"New friends!" Omori Reader I...

By Albahacabs

5.6K 100 99

This is a story in which, young y/n gets to make new friends! They spend years together playing but SOMETHING... More

The beginning
Picnic + a new friend!
So I did myself in Omori Style
Basil's birthday
Weekend at Mari's and Sunny's! (Part 1)
Weekend at Mari's and Sunny's! (Part 2)
Weekend at Mari's and Sunny's! (Part 3)
Rainy Day!
It's summer! Woo!


351 4 20
By Albahacabs

I know I said this chapter would be out before christmas, but I just didn't have any time, sorry

"YAAAAAAY!!!!" You shouted while running down the stairs

You ran towards the living room and saw the christmas tree and all the presents below it

You were 11 now.

After seeing all the presents you ran back up the stairs and entered your mom's room

"Mom! It's christmas!" You shouted

"Well isn't that good? Hey, what if you call your friends and you open your presents all together?" You mother suggested

"That's a great idea! I'll be back!" You said running out of the room and exiting the house

You walked to Mari's and Sunny's house and knocked on the door, which was opened a few seconds later by the tall girl

"Hey y/n! Do you want anything?" She asked

"Yes! My mother gave me the idea to call all of you and open our presents together!" You answered happily

"Sounds good! What do you say Sunny?" Mari asked 

"Okay" He answered 

"So, what about we go to look for Hero, Kel and Aubrey and you go to look for Basil? It'll be quicker" Mari suggested

"Okay! See you!" You said running to Basil's house

You arrived and knocked on the door

A woman even taller than Mari opened the door

"Oh, hello! You may be one of Basil's friends right?" She asked and you nodded, but she cut you off before you could ask if he was home "Yes, he is home, i'll tell him to go out" She said while going back in "Basil! One of your friends is here!" She said

"Coming Polly!" You heard him say and heard footsteps heading to the door

Basil arrived and you greeted him

"Oh, hey!" Basil said trying not to get a panic attack just because of talking

"Hey! Want to come with me and open our presents with all of our friends?" You asked

"S-sure! Let me get everything, i'll be out in a second" He said and went in his house leaving his door open

Two minutes had passed and he still was in his house

"He probably has a lot of presents and is having trouble carrying them all, i'll help him" You said to yourself

When you were about to go in to help him he came out and you two bumped

"Ouch, sorry are you alright?" He asked

"Yeah im fine..." You answered

You noticed he only had one present in his hand

"That's all you have?" You asked and he nodded "Oh, alright"

"So, should we go?" He asked you

"Yeah, let's go with the others" You said and started walking to your house

After arriving you saw the others waiting for you

"Oh hey!" Hero said

"Y/n! Let's go to my house and open our presents, I can't wait!" Kel said jumping up and down

"Actually" Sunny's and Mari's mom said while appearing from behind a tree "You should go to our house, I made cookies!" 

"Cookies! Okay guys, see you!" Kel said running to Sunny's and Mari's house

"Kel wait! You've forgotten your presents!" Hero said but Kel was already inside

Hero grabbed Kel's presents and you all walked to Sunny's and Mari's house

The backyard had a few christmas decorations, one of the trees had ligths, just like the house on the outside. After entering you saw that the house was even prettier in the inside, they had fully decorated christmas tree and there were lights everywhere

"Hey miss uh... Sunny's and Mari's mom, yeah when are the cookies gonna be ready?" Kel asked

"In a few minutes, sit by the tv  while they finish if you want" She answered

Without answering Kel ran to the couch and layed down occupying all of the space

"Kel!" Aubrey said angrily

"Is anything wrong?" Kel asked with a smirk, knowing why she was yelling at him and just wanting to annoy her

"There isn't any space for us!" She said even more angry

"Oh, my bad" He said while sitting down but still covering a lot of space of the couch with his arm and Aubrey thought he was gonna make space for her "Sunny, sit down" He said and Sunny sat down

"Hey! It isn't fair" She shouted

"Well, you said I needed to make space for more people, and I did that, Sunny is sitting right here" Kel said

Aubrey was gonna answer (or punch him) but Sunny's and Mari's mom arrived with a plate full of cookies

"Cookies!" Kel shouted and jumped out of the couch to grab a cookie, and Aubrey used that opportunity to finally sit down on the couch

Kel grabbed a cookie from the plate

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" He screamed shaking his hand in pain "They're's burning hot!"

"That's what you get!" Aubrey said without being able to worry less about Kel's first degree burn

"Quick, get cold water!" Mari said and Sunny, Basil and you ran to the kitchen

You three came back with a bottle of water that had been in the fridge for a bit too long

Just after coming back from the kitchen Kel took the bottle, opened it and throwed all the water over his hand

"Better Kel?" Hero asked

"Kind of, but do you know what would make me feel better? Orange joe!" Kel said

"We're not getting you Orange Joe Kel" Hero answered

"Well, if it helps him we can get some for him, right Hero?" Mari asked giving Hero a death glare

"Uh- Yeah!" He answered

"That's what I thought! I'll go buy some Orange Joe, I'll be back soon!" Mari said going out of the house

Just after Mari exited the house Aubrey touched one of the cookies

"You liar!" Aubrey shouted, ran to where Kel was and pushed him "The cookies aren't even that hot! They're just warm" She said being really angry

"You're such a dumbass! The cookies WERE burning hot, it's just that that was a few minutes ago, so they cool down!" Kel shouted back

"Oh, so you're calling me dumbass uh?-" Aubrey tried to say trying to keep the discussion on, but Hero stopped her

"Kids, It's alright! That means that the cookies aren't burning hot anymore, so we can eat them!" Hero said trying to calm them down

"Oh right!" Kel said running to where the cookies were, took one and ate it in less than 2 seconds

"You're crazy, how do you even eat a cookie that fast?" Aubrey asked walking to him

"It's easy, you just have to put it all in your mouth and swallow it" He answered and Aubrey put a cookie in her mouth

"Lwike wis?" She asked with a cookie on her mouth

"Uhh... Yeah, just swallow it now" Kel answered

Aubrey tried to do what Kel said but started choking, luckily Hero knew about that kind of stuff and saved her

After that Mari came back with a bag full of orange joe

"Hey everyone!" She said while coming in

"Mari, I think you bought too much-" Hero said and got caught off by Kel

"Orange Joe!!!" He said while running to the bag and took a bottle of Orange Joe off

He went to the carpet and opened the bottle

"Having so much Orange Joe makes me wanna uh... Dance from happiness!" He said jumping, but he forgot the bottle was opened

More than a half of the juice came out and splashed towards the carpet

"Uhh... You're such a a bad Orange Joe bottle! You shouldn't have done that! Right guys?" Kel said trying not to get punished

Mari knew Hero was gonna get really mad so she changed the subject

"Let's just forget all of this happend" She said gping infront of Kel but still looking at the others as if she was protecting him "I have good news! On my way to but Orange Joe it started snowing! So we can open our presents and go out to play with snow" She said

Luckily all of them were happy enough by that that they forgot what Kel did

"That's a great idea! Let's open all of our presents quickly and go out" Aubrey suggested

"Calm down Aubrey, we're gonna open our presents, but not quickly" Hero said

"Fiiine" Aubrey said

"Okay, I'll start then!" Aubrey said taking her present

She opened it to reveal a...

"Me and y/n got you a baseball bat!" Mari said

"Yeah, Mari thought that you would like it since you like running and sports, we can play baseball together if you want to!" You said thinking she wasn't gonna like it

But Aubrey wasn't paying attention, she was just staring at her new bat. For her, it wasn't a baseball bat but just a bat. She didn't wanna play baseball with it she just wanted to hit stuff.

"Aubrey?" You asked scared she didn't like it

"I love it! Thank you so much!" She said

"Oh, I thought you didn't like it" You said

"Of course I don't like it! As I said, I love it!" She said

"That's nice, and by the way Mari, I got you this present" Hero said giving Mari a present

Mari opened it and it looked like it was a book

"Ugh, a book... Couldn't you be a bit more original Hero?" Kel asked

"Thank you! It's a sheet music for piano collection!" Mari thanked him

"No problem!" He answered

"By the way, I also have a present for you" Mair said giving a present to Hero

He opened it and it was.... Drumroll please... Another book! (Boring)

"A recipe book, thank you!" Hero said

"Okay, stop flirting already, it's my turn to open my present!" Kel said and started to open his present agressively

He opened it and it was a basketball ball

You thougth he wasn't gonna like it since he already had plenty of basketball balls, but you were wrong

"A professional Basketball ball! Nice!" He said

"My turn now!" You said and started opening your presents

You had plenty of presents so it took a long time to open them all, you got a new videogame, two books, a plushie and some toys

"You got lots of stuff y/n, you're lucky!" Kel said

"I don't think she was lucky Kel, I think she got good grades" Hero said

"Oh, shut up! If you're trying to make me get good grades by tha, it isn't gonna work!" Kel answered

"Stop discussing guys, it's Basil's turn to open his present" You said

"Oh right, sorry" Hero said

Basil started opening his gift, it was a camera

"It's a present from me and y/n!" Aubrey said

"It was my idea tho-" You said

"That's true, but I also spent money on it" Aubrey said

"Thank you, I'll try it whenever I can" Basil said

"Okay Sunny, it's time for you to open your present!" Hero said

"This year, you get just one present, like the rest of us, but all of us worked together to get it" Mari said

"It probably doesn't look like much... But we all had to save up for it together" Basil added

"Yeah! Me and Basil even started selling cookies and lemonade in the summer!" You said

"And Mari and I took a job at the bakery for a while, if you remember" Hero said 

"What about me? I had to deliver newspapers every morning with Aubrey for three months..." Kel said "And you know how much I hate mornings and Aubrey!" He said

"Kel!" Aubrey said punching him in the face

"Ouch, sorry it was a joke!" He said

"Whatever" Aubrey answered

"We know this might be a lot of pressure but..." Mari said

"It's been a while since you quit playing violin" Hero finished Mari's sentence

"Mari told us how you always sit with her in the room when she's practicing the piano" Basil said

"And there was even that one time I caught you trying to play your old mini violin, even though it was too small for you" Kel added

"Anyway... this was y/n's idea... but we all decided to pitch in for a really nice one... so... yeah!" Aubrey said

"We hope you like it Sunny!" Mari said "This is from all of us to you"

"TA-DA!" Kel shouted

"It's your very own violin!" Aubrey added

"We hope you like it Sunny... Go on and try it out!" Basil said

Sunny started playing the violin as if he never wuit playing it, it was amazing

You suddenly heard a small noise coming from behind you, you turned around and saw Basil looking at his camera

"Hey Bas! Did you like the camera?" You asked him

"Yeah! It's really cool, thank you" He answered

"No problem!" You said and looked at his camera "Wait, did you already take a picture?" You asked

"Uh... yeah, why?" He asked you

"Can I see it?" You asked

"Okay, let me print it" He said pressing a button to print it, and few seconds later the picture was out

"It's amazing! You're really good at taking photos" You told him

"Thanks, but im not that good tho-" He said but Kel caught him off

"Alright, Sunny finished trying his violin, so it's time to play at the snow!" Kel said while running out of the house

"Kel wait- You forgot your coat!" Hero said, but Kel didn't hear him sicne he was too far away already

You laughed while putting your coat on and exited

After exitting you saw Hero stuggling to make Kel put his coat on

You started playing and did snow angels, snow fights and at the end you all did snowmans

"I finished, mine's the best!" Kel shouted

Kel's snowman really was the best, it was really big and it was obvious he put a lot of hard work into it

Buuut Aubrey had another plans for his snowman

You suddenly heard a noise, it sounded like snow was falling

You turned around and saw Kel feaking out and Aubrey holding her bat proudly 


"Isn't it obvious? I killed your snowman" She answered

"Yeah, but why?" Kel asked pushing her

"As revenge!" She said putting her bat obove her head

"Revenge for what?" Kel asked confused

"For being a dumbass!" Aubrey answered without having to think it twice

Aaaand the fight went on, to summarize, the fight ended when Hero shouted at them and after that Mari's and Sunny's mother went out and said it was late, so you all had to go home

A pretty good christmas overall, you would say things are about to get better

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