Vector Prime

By Superstar-Wolfgang

183 9 6

When an explosive battle with Virus shatters the universe, Vector races through parallel dimensions to reconn... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

71 3 3
By Superstar-Wolfgang

After the Paradox Prism broke into pieces, Vector was sent into the dark void of a dimensional gateway, unconscious but breathing. He was fainted by the explosion that it knocked him out completely. While he was unconscious, he faintly hear voices echoing around him.

Virus: One day I'll infect that crocodile and the world will be a darker place for it, lit by metal.

Blaze: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!

Big: The forest is the most beautiful place to go fishing.

Silver: I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash.

Amy: *chuckling* You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done!

Big: Hey, I may be the one who can bring everyone together, but there's only one crocodile they'll follow into battle.

Blaze: Heh heh! I don't need an army when I've got a friend like you, Vector.

Blaze's voice echoes within Vector's hearing. He would smile at his best friend.

Virus: I will rule the world, and no reptiles are going to stop me.

Big: We'd follow you anywhere, Vector.

Blaze: Nothing could break our friendship, Vector.

That was the last thing Vector heard the voices of his friends before everything went silent and noiseless.


* A few minutes later... *






Wake up, Vector.....

Someone was calling to him, shaking the croc awake as the crocodile mobian heard voices. His hearing was getting clearer.

Vector.... wake up....!

C'mon..! Wake up..!

Wake up!

Vector would open his eyes, seeing a bright light on his face before it dims away. He groan in pain by the headache and his own body.

Vector: *groan* Ow...

The Wisps were worried about the croc. One of them rub his head.

Rhythm Wisp: Vector, are you okay?

Vector gets up, rubbing his head to slow down the headache as he stumblingly move a bit before stopping.

Vector: That's a sonic boom of a headache. And yes, I'm fine.

The Wisps flew inside of Vector as the crocodile mobian look around at this place. He didn't even know that his shoes were glowing white with electricity.

Vector: Wh-Where an I? Huh?

Some light caught Vector's attention when he turns and see some vehicle driving towards him!

Vector: Aah!

Vector got hit by that. He didn't react in time to use a Zombot Wisp or any kind of Wisp to protect himself. He starts climbing up to the top of the vehicle, looking more into this strange place.

Vector: Uh...

Void Wisp: What is this place?

A noise came from behind him as he turn back and saw a flying vehicle. It was coming from him.

Vector: Aah!

He quickly duck down.

Vector: Close one.

Before he could react again, he felt the vehicle move a bit, causing the croc to stumble on to the ground right next to one of the infected citizens. Vector started to get up, stood still like a stick and look around while he was on the conveyor belt, but he tripped.

Vector: Ow!

Followed by some sweepers moving Vector around, sending him straight to the wall.

Vector: Why can't I remember how I got here?

Vector quickly gets up to his feet and started thinking.

Vector: Think, Vector, think!

Vector would look down at his shoes, seeing them glow with electricity.

Vector: Woah, what is up with my shoes?

Vector examined the shoes by picking his foot up, looking at how shocking it was. At least it didn't hurt him.

Vector: Huh. I haven't seen anything like this since I ate truck stop chili dogs.

Void Wisp: Me either.

Vector begins to call out to his friends.

Vector: Blaze? Big? Heck, I'll even take Silver at this point.

Vector would talk to the infected citizens, hoping they would tell him what this place is.

Vector: Uh, pardon me, what do you call this place?

The infected citizen didn't respond to the crocodile.

Vector: Are you ignoring me? You're ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me? Why is everyone ignoring me?

Vector continues asking the infected citizens about this place, but no answer from them.

Vector: Can anybody give me a straight answer around here? And you're busy staring at nothing. Okay.

Suddenly, a blaring noise caught Vector's attention as he looks up at the sign.

Vector: Huh? "Welcome to New Metal City. You're welcome." Never heard of it. Has to be far from home. Where are the mountains, the beaches, the palm trees?

Vector didn't see anything but cities, machines and some Metal Virus on there. Then, the croc notice a hedgehog mobian and a small Chao next to him as he was so happy to see them.

Vector: Shadow! Dark!

Vector hugged the hedgehog mobian who's really freaked out about this.

Shadow (New Metal City Dimension): Woah! Uh...!

But what Vector didn't know is that he was being watched by something or someone.

Vector: Am I glad to see familiar faces! I thought I was losing my rings, you know what I mean?

Vector looks more into this place.

Vector: What is going on here? Are you wearing pants?

Void Wisp looks at the curious hedgehog and told Vector about this.

Void Wisp: Uh, Vector. I don't think that's-

An unknown robotic voice was heard and a spotlight was on Shadow and Vector.

???: *robotic voice* Unidentified, citizen. Alert! Alert!

One of them was a flying robot heading towards them but Shadow already ran away and so were the citizens.

Vector: Shadow! Don't go!

Vector look up at that flying powerful robot that shaped like an owl. It's not just one, they're were multiple of them.

Owlbot: You are in violation of city ordinance 27 B/6.

Vector: Sorry, I don't speak robot.

Owlbot: By the authority of the Chaos Council, stand down or be disassembled.

Said the Owlbot with its lasers locked on Vector the Crocodile. He wouldn't just run away from them like that. The only way through is by fighting. That's why Vector loves to fight Owlbots.

Vector: Chaos Council. Sounds important. Give me some directions, and I'll take it from here.

Vector was going to run fast and far away from the Owlbots, but he decided to fight.

Vector: They call me a Hero because I am a Hero!

Vector wouldn't be called Hero for nothing, so he use his Spike Wisp to attack the Owlbots, destroying them one by one.

Everyone seem to be amazed by Vector's powerful Wisp power that they wanted to help the croc out, and they did. They started to destroy the so-called Owlbots to gain the advantage.

Vector saw how the citizens, okay or infected, are fighting back against Virus's robots and since they have the advantage, Vector has the same thing in him. This is what Sonic does. Protecting the people of Mobius who are in trouble and saving the world. That could be Vector's big deal.

Vector: I don't know how he did it, but he did it. I can't believe it. Virus won.

The infected citizen would walk up to Vector and give him a happy smile.

Citizen: Thanks for the help, stranger!

Vector: Always to help a friend out!

Vector looks around before telling the citizens to go hide.

Vector: You guys get to safety! I need to go find my kitty cat friend!

Vector uses his Boost Wisp to run fast. The citizens would thank the crocodile before heading inside a safe place called the Resistance.

Meanwhile, inside a big building, a metallic zombie robot with a cyborg suit named Rustbolt Big was watching the footage of a crocodile with a music beat and Wisp power from the security cameras, seeing how he helped the people to fight off the Owlbots and help aid them to safety.

Rustbolt Big: Who are you?

Someone was there in the silhouette, hearing what Rustbolt Big said from afar, sounding annoyed.

???: More ungrateful rebels?

Rustbolt Big: No. Something new. Not in the databanks.

Rustbolt Big begins to type on the keyboard as it shows Vector's energy bars and DNA as well as his profile.

Rustbolt Big: Its energy profile is... intriguing. The Unidentified Running Organism has outrun the Owlforcers and is heading towards Rowlet's area.

An Owl sign with a leaf bowtie appears on the logo. Who knows what kind of trouble Vector be heading to and it's not going to be good.

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