can't promise that. Percy hurt him. They all were so angry with me and they growled at me. Ryan didn't actually mate with me. I shouldn't be here." I mumbled.

"What do you mean, you shouldn't be here?"

"Why didn't you let me die? You had two chances to let me die... three if Ryan had just left things alone. You all should have."

"Lee Lee... You're my little brother... I could never just let you die. You have every right to be here as anyone else. You deserve so much more than you have been given in life. No one hates you. Percy was out of control, that's not your fault. They were warning Percy, not you. I didn't even know you remembered that."

"Percy showed me earlier." I went to chew on my lip again.

"Hey, don't. You're gonna make it bleed again. Please, let me take you to get it checked out."

"I don't care about it. I'm fine."

"You bit through your lip. That's not fine."

"I am fine." I mumbled.

"If you were fine you wouldn't have been rubbing your scar this entire time. You only ever rub it when you are thinking of what happened or feeling like you're gonna hurt yourself. I need you to come with me."

"But I-"

"Please, Lee Lee." His eyes pleaded with me.

"Fine." I nodded.

I allowed him to pull me to my feet and quietly followed him down the stairs where I slid sneakers on before heading out to his SUV. I watched out the window until he pulled up to the pack house. I slowly followed behind and into the pack house. Margo was standing in the foyer with some medical supplies, Ryan standing back a bit towards the elevators and his Dad's were near the living room with my Dad. I clenched my fists and lowered my head as everyone's attention went on me. I didn't move quick enough as I heard everyone's intake of breath as they saw my face.

"Alrighty, lets see what we got, okay?" I flinched as Margo reached towards me. "Sorry. I just have to see if you're going to need stitches. I will keep the touching to a minimum."

I licked my lips but nodded. She carefully lifted my head up so she could see.

"Oh my god." I heard my Dad mumble.

My lip trembled as I tried not to cry again.

"Yeah.. This is going to need at least four stitches." I clenched my teeth as she moved it to see the inside of my lip. "Probably more, the inside is a bit longer than the outside. Alpha Ryan, would you like to come take a look?"

Ryan immediately came over while she stepped out of the way, grabbing supplies from her bag. I squeezed my eyes shut as Ryan cupped my cheeks and made me look up so he could see it.

"Oh, Baby." He tutted before pulling me into him, and pressing his lips to my forehead.

I huffed out a breath of air. "I'm sorry."

"No. No more. I don't want you to apologize to me anymore. You have nothing to apologize for."

"Tell that to your throat." I mumbled.

Ryan growled and picked me up, setting me down on one of the tables in the foyer. "Percy lost control. Not you. I am not mad at you or at Percy. The fact that you thought I was going to hurt you, that you bit through your lip, and that I made you feel used, is too much. I am over it. I am alive, I can talk, I can shift. End of story. I don't want to hear anything about it again.Now it's my time to make up for hurting your feelings and making you feel used. That was never my intention. You were scared of me and I just wanted to help you with your heat without prolonging it. I did so with good intentions but I disregarded asking about your feelings and making sure you were okay."

"He asked me why we saved his life." Derek spoke quietly.

"What?" Ryan turned his head to him.

"Said I had two chances to let him die and that I should have let him. Three if I hadn't let you save him after he was stabbed. He asked me why we saved him. That he didn't deserve it."

"Baby... No. We saved you because you're worth saving." He turned back to me.

I scratched at my scar again. "Everyone here knows that's not true. I've never been worth anything."

"Okay... Okay we are going to talk about this later... for now let's just get your lip taken care of, okay?"

"Whatever." I mumbled.

He sighed and kissed my forehead again before stepping aside as Margo came over. I huffed and zoned out while she began to do her job. Not listening to the hushed conversations around me.

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