+82...WRONG NUMBER? [yoonmin]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

30.2K 2.4K 790

In wich Yoongi gets his friend's new number but had been given the wrong digits. He ends up texting an unknow... More

🌼twenty one🌼
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🌼thirty one🌼
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🌼thirty six🌼

589 51 21
By YoongiAndHisMochi

A few days had passed and Jimin was removed from the IC back to his previous room. The tubes were removed from his nose and arms, he had started to eat on his own again. He was getting exercises every day to ensure his healing went well and he will get back to a normal strength. Normal strength was already something that felt so far from Jimin. But at least he has something to look forward to now.

Which was the reason he was crying right now. Just after the tubes were taken from his nose and the nurse sat there with him after the removal. Leaving him breathing fully on his own. Which felt strange after not being able to for a few days.

"Mr.Pa-...Jimin, why are you crying?" she asked, smiling.

"i-im happy.... I just can't believe this is all real '' Jimin said, his voice hoarse but clear enough for the nurse to understand. "i-i don't deserve this..."

"Jimin, you do deserve it. We're happy to have helped you after all this time. This donor heart came like a miracle for you."

"it really did...." Jimin fell silent and wiped his tears away. "did....This person have a name?"

"why....Well he did, Hanyung was his name. For privacy I can not share his full name" she answered.

"hanyung" Jimin mumbled and then looked up putting his hands together as if he would pray. "thank you, thank you so much. Thank you, your heart saved my life. I can never thank you enough." the younger said and sniffled lowering his head. "it hurts, knowing i will never be able to thank him..."

"I'm sure he knows," she said, then stood up. "but enough talking. You should rest, your exercises will start soon and we can't overwork your heart right from the start. You gotta keep strictly to the notes we gave you. At least for six months, alright."

Jimin nodded and laid back. He was so glad to have Medicine for the pain. He had felt it once without it feeling unbearable. The pain was really bad.

The boy sighed, glancing at his own made notes on their schedule planner. With a thick green marker it said 'yoongi hyung 9:00'. Jimin can't wait to see him and finally be awake enough to talk to him. He hasn't seen yoongi since he was moved back to his own room and he was active again. Yoongi will be so happy.

But he still had to wait until tomorrow until he can see him. Today there was no time.


The next day

It was a good day for Yoongi, he was smiling brightly as he sat at his breakfast. "you look really cheery today," Hoseok said as he came into the room. Yoongi had given him a spare key a while back so he could come over anytime. And today it was because they were going to visit Jimin together. Hoseok had been asking about him non stop so yoongi decided to just take him with when going to see him.

"why wouldn't I be. The transplant was accepted and he is going to get better. Of course I am happy" yoongi replied, finishing his bowl and bringing it back to the kitchen.

"Did you ask if he wants to see me?" Hoseok asked while following yoongi around the house watching him put on his jacket and grab a small bag.

"yes, and he said yes" yoongi checked the bag if he got everything, and then grabbed the car keys looking at his friend. "ready to go?"

Hoseok nodded and followed him out.


It was a short drive as usual. But the nervous excitement made the drive feel longer than it actually was. So they were glad when they entered the hospital and were told they could go up to see him.

"I'm surprised you know the way so easy" Hoseok said, looking around. To him all hallways looked the same.

"I've been here many times so I would know by now. And besides, there is a color in each section." Yoongi pointed to the bottom of the wall where a thin green line was.

"i did not notice that before"

"you've only been here a handful of times. And look, we're here '' Yoongi stopped in front of that one specific door. This time with not a heavy heart, but a light one. He wasn't going to visit someone dying. But someone healing. It felt different to step in there with this new thought.

His eyes lit up when he saw the boy he loves sitting in bed staring out of the window.

"Hey minnie..." he said softly not to startle the other who didn't seem to have noticed them coming in yet.

"Yoongi '' Jimin turned his head, eyes widening in surprisement and happiness. When he saw Hoseok enter as well, he smiled more. "and Hoseok hyung"

"I brought him, you said it was okay. so uh you dont mind right?'' Yoongi asked, making sure Jimin was still okay with it, he can understand that Jimin might not feel like seeing someone he didn't know well when he was like this.

"Its fine, really. i'm happy to have visitors" jimin changed his position slowly, he still don't feel any strength, his body was still very weak after all this time now exercising properly like everyone else. He barely walked or did anything. So he was getting help from a specialized trainer who will help him get more strong in his legs so he can start walking longer distances and get more energy for other daily activities. He might have a working heart but that didn't mean all of his body problems were fixed. He still had to gain muscle.

"I brought you some new books, i wasn't sure what genre you enjoyed so i just got some of the best sellers" Yoongi said while taking out three books from his bag. Jimin had told him a while ago on video call that he already finished all of his books. And for that yoongi went to the book store and got some new. Jimin will still have to stay here a while before he can be discharged completely. The doctors don't want to take any risks and keep him here a little longer so they can keep an eye out on him.

"ahw, thank you so much, that's so sweet. '' Jimin accepted the books with both hands and checked the titles and summaries. "i think they will be very interesting, i will go read them later. thank you!"

"So uhm, you must be tired of this question but, how are you now?" yoongi and Hoseok sat down pulling their chairs next to Jimin's bed.

"better. I am getting good medicine for the pain so I wont feel anything. I do have to limit my upper body movements so I won't damage the stitches. My wound needs to close first before I can move excessively again. and i cant lay on my stomach and i shouldn't touch it either. but other than that I feel better every day."

"That's amazing, when you are back to strength we can go exercise together," hoseok said smiling. "like go on a morning jog oorrr to the gym"

Jimin chuckled. "i would love to, but i'm afraid that still far into the future for me"

"doesn't matter, i will still be there anyway"

"you're so kind too" jimin smiled and both of them. "i'm really happy to see you Yoongi, i was missing you a lot already"

"It's just been a few days, love, but i've missed you too" yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and placed a few kisses on his fingers. "i can't wait to take you on so many dates, even if i have to carry you"

"third wheeling" hoseok joked waving at himself. "I will go get some drinks for us downstairs, I feel like you are going to kiss or something."

"you don't have to leave-"

"Byeee, have fun smooching '' Hoseok laughed and walked out after taking his wallet from yoongi's bag. He wasn't completely leaving because of that, he really was thirsty himself. and if he was going to get drinks anyway then he might as well get everyone one and use it as an excuse to go get them.

"so, yea. it's just us now again" yoongi chuckled and turned his gaze back to jimin who was smiling at him, but his smile slowly faded. alarming yoongi's worry senses.

"What's wrong, I can tell something is bothering you." yoongi got up from the low chair and sat down on the small gap of the mattress next to Jimin's legs.

"I've been thinking...." Jimin looked down at his hands, one warmer from the gentle hold of the older, the other cold from being out of the bedsheets for a long time.

"about what?"

"would they....Love me now? now that I'm healing...." jimin said, looking down. "will they come back for me...."

He wasn't even asking it. Because he knew the answer was no either way. His parents left and that was it.

Yoongi didn't have to ask, he knew who Jimi was talking about. "Jimin..."

"It's a stupid thought, I know they won't. i wouldn't even know what they look like now, maybe they have a new son, they probably already replaced me"

"Don't think like that, they are the ones who didn't stick at your side. I know they are your parents, but they do not deserve you after leaving you like that. no good parent should ever do that to their child" yoongi quickly said.

"I hate that I miss them..... I miss my family. but they dont miss me, to them i am already dead...." jimin held back his tears, he wasn't going to cry over this.

"it's understandable to feel like that, but you have us at your side. even if you don't have a family we will always be there to support you"

"how did i get such amazing friends" jimin smiled again slowly and sighed. Yoongi was right. yoongi just always knew how to make him feel better. "i love you hyung"

"i love you too jimin" Yoongi smiled and leaned closer seeing the soft eyes that the younger gave him. Jimin closed his eyes and gave yoongi a quick peck, blushing after.

"your lips are really soft, you know that"

"yah" jimin playfully smacked Yoongi's chest as his cheeks turned even redder.

"really they are!"

they were in their own moment until hoseok stood next to them and pushed two bottles in between their faces.

"Okay, enough lovey dovey, I want attention now too," they all laughed.


the story is almost over. only four more left to write. it will end at forty. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i will see you in the next soon!


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