Asta Aizen: Prince of Hueco M...

By Cameodc

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Asta Aizen, son of Licita and Sosuke Aizen, King of Hueco Mundo, has had a rather pleasant childhood despite... More

Extra: Licita and Sosuke Aizen's Backstory
Chapter 2: Resolve and Meetings
Chapter 3: Truce and Seeking Assistance
Chapter 4: Mage of Shadows and Brothers
Chapter 5: Dungeon and the Three Parties
Chapter 6: The Archer and The Bear

Chapter 1: Celebration and Tragedy

496 8 0
By Cameodc

(Asta's p.o.v.)

  My name is Asta Aizen, son of Licita and Sosuke Aizen, king of Hueco Mundo, the realm of the Hollows. I about to turn 15 and my parents wanted me to celebrate my birthday along with some of the Arrancars of Las Noches who I had befriended since I was little. So, we all decided to go visit the World of the Living, where my mom lived as a human, and met my dad. The reason I chose to celebrate my birthday there, is because after watching humans after so much of my life, I wanted to be able to interact with them for the first time. For this occasion, I went to Hueco Mundo's top researcher to make a request. I entered the laboratory to see a tall, thin man with pink hair, amber eyes, wearing glasses, a white long sleeve shirt, gloves, and a white hakama.


   This man is Szayel Aporro Granz, Espada number 8, and the top scientist in Hueco Mundo.

  When a Hollow is reborn as an Arrancar, they're given a number from 10 onward according to the order of their birth. The numbers 0 to 9 are reserved for those who have proven to be exceptionally skilled fighters. The lower the number the more powerful they are. These 10 are called the Espadas, and as proof of their rank, their designated numbers are tattooed on their bodies. They have the authority to command the rest of our military.

  Back on topic, Szayel Aporro noticed that I entered his lab and greeted me as he kneeled, "Ah, Prince Asta. Welcome to my laboratory, how may I help you this fine day?" I replied, "It's good to see you too, Szayel. I'd like you to make a few gigais for me and my friends. I plan on visiting the World of the Living for my birthday in two days, and would like to enjoy my time there in physical form." A gigai is an artificial body that Soul Reapers use to remain in the Living World and interact with humans, since most humans can't see or hear spirits. Also, because Arrancars are also spirit beings, they also need a gigai to interact with humans. He looked up to me and said, "As you wish, your highness. May I ask who are going with you on your birthday?" I replied, "Other than my attendants, just the Tres Bestias, Starrk, and Lilynette." "Understood, I will have them ready for by then." He said. I thanked him and left.

  Then, my birthday came and Szayel had finished the gigais for all of us, all of them looked exactly like us, except there was no remnants of the others masks or a hole in their bodies. He also said that these were specially made so that we could use our powers without needing to leave them. Physical bodies aren't able to withstand the might of high level spirit energy, so usual beings like Soul Reapers need to leave their gigais if they wish to use the full extent of their powers. But, with Szayel's improvements we can use our abilities without restrictions should the need arose. We all entered our gigais and I opened a Garganta to the a town in Clover Kingdom in the World of the Living. We went through the Garganta and found ourselves above our destination, the capital of Clover Kingdom.

  We used Sonido to appear at the gates and began exploring the city together. We went to different shops, and ate at a couple of restaurants. We really enjoyed our time in the city and  the last place we chose to visit was the town's black market. If you're wondering how we were able to afford anything, it's because the Exequias, a black ops squad in Hueco Mundo's military had been sent on missions to the dungeons in the World of the Living to recover artifacts for Szayel to use as research materials, and treasure for my family to use when we go to the Living World. Granted, my dad had created a currency for Hueco Mundo, but it would be worthless when trading with human merchants.

  Anyway, we were going around the stalls of the black market and saw quite a lot of interesting items on sale. While browsing through the merchandise, I felt like someone was watching me from a distance. And this someone had a great amount of spirit energy, enough to make them able to see spirits, but what struck me as odd was the fact that they seemed to be suppressing their energy to not stand out. So I decided to walk off a bit and used Sonido to get behind them quickly. I then drew my zanpakuto put it at their neck. I saw what appeared to be a little old lady, but judge by the spiritual pressure it was a man transformed into an elderly woman. I said to him, "You can drop the disguise, sir. I know you're not what you appear." The 'elderly woman' turned to me and smiled before transforming into a tall blonde haired man with purple eyes, and wearing a red robe.

"Well, you're certainly a sharp young man, and you must be quite powerful given the fact that you possess such a strong spiritual pressure, am I right?" He said. Seeing he was aware of spiritual pressure means that he's involved with some type of spirit being, possibly a Soul Reaper. I asked him, "Who are you?" He introduced himself, "I'm the 28th Wizard King, Julius Novachrono, and you are?" I was certainly surprised to hear that the strongest mage in Clover was standing in front of me. I said to him, "My name is Asta Aizen, prince of Hueco Mundo." I sheathed my sword and looked at him to see that he was surprised by what I said and asked, "Hueco Mundo? Realm of the Hollows? This is surprising, I had no idea there was a royal family in Hueco Mundo." "My father united the whole realm and began building a kingdom of his own before I was born. But enough about that, why were you watching me?" I asked him after explaining.

  He replied, "I was wandering around in disguise when I felt a strong spiritual pressure coming from the black market, I followed straight to you. As for why I was watching you, it was just out of curiosity. It's a rarity for someone to have such powerful spiritual pressure. So what brings you here to the Human world, young prince?" I answered, "It's my birthday today, I came here because I wanted to interact with humans for the first time." He replied, "Really? Well happy birthday, young man. You didn't come here alone, did you?" "No, I came with some of my friends, two of which are my attendants. And here they come now." I gestured behind him and he looked to see Loly and Menoly, who had grown into quite the lovely young ladies.


(Imagine their other eyes aren't covered by the mask remnants.)

  "Hello, and who might you be, sir?" Menoly asked Julius with a stern tone. He replied, "Julius Novachrono, pleasure to meet you two." He looked at Loly and seemed intrigued by her appearance. She didn't like the way he looked at her and asked irritated, "Would you mind not looking at me like that, pervert?" He was surprised by that and chuckled before replying, "No, no, no, I wasn't thinking anything like that, it's just that you remind me of a certain royal who recently joined the Magic Knights. She looks quite a bit like you." We were all rather intrigued by his remark. Someone who looks a bit like Loly had recently joined the Magic Knights was rather interesting, I was wanting to meet them next time I come to the World of the Living. Julius then asked the girls, "What are you names, ladies?" Menoly replied, "I'm Menoly Mallia, and this is Loly Aivirrne. We're Asta's attendants."

"So how do you about spiritual pressure and Hueco Mundo?" I asked the Wizard King. He replied, "Oh, I'm actually friends with a former Soul Reaper who runs a candy shop in Nean village. He taught me a lot about spirit energy and the other worlds, such as the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. If you ever go there, you should pay him a visit. His name is Kisuke Urahara." 'The Soul Reaper Captain who founded the Soul Society's Department of Research and Development, and served as it's first chief? Here in the Human World? I gotta tell Dad about this.' I thought surprised. "Thanks for letting me know, I'll be sure to visit him next time I come to the World of the Living. My father knew him long ago, he would probably love to see him again." I said to him. Julius replied, "Personally, I'd like to visit Hueco Mundo and see what it's like someday, but sadly my position won't let me leave the country. But if you need any help, come to me and I'll do what I can."

  I nodded and said, "Thank you, Julius. Well, we better meet back up with the others, and you better head back home before your attendants get worried." He chuckled and answered, "Yeah, Marx is probably gonna chew me out when he realizes I ran off again." I looked at him and asked, "You do this all the time?" He replied, "Yeah well, when you end up in a position of power that makes you fill out mountain of paperwork everyday, you yearn for some fresh air and a little excitement." I chuckled at this and said, "Well, I can't say I'm surprised, you are a big shot in this kingdom after all. So you're going to be saddled with boring paperwork day in and day out." Julius sighed as he said, "Tell me about it. Well, I better get back to work. It's a pleasure meeting you, Prince Asta." I responded, "Likewise Julius, hope to see you again soon."

With that, we went our separate ways, and me and the girls went to meet up with the others. We found the Tres Bestias half a mile away from us.

The Tres Bestias are a trio of female Arrancars who are subordinates to Espada number 3. One was a tomboyish girl with black, jaw length hair, an ice blue right eye and an amber colored left eye. This is Emilou Apacci, Arrancar number 54.


  One was a slender woman with long, flowing, olive-green hair, long eyelashes and lavender eyes, and three pink dots just below her right eye. Her name is Cyan Sung Sun, Arrancar 56.


  The last was a tall, well-endowed, dark-skinned brunette with wavy hair. She is Arrancar 55, Franceska Mila Rose.

  (A/N: Ignore their hollow traits and their swords.)

  We saw them standing over what appeared to a Magic Knight who had been knocked out cold. We went up to them and I asked, "What's going on here, ladies?" They looked to see us and Sung Sun explained, "This pig was hitting on us. We told we weren't interested, but he wouldn't let up. So, Mila Rose punched him into the ground." I understood their reasons, a lot of the male Arrancars in Las Noches try to pick them up all the time. Guess there's scum bags like these in every world you find yourself. "Well, I can't say I blame him, you three are very attractive after all." They blushed at my comment and Mila Rose said, "Y-you know, young prince. You should be more careful when you say stuff like that to girls, you may accidentally make them fall for you." This time it was my turn to blush. I stuttered a replied, "A-anyway, let's go find Starrk and Lilynette." The girls giggled and nodded in reply.

  We walked around the black market to find the two of them carrying a couple of small crates. We walked over to them and saw a man with dark brown wavy hair, blueish grey eyes, and a faded goatee. This is Espada number 1, Coyote Starrk.


  The other was a young girl with light green hair and pink eyes. She is Starrk's subordinate, Lilynette Gingerback.


  (Remove the helmet)

  Lilynette saw us and said, "Hey, Prince. We've been looking for you." Starrk followed up, "We got something for your parents. Also, we found something that you might find interesting." This got me curious, and I wondered what they found. Then, Starrk said, "Let's wait until we're back home before showing you. I think the queen would like to see this as well." Now I was more curious about what they found. But, I decided to go with his suggestion since I also wanted to know why my mom would want to see this. So, we proceeded to head out of city so we could open a Garganta back to Hueco Mundo.

  Timeskip - 1 hour

  After we got back home, we all made our to the castle to see my parents. We made it to the throne room, and saw a man with brown hair, soft brown eyes, and wearing an Arrancar style uniform with a pink sash. This is my father, Sosuke Aizen.


  And a women with ash grey hair with broken Hollow mask in the form of rounded ear above her forehead, green eyes, and wearing a female Arrancar's outfit. She's my mother, Licita Aizen.


  (Imagine she's wearing an Arrancar uniform and has her mask's remnants above her forehead.)

  Mom and Dad were talking to each other when the former noticed us approaching. I greeted them, "We're back." Dad turned to me and said, "Welcome home, son. How was your day in the World of the Living?" I answered, "It was great, I actually made a new friend there, and he's spiritually aware surprisingly." Dad seemed happy and interested by what I told him and he asked, "That so? What's his name?" "Julius Novachrono, he's the current Wizard King." Both Mom and Dad were shocked by this and Mom asked in disbelief, "Seriously?! You made friends with the Wizard King?!" I nodded and said, "Yeah I did, and he said that he learned about Soul Reapers, Hollows, and the worlds they inhabit from a former Soul Reaper who lives in a village called Nean. By the name of Kisuke Urahara." Now Dad was in disbelief. "Kisuke Urahara is living in the World of the Living?" I nodded again and said, "Julius said he runs a candy shop in Nean. I even told him that I would try and pay Urahara a visit next time I'm in the World of the Living."

  Dad replied, "Knowing Kisuke Urahara, he wouldn't do anything to you unprovoked. And to be honest, he was one of few Soul Reapers that I respect. When you go there, I want to see him myself." "Ok Dad. And by the way...." I turned to Starrk and Lilynette and continued, "Starrk said that he and Lilynette found something in the Clover Kingdom's black market that Mom and I would be interested in." They looked at him and Mom asked, "What did you find, Coyote?" Starrk looked at Lilynette and she pulled an old book out of the box she was carrying. Mom's eyes widened and quickly made her way to us. She stopped in front of Lilynette and reached for the book. The latter gave it to her and looked at the cover and said, "I can't believe it........after all these years.............I can finally hold him in my arms again." Tears began to form in Mom's eyes and most of us were confused by her reaction to this book and I asked, "Mom, what's wrong? What are you talking about?" Dad used Flash Step to come closer to us and he said, "Asta, remember when your mom told you how she and I met?"

I did remember that Mom said that she had lived much of her life alone due to having a curse that robs everything around her of their mana and life force, until she saved and adopted a magicless devil child, she named Liebe, who was immune to her curse. She raised him for a few years before the Devil King Lucifero came and tried to possess him. Mom managed to drive Lucifero out of her son's body, but not before the Devil King impaled her through the stomach. She then told me that before she died, she sealed Liebe in a five leaf grimoire to protect him from Lucifero. Just moments after her death, she met Dad. That was when I realized why she was acting the way she was, the book she was holding was the same grimoire that she sealed Liebe in. Starrk and Lilynette were two of my mom's closest friends, so she told them about Liebe as well. Now, Espada number 1 is explaining mom's story to the others. When he finished, everyone else was surprised and now understood why she was crying.

  I asked Mom, "Hey Mom, are you able to unseal Liebe? I really want to meet my older brother." She looked at me with tear stained eyes and said, "I can't, not anymore. I used my magic to seal Liebe in the grimoire, but after my body died I lost the ability to use my magic. And when I became an Arrancar, my magic power got converted into Spirit Energy. Now I can't release Liebe's seal myself."

I knew that she was right. I learned while studying under Szayel Aporro that Magic power and Spirit Energy cannot effect each other. Spirit Energy can only be affected by Spirit Energy, and Magic can only be countered by Magic. Similar to how the dead can't interact with the living, the two powers can effect each other, they simply pass through one another. They are completely different in nature. This is the reason why only spirit objects like a Soul Reaper's zanpakuto can harm a Hollow. The only thing the two have in common is that they can affect physical objects. In theory, it is possible for those with magic power to be able to use spirit energy as well, but humans with such high level spirit energy are very rare, and there's no evidence to date of mortal beings being able to use both.

  I thought about what she said until I realized something. "Wait, Mom you said you can't release Liebe on your own, right?" I asked. She nodded and answered, "Yes, why?" "If you can't do it yourself, then why not look for someone who can?" She looked at me curious and asked, "What do you mean, Asta?" I explained, "If you need magic to release Liebe, then we just need to find someone in the Living World who can free him." Her eyes started to fill with hope and she said, "You're right, but where do we begin to look?" Dad chimed in, "Remember what Asta told us earlier, dear? He become friends with the Wizard King and we know where to find Kisuke Urahara. The latter is known for researching anything that intrigues him, including subjects that involve magic. I'd say we have two solid leads already. Tomorrow let's go to the World of the Living and pay them a visit." She looked at Dad and replied happily, "Thank you, Sosuke, Asta. You gave me hope that I'll see my first son's face again." We smiled and I said, "You don't need to thank us, Mom. We want to make you happy." She smiled back, and everyone present smiled at the touching family moment.

  Timeskip - next morning

  I was in my room, getting ready to head out to the World of the Living to speak with Julius and Kisuke on a way to free Liebe from the Five Leaf grimoire. When suddenly, I sensed an ominous presence entering Hueco Mundo. It wasn't like anything I sensed before. I looked at Loly and Menoly and asked them, "Do you feel that?" They both nodded with a serious expression on their faces. That was when we heard explosions from outside. Concerned for the safety of my mom and dad, I said to my attendants, "We need to find my parents now." We left my room and we used Sonido to get to my Mom and Dad as soon as possible. We found them at the balcony outside the throne room. I called out, "Mom! Dad! What's going on?!" They turned to me and Dad said worried, "Devils are invading Hueco Mundo." I was shocked beyond belief. I thought, 'Devils? How could they even come to Hueco Mundo? They Underworld Gate has been shut for nearly a thousand years, that how they can't physically enter the Human World on their own. None of this makes sense!' I felt a set of hands on my shoulders that shaped me out of my thoughts. I looked to see that it was my Dad who grabbed me. "Son, I need you to do something for me." He said to me. I asked, "What do you need me to do, Dad?"

  He reached into his coat and pulled out a small blueish purple orb inside a a clear, crystal like casing. I knew exactly what it was. It was what he used to turn my Mom into an Arrancar, the Hogyoku.


  "Your mother and I will stay and save as many Hollows and Arrancars as possible. As for you Asta, I need you to take Loly, Menoly, and the Espadas and leave Hueco Mundo immediately with the Hogyoku." My father instructed and I couldn't believe he was telling me to abandon him, Mom, and all our people. I wanted to protest but Dad said, "I know what you're thinking, but I'm not asking you to abandon anyone. I'm asking you to make sure that the Hogyoku doesn't fall into wrong hands. You know what will happen if the Devils get their hands on it, don't you?" He was right, if the Hogyoku were to fall into the hands of the Devils, it would only spell disaster for all the worlds. As much as I hated it, I took the Hogyoku and said to my father, "I still hate leaving you and Mom behind, but I'll do what you ask." He smiled and said, "Thank you, son." Then, mom walked up, hand me the Five Leaf grimoire and said, "Promise me that when we see each other again, that Liebe will be free and with you." I nodded and said, "I will Mom, and you'll see him again." She smiled and hugged me before saying, "You must live, both you and your brother. I couldn't bear the pain of knowing that my children died before me." I replied, "I won't die, I promise you Mom. But please, don't you die either." She replied, "I won't die, Asta. I can't die until I see my sons' faces again."

  I smiled at her response. She then looked at Loly and Menoly and said, "Girls please take care of my sons for me. And tell the Espadas be there to assist them." They both smiled at my Mom and said, "We will, my queen." Mom smiled at them feeling gratitude towards them. Then, an explosion occurred at the door to the throne room. The smoke quickly cleared to reveal a group of devils and each of them appeared to have spiritual pressure roughly equivalent to a Vasto Lorde. I didn't have time to think anymore about it until Dad said, "Go now! We'll hold them off!" I hesitated for a moment but I decided to go and gather the Espadas. I said to my attendants, "Let's go, girls." They nodded and we began running out of the castle. I didn't look back, because then I wouldn't be able to leave and my parents would've stayed behind for nothing.

  We flew out the nearest window and looked to see that Las Noches was infested with countless Devils who were attacking and killing any Arrancar that moves in their line of sight with a joyful expression on their faces. This made me furious, they killing my people without a second thought and they took pleasure in doing so. I said to Loly and Menoly, "Let's use our Pesquisas to search for the Espadas." Pesquisa is an Arrancar technique that involves sending out a radiating pulse that reacts to sources of spiritual pressure within a certain proximity, this allows the user to determine the location of sensed individuals and gauge how powerful they are. We used it and we were able to find all the Espadas, and it appeared that they were with their subordinates. With their location determined, we made our to way to each of them and told the Espadas what my father had requested of us. They acknowledged the order and I opened a Garganta.

Before we went in, something happened that broke my heart. I couldn't sense my parents' spiritual pressure anymore. I knew that meant they both died, but I couldn't go back to check if they were. So, I ordered everyone to come with me through the Garganta. They did as they were told and followed me through.


  Brief Timeskip

We exited the Garganta and entered the World of the Living. We stood their in the air and I could feel tears streaming down my face, under the weight of knowing that my parents were dead. The Espadas, their subordinates, Loly and Menoly all saw this, and most of them showed sorrow in their eyes, while the others didn't let it show. My attendants walked over to me and hugged to comfort me. 

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