At The End Of The Tunnel

By jaydenkingg

721K 21.2K 11.3K

[BoyxBoy] Kai Carter has been through hell and back. His parents are abusive, homophobic and don't support h... More

1) Alone
2) Bad Parenting
3) Down Memory Lane
4) The Outcast Alliance
5) Sundays
6) Friendship Unlocked
7) I Feel Important
9) End Product
10) Is That Jealousy?
11) But, It's Midnight
12) Your Parents Are Jackasses
13) Deep Breaths Damien, Deep Breaths
14) Don't Lie To Me, Kai
15) You, Me And The Guys
16) The Lake
17) A Good Stalker
18) Oui
19) Bonfire
20) The Day After
21) The Drive
22) A Little Obsessed
23) Welcome
24) Senior Field Trip (Pt.1)
25) Senior Field Trip (Pt.2)
26) Boyfriend?
27) Welcome To The Family
28) Spilling Secrets
29) Happy And Free
30) Everyone Will Know
31) I Just Wanna Be Left Alone
32) Karma Really Is A Bitch
33) Somewhere In The Distance
34) Better Off Broken
35) This Is What It Feels Like
36) Never Alone
Bloomed By The Rain

8) Paint Me

20.7K 630 354
By jaydenkingg

Song: Best Day Of My Life by American Authors

Kai Carter (POV)

I was up bright and early, too excited about my plans for the day to contain myself. I knew that I wasn't going to get a call from Damien anytime soon since it was only five am, but, I was sure to stay close to my phone.

I couldn't believe that Damien thinks that i'm so good at painting that he actually wants me to do a portrait for him. That caused me to get very anxious, because I really wanted to do a good job. I hope he likes it.

I decided to do what I did every Sunday and head over to the park after I got ready for the day. I was happy that I didn't run into my parents on my way out of the house.

After spend some time at the park, my phone rang. I knew exactly who it was, but I still looked at the caller ID to see an unknown number. It was Damien. I had not yet saved his number from the time that he gave it to me, but I had already memorised it.

I swipped my screen to answer the phone and held it up to my ear. "Hello." I answered.

"Hey, ummm...what time is good for you?" He asked.

"Any time. I'm free and not really doing anything important." I truthfully said.

"Ok, so is now a good time?"


"I'm going to come pick you up." He said.

"I'm at the park so you can come get me there."

"Ok I'll be there in ten." He said before hanging up.

Exactly ten minutes later I saw Damien's car parked near the park. I gathered my stuff and started making my way over to his car.

When I reached by his car, he rolled down the window. "You can put all your stuff in the back seat." He said smiling kindly at me. His smile was one of the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I obeyed him, opening the back door and putting all my things in. Luckily I didn't bring my bike to the park with me, so I didn't have to worry about where to put it.

When I got in the car, he immediately started driving. He turned to look at me. "How are you doing?" He asked, turning to look briefly at me.

I smiled at him. "Fine." I said truthfully. Being here in the same vehicle with Damien was enough for me to be ok. Even though we were just friends, he made me feel safe and important.

After driving for some more time in comfortable silence, Damien spoke up.

"My parents are dying to meet you." He said with a slight smile on his face, not bothering to turn to look at me.

I snapped my head towards him so quickly that I was suprised that my neck didn't break.

"Your parents?" I ask with curiosity dripping in my tone.

What did he mean his parents? Does he talk to them about me? I wanted to know.

He quickly turned to face me and chuckled. "Yes my parents. I told them about you." He told me.

At that point I was definitely blushing and I was doing a horrible job at hiding it. I knew that Damien saw me blushing because he looked at me and started chuckling. That only caused my face to get even more red.

After some more driving, Damien pulled up to a beautiful gated driveway. He used a remote in his hand to open the gate and drove up the long driveway to a majestic house.

The house was huge. It would definitely be considered as a mansion. It was painted in different shades of white and greys. It was beautiful and I definitely made him know my thoughts about the house.

"That's where you live?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes." He said smirking.

"It's beautiful." I told him.

"Wait till you see inside." He said with the smirk never leaving his face.

After leading me inside, I definitely understood what he meant when he told me wait till I saw inside. The only way I could describe it was like an extremely modern castle. It was elegant.

There were alot of chandlers and the furniture looked more expensive than my own house. The carpet looked so clean and expensive that I was sure that they hovered over it.

Damien stood there looking at me with a smile on his face as I admired the house. "Come on," He said gaining my attention. "Mom and dad wants to meet you. This way." He said leading me further into the house.

My heart pounded in my chest because I was a bit nervous to meet Damien's parents. I didn't know what they will think about me, and for some reason I wanted to have a good impression on them.

Damien brought me to what I assumed was the living room and this place looked so expensive that I made a mental note to not touch absolutely anything. As soon as we reached in the living room, I noticed a man sitting on one of the couches watching TV.

Our footsteps seemed to get his attention, because he snapped his head to see who it was. A huge smile grew on his face.

"Honey!" He exclaimed. "Damien's home and he brought a friend!" He shouted across the house.

Then I heard a voice yell back in response. "I'm coming!"

The man who I now assumed was Damien's father stood up and started approaching us where we were standing. I was so nervous because this guy was big and he looked really intimidating.

"Hi." He said stretching his hand towards me for a handshake. "I'm Matthew, Damien's dad, but you can call me Matt." He told me with a friendly smile.

I took his huge hands in mine and shook it. "It's nice to meet you Matt." I hold him. "I'm Kai."

"Oh yes, I know who you are. Damien talks about you all the time." Matt told me.

That caused me to blush yet again. I know that Damien isn't gay, but I can't help myself but feel flustered when I find out that he talks about me. I don't know what he says about me...but from the way it sounds, he says good stuff about me.

"I hope he doesn't say anything bad about me." I joked.

Damien looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Why would I say anything bad about you?"

Before I could answer, a woman whom I assumed to be his mother rushed into the living room. "You must be Kai. Damien can't shut up about you." She said.

That caused me to curiously turn around to look at Damien. Why was he talking about me so much to his family? I'm not complaining but i was definitely curious, and I was going to ask him about it.

When I turned to look at Damien he was just basically grinning from ear to ear looking all innocent and handsome.

I turned back to look at his mother as she continued speaking. "My name is Olivia, it is so nice to finally meet you."

I smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Beckett."

She smiled at me. "Oh honey you can call me Olivia." She said then pulled me in for a quick hug.

I awkwardly hugged her in return. It was a strange, yet nice feeling. I haven't hugged anyone in years. I used to get hugs from my parents all the time, but ever since I came out, that has never happened again.

After our hug was over she headed back into the kitchen and offered me to stay for lunch to which I gladly accepted.

"So I'll leave you two to do whatever it is that you guys have to do." Matt said and went back to where he was seating when we came in.

Damien grabbed my hand in his and lead me up two flights of stairs. I don't know if grabbing my hand was intentionally, but it caused electricity to course through my entire body. His hands was warm and it seemed like my hand fit perfectly into his.

But of course, in life every good thing must come to an end. And this one did when he let go of my hand as we entered his bedroom.

His room was exactly what I expected it to look like. It was beautiful just like the rest of the house. A queen sized bed in the middle of the room, walk in closet, an expensive looking rug that I was sure to not walk on, a door which I assumed lead to a bathroom. The room was simple and elegant.

"So..." Damien started causing my attention to be brought to him. "I'm going to sit right there against this white wall on this chair." He said pointing to a suede royal blue chair. "And you're gonna paint me."

I looked at him and shook my head. There was a burning question that I wanted to ask him. I was curious as to why he talked to his parents so much about me, and what exactly they talked about.

"Your parents seem really nice." I told him.

He nodded. "They are the best."

" talk about me alot to them?" I awkwardly asked.

He took a step closer to me so that we were standing face to face. 'Yeah." He said softly. " But trust me its all good." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at his hand that was resting on my shoulder and nodded, then looked him in his eyes. We stood there for what felt like minutes just looking each other in the eyes, but in reality it was only a couple of seconds. Damien had beautiful eyes. It was like he had me in some kind of trance and I just couldn't look away from him.

I studied his face thoroughly. He was such a beautiful guy. The kind you see in magazines and wonder if they are actually real. He looked perfect.

Our moment was interrupted when there was a soft knock on his door and his dad poked his head in. "I hope I didn't disturb you guys but Dames you left your phone in the lounge and it was ringing." He said.

"Dames?" I question and started chuckling at the nickname. Damien shoved me lightly and went over his dad to get his phone.

"Thanks dad." He said taking the phone in his hand.

When his dad left, Damien closed and locked the door. I looked at him with a questioning look on his face. Why is he locking the door? I thought to myself.

He looked at me like he could read my thoughts." I don't want you getting distracted while you're working your magic." He told me grinning.

I looked at him and smiled back in return. Just then I realized that Damien was taking off his shirt. I looked at him with wide eyes. I know very well that I told him that I was gay. I can't believe that he is still comfortable being shirtless in front of me. Or maybe he forgot that I was gay.

I tried my very best to keep my eyes off of Damien. I looked everywhere but at him, and I think he realized. "Hey do I make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked.

"Um...ummm no, no you d-dont." I helplessly stammered.

"Good, because I was thinking of doing my portrait shirtless if that's OK with you." He said.

My jaw almost hung open at his words. I was not sure if I would be able to focus with a shirtless hunk sitting in front of me, but who was I to tell him that it's not ok. In fact I kinda liked the idea of me having an excuse to stare at a shirtless Damien.

"Yes that's totally fine." I told him still keeping my eyes away from his amazingly sculpted body.

"Great," He said heading to sit in the chair and sitting in the sexiest position that I had ever seen. I really hope that the way he looks don't distract me too much.

He has this mischievous smirk on his face eying me up and down. "Ok Kai, I'm ready." He said causing me to snap out of my trance. "Paint me." He said with the smirk never leaving his face.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me what you think.

The chapter after that will be a continuation of this one because there are still a few more things that I want to happen in this scene.

Love you ♥


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