Knowing Asher

By Aridah77

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Stephanie Walker, A-straight student, sweet,pretty and every parent's dream. What happens when her simple li... More

Author's Note
Chapter |13|
Author's Note
Author's note
Update 1
Update 2


194 5 0
By Aridah77

"What do you want now?" I deadpanned keeping my face void of emotions.
I am not weak and definitely not scared of her. Every bully wants to see that scared look on their prey and I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me like that ever. One day I will put her in damn place. That is a promise to myself and her other victims.
She pursed her lips together like she is thinking. "For you to leave and never come back"she replied and I fake a yawn looking around noticing that a little group of people has gathered to watch the ultimate show of the year.
Gosh I hate high schoolers because they are so goddamn gossips.
Always taking delights in watching their fellow student get bullied.
They do nothing and some go as far as recording the whole thing and posting on the school group or internet to humiliate the person further.
I just ignored her words and stepped into the cafeteria not bothering to see the shocked look on her face.
I heard ignoring someone who talks bullshit all the time is just like giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Yeah right.
I just couldn't think of a comeback so I think that was better.
I grabbed some food from the counter and happy it's free. I always get lunch everyday and the food tastes amazing.
I looked around and spotted my friends then headed towards them with my head up high. I will not give that girl the satisfaction of ruining my day.
"Sup people" I said with a big smile after placing my tray on the tables. Giving them a side hug except my besties.
My little clique consists of seven people including me.
First we have got my two besties; Amanda and Lily.
Then I have already met Rose.
Thomas : 6,1, blonde hair and blue eyes that resemble the ocean. He is kinda a geek with no glasses still has some girls swooning over him. He has a lot of information about robotics so he is definitely going to major in that in college.
Rob : 6,2, dark hair and black eyes. He is in the volleyball team and is the captain of the team. He is an official playboy changing girls like diapers every week because of his good looks.
Angela : 5,4, redhead hair and green eyes. She is smart, funny, and will go out of a way to defend us, her friends. Give it to Angela to supply us with the whole juicy gists about the whole school.
"I missed you girl" Angela replied with a huge grin plastered on her face.
"I too" I said taking a seat beside Amanda who squeezed my hands as a greeting.
I starting munching on my fries while listening to my friends talking about their holiday. "I visit my grandparents farmhouse in Texas and it was so nice. I learned how to plant and brought fresh apples and strawberries for you all" Angela said reaching into her bag placing a few apples and strawberries which we grabbed one each.
"This tastes so good" I commented.
The popular table is empty and I learnt from Angela that they are still on a last trip at Miami. I unlocked my phone and quickly went to Asher's Instagram page to check his new posts.
He just posted a pictures consisting of the whole basketball team and some girls donned in bikinis.
That's why Katrina isn't with them and she is definitely sad about it.
Maybe that is also the reason the cheerleaders aren't in the cafeteria today.
"We can all go there someday" Angela suggested which we all nodded in agreement. Free trip, I have not arguing on this one.
They continued updating me about the latest in their lives with me just listening.
There is nothing I could share on what I did during the holidays.
If reading, doing house chores are the perfect way of spending the holiday then I can tell them all about it.
The bell rings signaling that lunchtime is over. We said our goodbyes and sauntered off to our various classes.

It's already last period, PE fortunately, it is one of the few subjects my friends and I have together.
Unfortunately Katrina is also in this class.
She always tries to humiliate everyone especially me. I don't even know what I did to that girl to make her hate me so much. She is just the typical queen bee.
I remembered that one time she made me trip on purpose while running round the field. People laughed at me thinking I was clumsy but I knew better.
My friends helped me tell them off but that didn't stop some from continuing laughing. I was so sad that day making despise her more.
I headed to the bathroom to change my clothes into my sport clothes.
My friends are already waiting for me dressed up.
"What took you so long?" Lily asked noticing me through the mirror while retouching her makeup.
"The teacher" I replied dryly already dreading this class.
I entered into an empty stall changing into my baggy T-shirt and black shorts with black sneakers.
I reapply my lipgloss and walked out.
"Let's head out so we wouldn't be late" Amanda said and we all headed to the field.
"Hello to you all. Since today is the first class of this year we are not going to do much. You all will do five laps round the field. Start" the teacher,Mr. Earl, said and blow his whistle.

After finishing the laps, I sat down on the ground to catch my breath.
I am the first person to finish. What can I say, I am super fit.
We all felt it was easy except someone.
Lily collapsed beside me. This girl can't run to save her life. "I hate this class." she manage to get out amidst catching her breath.
"What can I say since I don't feel tired like somebody. Not everyone is fit" I teased and everyone agreed with me laughing
She slapped my arm hard glaring at us.
I hold up my hands in surrender before giggling.
"That's all for today. See you next class" the teacher dismiss us and we headed to the bathroom to get change.

"Bye guys, I have got to go to the library to borrow a book" I said to my friends.
School is over! They said their goodbyes and head into their different cars.
I don't know why they like hanging out with me because I am way out of their league. It pains me to say that but the truth is always bitter.
I am the poor scholarship student and they are the super rich.
I am just glad they are my friends.
Entering the library and heading to one of the sections. I scan through the shelf and find what I am looking for.
A chemistry textbook! I grabbed a romance book from the novels' section.
I walked over to the librarian desk so she could put it in record. "Hello Mrs Pika" I greeted politely.
I am a regular person at this library so she knows me well. I volunteer to help her sometimes. She is in her mid thirties but doesn't look a day past twenty.
"Long time no see Stephanie. How was your holiday?" she asked with a smile.
"It was nice. How are the twins doing?"
Her kids who are just six year old. She tells me about them all the time. She even showed me their pictures. I haven't met them yet but they are a bit handful; she tells me.
"They are fine"she replied and did the necessary thing.
I told her I was going to return them next week.
"Bye Mrs. Pika" I greeted.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Nina. I aren't that old" she called out as I was about to head out.
I just give her a smile over my shoulder before heading out.
I headed to the bus stop.

I unlocked the door and was greeted by silence. I sighed and walked to my room.
I would like to work but my parents don't want that. I just want to help them with the bills but they don't want me to stress myself. Their words I quote: You don't need to help us. Just keep making us proud.
I also want to work because I always get home early. They don't come back early which leads to me getting bored after doing my assignments.
The least I do is to cook them dinner.
I must tell you I am a very good cook.
I changed into a old T-shirt and shorts which are super comfy.
I get started on my assignments. Yeah who gives assignments on first day of school? Lemme tell you, some teachers don't actually care.
I revised everything I learnt today before deciding to take a nap.
Being an A-Student doesn't come easy. I have got to work hard for it.
I set an alarm to wake me up later so I could make dinner.

I groaned when the alarm woke me up.
I reached over to turn off the damn thing.
I walked slowly to the kitchen.
I connected my AirPods to my phone and pressed a random playlist.
I checked the ingredients available to know what I can cook.
We are really running low on groceries.
My parents are really working their ass off to give me a good life.
I love them so fucking much.
Yes mom I replied rolling my eyes at my subconscious.
The ingredients available can only make pasta and meatballs.
I g6started on that while singing my heart out to the song blaring from my AirPods.
Mind you I have got an amazing voice.
It is always good to give ourselves fake compliments because your voice sure sound like a sick chicken.
You kidding me Sherlock!
I put some for myself in a plate and place the leftover in the microwave.
The time is just 6:30pm so I headed to the living room to watched something.
I flicked through the tv to find a reasonable channel.
I leave it at some comedy show not even bothering to find out the name.
I stuffed my mouth with pasta which is so unladylike. Who cares? Definitely not me.
I finished eating and washed the dishes.
I decided to watch grey anatomy on Netflix since there is no good channel.
My parents wouldn't be back in a couple of hours.
It is already 9pm and I am feeling sleepy.
I just left a note on the counter saying how sorry I am not waiting for them to come back before heading to sleep.
I also wrote I made pasta and I love them.
I snuggled into my bed and pulled the blanket over me slipping into a darkness.

This chapter is just helping us to know more about Stephanie.
I am sorry it's short!
Asher will appear in the next chapter.
How do you think of her relationship with her friends?
Is it okay for her to feel insecure about their friendship sometimes?
Thanks for choosing my story.
I love

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