The Secret Life of Nessa Odin...

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A tale about Odin's secret daughter and her life after being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D after rescuing Tony St... Plus

Chapter 1: Saving Tony
Chapter 2: The interrogation
Chapter 3: Family reunion
Chapter 4: What now?
Chapter 5: Staying at Stark Towers
Chapter 6: Settling in
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Dreams, Duels and Dances
Chapter 9: But why?
Chapter 10: Let's make a deal
Chapter 11: Learning the truth has it's ups and downs
Chapter 12: A walk in the woods
Chapter 14: Shock, anger, worry
Chapter 15: Good against Evil
Chapter 16: Dealing with traitors and *EPILOGUE*

Chapter 13: Making plans

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Chapter 13: Loki's POV*

I couldn't believe I just did that. HOW could I do that? I was still walking through the woods and was so angry with myself that I punched a tree, leaving a nasty dent in the wood. I hadn't realised how quickly it had taken for me to get to the palace because when I had finally stopped grumbling under my breath, I looked up to see the golden gates of the palace towering over me. I thought about what would happen when I returned without Nessa and then having to tell them what happened. I thought about all the consequences I'd have to face for it, then I remembered Thor.

Thor and Nessa had grown close in the time Thor had known of her which, meant that when he found out what has happened to Nessa he be really angry. Probably even more so than he was on his coronation when the Jötuns tried to take the casket and that he was so enraged he almost started a war. I didn't even want to imagine how mad he would be this time.... not to mention that I caused this as well and the Jötun incident. Yeah, I was dead.

I walked through the palace doors and as soon as I had entered the throne room Thor had grabbed me by my amour and pinned me to the wall. "Where is she?" He growled, every word said with full force of his deep voice. He was somewhat used to me taking Nessa out of the palace but never out of the palace walls and NEVER for the whole day and I could see it in his eyes that he was furious about this. Well for him it was about to get a hole lot worse.

"I-I don't know." I said, honestly I didn't Stigr never told me where he was going to take her and I never asked. "What do you mean you don't know!?" He bellowed, tightening his grip on my armour. He looked me straight in the eyes and waited for me to explain. Normally I would've lied and said that I was knocked out and she was taken or something but, for some reason something was urging me to tell the truth, which was really strange, so I did.

"I.... I made a deal with Stigr that if I delivered someone to him in the woods he'd make me king and not until recently I hadn't known that it was Nessa." Thor's face saddened as he put the pieces together, guessing what we had been doing out today. "That's why we went walking, so I could take her to the woods and do the job." I hung my head in shame. What I did was low, even for me, and I was waiting for Thor or Odin to go off at me, knowing Thor even punch me. But when nothing happened I looked up.

Thor had let go of my armour and was slowly taking steps back from me a look of horror present on his face. His mouth was opened and moving slightly but he was too distraught to speak. Instead his face turned cold in an instant and he walked off towards the palace gates. I exchanged worries looks with Odin who, got up and ran after Thor, me following no far behind.

"Thor! THOR!" Odin called but he was unresponsive and continued running towards the palace gates. He managed to reach the court yard before Odin caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder turning him to face him. "Thor you cannot go to look for Nessa." He said, his voice calm even though it was more of a command than a suggestion.

"But farther I must I cannot leave my sister in the hands of a killer I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened that I had the power to stop!" He looked Odin in the eyes completely forgetting about my presence. "Please farther wouldn't you want to bring her back? Don't you miss your daughter as much as I'd miss my sister? You have to let me do this." He pleaded tears brimming his eyes.

Odin thought about this for a moment, looking at the ground, adding up the factors what could go wrong, what they were to do and how. He looked back up at Thor and gave the much anticipated answer Thor had been waiting for. Even I was curious as to what he was going to say. He was a wise king as much as I hated to say it and would always think his plans thoroughly through before carrying them out. Usually giving him the best possible outcome.

"You may rescue her and bring her back," he started Thor face showed joy ad relief for if his farther said no he could not go, it was treason to disobey the king and the last time he did he was banished to Midgard AND almost started a war with the Jötuns. "But..." and at that word Thor's face fell, "NOT until we figure out a proper plan so that we may go and return with her in one piece." Odin turned around and walked off both me and Thor emmidiately knew where. Odin's private study was where he always planned and worked with important matters and this was as important as you could get. His own daughter being kidnapped and planned to be killed they had to work on a plan and had to work fast for if they took to long it would be to late.

"First we have to find out where she is because we cannot rescue her if we do not know her position." he said as we entered the room he pulled out a map of Asgard and unravelled it on the table. The map showed all of Asgard from the palace to the town to the mountains and around. I looked at the map intensely but realised we won't be able to find her position fast enough for we had absolutely NO idea where she was and apparently Thor thought the same.

"How will we be able to find her if we have not one clue to where she is?" He asked. Odin looked at him and thought for a moment before replying, "We will send search and rescue parties after her." But Thor apparently disagreed. "No, no, no. That would take to long we probably have only a few days to find her before Stigr kills her. Sending a search party it would take days, weeks maybe even months before they find her it and by then it may already be to late." He said sighing he hated to admit but he knew that any second Nessa could die. Hell, he even knew that she could be dead right now but refused to let himself think like that.

I decided that then may have been a good time to voice the plan I had been hatching in my head. "Uh.. perhaps I could be of assistance." I suggested. Both Thor and Odin looked at me in confusion I don't know weighs it was from the fact that I had wanted to help when I gave her to him or that I was still even there. They had been so immersed in their conversations and planning that they had completely forgotten about my presence.

"I think you've done enough." snapped Thor angrily. It hurt slightly not what he said exactly but why he had said it. It's my fault Nessa's in this mess an he and I both knew it. "Now, now Thor. A good king is always opened to suggestions no matter who they come from." Odin said wisely before looking at me and gesturing with his hand for me to continue. "Stigr has been contacting me through my dreams because he can't physical meet with me without getting caught." I started, pacing whilst looking down at the ground.

"So if I can manage to contact him again I could get some information off him and I might.... be able to locate him with magic." I said looking back up at them. Odin looked deep in thought but that quickly turned in to a smile as he saw the potential in my plan. But Thor.... he looked hesitant, he knew it was a good plan and was the fasted if not ONLY way we were going to find Nessa, but he didn't trust me not after what I did. What I had done was low and could be considered treason. But we they're were more important matters than my trail.

"That's a wonderful plan and we can start and maybe even finish it tonight, it is the fastest way to her." Odin said enthusiastically directing the last part more to Thor who still looks hesitant. Thor looked between Odin and me then sighed before giving his opinion on my plan. "It is the fastest way to find Nessa and I will do ANYTHING to get her back here safely."

I knew exactly what he meant by that last part. It wasn't all about his love for his sister so much as it was that he would trust even me to get her back which in his eye then, was practically making a deal with the devil. "Good it is already late and you must be tired from all your walking today so, we will commence this plan immediately. Now, we must go to Loki's chamber so that he can rest." Odin ordered walking out of the room and in the direction of my chambers.

We arrived and I got dressed and sat in bed this time not using a spell to help me sleep for I was quite tired anyway. I lied in my bed staring at the roof, while Odin and Thor sat at the foot of my bed, waiting for sleep to come to me and for the darkness to take over. For a rest I was hopeful would help me find Nessa.


Nessa's POV*



A throbbing pain

It was all I could feel. My brain felt like it was about to burst out of my skull. I groaned as I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was in a cell a cold, dark, blood stained cell. I sat up quickly making my head feel worse. The events of last night came flooding back to me. Loki. The woods. Stigr. Being kidnapped. He betrayed me he came close to me over the course of five days so that he could take me to the woods without me questioning his every move. I was hurt really and mad but probably my most felt emotion was fear. Fear of dying at the hands of Stigr. Fear of never seeing Thor or Odin even Friga ever again. Fear of dying young (even though I'm hundreds of years all to humans).

But an eery squeaking noise broke my fear filled chain of thoughts. I could hear boots scraping across the ground as their owner descended down the stairs. They stopped right outside my cell. I looked up and noticed that they had the build of a female and were wearing armour with a cloak over the top. I finally reached the persons face and gasped in horror. It was Huld! But what was she doing there? And finally the pieces started fitting together.

Her outburst at dinner, her fighting me and then her sudden absence, she was staying out of the radar so we wouldn't of suspected it was her.

She opened her mouth to talk but I cut her off. "You little bitch!" I seethed before she could even get a word out. "Ah so I see that you FINALY figured out it was me." She said smiling a sickly sweet smile. "And before you ask I'll tell you. I was the one who paid Stigr to kill you. I was the one who planned for you two to first meet in your VERY realistic dream. I was the one who let him Ono the palace so he could warn you of what's to come." she said her voice getting darker and angrier, breathing heavily and shaking with rage. My eyes widened in horror.

"I did all of that because you shouldn't be here you should be dead! Your smart unlike the others you soul see through my games and would warn Thor. I am and should be queen of Asgard! And once I am, which I will be, I will kill the royal family and have me and my love take the throne." she said the last part a lot softer as she stretched out her hand for someone to take.

I hadn't noticed it 'till then but Stigr had been lurking in the shadows watching this go down but now he was walking towards Huld. He took her outstretched hand and kiss it softly. It was a sweet looking gesture 'till I realised what she had just said. 'I will kill the royal family and have me and my love take the throne'

'Me and my love? Huld and Stigr are lovers!?' I thought. 'Eww man that's messed up' I cringed my nose at the thought that my killer and his 'costumer' if you may were lovers. Well I didn't see that coming. Huld laughed at me obviously seeing the shocked and disgusted look on my face. "Oh don't be so surprised we both have so much in common. We both hate you and are evil. With ambitions to take the throne and rule Asgard." she said simply a dreamy look in her eye.

"I'm sorry my love but I must go upstairs quickly to retrieve the instruments for her torturous last days alive." Stigr said. Huld looked at him and smiled nodding her head. Stigr kissed her hand once more softly before letting go and walking up the concrete steps and shutting the door.

Huld looked back at me all the love that was just in her eyes had vanished, instead they were filled with full hatred and disgust. She stared down at me in my sitting position and didn't say a word so I took the chance to snap her back into reality from her little Stigr love fantasy.

"You know as soon as he becomes king he'll leave you." I Started she turned to me before speaking eyes still squinted. "You don't know anything, me and Stigr love each other and we'll be together for ever." She said her tone starting to turn soft with each word as se thought about her 'one true love'. "Look you may think that and it's wrong. Stigr is a wonderer he doesn't care about you or anybody else he doesn't even seem like someone who wants power and a throne. But if he does I am certain that he will just kill you off and take the throne for himself." I said smugly. It was the truth Stigr didn't love any one nor would he ever. He's a lone wolf and he only cares about one person, himself.

"Listen you little twit. If I were you I wouldn't be talking to my captors like that because yes this next five days will be painful and torturous but I can make them much, much worse." she threatened and finished just as the door. Stigr walked down the stairs carrying a heavy looking locked wooden box. "But I think I'll just leave that job for Stigr." she whispered to me. Stigr set the box on the ground and looked up at Huld. "I must go back to the palace now Stigr but I shall be back as soon as I can." She promised. Stigr simply pecked her on the cheek and nodded.

Huld made her way upstairs. I think I heard her say "Have fun" in a teasing tone, but I was concentrating on the dagger that Stigr had just pulled out of the box. He opened the door too my cell and made his way towards me with big heavy steps. 'Oh this is going to hurt' I thought.


Hey guys,

OMG Stigr and Huld are lovers!? Yes Stigr and Huld are lovers that's why he did her that favour of capturing Nessa to kill her. But that was quite a twist wasn't it?

Over 1000 reads you guys! I can't thank you enough now if only you would start to vote more....... Lol but seriously I would love you guys soooooo much if you started to vote and comment more.

Dedicated to thesecretavenger who writes 'The sorceress' series which is a Avengers fanfic. If you haven't read it already you really should cause it's really good.

So comment your thoughts and opinions. Tell me what you think about Loki's plan, Thor's reaction, Stigr and Huld's little 'relationship' the book in general really.

Oh and sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes it's not edited none of my chapters are sorry.




By guys -K

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